This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 166 1 NPC Perspective

Chapter 166 An NPC Perspective
Everyone has a name, and now I do too.

My name is "Battlefield Guidance Instructor Phoenix Allie" - I just stand in the southwest corner of the Devil's Square, doing nothing, just waiting for a group of creatures called "players" to come to my door, and then I will follow what the mother god taught us script, say to them, "Hey, young rebel, how can I help you?"

I didn’t have a name before. I remember that my first job was as a city guard soldier in Chenxi Town. The job I did every day was extremely simple. I swung a three-meter-long machete at every monster that approached the city gate, and it ended in one blow. It then received all kinds of amazed or vigilant eyes from the players.

I would say to every player out of town: "The weather looks bad today, young rebel, have you got your candles?"

At the beginning, some players chatted with me enthusiastically, but the line that the mother god gave me was only this line, so...they all returned disappointed.

The number of times was too high, and the players ignored me. Even though I added a few more lines later, and I was able to issue tasks separately, there were still many players who dismissed me.

I was indignant about this and felt slighted. Once I took the initiative to find a player and told him that I missed the taste of pinecone and asked him if he could help me run errands to the black shop of the system... Ah, no, the system The grocery store bought me some.

It's a pity that this player didn't wait for me to finish, he excitedly yelled about hidden missions, hidden missions, and rushed to buy a bottle of expensive pinecone, which made my purse empty.

Well, this is a player who is willing to help, but my task reward is not enough to offset the value of this bottle of piney wine. I still remember the look in his eyes from extreme excitement to extreme disappointment.

It was also from that time that I had a little degree of freedom, a head that could only think in a straight line, and a little more space to "turn around" and "connect".

I just found out that this group of players is very strange.

Players, players, it seems that their life is a game, the greatest meaning is "playing", watching them busy every day, coming in and out, and enjoying it, let my brain that is a little bigger than a pinecone , Puzzled.

My second job is the teleportation NPC in Chenxi Town. The job I do every day is also extremely simple. I just keep asking the players, "Hey, young rebels, do you want to take an adventure there today?"

In fact, there are only two places to go. The first one is the Kobold Mine Teleportation Array (A12) and the Night Camp Teleportation Array (C9). My colleagues are in charge of other directions.

This job is boring, even more boring than the city gate guard, but I have more freedom. In addition to mechanically completing the work, I will observe all kinds of players and learn a lot from them.

I know equipment, spawning monsters, upgrades, dungeons, I also know what is the rebel army, what are NPCs, in my understanding, NPCs are like officials, even the legion leader Ramsfield is an NPC, so I don't know I don't think there is anything wrong with being an NPC, as if I was born to be an NPC, and I have been this NPC for a long, long time.

My third job is in the safe area of ​​the B12 Teleportation Array. This job is a bit more interesting. I am responsible for releasing some missions and independently settling rewards for players. I have the right to call some background data to check the player's status in the mission. performance and more.

"Don't get too close to the Fairy Forest, young rebels, the power of the system has not been involved there yet, be careful of monsters breaking in from outside the red zone, if you can, please help me clean up those annoying little tree demons, Can't you see them growing into the safe zone?"

"The sheriff Yaris Ortes Diman is looking for clues to the homeland. If you find traces of abandoned people during your adventure, don't disturb them. Come back quietly and tell me. The sheriff will thank you. Of course, this is just A private commission."

I never knew Yaris Otsdyman, and I never knew when there was an additional sheriff position in Dawn Town. I only obeyed the mother god, and I was like one of his tentacles. What did he ask me to say? Just say what I want to do, and never think about why I do it.

Now I will, because this is the request of the Mother God. The Mother God told me that one day I will be separated from His mother and go to some special places to take on a unique mission.

I was terrified, and therefore more conscientious.

B12 is close to the edge of the game area, far away from Chenxi Town. There are relatively few players who come here by teleportation every day for missions and spawning monsters. After a long time, I feel very bored.

I found that players are particularly interested in hidden missions. Once a player met the trigger conditions, but I really hate him, maybe because he spat on his boots when he handed in the mission last time, no I know, anyway, I didn't give him the hidden mission, and he didn't know either.

But the system knows, the Mother God knows.

But the Mother God did not punish me, but gave me more freedom.

My task system is richer, and my authority is also greater. I can even interact with players independently without scripting.

But the players didn't find out, and I have no interest in extra details.

I have my own preferences, my own personality, although I don't know what this emotion is that haunts me all the time.

This job continued until recently.

This is my fourth job. I have the name of the battlefield guidance instructor Phoenix Allie. I am responsible for calculating the meritorious deeds of the players on the battlefield. I will say to the players: "War, war is imminent, young and fearless resistance Army, we must be prepared and go to City Guard Officer Arthur Underwood, he has a relatively safe job for you, installing the defensive base plate on the city wall, but the salary for this job is not high."

"Ah, you want a job with higher pay? Of course, I have a list here. You can leave the city and go to the Devil's Farm to collect some urgently needed supplies. I will give you 10 points of merit for completing each mission, and you will be rewarded according to the requirements of the supplies. The actual value, the settlement will give you the same amount of money!"

"Please note that PK is not prohibited on the battlefield, and there is no PK value penalty. In addition to being careful of the endless monsters and plants, you also have to be careful of the daggers stabbing from the shadows."

"Adhering to the order of Legion Commander Ramsfield, before the war broke out, for the purpose of training you, the merit points can be dropped and robbed before the settlement. Have you seen this symbol? A + sign will appear On top of your head, once you are killed by other players, you will randomly drop some merit and items in your backpack."


It's an interesting job, isn't it?

Since then, I have another hobby, which is to watch groups of players fighting in and out of the city every day, until the bronze bell on the spiers of the Devil's Castle is rung.

clang clang...

I froze for a moment before realizing what had happened. I immediately blew a sharp whistle and issued tasks to all players on the battlefield.

War is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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