This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 163 The same copy

Chapter 163 The same copy

With the unwilling roar of the kobold captain, the first level of the mine was cleared in less than 20 minutes.

"Chunshui, you are so powerful, it looks like you have eyes all over your body, how did you practice?"

The Huaguoshan Saint Warrior touched the Kobold Captain's body and found that none of the hairs had burst, so he stood up and asked Shao Bing.

Shao Bing smiled and asked the other teammates to hurry up and rest. After five minutes, he took the lead and walked into the gate of the second floor dungeon.

The mobs in the second level dungeon were kobold warriors, and the difficulty was straight up. Several people began to struggle, but Shao Bing was still able to handle it with ease.

He is like a chivalrous man with high martial arts skills, especially the 'lightness kung fu' is extremely good. He has already flashed out without knowing how to move. The five kobold warriors didn't bother him for a long time, and they were all under his fingertips.

"It's awesome!" Huaguoshan Saint Fighter sighed again.

Watching some people play games, you will wonder if you are too stupid. If you want to be different from a game, why do others play it so pleasing to the eye, but when it is your turn to get started, you will be extremely embarrassed and the situation will occur frequently. It is not about the level or the skill. The reason, not to mention the equipment, Shao Bing leveled A all the way, and didn't use any skills. In order to save energy, the speed was also reduced, but... alas!

"Just practice more... Take a break before going to the next level"

The mine dungeon is famous for being gloomy and depressing. The candle is the only light source, and it is also something that every team must carefully protect. Xia Miaomiao's main task is to protect the only lit candle, and she doesn't put much effort in the whole process.

"We'll fight like this later!"

Cutting melons and cutting vegetables along the way, arrived at the gate guarded by the boss on the second floor, there was a faint light at the end of the corridor, and a bleak and lonely figure was seen walking back and forth in front of the altar from a distance.

Kobold sacrifice.

Shao Bing told his teammates how to fight and how to cooperate. Seeing their lack of confidence, he smiled and encouraged them. In order to build up the confidence of winning, he used his skills to sneak out for the first time. Everyone only saw his figure completely melted into the In the dark background, not long after, I saw a faint shadow appearing behind the BOSS, and a stunning knife light appeared, -114, the damage value of the red crit boosted everyone's confidence, shouting, moving forward Fill in.

Shao Bing has always attracted the biggest hatred of the boss, frequently hitting tongue-twisting damage, and the boss is like an enraged elephant, there is nothing he can do about the antelope that is alive and kicking around, the other four are caught in the time output, as long as they hide With group attack skills, you won't feel much pressure.

In this situation, several people can play to their fullest, even Xia Miaomiao has played to her extraordinary level, and she has played a wonderful coordination with others.


"Pay attention to your position!"

"The first mass fear is coming... Dodge!"

"Alright, the next skill is Rockfall, pay attention to my instructions..."

"Only one-third of the blood volume!"

"Don't be distracted, focus!"

"Rockfall, six o'clock position, dodge!"

Boom, several huge rocks were smashed into the empty space. After using the big move, the boss froze for a short time. The five people seized the rare opportunity to output as soon as possible. When the time came, Shao Bing loudly ordered his teammates to retreat He opened it, and then he carried all the counterattacks of the boss alone.

This rhythm continues until the BOSS falls.

So far, no one has any doubts about customs clearance.

The fly in the ointment is that nothing exploded.

"If I'm here, don't try to blow things up." During the break, Shao Bing said with a smile: "The system won't leave such an obvious loophole for us to exploit."


The same copy of the Kobold Mine, but in Hard Mode.

It was still the kobold priest, and the rain of fire that fell all over the sky left Zhang Miao and the others with nowhere to hide, so they could only resist this wave of damage.

The priest Er Niu said [Blessing] all over his face, and pulled back the blood of Ruoran, who was the most weird in front of him. He took out a bottle of red medicine and poured it into his mouth, shaking with distress.

"Bear the wrath of God Moltkee, intruder!"

It was another big move, dense mobs appeared near the altar, and they were kobold fighters. In the team channel, Brother Ruoran yelled, and the other four quickly jumped onto the altar, using a gap in the fence to occupy a favorable terrain , to deal with the swarms of mobs.

"Kill them, people of God Moltke!"

"You can't let the boss recover blood, thank you!"

"No, it's too fucking far away!"

"Little Er, Missile!"

Zhang Miao's staff has the special effect of increasing the shooting range by 20%, and the attack range is farther than that of the archer. He is protected at the end. It can be seen that the boss is only a small black spot, which is still hidden among countless mobs .

'Spirit is the mage's crutch, the third hand in battle, you must be good at using your own spiritual power, no matter what the situation is, you must keep calm..."

The teachings of the job-changing NPC echoed in Zhang Miao's ears. He took a deep breath, concentrated his mind with all his strength, a coolness gathered between his brows, and then felt an invisible hand go out from between his brows, and the distance between him and the BOSS was suddenly shortened. Closely, take its every move into your own observation.

He couldn't feel it for half a second while singing, the missile seemed to have eyes, and became an extension of his body, twisting and turning in all directions among the dense crowd of monsters, and finally accurately hit the boss hiding in the back, Interrupt its ability to restore health.

"here you go!"

Brother Ruoran didn't show any weakness, he charged like a tank in motion, hitting countless mobs flying all the way, making them all stunned.

At the end of the charge, less than 5 meters away from the boss, there was another [Battle Cry], interrupting the movement of the boss to distance himself, "Thank you!"

Bound Arrow, Split Shadow Arrow, Exploding Arrow... The three skills were used consecutively in less than 2 seconds. Hsieh Changting did not disappoint his teammates. While holding down the boss and large groups of mobs, he also dealt intensive and considerable damage.

At this time, a faint black figure appeared behind the boss, and Hu Xinmin, who had never had any sense of presence, seized this rare opportunity, sneaked + backstabbed, and dealt critical damage as he wished.

A big -99 lifted everyone's spirits.

But at this time, the path opened by the charge has been filled with mobs, and everyone is surrounded. Once the boss is allowed to hide among the mobs, all previous efforts will be in vain.

"Er Niu, add blood to me!"

In the race against time, there was no room for hesitation, Ruoran rushed to the boss with the attacks of countless mobs, entangled him, and left a layer of blood.

Er Niu Manmian's [Hymn] instantly added by a single target pulled back 5% of his HP, and another group attack of [Growth] restrained the surrounding mobs for less than a second.

One second is enough.

Zhang Miao's fireball technique finally finished singing. The fist-sized fireball carried all the hopes and swelled into a fiery red sun in the middle. It fell into the boss's position like a meteor, "Boom!", the violent explosion and shock wave, harvest The damage value is densely packed and continuous.

"Kang Dang!", big bang!

(End of this chapter)

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