Chapter 170 The Enemy and Ourself (two chapters in one)

Victory is decided.

It's not that the players have an absolute advantage, but that the enemy is obviously unable to understand the situation on the battlefield, and is heartbroken at the huge loss, so they choose to retreat for the time being.

"But what's the point of this? This is the system fighting, not the player's strength"

Xiao Ai is still complaining, the huge system expenditure turned him into Xianglin's wife, and urged Bei Gaoyang to take action more than once to reduce the huge loss at the moment.

But he is as stable as Mount Tai, turning a blind eye to the huge expenditure, and squandering like a prodigal.

How stingy he was before, how wasteful he is now, the reason has already been told to Xiao Ai, but he is not convinced.

From Xiao Ai's point of view, this is a piece of cake for the great magician who holds the highest authority of the magic net.

"I've already said the reason, besides...the real protagonist hasn't shown up yet, how could I expose my cards so early?"

In the siege battle until now, the invading side has not been exposed, and the main messenger behind the scenes is still staying behind, and it may not be that there is no plan to wait for him to show up first.

Who is this person?

Judging from the huge griffin knight army, the opponent is most likely a human being, maybe a big lord, a big noble or something.

Griffon knights have always been the standard arms of human kingdoms. Only powerful kingdoms or nobles who have been passed down for hundreds of years have the resources and heritage to cultivate griffin mounts. A griffin is very valuable. Becoming a griffin knight is like becoming a fighter jet for the earth. Just like pilots, smaller countries can get a few to show off. Only the middle-level and above powerful countries can form an army alone and come up with such a scale.

Other intelligent races, without the tradition and technology of cultivating griffins, can only be humans.

But from monsters like the scorpion monster, we can see a strong abyss style. The gods will not allow such a stitch monster that blasphemes life and violates the laws of nature to appear. From this perspective, the other party may also be a demon. Minions, or mercenaries like him.

Finally, a large number of ogres, goblin bears, trolls, etc., also showed the opponent's strong background in the wasteland. These sub-intelligent races are only distributed in large numbers in the abandoned wasteland, and there are not many in the game area of ​​​​the magic net.

On the whole, the other party may be a human lord who has a close relationship or trade with the abyss and demons, and he is as shady as him.

This is interesting.

who can that be?

To the west of Devil Farm, in the center of the camp near the Chaos Sea, a huge portal stands in the void three feet above the ground. A large number of Griffin Knights landed in the camp. Teams of guards in full armor, fully dressed Knights and professionals with different equipments quarreled in the big central tent.

A gray-haired mage propped up a phantom, which reflected the battle taking place in the forest dozens of kilometers away, watching the brave and infinitely resurrectable players scrambling to disperse the broken servant army, After eating one by one, everyone's expression changed.

"What kind of monsters are these? I will never admit that they are human, never!"

The head of a mercenary group looked at the picture on the phantom and shouted, "Damn, are each of them professionals?"

"Low-level, crappy professional!" A bearded dwarf said in a buzzing tone while wiping his huge axe.

"Your professionals can be revived infinitely!?", the mercenary leader retorted, not to be outdone.

At a glance, there are hundreds of people sitting in the tent, each of them is an experienced adventurer, and professionals account for the vast majority.

Sitting in the middle of the tent was their employer, Grand Duke Duman of the Sabel Kingdom.

The duke is over 80 years old, but the skin on his face is still as delicate as a baby's. His slender eyes are closed, as if he is asleep, and he seems to be listening to the arguments around him.

"They are undead!"

said the old family mage.

"What undead, are you talking about the kind of skeletons? Gods, they look very fresh. The ogre said they taste good, but they are not very hungry!", the mercenary leader made a strange voice Weird irony.

"A new breed of undead, maybe an invention of a certain archmage, maybe a certain demon lord..."

"Okay, no matter what they are, what should we do?" said a barbarian shaman with oil paint on his face and various bone ornaments all over his body.

Barbarians are the second most intelligent race in the abandoned wasteland after centaurs. They look very similar to humans. Barbarians don't believe in any gods. They only worship the Great Spirit that the tribe has enshrined for a long time. They are the only ones that still maintain the barbaric tradition. intelligent race.

