This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 173 The Period of Heaven

Chapter 173 Ten Days Period
In the next few days, Du Shiyu wanted to laugh whenever he saw his best friend crying.

It was so much fun, haha...

"Xiao Yu, I found out that you have turned bad!"

In the small school meeting place, Xia Miaomiao sighed faintly, frowned slightly habitually, and Xizi grabbed the collar of his chest like holding his heart. Du Shiyu couldn't help it when he saw it, and hurriedly covered his face and lowered his head, but he still couldn't stand it Xia Miaomiao said in a cool tone, "Just read my joke!"

"Pfft... I'm sorry... Giggle... Please, don't make such an expression!"

The old professor on the opposite side is giving a special report on the economic ecology of the Canaan world, and he is saying: "...the barbaric growth and wanton hype of capital will undoubtedly damage this new-born, sunrise-like industry. I am very pleased to see that Relevant state departments took action to rectify, vigorously issued several special rectification notices and guiding opinions, denied the legitimacy of the so-called second stock market and second futures market, and reversed many chaos in one fell swoop..." I heard Du Shiyu's words from the audience snickering.

The old professor panicked, thinking that the only player on the scene had discovered something wrong with his speech, so he quickly scanned the speech with the help of his glasses, but found nothing wrong.

"Xiao Du, tell me!"

The head of the department who presided over the report spoke to the two in a gentle tone.

"Me? No, no, no..." Du Shiyu waved his hands again and again, never expecting the present report to come so quickly.

"Come on, speak boldly!"'

The other members of the research team applauded together, and several juniors whistled loudly.

"But, what are you talking about!"

What macroeconomics, what economic ecology, what... these Du Shiyu never thought about, and never looked at Canaan from such a height.

"Tell me whatever you want, you are a player, you can talk about your experience in the game, psychology and experience"

Du Shiyu had no choice but to rush the ducks to the shelves and stood up resignedly.

"Sit down and talk, sit down and talk, don't be nervous, there are no outsiders today."

"Then...then let me talk about the equipment classification and attribute judgment in the game?"

"Yes, yes!" the head of the department laughed.

There was another burst of lively applause.

Du Shiyu coughed, recalled a piece of post he saw on the forum, organized his language, and said: "In-game props, especially equipment, are graded by color. Everyone knows these, and gray corresponds to the ones given by the system. For novice equipment, generally only one basic attribute is added, and the score is in the range of 1-9."

"White is a popular piece of equipment. It usually adds a basic attribute and the main attribute of the corresponding part. Players often say that the small best is to add two main attributes, strength and sensitivity, or intelligence and physicality, etc. Scoring in the 11-100 range"

"Green is the current backbone equipment. It used to be top-level equipment. It is divided into general green equipment, attribute suits and extreme green equipment."

"Generally green equipment adds two basic attributes, usually a combination of 2 and 1, that is, one basic attribute + 2 points, one basic attribute + 1 point, and a few will have a combination of 3 and 2, that is, one item + 3 points and one item +2 points, in addition to the basic attributes, there are also enchantments, which generally refer to adding additional elemental damage, such as light elements, dark elements, fire elements, water elements, etc."

"The above are the basic attributes of green equipment. Besides the basic attributes, there are also special effects and stunts."

"Special effects are usually passive effects. The equipment takes effect automatically. When the trigger condition is met, it will be triggered automatically. The special effect is an active skill, which requires the player to perform it independently. There are conditions, restrictions, and cooldown time"

"32 combinations, enchantments, special effects, all the above elements are available, it is the best green equipment, and the general green equipment is missing one or more, and the value is often greatly reduced."

"In addition to the general green equipment and the ultimate green equipment, there are also attribute sets, that is, collecting a complete set of green equipment can activate additional attributes. The more sets you have, the more attributes you can activate. The probability of dropping is extremely low. Players are already very lucky to collect one piece, let alone collect 7 pieces. So... Although the price is high, the transaction situation is not very good , There is a price but no market. The score is within 101-300."

"There are blue clothes on top of the green clothes..."

"In general, all the props in the game, even mission supplies, are generally classified in this way, and the value and cherishment are distinguished by color..."

"What are you talking about, who doesn't know?"

As soon as Du Shiyu sat down, her best friend whispered in her ear.

"Then what are you talking about? There's nothing to say!" Du Shiyu shrugged indifferently.

Unexpectedly, the reaction at the scene was very enthusiastic.

