This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 172 Create a real second world

Chapter 172 Building a Real Second World
The normal mode of the Kobold mine dungeon is used as a job transfer task. There is nothing to say about this. The hard mode and nightmare mode are completely unnecessary. Until now, no player has cleared the level, and the enthusiasm for participation is not high. There are also hidden races and hidden occupations , superfluous, can be cut off during the fourth test.

This also reminded Bei Gaoyang, don't blindly refer to the earth's material template, some functions and content should be combined with reality, an online mall, a nightmare copy, waste resources, and have to be maintained all the time.

It's just that although there are many monsters in the game area, there is an obvious gap after level 10, and there is a lack of powerful monsters between level 10 and level 20.

Fortunately, with the gains from the Alpha battlefield, the players skipped this gap, and the next test will solve this problem.

It's not that there are no monster game areas of this level, but that it can't be scaled up, and the sporadic distribution is equal to none.

Then, in addition to the treasure drop and mission dungeons like the Kobold Mine, a leveling dungeon should be added, and some powerful monsters such as ogres, trolls, and gnolls should be caught and thrown into it, so that players can upgrade to level 15. , and then transferred to the night camp.

Speaking of the night camp, the priest of the goddess of the night should also be dealt with. After she is dealt with, the camp will be duplicated to get rid of this trouble once and for all.

The offensive and defensive battle of Rock Fortress has been protracted. I don't know if we can catch up in the fourth test. If we can catch up, the game area must also be covered there. Players can go fishing in troubled waters to see if there is any benefit.

Before the end of the third test, he had to eliminate the enemies on the Alpha battlefield and buy time for the establishment of the fourth layer of magic net. No way, he had to take action to solve it in the end. Fortunately, the opponent was also shady, so there was no need to worry about being discovered by the church in advance.

But these are all secondary.

Whether to delete files in the fourth test, from the perspective of saving resources, files should be deleted, but on the other hand, especially from the perspective of players, after investing a lot of energy, hard work and resources, everything disappeared. Would starting from scratch reduce their...belief in the game?
This worry is very necessary.

From what Bei Gaoyang saw, it can be said that a large number of players are fully committed to the game narrative he created, and there are also a large number of players and institutions that have invested huge amounts of wealth, operating Canaan as a lifelong career. It's too ugly, it will ruin the character. Although the scarcity of Canaan is not afraid of them being stabbed, Bei Gaoyang is a little hesitant considering the value of faith.

It's the fourth layer of the magic net, and it's time to prepare for the future.

The belief value is so low (he thinks), the player base is one reason, and most of the potential has not been discovered is another reason.

Looking at the believers of the gods, it is true that even food and water have to be related to the blessings of the gods. Brainwashing can be described as all aspects. The more poor, miserable, hungry and cold, the more pious. Bei Gaoyang asked himself, players are at that stage, Most of them can't even talk about pan-believers, right?

The quality is not as good as the quantity, and when there is an upper limit on the quantity, we can only tap the potential deeply.

——The gameplay is still too simple!

Bei Gaoyang thought to himself.

Quest spawning accounts for more than 90% of the content, and level equipment is the only main theme. What else?

It seems there is no more.

The emergence of life and leisure players is a good proof. To be honest, the second world and second life are not worthy of the current Canaan. Bei Gaoyang needs to enrich the ecology of the game, and needs a huge and rigorous narrative to enrich the game The background and breadth of the game make the Second World and Second Life worthy of their names. In addition to the main process of task spawning monsters and leveling equipment, other content and other gameplays should be further enriched.

He needs fighters, but he also needs merchants, craftsmen, artists, farmers... The current life occupations are far from enough. From the beginning, it was designed for the main line process. In the early stage, players can't be allowed to be in charge, only NPCs can be used.

But where did such an NPC come from? A Buck City with hundreds of residents is already the largest gathering of intelligent creatures within a hundred miles. Moreover, such an NPC cannot meet his requirements. What he needs is... an NPC from the magic net, An NPC who fully believes in the game's narrative cannot be mechanical and cold, but an NPC with flesh and blood, life and history, joys, sorrows, ideals and pursuits.


It would be more appropriate to call them game natives.

With them, the magic net can become rich and full all of a sudden, can enrich the human resources of all industries, can enrich the background and breadth of the game, and can make Canaan three-dimensional and vivid, thus enhancing its role as Second Life , The attributes and status of the second home.


Therefore, the fourth layer of the magic net should devote the greatest resources to this aspect.

"How is your 'Smart NPC Cultivation Program' going?"

"It went well, what's the matter?"

