This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 171 The Design of the 4th Layer Magic Web

Chapter 171 Design of the Fourth Magic Net
"Your friend... is special"

"Speak straight, don't beat around the bush"

"Okay, it's pretty good"

"She's just a money hooker. She can stay up for days and nights like this kind of money grabbing thing."

"Hehe, how can you say that about your friends?"

"Didn't you say that? Let's go, let's go, let's grab the money too"

In the end, Du Shiyu still didn't satisfy her buddy's wish—to explode her. Instead, she dragged her buddy who was "always on the verge of being disconnected" back to the city, and delivered it to the NPC with her own hands. Plus sign, only satisfied, as if 'death and rest in peace' general disconnection.

Fan Chaoyue was amazed at such a hard work, and the two spoke ill of Xia Miaomiao behind their backs, and walked out of the city together.

The whole city is still in a mess. The scene after the Griffon Knight bombing has not been restored. There are collapsed houses and ruins everywhere. Those with a plus sign went straight to the NPC, and those without a plus sign bought supplies, or one person, or several people, rampaging like bandits, and disappeared into the towering forest in an instant once they left the city.

Du Shiyu changed jobs to a mage, and Fan Chaoyue was an archer, both at level 6. The two of them were joking and joking. Once they walked outside the city, they could feel the chill and bloody smell in the air.

"The scenery here is also quite beautiful, wait a minute, let me take a picture first"

Fan Chaoyue was not interested in fighting and killing. Her manager asked her to take pictures frequently and record interesting short videos as promotional materials. When her identity was revealed, she could use it to catch Canaan's popularity.

Fan Chaoyue is not disgusted with this, she just doesn't want to reveal her identity in the game. This big star enjoys being an ordinary person in the game more and more, for fear that she will be harassed by players in the future and will not be as relaxed as she is now.

This time, she heard that Alpha's environment is special, there are many weird plants and animals, and some pictures that have been circulated make it look like an alien planet in the movie Avatar. After changing jobs, she followed Du Shiyu to teleport here.

After taking a beautiful photo, he happily took Du Shiyu's arm and walked into the forest, talking and laughing, "Let's go eight".

As soon as he entered, he ran into a dwarf player head-on. As soon as the player saw the two of them, he turned around and ran away like a frightened rabbit.

"What is he doing!?" Fan Chaoyue asked.

"I'm afraid we'll blow him up," Du Shiyu replied.

"Do we have it on our heads too... Ah, you have it too, but it's not obvious."

Both of them have + signs on their heads, but they are completely transparent and not obvious at all. They have to wait until they have accumulated enough meritorious deeds before they will turn bright red, as if they are telling someone, come on, blow me up , It exploded me... The maliciousness of the system is undoubtedly evident.

"Merits can buy permanent land here"

"Ah, really?"

Fan Chaoyue looked back to the left and right, imagining building a villa and planting some flowers and plants... "Then let's blast him!", becoming eager to try.

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, "Everyone ran away"

As soon as the voice fell, the dwarf player rushed back just now, chasing a [Magic Missile] behind him, several bluffing players emerged from the bushes behind him, and one of the female voices shouted sharply: " You bastard ran over there, you were so imposing when you blasted your aunt, why are you so cowardly now!?"

The dwarf player was at the end of his battle, and Xia Miaomiao's "delay and lag" appeared on his body. A missile made him lose his balance. After falling, he couldn't get up again.

"You two, stay away if you don't want to die!"

"Light rain!"

"Don't be afraid!"

Du Shiyu shouted over there, "Speak politely, our teammates are almost here!"

The plus signs on these people's heads are also full. Du Shiyu's bluff put a lot of pressure on them. Seeing that the dwarf player had no power to resist, several people discussed with each other, and the female player among them shouted: "This guy is cheap!" You, our teammates are also behind..." He retreated into the forest as he spoke.

Haha... Du Shiyu was amused.

"Beauty, beauty, do me a favor, I'll give it, I'll give you money, take me back to the city, okay?"

"No, Xue Wu is going to blow him up!", Fan Chaoyue pretended to be vicious and said, but he didn't dare to do it himself, and encouraged Du Shiyu.

"Why don't you come by yourself!" Du Shiyu complained.

"Haven't they killed anyone?" Fan Chaoyue shook her arm.

The dwarf player was shocked, "Ah, this beautiful woman knows that she has a kind heart at first glance, killing people is not good, she will have nightmares... ah!"

"A lot of nonsense!"