This kind of race is naturally the target of suppression by all gods, regardless of camp. They are famous unbelievers and natural blasphemers. Once discovered, regardless of age, they will all be sent to the stake.

At this moment, he is sitting here majestically, and his status seems to be very high.

The family mage was silent for a while, and said, "I feel that a kind of magic effect is always in the surrounding air, and the source is on the spire of the devil's castle. I think, only by destroying that commanding height can we stop this... The Infinite Resurrection of the Dead"

"Aha, that's great, then what are you waiting for, send your Griffin Riders and destroy that place"

The family mage glanced at his employer and fell silent.

A burly knight beside the Grand Duke said: "The Griffon army can't afford to lose, every one of them is on the register, the church and the royal family will find out..."

"Please, we've all mixed up with the devil, so we're afraid..."

"To shut up!"

"There is a powerful spellcaster in the Devil's Castle. He can cast mere second-level spells to the point of [Gravity Field]. He is too powerful, maybe a level 9 mage. We can't take down the castle he occupies. Many Griffin Knights are useless," said the family mage with fear.

"Master of the 9th ring!?"

"Damn it, we should retreat now, before he turns us into bacon!"

"Maybe his eyes are here!"

"Ah, what should we do? I said, Your Excellency, can our mercenary group withdraw?"

When they heard that there might be a 9-ring archmage, all professionals felt fear in their hearts. It was simply the most deterrent existence besides the gods and demon lords. It was even more miraculous than the legendary giant dragon and elder mind flayer Biology is better.

In this frustrating situation, the Grand Duke finally ended his doze, and opened his slender eyes, revealing a creepy glint.

The temperature in the tent seemed to have been frozen, and all noises stopped abruptly.

"Don't worry about the caster, I will deal with him, you go down and prepare for the second wave of offensive, and you must destroy the steeple on the castle!"

There was silence in the tent for two seconds.

"...Yes, the Holy Grand Duke Duman."


The Holy Grand Duke was super mobile, and soon he got in touch with the city through special means, but it was inconvenient for Bei Gaoyang to show up, so he pushed Yaris out to deal with it.

"It's you, the remnant of the Osterdiman Dynasty!"

"you know me!?"

"Where is your archmage, let him come out to meet me!"

The identity of Yaris is also suitable, the remaining line of the empire is not obtrusive, giving people a lot of room for imagination.

The Grand Duke Duman of the Sabel Kingdom had no doubts, but he did not reveal his identity either. His figure was shrouded in the haze of the communication circle, and the standard devil language, as if there was a substantial sulfur smell, came from the circle.

"He doesn't want to see you, because he thinks you hide your head and show your tail. I guess you are not a demon at all, but a noble highness, or Lord Lord, right?"

Yaris deliberately used a frivolous tone to test the other party's identity.

"It's a joke, a bereaved dog is still qualified to negotiate terms with me? I'll give you three days to withdraw from this plane, and I can let go of the past and keep your origin and whereabouts a secret."

"Haha..." Yaris laughed, "Don't pretend to be so arrogant and arrogant, I've already determined that you are not a demon at all."

"Three days, remember, three days!"

The communication circle was extinguished, and the muffled roar from inside gradually became subdued. When the communication was completely cut off, Yaris was no longer as sure as before. He said to the empty void, "I feel that he is a demon. How do you get rid of it?" How about this possibility, just relying on the Griffin Knight?"

"I have dealt with demons too much." Bei Gaoyang's figure emerged from the void. He was always there just now, and he also saw the opponent's every move. "It was only 80% possible before, but now it is 100%"

"But the demonic aura on him is real"

"It's very simple, a guy who sells his soul to the abyss in exchange for health, strength, power and wealth. I have seen too many such nobles. I have served this kind of nobles before. In their dictionary, there is nothing It is not possible to cooperate and trade, as long as the benefits outweigh the risks."

Before Yaris was born, the Ottoman Empire was destroyed. It is said to be the remnants of the empire. He grew up in an environment of dislocation and lack of material since he was a child, and he had to bear the inherent responsibilities and pressure. It is not as good as the well-informed great magician.

"Are there many nobles like this? Aren't nobles known for their pious beliefs? Otherwise, how can they become nobles? Can't they pass any level of the church?"

