This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 169 Chaos Battlefield

Chapter 169 Chaos Battlefield (two chapters in one)

No matter how elite the army is, it would have already collapsed under such a blow, but the players were not.

[You have obtained 2 points of merit]

[You have gained 10 experience points]

"Haha... so cool!"

"I killed a monster, I killed a monster!"

"It exploded, it exploded!"

"Come on, kill!"

"Protect the mage, that kind of scorpion monster is especially afraid of spells!"

Even Xia Miaomiao put the real death experience behind her and rushed out of the city screaming.

That's all merit, that's all equipment, that's all money.


A fireball exploded not far away, killing half of her blood, she threw a blessing on her body nonchalantly, and rushed out of the city without thinking.

The original teammate had been separated long ago, and she didn't care if she knew her or not. Anyway, she just crowded into crowded places. Players of the same legion could see each other's blood bars, and when they saw that their blood bars were empty, they would go to them. Lost skills.

This is all merit.

At this time, the players have been driven out of the jungle, and a large number of monsters emerged from the dense vegetation. In addition to the scorpion monsters that can instantly kill a player team, there are also a large number of bear goblins, ogres, trolls, etc. They are all rare elite monsters.

The general level is above level 15, which is several levels higher than the players. Needless to say, there is no cooperation in singles.

This fearless fighting style reversed the one-sided battlefield situation.

A sort of stalemate soon developed outside the city.

A goblin bear with only one-third of his blood left was left alone, and the surrounding eyes immediately turned red. Seven or eight players seemed to be goblins when they saw Tang Monk's flesh. They left their teammates who were still fighting hard and rushed towards it go.

A thief rushed to the front, and just entered stealth, he was beaten out by the player behind him. The thief didn't have time to yell, because the archer's intensive arrow rain had already shot the bear goblin into a hedgehog.

The dense damage value made the thief frightened, but fortunately, it was still a little bit short.

This made him fly up in ecstasy, and he was set on fire by the players behind him in mid-air. Before he touched the monster, he turned into a white light, and went back to the city to yell at the legion channel.

In the end, the goblin bear fell on a priest's [Growth], and there was a big bang.

Big bang, another big bang!
The players are crazy, they want to eat all the monsters in front of them alive.

There was a protection time for looting, and no one picked up the things all over the floor. Xia Miaomiao waited for other people to kill other monsters, and then packed all the explosives into her backpack in time for the last protection period.

She didn't have time to look, and there was no need to look, she patted her chest with great satisfaction, her beautiful eyes were like a chicken thief looking around, looking not far from the front left, there were more than [-] players besieging a scorpion monster, there were constantly The player was killed in seconds, but he still couldn't stop his enthusiasm for turning it into experience, merit and equipment.

This incomparably powerful scorpion monster was a bit overwhelmed, and the ten-meter-long mace became dull, and the frequency of instant kills was greatly reduced.

Have the opportunity!
Xia Miaomiao touched it, just stayed on the outside, throwing skills into it to increase blood.

He never advances aggressively when the skills are cooling down, and keeps holding on to the only attack skill, staring nervously at the monster's blood volume.

At this time, she devoted herself wholeheartedly, and she didn't care about anything else at all. The news on various channels swiped the screen, and the private chat messages of her friends were almost full.

Finally, the scorpion monster was grinded to the last trace of blood, more than [-] players went crazy, they didn't cooperate or dodge, they 'pile' towards it like moths to the flame.

Yes - heaps!

That posture seemed to bury it alive.

There are also long-range occupations like Xia Miaomiao, who seize the last moment of opportunity and use their long-cooled attack skills one after another.


But all players and all skills only hit the monster's corpse. Before that, within [-] second, a stunning knife light took away the last trace of the monster's blood. The sound of the big explosion was not a bang, but It's a blast!

White, green, and even blue, I don't know how many things splashed up, and a goddess came to scatter flowers.

"Fuck, who is that grandson!?"

"I cursed him for giving birth to a son without an ass hole!"

"There's a way to stand up!"

"Ah, I died five times, five times..."

Xia Miaomiao didn't yell or scold, although she was also irritated by the things on the ground, don't look at the posture of these players who want to eat their flesh and lay their skins on them. After a while, they were quickly sucked away by the battlefield next to them attention.

After all, opportunities are everywhere.

Only Xia Miaomiao waited, and sure enough, she met the thief who had never shown up.

"Wow, Chunshui!"

