This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 164 Awareness

Chapter 164 Awareness
Fortunately, the BOSS gave a total of two green things.

[Hammer of Ugin, jewelry and scroll maker transfer certificate, you can go to the NPC to receive the job transfer task]

[Adamantine giant sword, quality: green, two-handed weapon, equipment level 12, load 30, job requirements: warrior, durability 50/50.

Basic attributes: strength +3, physical strength +2, physical attack power 29-44, magic attack power: 0-17, with exorcism effect, physical attack is effective against ghost monsters.

Special effect: strong, strength +3.

Stunt: Sweeping, attacking enemies within a 30-120-degree fan-shaped range forward, a distance of 3 meters, causing group damage equal to 120% of physical attack power, causing a group knockback effect, knocking back enemies for 1 second, gaining momentum for 1 second, cooldown 2 minute】

This weapon...

"Old Nie, do you need it?"

Zhang Miao asked Brother Ruoran.

"What a fart, with a load of 30, I can't hold on for 10 minutes and I have to stop eating."


What makes everyone envious is the stunt [Sweep], a rare physical group attack skill, and it also has a knockback effect.

Substitute it, among the thousands of troops, a group of enemies in front of you, swung forward with this giant sword, how many enemies were knocked into the air, and the dense damage value fluctuated, so damn happy and chic.

A pervert with high attack is really a must-have sign for a macho.

It is also very cool to carry it at ordinary times, just like carrying a door panel, the rate of turning heads is absolutely [-]%.

The rest are all contemptible garbage. The medicines are divided among several people, and the copper coins and silver coins are kept by Zhang Miao. Now that he has taken over the financial power of the team, everyone has discussed it, and the income obtained in the game will be shared equally.

"Then we can only sell it!?" Zhang Miao was still very sorry.

"How much strength do you have, Lao Nie!?" Xie Changting was also reluctant to part with this weapon. If brother can equip it, it will be much easier to play dungeons and spawn monsters in normal tasks.


Hu Xinmin asked: "Are you still planning to take the sensitive war route?"

"Well, agility is 15, the upgrade points are all added to the agility, and the strength is added to the equipment"

18 points of strength really can't afford this weapon, so everyone had to give up regretfully.


"Go back!"

There is no need to try the third layer.

There are not many medicines left, and everyone's condition is not good. The attribute is second, and the main reason is tiredness.

"My lord, the number of players in the first turn has exceeded 1000."

After receiving Xiao Ai's reminder, Bei Gaoyang put down the work at hand, and said happily: "This is 1000, the speed is really fast."

"Silver medal clearance 365 people, the progress will be accelerated in the future"

"Silver medal clearance is also ok, barely enough... Then make an announcement and start the Alpha battlefield."

“I suggest to wait”

"Uh, why?"

"you see"

Xiao Ai unfolded a light curtain in front of him. On the light curtain was an ordinary game perspective, and he called out the last piece of equipment for sale.

[Jock Barthold's Underlight Ring (set 1/7), quality blue, right hand full occupation, weight 4, score 451, durability 15/15.Basic attributes: intelligence +2, spirit +3, physical attack +1%, magic power +1%, general attack with 2-7 points of dark element damage.

Special Effects: Intermediate Blood Drinking, with a 5% chance to absorb 10% of the damage and convert it into your own HP when attacking normally.

Special skill: phantom of phantom, invisibility, transforming a phantom mirror image in place, the mirror image has 50% of its own health, 50% of defense power, 50% of basic attack power, controlled by itself, can attack independently, maximum Control distance 50 meters, last 30 seconds, cool down 30 minutes]

"This piece of equipment... isn't in your database?"


Bei Gaoyang frowned, "That is to say..."

"It is a real magic item, and the part of the magic net only accounts for 5%. All I did was identify it and include it in the magic net"

"Real magic items are not so similar to the style of the magic net... It seems that they are specially made, hehe, interesting"

"I've always thought that you underestimated the abyss and Bahne, and the Alpha plane is likely to be a bait."

"You think it's Barn?"

"Only about him"

"It can't be him!", Bei Gaoyang knew Bain, Baan would not be so reckless, and this high-ranking demon would not make a move until he figured out his details.

If he doesn't move, he will fix it on his own seven inches, or what he thinks is seven inches.

"Where's the player's profile?"

"I checked and found nothing unusual."

The information and background data of Tarzan the Ape were retrieved, and Bei Gaoyang focused on his recent experience, and quickly locked on the latest mission.

"In the demonized goblin's camp, did he kill a lord-level BOSS by himself? Jock Barthold? I've never heard of it. Goblins have names, and they're definitely standing behind them." A false god, or a mage pretending to be a ghost, or even a demon." Bei Gaoyang sneered, and said in a disdainful tone, he thought he had seen through the opponent's details, and he didn't think it was a big deal.

The stall is big, and he has already been prepared for today. No matter who comes, it is definitely not the church and their minions. It is very simple, the church will not hide its head and show its tail like this.

It can't be a demon either.

Then it can only be a spellcaster like him.

A spellcaster who covets the "Book of Canaan" is most likely an old guy.

In my impression, there are quite a lot of old guys like this, not counting the ones hiding in the Little Demon Abyss, and those who have transformed themselves into liches and turned into demon thugs. He alone knows no less than ten of them.

who can that be?

But no matter who the visitor is, Bei Gaoyang has the confidence to deal with it. Within the range covered by the magic net, even if it is a level 9 mage, he is confident enough to win.

The 3rd-layer magic net is also a magic net. The 3-level spells can be used almost infinitely. The opponent's every move is within his perception and lock. How can he lose, and how can he lose?
"Keep an eye on him, record his every move, and remind me if there is something abnormal," he said, pointing to the character image of Tarzan the ape.

"Aren't you going to check that monster camp?"

"No need, there is a high probability that you won't find anything"

"What about the Alpha plane?"

"According to the plan... Even if it's a bait, it's still a sweet bait. Having a half-planet is of great help to our cause. Just look at Little Moyuan, and you'll understand its strategic significance."

"Is it a god..."

"Yes, you have to understand that we are developing so smoothly now that the minions of the gods and the church are not aware of it. Once the eyes of the gods cast over, even if there is a trace of divine thought, everything we are currently operating will be melted into nothing. It’s nothing. It’s different to have a fully controlled demiplane... I’m going to manage it well, and I’m going to move the central hub of the magic net there, and make it our fortress, a relatively safe rear.”

"In this way, there is room for dealing with the church."

"...Our enemy is so powerful!" Xiao Ai said in a melancholy tone.

"Time, the key is time. You must know that the earth is standing behind us." Bei Gaoyang was full of confidence, "Little love, let's make a bet, one day you will be able to rival the gods, believe it or not?"

"What about you?"

"Me?", Bei Gaoyang smiled but did not answer, in fact, he did not have a definite answer in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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