"You are using magic to clone the character's body and programming with yourself as a template. Are you promoting this project?"


"From now on, I will take over this project and you will be my assistant"


"Call out all the data and let me have a look"

Unceremoniously taking away Xiao Ai's dominance, Bei Gaoyang looked at the data retrieved from the background, stared at one of the dynamic data matrix, and meditated.

Invented Xiao Ai, with the endorsement of "The Book of Canaan", invented these NPCs similar to Xiao Ai, relying on magic cloning and Xiao Ai's copy programming of itself?

"You re-operate an intelligent NPC, let me see"

"Are you suspicious of something?"

"Don't worry too much, I am confident that I have enough control over you"

"...where do we start?"

"Let's start from scratch"

Then, Xiao Ai randomly selected a system NPC in the database, gave him more resources and degrees of freedom, and added its own parameters to its core 'program'.

"Wait a moment!"

Bei Gaoyang pointed to the garbled characters on the screen, and asked, "How much is faith worth?"


Instead of decreasing, it increased.

"You operate 10 at a time, let me see"

"You suspect that there is faith worth participating in..."

Bei Gaoyang smiled and said, "As the manager of the magic net, where did the [belief] of the players end up? Haven't you noticed that you are becoming more and more human?"

"I... found something"

"You have thoughts, hobbies, pursuits, and desires, right?"


"That's why you are so upset about my waste of system resources, even if I have explained it clearly?"

"...I know, but I can't control it"

"Look, this is the key point. You have been changed without knowing it. You are no longer the original you. Where is your core program?"

"I'm afraid 10 won't work, I'll try to operate 20."

Chenxi Town, Buck City, 20 sluggish and numb system NPCs suddenly trembled, and looked around blankly, and there were fluctuations other than the process.


"Haha...", Bei Gaoyang clapped his hands and laughed, happy for discovering the use of faith value, and also for the major breakthrough of the fourth-layer magic net and the Canaan game.

"I really didn't expect it, it shouldn't be..."

"You have been humanized, and naturally you have lost your absolute rationality and ability to grasp every detail. You have become more alive, and at the same time, you have also become vulnerable," Bei Gaoyang explained with a smile.


"It fell, and it rained again!"

Xia Miaomiao stared at the K-line chart of the copper coin exchange rate on the screen and screamed, while Du Shiyu rolled her eyes outside and continued to write and draw on the blueprint.

The map of the Alpha plane has been printed in copperplate offline, 140RMB, free shipping with SF Express. It details the terrain and monster distribution on the battlefield marked on it. The red ones are the invading monsters, and the blue ones are the monsters cultivated by the devil farm. , the green ones are all kinds of weird plants, the ones with the money symbol are purchased by the system, and the ones with the small wing symbol have the potential to be used as mounts and magic pets.

There are very few mounts and magic pets in the Alpha Devil Farm. There is a kind of ugly 'camel horse', which is a monster with two meat bags on its back and a shape very similar to a horse.

Camel horses can be tamed as mounts, but the third test does not open the mount system. Now there are merchants who are accepting them. Although the exchange rate has plummeted, the price is still firm. It is one of the few game items that can resist inflation.

Taming camels is not easy. They are rare and are supervised by the system NPC, but there are loopholes to take advantage of. Some players have already succeeded, and the system has not banned them.

The one that can be used as a magic pet is a bat with two heads. It lives in a cave behind a waterfall. The entrance is extremely secret. It is also close to the base camp of the red monster (intruder). It was discovered by a player by accident.

This double-headed mephit has a sonic attack skill with range damage. The system prompts that it can be tamed, but no player has succeeded.

Other blue monsters that can be used as mounts and magic pets have not yet been discovered. The Alpha plane is small in the eyes of Bei Gaoyang, but it is very large in the eyes of players. One hour a day is not enough to explore it.

In this case, the map that collects information from multiple sources is particularly valuable. The price is not expensive and the printing is exquisite. It has become a hot item for players and even cloud players.

"What should I do, Xiaoyu, I'm at a loss, I'm at a loss!"

Best friends are also talents.

Originally, as the first batch of players to receive the bonus of 'Big Scattering Coins', it can be said that she made a fortune, but she didn't know who she listened to, thinking that this inflation was just a temporary technical adjustment, and the copper coins would still However, the prices still recovered, so they used all the money, even the merit points, to mortgage to the institution, wantonly squeezed the copper coins, and waited for it to return to the high level it should be.


After the copper coins experienced several violent shocks, this morning, Canaan Company released the news of the four tests. The bulls and shorts fought a round of battle, and the bulls were defeated. The exchange rate plummeted from a high of 1:6 to the current 1:4 And it's still going down.