Yijiang Chunshuiliu was caught by her, he just smiled and put the exploded things into the backpack non-stop, and then rushed to the next battlefield without stopping.

There was no time to speak to Xia Miaomiao.

Xia Miaomiao looked at the outside of the city wall that had become a mess, her eyes turned red again, and screaming like a tigress, she rushed into another battle group.

"Haha, that's it, that's it!"

On the city wall, the main thread NPC who just arrived looked at the battlefield inside and outside the city, and laughed like a madman.

Yaris thought that failure was a foregone conclusion. At that time, the players were killed back to the city in large numbers, and their performance was vulnerable. The Griffin Knights above the city kept using magic scrolls to bombard the organizations inside the city, causing chaos everywhere. The crash has occurred.

But just ten minutes later, the already collapsed players not only withstood the enemy's offensive outside the city, but also moved the situation back little by little, forming the current stalemate.

He didn't know what to say, he just gasped for breath.

"My lord, first deal with the enemies in the sky!"

Vampire Edward doesn't have the ability to resurrect infinitely. He looks at the battlefields inside and outside the city with fear. Are these the players he knows?Why did everyone become lunatics?

"Okay, first solve the problem of air supremacy!"

A large number of magic array substrates brought from Buck City have been inscribed in place, the main thread NPC began to chant spells loudly, and the Griffon Knights in the sky discovered the huge amount of magic power that was brewing at the top of the city, and they gathered one after another, tearing apart one by one as if they didn’t want money. The precious scroll poured out flames, ice, lightning, shadows, strong light... like a waterfall.

Bei Gaoyang opened his arms, and in this chaotic and tragic battlefield, he overwhelmed all the sounds of fighting and screaming!

An elliptical mask visible to the naked eye rose around him, expanding into the air like a bubble. The second-level spell [Gravity Superposition], after being enlarged by the magic array substrate and blessed by the magic net, far surpassed the second-level spell. Power, covering the sky above the city.

Double the gravity, double the gravity, triple the gravity!
The griffin flapped its wings vigorously in the air, but it still couldn't stop its body from falling downward. A large number of griffin riders manipulated their mounts to avoid the range of the spell, but the transparent 'bubble' was still expanding, and the city, The sky above the city and the outskirts of the city are all brought into its function.

Is there no price to be paid for the player's death and resurrection?

Naturally not.

This cost is the system surplus.

Bei Gaoyang turned a deaf ear to Xiao Ai's several warnings. After using the [Gravity Superposition Technique] to solve the defense in the air, he was not in a hurry to make a move to save the system surplus, but smiled and sighed. The scene of the Jedi's counter-killing was staged inside and outside the city.

When Xia Miaomiao took the nth shot and still didn't get the final blow, her mentality completely jumped. She just guarded the things that exploded and didn't go there. Waiting for the player who grabbed the monster to show up, she just ignored it. When he was picking up things, he shouted loudly, the guy who snatches monsters is here, blast him!

woohoo hoo...

Another charge, another bursting arrow, and another magic missile. This player didn't have much blood left. After being fired by this episode, he turned into a white light and went back to the city. Pick up what's in the backpack.

The players who made the shot glanced at each other, distanced themselves tacitly, and each guarded a piece of something, waiting for the pick-up protection time to pass.

Xia Miaomiao didn't fare well either, she was a pastor, she was really helpless in this kind of situation, what was it like to see the money all over the floor and couldn't pick it up?
Scratch your heart and lungs!

My aunt has had enough!
He vented like a lunatic, but he could only resign himself to his fate. He looked around the battlefield and found that the main battlefield under the city had been moved to the forest.

If you are far away from the resurrection point, you need to cooperate, and you can't use the number of people to pile up without thinking like just now.

"Pastor, is there a pastor!"

A team of players preparing to enter the forest to chase the enemy shouted.

"Yes, I am!" Xia Miaomiao said loudly.

"Join the team and go kill monsters together!"

The players in this team had grim expressions, and they were all panting like robbers. In reality, people would believe the real bandits.

Looking around, even the calmest Buddhist players, their eyes are reddened by the system's "big money" stimulation, each of them is filled with murderous aura, as if a disagreement can kill each other, especially vicious.

Xia Miaomiao is not much better, all her reservedness, personality, and beautiful girl demeanor have been thrown into the country of Java, "Let's talk about it first, how to distribute it?"

"Take turns to pick up, and the merit system will be divided equally"

"Big team or small team!?"

