This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 167 Intelligent NPC Cultivation Program

Chapter 167 Intelligent NPC Cultivation Program
In a blink of an eye, it has been almost a month since the fourth test started.

The 20 golems of the abyss had been delivered long ago, but Bahne did not place a new order, which made Bei Gaoyang a little muttering.

However, there is still a surplus of materials from the last extortion, which is enough for the first phase of the construction of the Magic Smart Factory. Before the completion of the Mage Tower, there is no urgent need for materials, so there is no rush.

Perhaps, with these 20 golems, the situation on the battlefield between Bahne and the boss behind him has been greatly eased, so once they are out of the brink of life and death, start to re-evaluate and examine the relationship between the two parties?
I don't know, who cares, anyway, under the background of the bloody battle, Abyss can't spare to deal with him.

The magic smart workshop has been expanded to 14 units, so we can't produce more, but the city lord's mansion can't fit anymore, so we can't build a shed in the open air, so these days, Bei Gaoyang has been supervising the progress of the mage tower construction, and The timely situation of the alpha plane battlefield.

"So, you are implementing a 'smart NPC cultivation plan'?"

"It was me trying to write my own code, copying and modifying from my code"

"How about it?"

"Everything is going well, maybe in the future, we can cultivate... residents belonging to the system? Create a complete game world?"

"Why bother?"

"...I just want to try"

"Okay, whatever you want"

Always find something for Xiao Ai to do. It is understandable to have a hobby of your own besides games and players.

"How about the Alpha plane? Are the players still getting used to it?"

"The speed of the coverage of the magic net has been greatly accelerated, and the analysis of the demiplane has also begun. The data collection is very smooth. As for the can see for yourself."

Xiao Ai unfolded a light screen in front of Bei Gaoyang, and the scene of the Alpha demiplane appeared on the light screen, first a condescending bird's-eye view, and then replaced to the interior of the city.

On the Demon Square in front of the Demon Castle, players are bustling with players, and the fortifications are being carried out step by step on the city wall...

"Looks like you're all right?"

As soon as Bei Gaoyang's words fell, a conflict broke out in the noisy and orderly square just now. The players of the two teams suddenly fought and staged a full-scale martial arts in the safe area. For a while, the aura of skills flickered, and afterimages of charges and arrows danced. The mage ran wildly after being chased, the thief fell out of the void, and was immediately turned into a white light by the fire...

The booing and watching players separated an open space on the inner third floor and the outer third floor, blocking all the NPC guards who came to maintain order...

"It seems to be adapting very well!"

The battlefield does not distinguish between inside and outside. Once a war breaks out, the enemy does not care about the safe zone or the unsafe zone, so players must adapt from the beginning.

A brief conflict ended with the destruction of a team, and the players dispersed in a rush, doing whatever they needed to do, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Is this the intelligent NPC you wrote?"

Bei Gaoyang pointed to a lazy-looking NPC in the corner and asked.

"Yes," said Xiao Ai, "he is one of them."

"Battlefield guidance instructor Phoenix Allie?"

"I get the name at will"

"What's your ultimate goal? Just an intelligent NPC, completely a resident of the system?"

"Professionals of the system, businessmen, adventurers, officials, craftsmen, farmers, nobles of the system... the gods of the system?"

"Haha, you still have such big ambitions?"

After laughing, he asked again: "Where is the player who is the key player? Is there anything unusual?"


"It seems that the old guy who sneaked in secretly is very calm"

At the same time, the teleportation array in Buck City lit up several white lights, and Xia Miaomiao, who had been converted to a pastor, finally came to this long-awaited place.

"Ah, this is Buck City!?"

But she was disappointed. This is a rustic town, only a little bigger than Chenxi Town. Apart from the heavily guarded walls, there are just a few more houses and NPCs.

There are not many players in the city. They either go to the battlefield, or they are doing missions and spawning monsters in the wild. The game map is huge and there are many places to go. It is really inconspicuous if one or two thousand players are scattered. I don’t want Chenxi Town. Everyone hasn’t When changing jobs, they are all concentrated on a few maps, which is why they are so lively and crowded.

Xia Miaomiao happily visited the scenery along the way, followed the team that arrived here for the first time to the City Lord's Mansion, successfully completed the task of recruiting reports, met the young City Lord and the famous NPC, and was in the city Wander around, pick up tasks and try your luck.

More than half an hour later, the novelty wore off, and she had completed the tasks, so she was ready to go out to hunt monsters in the wild.

First, I sold a few bottles of red medicine and blue medicine from a player's booth selling medicine, spent 50 silver, went to the blacksmith's shop to repair the durability of the equipment, and finally formed a team on the World Channel.

"A small sapling?"


"Gold or silver?"

"silver medal"


The captain looked dissatisfied. After Xia Miaomiao joined the team, he saw that he was also a silver medalist, so she couldn't stop complaining in her heart.

Everyone is the same, who do you look down on?
The team quickly filled up, and they were all strangers, and they didn't like to talk on the team channel.

When I left the city, I saw a vast farmland. There were lush crops growing in the field. I don’t know whether it was weeds or crops. A kind of level 6 monsters with magical colored discs were flying around in groups.

"Have you brought your hoes?"

The captain asked in the channel.


"I do not have……"

"What are you doing, didn't accept the task of weeding and farming?"

"Ah, there is such a task?"

"Let's weed and plow the land first, and then spawn monsters later...start from here."

Xia Miaomiao was the one without the hoe, but she remembered that she had taken all the quests she could take. She asked a female archer player in the same team and found out that only one round of work can be done for the daily tasks of weeding and farming. He curled his lips and waited for his teammates to finish the task first.

Let the players farm the land, the game planners don't know what they are thinking, the teammates are all perfunctory and cutting corners, there is only a shallow layer of marks on the land, and the weeds are not clean, this one, that one, It's like a dog gnaws, if it happens like this in reality, it might be a failure.

But who told this to be a game, even if it was so perfunctory, the farmland that had been cleaned up by the players was obviously better than the one that hadn't been cleaned up.

With the help of the system identification, Xia Miaomiao finally distinguished the crops from the weeds. It is a crop between wheat and sorghum, and it condenses a kind of fruit called [Bitter Wheat]. It is as big as an eyeball, and the ripe fruit is golden yellow, shining golden in the sun.

After finally waiting for his teammates to finish the task, he was about to brush that magical butterfly...

[System Announcement: A major unexpected plot, Alpha Battlefield is being invaded by unknown enemies, all first-rank players are requested to go immediately]

[System Announcement: The Expansion Pack Alpha Demiplane Defense War is open, all participating players will be exempted from death penalty, and will receive generous merit and reputation rewards]

(End of this chapter)

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