The seniors and juniors applauded enthusiastically, they couldn't hide their envious eyes, and a young girl even gave her a 'charming' smile.

But when he moved back to school, he couldn't refuse this kind of occasion.

Du Shiyu didn't understand what was the point of such a symposium, and this research group was completely following the trend and rubbing off popularity. Of course, the professors would never admit that they were cheating the school's funds by chasing popularity.

"Very good, well said!", the dean of the department concluded his statement, "But when it comes to appearances, we need to see the essence behind it through such appearances. What essence is it? It's value!!"

"This is back to our research topic, the inflation of the previous period, okay..."

"There is no inflation now, and the copper coins have risen to the sky again!", Xia Miaomiao talked about the heartache of the past, and her brows were squeezed together again, and the beautiful Liuye eyebrows were squeezed into a character horoscope.

Du Shiyu tried her best to hold back her laughter, keeping her face expressionless.

After the symposium was finally over, the seniors and juniors were assigned homework to write a paper on the economic ecology of Canaan.

Naturally, this was not the business of the two gamers. Before the enthusiastic seniors and juniors surrounded them, the two of them greased the soles of their feet and slipped away through the side door.

"Du Shiyu, Xia Miaomiao, Du Shiyu, Xia two don't run away!"

But he was stopped by a senior.

Fortunately, she is a senior.

"The game qualification draw for the fourth test is about to start, you two should speak out for our vast colleges and universities, don't try to stay out of it!"

The senior sister spoke uprightly as soon as she came up.

"Ah, make a sound!?"

Xia Miaomiao immediately said, "We two nameless people, what's the use of speaking up?"

"It doesn't matter whether it works or not, it's good for everyone to come here now, and it's good to have some effect, to put a certain amount of pressure on Canaan Company, so that they don't engage in secret operations like last time... That's it, remember?"

The two had no choice but to agree.

Back in the dormitory, the first thing to do is to check the safe behind the anti-theft door.

The game helmet was fine, and the two sat down on Du Shiyu's sofa, preparing for lunch.

"Oh, by the way, the auction house has urged you several times to see if your lucky earrings are still on sale."

"Sell it, sell it clean"

Du Shiyu was surprised, ever since his best friend got rich and clamored to achieve financial freedom, he rejected him, why did he change his mind this time?
"I lost a lot of money, a lot of money, all my hard-earned money!"

Got it!
Start again!

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, picked up her phone, and prepared to reply.


Alpha demiplane.

The Grand Duke Duman of the Sabel Kingdom paced around in the huge marching tent. His eighty-eight-year-old body did not show any signs of aging, and he had more vitality than a young knight.

He should have been summoned by the Lord of Light ten years ago, and his soul returned to the Kingdom of God.

But his Duman family, the top family that has been passed down for hundreds of years and was born at the same time as the Sabel Kingdom, lacks a qualified heir. For this reason, he did not hesitate to make a deal with Abyss to reverse the course of his life at a huge price.

The price of doing this is naturally huge. One of the costs is to lose the right to walk in the light forever, and the soul after death will not return to the kingdom of God, but will fall into the abyss.

Such things cannot be completely kept secret. Fortunately, he has a younger brother who is an archbishop, and he has a covenant with Cardinal Cardinal Angsteffant decades ago, so that he can deter enemies inside and outside, and do a good job. This is a matter of 'deceiving the ears and stealing the bells'.

But half-open secrets are also secrets and cannot be made public.

The body increasingly eroded by the abyss made him look more and more like a rotten and smelly corpse, appearing in front of people, even people who have no knowledge of the abyss can detect the abnormality in him, Angst Fant has conveyed a certain A very impatient meaning, which is a very dangerous signal.

His illegitimate younger brother who has no inheritance rights also lost his temper with him several times in the secret room, saying that more and more people looked at him strangely within the church...

The most dangerous moment for the Duman family has come, and the Grand Duke knows it deeply.

On one side is the abyss, on the other side are the internal and external enemies ready to move, and the allies and backers have the meaning of getting out of the way to protect themselves, and there is still no one in the family who can shoulder the burden... Sigh!

The Grand Duke Duman is very tired, very tired, manpower will be limited, and the way of heaven will be determined in the end. If you plan for a while, you can't plan for a lifetime. The ups and downs of the family are nothing more than normal. Maybe his behavior has aggravated the family Maybe there will be successors and successors after his death?

