This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 165 Alpha Battlefield

Chapter 165 Alpha Battlefield

[System Announcement: The Alpha Battlefield is open, and players who have cleared the level with a silver medal in one turn can send NPCs there through the Alpha Battlefield in Buck City]

[System Announcement: The family resident, battlefield meritorious service, and military rank conferring system is activated, and meritorious service can only be obtained in the Alpha battlefield]

[System Announcement: Clan building NPCs are open, the Clan System function is open, and first-rank players with a personal reputation of 500 can create their own Clans. 】

[System announcement: The family resident needs every family player to participate, and it needs to be built from scratch. Do you want to build your own dream home, or even a city-state? Do you want to develop and cultivate the secret skills, props and Prosperous production, the family system can meet all your requirements and imagination, what are you waiting for the rebels, go create your dream family! 】


Brother Ruoran was standing at the NPC created by the family in Buck City, looking at the creation fee of up to 50 gold, he complained in his heart.

The system announcement said it was so passionate, but in reality, it was still extremely dark.

50 gold, why don't you grab it!

Let a player take out 50 gold, not to mention no, it must be rare, except for institutions and local tyrants, Ruoran brother can't imagine who would take out 50 gold to create a family.

In fact, he also knows the purpose of the system. It has been analyzed on the forum. The 50 gold is not for one person to take out, but for the system to guide players to use "crowdfunding" to create a family. The benefits are, the first is to prevent the proliferation of the family, and the second is to strengthen the cohesion among family members.

After paying such a high price, you can't just quit and quit, right?

The family is not only owned by the patriarch alone, but also by every founding member. The so-called cohesion probably comes from this.

"Don't look at Lao Nie!" Hu Xinmin shouted at another NPC at the street corner.

Brother Ruoran touched his nose, and gave up his seat to a local tyrant who was waiting behind him.

[System Announcement: The player created the [Youdao] family in a dignified manner, and now sincerely invites all benevolent and righteous people to join in the grand event. Every member who joins the family is a brother and sister. We come from all over the world, and we all have a common name suffix: Yes road】

Fuck, it's really more popular than people.

50 gold people took it without blinking?
If Brother Ruoran was still watching, Sansang Ran took the opportunity to send him a recruitment call.

[The player is polite enough to invite you to join the [Youdao] family, do you agree? 】

Agree shit!

Brother Ruoran of course chose to refuse.

It is easy to create a family, but it is difficult to recruit the right people to join. The former can be solved by local tyrants and institutions, while the latter... I have the title of [Master Style].

"Alpha Battlefield, do you want to go? You can only go once a day"

At the teleportation NPC on the Alpha battlefield, Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin, who have already completed the mission and prepared supplies, are already waiting. Brother Ruoran thought about it and said, "It's good to go and have a look."

Zhang Miao said, "I don't know why the system is so eager to launch a new map. I haven't figured out the surrounding areas of Buck City and the Church of the Night camp yet."

"Whatever he thinks, meritorious deeds on the battlefield...maybe it's another point of relocation? Think about it, didn't the territory of Canaan hype the real estate in the metaverse last year, and it was said that it was sold for a sky-high price. Now Institutions and local tyrants don’t want to pour money into it?" Ruoran looked at it comprehensively, from family establishment to family residence, as well as battlefield meritorious service and knighthood. It is not difficult to see the new trend in the game. That is a new way to make money.

"Also, have you thought about that great golden sword? It can only be sold at a high price at this time. When everyone's level has risen, it will be worthless." Zhang Miao holds the financial power of the team, which concerns everyone. On the issue of income, one item is very important.

Brother Ruoran originally planned to take the route of sensitive warfare, so he couldn't use this weapon, so he agreed to sell it, but after browsing the forum, he didn't know what experience strategy he had read, so he hesitated again.

To put it simply, Minzhan is good for heads-up and PK, and Lizhan is good for quests, spawning monsters and dungeons. One is more PVP and the other is PVE. It stands to reason that players like them who rely on moving bricks to obtain income should naturally choose PVE. But Brother Ruoran still has a restless heart, he always wants to take care of both, and he doesn't want to give up on either end.

It's not that there are such players, but they are all spent with money. A green outfit is the foundation, and a green outfit with top-quality attributes can satisfy his extravagant wish.

Does Brother Ruoran have the financial resources?
Of course not, not to mention him, even ordinary local tyrants can only touch their pockets in the face of today's high prices, feeling that their own financial resources are in distress.

On this issue, Zhang Miao and the others couldn't say much.

"Let me think about it again, think about it, two days at most," Ruoran said with a smile on his face.

Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

After Erniu and Xie Changting finished their tasks and repaired their equipment, a large number of players had already gathered at the teleportation NPC, and the white light of teleportation rose continuously, and soon it was their turn.

"...Alpha is a very dangerous plane, where weird and vicious creatures are planted and raised everywhere, and the Legion Leader urgently needs your help."

"...are you ready, young rebels?"

The transmitted white light filled his vision, and Zhang Miao felt a blur in front of his eyes, a moment of weightlessness, and then returned to normal.

At this time, he was in a huge stone hall, which was larger than the waiting hall of the railway station. Columns tens of meters high and seven or eight meters thick supported the arched dome, which made up for all kinds of strange things. , And the gloomy hollow sculpture is surrounded by mist like a cloud of smoke.

The players appeared in groups, and quickly followed the virtual shoulders of the task to rush towards the exit of the hall.

"This place is much more powerful than Chenxi Town and Buck City. The new map is just different."

"The task background introduction said that this place was originally a devil's farm?"

"There are more and more abyss backgrounds"

"Yeah yeah"

Hundreds of players poured into a dark corridor connected to the hall. The two sides of the corridor were full of system NPCs, some of them issued missions, some counted battlefield merits, and some merits were exchanged for special items... as long as there was a question mark above their heads , Zhang Miao talked about the past one by one, and quickly completed the tasks.

The first task is to guide and introduce the background and rules of the battlefield.

The second task is war preparation. According to the introduction, the Alpha plane may encounter the invasion of terrible enemies at any time, so every rebel should be prepared.

"Is this a monster siege?" Zhang Miao thought, the gameplay is getting richer and richer.

The third task is to clean up the weird plants left by the demons and the out-of-control breeding animals.

The introduction of this task specifically mentions that players can capture domesticated animals as pets and mounts.

"Haha, the pet and mount system is finally coming out!?"

"It should have been launched a long time ago. I rely on the No. 11 bus every day, and all the game time is wasted on the road."

"I want to get a flying mount, don't let anyone snatch it from me!"

The players were very excited. After receiving the tasks, they walked out of the huge demon castle and stood on the steps more than ten meters high. Looking at this isolated island shrouded in thick fog, they were dazzled by the shock.

(End of this chapter)

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