Du Shiyu hit the dwarf player's head with a staff, causing -3 physical damage, followed by a [Mage's Hand], which killed his ability to resist, and finally chanted the fireball technique.

"Damn it, don't fall into Lao Tzu's hands in the future, little girl. If it falls into Lao Tzu's hands, first OO and then XX..."

"XX Nima!", Fan Chaoyue made a move. First he swears, and then he interrupts his endless cursing with an arrow. After Du Shiyu's fireball technique is chanted, with a bang, the player turns into white light, and then " With a bang, something exploded all over the place.

White, green, and a purple one!
Among the pile of light balls, the most shining + signs were the most. Fan Chaoyue cheered when he saw it, and picked it up in a hurry.

[You have obtained 5 points of merit]

[You have obtained 10 points of merit]

[You have obtained 15 points of merit]

[You get flame stone raw ore, quality purple]

[You have obtained an unidentified wristband]

[You have obtained the sun potion, which instantly restores life potion]

【You got a fine leather armor...】

[You have gained 100 experience points]


Too much, too much.

Even the experience is exploding?
Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue hurriedly picked up the things all over the floor. The plus sign on their heads became much more obvious. They looked at each other excitedly, and they both saw the look of eagerness in each other's eyes.

"It's very fun, hehe!" Fan Chaoyue smiled with a slightly flushed cheek, "It's the first time I've cursed and sweared."

"How do you feel, sweet girl!?"

"It's such a pleasure, XX Nima, eat poop, scum, haha..."

"Two beauties, are you forming a team?"

Du Shiyu immediately became vigilant, saw a player appearing in the distance, and shouted: "Who are you, stand there, don't come over!"

The player raised his hands high and shook the + sign above his head at the same time, "How about making a fortune together, I'm alone"

"No need, our teammates will be here soon," Fan Chaoyue shouted imitatively.

"Don't lie to me, I saw it just now, I'm a pastor, let's go together?"

"What is he doing with us?" Fan Chaoyue asked in a low voice.

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes and said to her, "What do you mean, ask the question knowingly", then shouted at the player, "We are not interested, you can find someone else."

After rejecting this player, Fan Chaoyue became nervous, "Xiao Yu, let's go back to the city, save it first, I'm afraid of being exploded"

Anyway, at the gate of the city, Du Shiyu agreed.

When the two returned to the city, they had to be more careful than when they left the city.

Expansion piece: Battle of the Alpha Plane. In the past few days since it was opened, the number of first-pass players has exploded. Players who were hesitant to win gold or silver medals before were stunned by the system's large-scale 'sprinkling of money'. Seeing the players chomping down on the meat, each and every one of them was full of oil, I couldn't help myself.

So, no matter the gold medal or the silver medal, it's better to have a bite to eat first.

"Gold medal clearance is only 25%"

In this regard, Xiao Ai has deep resentment. The system support needed for silver medal clearance is far more than that of gold medal players. This is another unnecessary loss, and it can be done more perfectly.

For this, Bei Gaoyang laughed it off.

Artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence. Even if it becomes a magical life, the angle of consideration is not one-sided. What is the purpose of accumulating surplus? Isn't it for the magic net, for the players, for his own interests?
Forget it, there is no need to compare these with a tool.

As a result of the 'big sprinkle of coins', there are as many white clothes as dogs, green clothes are full of walking, blue clothes are not rare, and the exchange rate of copper coins is crazy, and those online and offline players and institutions who stock up are losing money Bone marrow, almost vomiting blood!

However, another kind of 'currency' with the nature of circulation has quietly risen and has become the hard currency that all players and institutions are fighting for.

That is merit.

"The door frame of 20000 points of merit seems to be too low"

Bei Gaoyang checked the background data, watching the huge number of merit points circulated among the players, and finally gathered on dozens of character accounts to form a huge number.

"Some players have complained about the title, territory, when will it be resolved?"

"The family resident can be opened now. After all, it is the content of the third test. The private territory will wait for the next test. Besides, the enemy has not been repelled yet."

At this time, the invaders had all retreated back to their base camp, and it was difficult to find their traces inside and outside the battlefield. This made the players who joined in the next round scream anxiously, running around inside and outside the city like headless flies.

As the expansion came to an end, the PK between players became the mainstream, so Bei Gaoyang restored the daily entry time limit and kicked those red-eyed liver emperors out of the demiplane.

The enemy is still regrouping, preparing for the next wave of offensive, and the half-plane battle will continue for a long time, and it will not end until one side completely withdraws.