The big team is the legion mode. The bad thing about this mode is that it does not prohibit mutual PK, and it is unknown whether it is a system bug or something, so that players not only have to be careful of monsters, but also be careful of teammates' cold arrows.

The team is a five-person team with strict restrictions. For Xia Miaomiao, the safety aspect is more guaranteed. Once the picking rules are determined, everyone in the team needs to agree.

The other party didn't speak, Xia Miaomiao immediately raised her vigilance, "I won't work in the brigade, you can find someone else."

Just in time, another team called for a priest.

The pastor is starting to gain popularity.

But they didn't reach a conclusion with this team. Where did the other party pretend to be stupid with her and look at who didn't know the dark thoughts in their hearts?

The players who were killed and returned to the city formed teams one after another. Xia Miaomiao didn't have to worry about not having a place, so she picked left and right, and finally joined a team that was willing to form another team. Then, together with four teammates, they rushed into the forest screaming .

There are traces of battles everywhere in the forest. The corpses left by the monsters have not been recovered by the system. After being skinned, cramped, and heart-digged, each one is really horrible. It can be regarded as a scene of a horror movie in reality.

But the players are used to such bloody scenes, including Xia Miaomiao, who is hypocritical, can step on these bones without changing his face, and launch an impact into the depths of the jungle.

From a distance, I saw a group of players surrounded by two lone bear goblins fighting each other there. The monsters have long since been left alone, and the players only focus on catching and fighting each other, as if they have a deep hatred for each other.

This is also what Xiao Ai has never understood. Why not ban PK to avoid this meaningless system loss?

"I want to cultivate the bloodliness of the players. I want them to understand that there is no need to have any scruples on specific occasions. I want to make such rules clear from the beginning. I want the players to go crazy when they hear that there is such an opportunity. Get carried away, don't care about any rules and ethics... Only in this way, when they face the church and the angelic army of the gods in the future, they will have the power to fight."

"This is how the abyss deals with the gods!"

Xia Miaomiao naturally didn't know the deep meaning behind this. Their five-person team was lurking on the periphery of the group battle, and their eyes were not on the scuffle between the players, but on the two goblin bears who were ignored.

"There is a chance!", the dwarf warrior captain whispered.

"Go, like this, like this, be careful!" He patted the thief on the shoulder and gave him the important task of drawing the monster out.

The thief nodded and slid out without a sound. The others hid behind the big tree hugged by several people and watched nervously as he sneaked in at a suitable distance and touched the scene of the player's melee.

Not long after, two blood-skinned monsters staggered to the edge of the battlefield. The thieves were already active, and they ran towards the place where their teammates were ambush while still risking the damage value of being implicated by innocent people.

"Add blood, hurry up!"

Xia Miaomiao went over with a [Song of Praise], pulled up the thief's almost bottomed blood tank, and the others rushed out of the ambush circle. The monster is fixed, and then no matter the skill or level A, strive to deal the most damage in the shortest time, and successfully turn over a bear.

[You get 10 points of merit]

[You have gained 55 experience points]

【You have reached level 8】

Xia Miaomiao didn't even know when she was promoted to level 7. As expected, the goblin bear exploded. A total of 5 things exploded, one of which was glowing green.

Hurry up to deal with the remaining goblin bear. On the other side of the melee scene, some players have already discovered that they are cutting off their beards, and they are yelling to remind others.

"Kang Dang!" There was another big explosion, but this time it was all white light, no green clothes.

"Throw the dice, quick!"

The dwarf captain comes first, one throws out 11 points, and the other throws out 6 points.

Archers second, 9 and 7.

Master third, 10 points and 8 points.

Thieves fourth, 7 points and 10 points.

Xia Miaomiao needed to throw 12 points for the first dice, which was basically useless. The second dice needed to be thrown for more than 10 points, which was quite difficult.

Except for the good luck at the beginning, she hasn't grabbed anything yet. She prayed to Tias, the goddess of life and harvest, and threw out 12 o'clock and 12 o'clock with her eyes closed.

"Yeah!", she jumped up to celebrate, and put everything into her backpack neatly.

Four teammates: ...

Before the melee players came after them, they ran away without a trace.

"Let's take turns, throwing dice is a waste of time!" A teammate suggested.

"What do you think?" the dwarf captain asked the others.

"I object!" Of course Xia Miaomiao would not do it, she just threw out two leopard numbers, and when her face was pale, the fool would change.

 It’s not going to go up, let’s try to combine two chapters into one chapter
(End of this chapter)

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