This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 174 Night Camp

Chapter 174 Night Camp
"Joy, Joey..."

"Who, who is!"

"It's me, Joey, open your eyes and see, Joey, my sweetheart, my mother's favorite baby..."

Joey Sandra opened her eyes, and found herself in a thick black fog, a familiar yet unfamiliar silhouette appeared in front of her, calling her with an affectionate and fearful voice.

"Joy, it's me, Mom, don't you remember me?"


Joey Sandra remembered who the owner of the voice was, and immediately, the environment he was in changed.

In a dark, damp, and cramped thatched cottage, a young woman with a sad face but beautiful facial features is feeding a baby in her arms. The wet firewood in the firepit crackles and splashes sparks and smoke, making everything in the cottage feel like The devil's minions are twisting.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, the grace tax...but at home..."

While gently touching the baby's cheek, the young woman numbly said to the hunchbacked man sitting beside her.

The man looked up, and Joey's heart was shocked. This was his father, the one who sent her to the monastery. Before parting, he touched her face with his rough palm and said to her with hope and choking. , "Serve Lord Bayero well, in the the future...", and two years later, the man who starved to death at home with his three-year-old brother.

"If it doesn't work, use the last bag of bitter wheat!" My father said calmly, as if he was talking about other people's affairs, "The Lord sees everything!"

The young woman lowered her head sadly, and the baby in her arms suddenly spit out shriveled breasts and howled loudly.

While coaxing, the young woman looked at Joey's position, "I really hope Joey grows up soon."

His father's wrinkled face also came alive, and he said, "We, Joey, are beautiful, and we will definitely become Master Ron's maid in the future, definitely."

Joey heard himself say, "Mom, I'm hungry!"

The woman hastily opened the other side of her skirt, revealing her other shriveled breasts, and stretched out a hand.

"Do not!"

Joey yelled in her heart, but her body walked towards the woman step by step.

"Eat, eat!"

The woman's face was half a smile, and the father's expression also became very strange. The baby brother suddenly turned his face and twisted his thin neck with great force, "Go away, bitch!"


Joey felt that something was wrong, and she was pulled into the arms of the woman with great resistance, "Eat, Joey, my sweetheart, my mother's favorite sweetheart"

Dad also said, "Our whole family depends on you, Joey!"

A mouthful of hot milk was like magma, and Joy's soul wailed in pain. The palm slapped on her back turned into a dark ghost claw, and the woman's beautiful face began to twist and elongate, becoming like An octopus!

The baby's younger brother turned into a little devil full of sharp teeth, looking at her resentfully, spitting out a poisonous tongue, "It's you, it's you, I starve to death, and it's all for you to bribe the priest." The two silver coins belonged to you, my mother just went back to be a prostitute, and the stinky pool outside the city where she died due to illness was all due to you..."

"No, no, not me, not me!!"

Joey could finally speak. She raised her head from the woman's tentacles. Her eyes were bleeding and her mouth was pus. Her seven-year-old body grew rapidly, and she soon became a senior priest and a devout follower of the Goddess of the Night. , "That's the test of the night, all the suffering in the world is, it's..."

"Haha, do you believe it, do you believe it, Joey, my sister, ask your heart, do you really believe it!?" The little devil brother screamed loudly, "You know in your heart that your Lord is not Yes, but your priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, nobles, lords, kings need them, and your Lord needs them to help herd you foolish, often lost lambs!"

"No, no, no!"

"Aha, now you are like them, Joey, but what about us, what did we do to make you a noble priest, look, look!"

"I don't want to, I want to make up for it, but it's too late, mom, mom, you believe me..." Joey eagerly confided to his mother who had turned into an octopus tentacle monster. His father's head grew from the side of his mother's head. Come out, "We believe in you Joey, you have always been the hope of our family, the only hope."

"But Joey...", the mother said, "this is why, why our family is so miserable, we are so devout, and we paid the last sack of bitter wheat for our faith, why!"

"That's the Lord's test. Human beings are born with sins, and we are atoning for sins..."

"Joy, it would be great if there were no gods in this world, we don't have to..."

"No, no, such rebellious and profane words shouldn't come out of your mouth, Mom..."

"But why, Joey, why, why didn't your mother return to the Kingdom of God, why your brother and I could only fall into the abyss, why!"

"Because, because..."