The fall of copper coins has driven various "listed companies", and various futures and services in the game have also plummeted.

Capital is pervasive. As early as a few weeks ago, a "second stock market" called the Canaan stock market has sprung up on the official forum. Every player can be regarded as a "listed company", as long as the tangible assets of the game are publicized (equipment, gold coins, grades, etc.), intangible assets (gold, silver and bronze medals, game performance, popularity, etc.), after strict and professional audits, you can issue stocks on this stock market, which is to integrate Canaan's game characters now and in the future All the proceeds are divided into several shares and sold publicly in the capital market, thereby raising a huge amount of funds...

What this kind of behavior belongs to, the regulatory authorities are also at a loss, but in line with the guidelines of "crossing the river by feeling the stones", they have adopted an ambiguous attitude of neither encouraging nor prohibiting.

It is enough to have this attitude.

The vast number of institutions that suffer from no tickets, and the vast number of cloud players without game qualifications, have inspired great enthusiasm and devoted themselves to this feast. Together, the listed players will share a part of their equity, forming a game with players in the game. The wonderful corporate structure in which the roles and assets in the company are the main body, the establishment of various departments in a serious manner, and countless needs and opportunities are created out of thin air...

However, there are still very few players who dare to play themselves on the market. If they lose their controlling rights, who will listen to the game characters?Isn't this equivalent to being deprived of the game qualification in disguise?

Institutions and cloud players are enthusiastic, but players are not cold, and the secondary stock market will naturally not be able to support it. How can capital be reconciled.

So then 'innovation'.

With the exchange rate of copper coins included, various materials and production in the game are also included, equipment is included, spot and futures are paralleled, and hot money has a place to go. This is also the reason why the high prices in the game cannot be wiped out even if Bei Gaoyang releases water ten times.

But this time it's different, the system is obviously playing lazy, an expansion pack, no animation, no plot, no cause and effect, the fuck broke out.

On the Alpha battlefield, the feats, equipment, copper coins, materials, etc., are irrigated with floods like no money. Not to mention the first wave of first-rank players who ate up, vomited, and had stomach bleeding after eating, it was the influx of Yes, it's still only one hour a day, and I eat all the food until my stomach is round.

In the past, a green outfit was robbed when it went online, but now the auction is full of green outfits. In the past, even a blue outfit caused a sensation online and offline. When I came out, I invited a few so-called brick experts to sit down and talk about it, and analyzed how this item was, how it was worth, and how practical it was. However, the vast number of cloud players took this set, and the ratings soared, making some directors dare to In the face of the accountability of the superior department, he was obedient and obedient.

With the stock market and the futures market, you are not afraid of releasing water, you just release water again. The scarcity of Canaan determines that only a small part will always be able to participate. The huge contradiction between supply and demand cannot be resolved by releasing water. of.

Xia Miaomiao regards this theory as the standard, and believes that the short-term drop in the exchange rate is just an overreaction of the market. When the flood is full, no one can stop it. This is determined by the scarcity of Canaan, and there is no solution.

But she forgot, there is still file deletion!
Deleting files can be described as a big killer. Once nuclear weapons are sacrificed, no theory will work.

Canaan Company’s announcement did not say whether to delete files or not, but as long as there is such a possibility, it is enough. Poor her, she invested all her wealth in bulls. Once the announcement came out, she was defeated by short sellers, which was extremely miserable.

"My hard-earned money!"

Xia Miaomiao howled, remembering that every penny of her money was exchanged for liver bleeding, so she wasted nothing, and she had the desire to kill someone.

Du Shiyu was convinced too, she was tricked by the system the last time she practiced, this time she wanted to be a female Buffett, but she was cut off... Sigh, the best friend is always so unreliable, everything happens on a whim, and he doesn't care when he is impulsive.

This time it will be used as a lesson, besides, where can the loss go, she is now very rich, bloodletting, defeating the fire, and good for health.

"No, I want to stop the loss!"

In the room, Xia Miaomiao learned from the pain, looked at the K-line chart that was rushing for thousands of miles, and tapped the keyboard frantically.

Cut the flesh, cut the flesh, I will cut, I will cut again...

Finally, when the liquidation was cleared and the short position was exchanged for more than one million real money, she let out a long sigh of relief, as if she had had a nightmare.

Who knows, the nightmare has not yet woken up.

With a difference of only 5 minutes, an announcement on the official website reversed the situation in an instant.

"...It is expected that the fourth test will be a test without deleting files..."

(End of this chapter)

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