"Perhaps the first generation of nobles were devout, but their descendants... You know, when a person has more things, he has more choices, and his horizons are broadened, so it is not easy to be brainwashed by religion."

"The higher the social class, the more practical it is. Rules are designated for the weak. One of the manifestations of their status and power is to despise the rules. Although on the surface they maintain the rules more than anyone else, because the rules protect their vested interests. Benefit……"

"So they made a deal with Abyss?"

"Such bold guys are still in the minority. Of course, not everyone is qualified to make a deal with Abyss. First of all, you have to have such capital, otherwise... Haha, this kind of person often ends in a miserable end. Do you think that the devil farm here How did it come here?"

"Don't the gods know?"

"Some know, some don't want to know, and some don't need to know...Human nature is complicated, desires are endless, and the gods are helpless. They can't let the church rule everything, and, do you think the upper echelon of the church is clean? A joke ..."

"With the power of the gods, do you still need to give in to these mortals?"

"Gods? Hehe, they are just beings that are stronger than us... Well, let's not talk about these, there are still a lot of things to be busy."

"Wait a minute, my lord, what about the three-day proposal, how are you going to reply?"

"He didn't come to negotiate at all..."

Leaving the poor legacy of the empire there to brainstorm, Bei Gaoyang went outside, climbed to the spire of the Devil's Castle, and had a bird's-eye view of the battlefield inside and outside the city.

The naked eye can see that there are very few battles. In addition to the white light of resurrection, players have also begun to come back from the frontline battlefield one after another.

The "+" on each of their heads representing meritorious deeds is crimson, which means that they have more than 200 meritorious points, and obtaining a permanent residence in the Alpha plane only needs 20000 points.

2, anyone, remember, no family is required, you can buy a permanent territory in the city or in the wild, and you can also get the noble title of the lowest knight.

With noble titles and noble territories, players can buy functional NPCs from the system and manage it as a real territory. They can also recruit Canaan natives to farm for themselves, mine for themselves, and make and build for themselves. , even in business for themselves...

It's no wonder that players are crazy about this, the system is a 'big coin', after this village, there will be no such store.

The maximum online time has also been broken on the battlefield. More than one thousand one-turn players have carnivaled until now, which has far exceeded the maximum online time. However, if Bei Gaoyang doesn't kick them offline, their own souls can hardly bear it. Some players have already felt 'lag and stuttering', which is a signal that the spirit is unsustainable.

Xia Miaomiao was rushing to the city with difficulty in "Delay and Caton".

Her backpack is full, and this is because she has thrown a lot of 'garbage', and her meritorious service has reached the maximum reserve value. She must go back to the city and hand it over to the battlefield guide NPC. A guy named Phoenix Allie can only save it safely. .

She has to be careful of any players she comes across along the way, as these people have gone back to town and cleared the + signs above their heads, and will be more than happy to offer her 'help', that is, make her hard-earned feats their own.

The evil battlefield PK rules, meritorious deeds can be robbed, equipment can be exploded, backpacks are not safe, what you own is not necessarily yours, before you store it in the warehouse and NPC.

Xia Miaomiao obviously felt that her energy was overdrawn, but she didn't feel sleepy like in reality, but a phenomenon similar to 'stuck and delayed'.

She walked carefully through the dense forest, her vision was blurry for a while, clear for a while, 'frame skipped' for a while, and 'slow motion' for a while. She still had physical strength, but it felt like walking in water.

Her information in private chats is already 99+, and it is difficult to open the friend channel to find someone to help, the city is already far away, but she really can't hold on...

"Sapling, is that you, Sapling?"


"It's really you, my God, you've been online for more than 2 days, do you know that?"

Who, who is talking to myself?
"I'm Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, you're going offline soon, are you dying?"

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu?"

"It's me, you, can't you see clearly?"

"Quick, kill me!"


"Kill me quickly, pick up the things and merits I exploded, hurry up..."

Xia Miaomiao kept trying not to go offline, because she was afraid of being 'destroyed' by someone. A few hours ago, she exploded someone else, and that was also a female player. When it was discovered, it exploded...

(End of this chapter)

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