The little devil brother laughed, and his mouth and nose were bleeding while laughing, "Because my mother is a prostitute, and she was infected with dirty diseases and rotted in the smelly pool. How can such unclean people be included in the kingdom of God? Because we are so poor that we can't afford it." The church's taxes can only be starved to death in..."

"No, no, it's not like this, it's not...", Joy was frightened, scared, and she looked at her 'family' imploringly, begging for their forgiveness and forgiveness of her beliefs.

"Your brother is right, Joey." Mom's words shattered this extravagant hope, "Why, why does this world have gods, nobles, and kings? Without them, we can live well..."

"Yeah, Joey." Father's head was squeezed into the elbow socket by mother's head. "Without them, this world would be full of 'paradise'!?"

"No, no, don't do this, don't..."

"What are you going to do, my sister!", the younger brother continued to spit out his poisonous tongue, "Are you going to punish us? Are you going to bring us back for trial? Will you send us to the stake? Will you?"


Hesitation and wavering caused the fortress in Joy's heart to crack from its foundation. Part of her sober reason and steadfast faith angrily denounced her hesitation and hesitation, while the other part was filled with family affection, guilt, confusion, hatred, etc., loudly protesting with.

Thus, the confrontation that tore her soul apart happened like this.

In the night camp, in the center of the altar where monsters wandered everywhere, that pure, firm, beautiful, and unyielding figure was finally eroded and destroyed. Half of her turned black and grew out demon wings, and half of her face was evil and charming. The bewitching, erect iris glowed with a red light of pure malice, and half of it remained its original appearance, but pain, numbness, and despair.

The two eyes belong to the same person, but they no longer belong to the same will, they both look at the same place, on the same person.

"Damn it, it's really an elm head!" Bei Gaoyang wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and said in a resentful tone

"You're going to hell, devil!" said the two Joeys, two voices at the same time, but in very different tones and metaphors.

The depraved senior priest is a fart, and Bei Gaoyang raises his hand and there is a purple lightning.

"Heeping, I have tolerated you for a long time!"


The level 16 priest of the night was wandering on the hillside. In the bushes, Zhang Miao, Hu Xinmin, Ruoran, Xie Changting, and Er Niuman had recovered their strength.

Once the monster exceeds level 15, the difficulty of spawning monsters will soar. Below level 15, cutting melons and cutting vegetables is average. A player with a similar level can almost single out to pass the level. It is different. Ordinary mobs also have the strength of elites and need teamwork. , It is efficient to brush it up.

Hu Xinmin, a thief, was assigned. All the slots for the four professions in the team were occupied. He had no choice but to sacrifice for the team. After becoming a thief, he discovered the fun of this profession.

Let's put it this way, among the 5 professions that are open at this stage, the thief is the most in line with the imagination of the "chivalry", with super high agility, super high movement speed and a lot of basic critical damage, even if the skill CD time is super long , nor can it hide its brilliance.

During the stealth, Hu Xinmin felt as if he had become a shadow, and instinctively chose the most suitable forward route. In the eyes of his teammates, it was like stepping on the "Lingbo Microsteps", and the landing point was always in the dead corner of the monster's warning range. Activated [Backstab] at the most suitable position.


The priest of the night roared, and his blood bar dropped by a quarter. After Hu Xinmin got out of stealth, he led the roaring monster into the team's pre-set ambush point.

First, there was a [Battle Cry] that interrupted the monster’s possible action to summon its companions, and then there was a straight afterimage of [Charge]. However, the stun was immune to the monster, which made Ruoran’s [Continuous Skill] fall into the empty space , the Priest of the Night cut off half of his blood with a backhand sword.

This attack is extremely high.

Zhang Miao and Xie Changting in the back looked numb, and the [Mage Hand] was triggered immediately, and a giant palm made of shadows pinched the monster. This time, the control effect was not immune. Seeing this, Xie Changting immediately canceled the insurance [Bound Arrow] was replaced with [Burst Arrow] that needed to be charged for a second.

With the improvement of equipment and base attributes, the damage of archers is no longer scraping. Hsieh Changting's strength is 19 points, plus a green longbow with fire damage, the continuous arrows are like fire rain, boom Boom... There are more than a dozen densely packed damage values, the lowest -2, the highest -33, adding them together does not require the thief's backstab and crit.