The base of first-rank players expanded, and the access time of one hour per day was enough to meet the needs of defense, so Bei Gaoyang began to check the gains and losses this time.

First of all, the progress of the magic net coverage has been greatly accelerated. The tower above the head has been transformed into a simple mage tower, the 'signal' has been greatly enhanced, and it has now covered the entire demiplane.

Secondly, the average level of the players has increased to level 13, the highest level of the first-rank players is 16, and the cap of level 20 is close at hand, indicating that the third test will also come to an end.

In the end, the [resilience] of the magic net was strictly tested, which confirmed that the "fourth natural disaster" model was feasible, which greatly enhanced Bei Gaoyang's confidence, and at the same time gave him confidence in the fourth level of the magic net. Got a general understanding.

Of course, the price is also high, and the system surplus accumulated through hard work has been consumed. Another battle of the same scale will not be able to withstand the magic net. This shows that the number of players is still too small. The third layer of magic The limit of what the Internet can do can only go here.

Handing over the defense of the half-plane to Yaris, Bei Gaoyang returned to Buck City. After such a period of rushing work for the magic and smart workshop, the square metal boxes were filled with the city lord's mansion and the square outside. The needs of the test can also solve most of the needs of the fourth test.

This is the end of the refining system, and the construction of the Mage Tower is still working overtime. Under the command of the dwarf craftsmen of the system, hundreds of residents of Buck City and some leisure players have completed one-tenth of the progress of the project. The ten-meter-wide and twenty-meter-wide underground structure is nearing completion, and the dwarf craftsmen are carefully placing huge stone slabs to complete the topping of the underground structure.

The abyss has not sent new orders, and the spellcaster secretly lurking in the game area has not been exposed. The offensive and defensive battle of the Rock Fortress is still at the most cruel and bloody stage. It will fall sooner or later. Bei Gaoyang needs to think about it in advance. After the fourth layer of the magic net is rolled out, this fortress will be included in the game area, and there will be issues of bordering the civilized world in the future.

The focus of the next work is the design of the fourth layer of magic net.

"Xiao Ai, can you quantify the system's surplus and the power of belief? It's not always accurate to use graphics. The fourth layer of magic net needs a more precise design."

"Yes, but what kind of quantitative standards should be adopted?"

"In this way, taking the surplus created by 100 players in one hour as unit 1, how much surplus is there now?"

"109821", Xiao Ai gave a very precise answer in an instant

"Oh, there are still many more!" Bei Gaoyang said with a smile: "This shows that our business was good before."

"Another Alpha offensive and defensive battle will become a negative number..."

"[Believe]... Uh, the surplus of the system is represented by [soul power value], and the belief is represented by [faith value]"

"The value of faith is 214."

Bei Gaoyang raised his eyebrows slightly, "100 players for 1 hour?"


"Not much!" Bei Gaoyang thought while rubbing his chin.

I don't know how the gods quantify their beliefs, and what is their belief value, and there is a lack of a quantifiable reference.

But compared to the soul power value which is still as high as 10, these more than [-] faith points are too shabby.

Find an opportunity to compare quantitatively later.

He is a newcomer in this regard, and there is no good way. Neither he nor the magic net can use the faith value. The biggest role is only in the fit and rationality of the magic net.

More on that later.

Then it's time to rejoice.

Design the fourth layer of magic net.

The third layer of magic net finally unfolded a game area with a diameter of 80 kilometers. In this game area, there are as many as 31 kinds of monsters of various levels. Once tamed, it will be included in the magic net, and it can be repeated with [Monster Art].

There are also more than ten kinds of mineral deposits that can be used in the game area, but most of them are very low-level. Dozens of real materials can be used in enchanting, forging, sewing and related life occupations, which effectively reduces the support of the system. strength, thereby reducing loss.

Most of the game area is plains, but there are also hills, valleys, rivers, swamps, forests, etc. Currently, players have only explored less than 20% of the game map. Taken together, the area lit up on the small map is less than half.

There are also game content such as the night camp and the copy of the Baldwin family cemetery that are not used. The minimum monster level of the night camp is 18, and it will be the main place for players to spawn monsters and upgrade.

The Baldwin family cemetery has not been sealed yet, so I only know the general details. When the server is closed for maintenance that day, go down and investigate.

The two new professions, Priest and Thief, have been generally recognized. The balance between professions has been improved and strengthened to a certain extent. The feedback from the online mall is mediocre. This function can be cut off during the fourth test...

Those who write and draw in this way don't know the passage of time, and it's late at night again in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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