Forget it, forget it, whether it is the kingdom of God or the abyss, you will end up lost in the end, let him go, let him go!

Originally, he had already selected an heir who was mediocre in all aspects, and only waited for a certain day to perform a script that died in front of everyone. Lord, mess up the plan.

If there is a demiplane to rely on, then the family will never be in danger of being destroyed.

Grand Duke Duman decided to fight again.

The timing was just right, the centaur on the wasteland went mad for some reason, and several human kingdoms were attacked on an unprecedented scale. In this way, the family crisis was resolved.

Praise the light!

Before the expedition, the Grand Duke of Duman carefully explained to his heirs, everything goes with the flow, leading the family's force in the sun, obeying the orders of Cardinal Angsteffant, and never participating in the royal families, nobles and churches of various countries Fighting openly and secretly, and he took the family's hidden strength underground to start the journey of conquering the Alpha demiplane.

Now, a week has passed.

The situation is getting weirder and more dangerous.

The remnants of the Ottoman Empire, and the mysterious archmage standing behind him, the undead army that cannot be killed, can be resurrected continuously, and becomes stronger every once in a while, the smell of 'domain' is getting heavier in the air... …All these made him restless and hesitant.

He recalled the military meeting last night, George Floyd, a senior mage who has served the family for decades, said to him with fear, "This is the domain, this is the domain, what we are facing is not an ordinary great magician , but a Highness who is about to step into the realm of legend..."

No one at the scene has ever seen what a domain is like, let alone a legend, but as soon as George said it, they all seemed to know it, and each of them suddenly realized, and then they were in an uproar...

The morale and morale of the army collapsed like this.

Grand Duke Duman never believed in any realm or legend. The gods would not allow such a person to exist. Counting from the first year of the Holy Era, it has been more than two thousand years. Has there ever been a legend?

No, even if there is, it is the collection of the gods, the vicious dog secretly sealed by the church, or the rotten and smelly bone frame hiding in the abyss!

He even believed that the increasingly heavy 'smell' in the air was a [pseudo-domain], a constant magic effect in the simulation domain, and only in this way could it explain the undead army outside.

"Come on!"

Either way, a decision must be made.

The longer the delay, the worse it is for him.

Others have a way out, but he doesn't, and his family doesn't.

Then try your best to try the weight of that archmage!
Success is good, even if you fail, your life should wither on the battlefield of fighting for your family, not on a rotten and smelly hospital bed.

"...Ten days of preparation, we will go all out for the second wave of offensive, if we fail, we will die!"

ten days! ?

The enemy's mobilization cannot be hidden from the magic net, nor can it be hidden from Xiao Ai.

After hearing the report, Bei Gaoyang said with a smile: "If he has the guts to launch a fatal blow right now, maybe it will really happen, procrastinating, ten days? Hmph..."

Ten days is enough for the system to recover its surplus, and the player's strength is even better. Maybe they can win the final victory without resorting to the trick of 'sprinkling coins'.

But the poor mouse eats the raccoon, the opponent is an old man who has lived for so long, and Bei Gaoyang does not dare to say that he is sure. Set up a trap, let's have a one-pot stew!
The great magician and the famous Qianshou Rentu gave a sinister smile and asked Xiao Ai to send a system announcement.

"Expansion piece Chapter 2?"

Zhang Miao and others, who had just returned from the battlefield, looked at the system announcement and exchanged glances.

Brother Ruoran rubbed his hands and said, "It's just right, the family residence is still a little bit less meritorious!"

50 gold is no longer an astronomical figure for these five people, and they are not like Xia Miaomiao who insists on dying to be leeks. To be sure, the exchange rate and prices not only lost ground, but also launched an impact to a higher position.

Inflation still exists, but only online, offline is still sought after by hot money, all kinds of benefit myths are jaw-dropping, in terms of the fast and wide fortune, it is the group of players.

The net worth of these few people has already exceeded one million, and they may all have it.

50 gold, 10 gold per person, you can get it by gnashing your teeth. A week ago, it was like a dream.

"In 10 days, can I get to level 20?" Zhang Miao asked.

"Liver, go to the night camp!" Hu Xinmin licked his lips, talking about exploding liver, with a hint of constipation-like pain in his excitement.

"Go, go, go, don't waste time going to the battlefield these days, those three melons and two dates are not worth it!" Er Niu said anxiously, and walked to a player's booth selling medicine first .

(End of this chapter)

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