Chapter 168
what happened?
Xia Miaomiao didn't react at first.

Then I saw it exploded on the World Channel.

The teammate who was still discussing the hoe just dropped the hoe and ran into the city, disbanding the team while running.

She quickly chatted with Yijiang Chunshuiliu and her eldest cousin in private, and found that there were two small swords cutting each other under their heads. This was a sign of a battle, indicating that they had no time to reply.

Back to Buck City, the players in the city screamed and crowded in front of the black shop of the system, buying this and that, facing the price of black hearts, without blinking their eyes.

Some merchants took the opportunity to sell some junk equipment that couldn't usually be sold, and it was sold out quickly. Some players took off their equipment, put on these junk items, and rushed to the teleportation NPC excitedly.

The NPCs in the city were also in a state of panic. The young city lord and patrolling guards were all fully armed and patrolling everywhere, and the atmosphere of battle suddenly rose.

"Xiao Yu, monsters are attacking the city, monsters are attacking the city!!"

"Why are you so excited, you have changed jobs"

"Well, I just changed jobs, and I can also go to the battlefield."

"...Then hurry up, be careful not to squeeze in"

"What about you?"

"I don't have a gold medal yet, I can't catch up this time"

"Stop talking, I'm going to the battlefield"

After hastily turning off the private chat, Xia Miaomiao ran towards the teleportation NPC with a dull head. Halfway through the run, she remembered something, and hurriedly ran back to the system's black shop to buy bandages, stamina potions, and red and blue medicines at the nearby player booths.

The money is being spent like water, and I don't know why I am excited and nervous.

By the way, there are also equipment.

Although the equipment on her body is still before the first turn, it can still be sold at a good price. There is no place to cry when she dies, but the merchant who sells junk equipment is out of stock, so she can only buy a novice at the system grocery store. Put it on, put it on in a hurry.

Before he had time to see what the Alpha demiplane looked like, he heard continuous explosions, and his eyes were full of explosion flames.

Looking up, the griffin knights covering the sky and the sun occupy the entire sky. The fireballs thrown from above are like carpet bombing. The city is almost turned into ruins, that is to say, the city wall protected by the magic array substrate is still intact. Rays of light cutting the void shot out from the top of the wall, and the senior NPC Yaris was also seen operating the control center of the defensive circle...

A hasty glance sees this.

Protected by the white light of the teleportation array, Xia Miaomiao was not killed by the carpet bombing. An exclamation mark flashed in her game window, so she quickly clicked on it.

【Edward Oz invited you to join the Legion, do you agree】


"Ahhh, the monsters are all in the sky, how to fight!?"

"Get out of the way, don't wander around outside..."

"Out of the city, everyone out of the city, gather at this location!"

"Who commands, exactly who commands!"

"Damn it, I've died four times, four times!"

Out of town, ah, out of town!
The city is really not waiting, but it is much better outside the city. A large number of players are scattered in the jungle of Devil Farm, and the small map is full of bright spots representing players.

"Priest, is it a pastor!?"

Xia Miaomiao was almost hit by the bombing, and fled out of the city gate in a panic. Just as she got into a dense forest, she was grabbed by someone.

He didn't even see what the other person looked like, "Priest, I'm a pastor!"

"Okay, follow me!"

The team of seven or eight players were all in the same legion. Xia Miaomiao seemed to have found the backbone, and followed this thick and strong dwarf warrior as he continued to drill into the dense forest.

Until this time, she hadn't fully understood the situation, and she felt that she was in a battlefield full of guns and bullets, with planes bombing above and an unknown number of intruders waiting in the impenetrable forest below.

Suddenly, an archer in the team pulled her violently, causing her to stagger.

"what are you doing!?"

"look by youself!"

The archer pointed at the place where she was about to land, and suddenly it was a field of... flowers with big jagged mouths?

"The devil piranha doesn't even know, are you new here?"

"I, I just changed jobs!"

"Captain, you're a rookie!"

The archer shouted dissatisfied.

"It's better than nothing, keep up!"

It was only then that Xia Miaomiao realized that they were trying to save her. No one knew what these devil piranhas were, but seeing their disgusting and frightening appearance, it would definitely end badly if they stepped on them.

Next, she raised the [-]-point caution and followed her teammates without taking a half-step rashly, and gradually realized the existence of the jungle she was in.

Every plant and tree here is dangerous, and every inch of the soil contains the weirdness of the scalp. It is hard to imagine the event without being in it. Even the whole jungle seems to be alive. From time to time, you can see the flickering in the trees. Eyes, a screamer with only one mouth, floating in the mist out of nowhere...

"Scared, these are our comrades in arms. Of course, you send them to your door, and they don't mind taking a bite of you."


"Who knows what the devil raises, anyway, that's how the NPC introduced it."

It didn't feel like they were walking for a long time, when a mouth suddenly appeared in front of them with a strange smile, and the leading dwarf warrior stopped immediately, shouting: "Be alert".

Before the words were finished, a group of monsters with a human upper body and a scorpion lower body came out rumbling out.

The ID identified by the system was filled with red question marks, and a fierce conflict broke out as soon as the two sides met.

A scorpion waved a mace that was more than ten meters long, swung it round and swept across the team. Before the attack arrived, the gust of wind caused Xia Miaomiao to stand unsteadily.

The three soldiers, including the captain, also reacted quickly. Two of them raised their shields to meet them. After hearing an extremely dull collision sound, creaking, twisting and breaking sounds appeared, and the two soldiers turned back. , the person was still in the air, and a three-digit damage value appeared, and then he was instantly killed on the spot.

The last warrior is the captain equipped with a two-handed sword. When his teammates were instantly killed on the spot, he was not afraid at all. Taking advantage of the moment when the monster froze, a charge hit him, and then a set of [continuous skills], shouting at the same time, "Output, use the strongest skills!"

Archers, mages, and thieves don't care about cooperating. If there is such a huge difference in strength, it's worth cooperating. Try to deal the most damage in a short time. Focus on one, and see if it's worthwhile to die.

For a moment, the tall scorpion monster was almost surrounded by the aura of skills, but the mage didn't have time to cast the most powerful fireball technique, and the blows from other professions were only enough to tickle the scorpion monster.

And Xia Miaomiao was completely out of shape, until a mace swept her and her nearby teammates into the air, felt a dull pain, then turned into white light, and returned to the teleportation point in the city.


It's not that she hasn't died before, but it's never been as realistic as this time. Xia Miaomiao still has the sound of her bones breaking in her ears. The moment was so cruel that the system didn't even have time to give a mosaic...

 On the way home......

(End of this chapter)

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