The monster's blood volume dropped by two-thirds, and after it was out of control, it was held in place by Xie Changting's [Bound Arrow]. , raised the shield to block the route of the monster attacking the mage.

Zhang Miao's fireball technique was halfway through.

The Priest of the Night was out of control. During the 2.5-second gap, Brother Ruoran held up his shield to withstand the monster's full counterattack. The shield he just replaced lost its durability after the fourth attack. Stabbed three times in a row!

"Ah, my armor!"

Er Niu's [Song of Hymn] pulled Ruoran back from the brink of death, and he didn't have time to complain that he wanted money but not his life. Xie Changting's [Shadow Arrow] couldn't pull away the hatred. Hu Xinmin had no choice but to step forward to replace Ruoran Brother blocked the monster's damage.
This time, two-thirds of the thief's life was lost. Seeing that the monster's long sword began to gain momentum again, thank God, Zhang Miao's [Fireball Technique] finally finished singing, a fist-sized fireball shot out, The monster had a premonition of the danger of death, and subconsciously made an evasive movement, but failed to lay eggs.


The flames of the explosion dyed the battlefield red, the monster's body was torn apart, and nothing was left behind the large mosaic.


Brother Ruoran spat and lay down exhausted. The others were not much better. In the fierce battle of less than two minutes, he had experienced life and death several times. Brushing such monsters was even more tiring than playing a dungeon.

【You killed 16 priests of the night】

[You have gained 10 camp reputation points]

[You have gained 120 experience points (20% team bonus)]

It takes 15 experience points to upgrade 16 to 10000, and it takes 80 night priests to upgrade to a level. In theory, 160 minutes is enough, but in reality?
This is not about shaking the keyboard and shaking the mouse.

Brush one for two minutes and rest for at least 10 minutes. This is not an ideal situation because the potion and equipment consumption are not ideal.

If Brother Ruoran was still feeling sorry for his green armor, which had lost too much durability, Er Niu couldn't help but said, "This is not going to work, old Nie, why don't you equip that golden giant sword!?"

If Brother Ruoran hadn't made up his mind, he took out another white shield from his backpack and said, "I still have it in stock!"

"Fuck, look over there!"

Er Niu pointed at the leveling team on the other side of the hillside. The same five-member team is much more efficient than them. On average, each person has two to three special skills. They are so embarrassed, they don't need too much rest.

Especially the fighters of others, who can always deal with the damage of monsters alone, and other professions can output as much as they can. Brother Ruoran is actually holding back. It is because of his failure that the team is so hard to brush and work so hard.

And of course, the equipment.

Although the five people wore green clothes, most of them were enchanted green clothes, which belonged to the most trashy green clothes. They either only had enchanting effects, or only had special effects but no special effects. , 3+2 top quality, they also exchanged for money.

"Let's go on like this, let alone level 20, level 18 is enough!"

Hsieh Chang-ting also stepped forward to help.

"Yes, Lao Nie, you should also pay attention."

Hu Xinmin also persuaded.

If Brother Ran is still hesitating and turns into a power battle, the battlefield can only be used as a pile of meat. Once the charge enters the cooldown, he can only be walked like a dog by other professions, unable to catch up or reach it. Play to death.

If you don't turn, it's not justified, and you can't pass this level right now, alas, if I have a top-quality body, it will be great.

"Let's go, let's go, what the battlefield requires is cooperation, and it's not for you to fight alone!" Zhang Miao couldn't help but came out to persuade.

"Turn, turn, I'm turning, shit!"

The teammates unanimously demanded that Brother Ruoran couldn't ignore it, and he was reluctant to do so. He replaced a few enchanted green outfits that increase agility, and put on a small whiteboard that increases strength, and then added the 4 free attributes that have not been used until now In terms of strength, and equipped with the two-handed [Adamantine Giant Sword], the strength attribute reached a terrifying 28 points.

He easily carried the giant sword like a door panel on his shoulders, Ruoran's figure seemed to have grown a lot thicker, he swung the 'door panel' twice, feeling as light as nothing.



"This is the hunk!"

The cheers from his teammates made Ruoran laugh twice. After the rest is over, there is no need for Hu Xinmin to lure the monsters. He just walks into the security area of ​​the Priest of the Night, a [Battle Cry] to attract the monsters, and then the door panel 'One vertical, easily block the monster's attack, a special skill [sweep], repelling the monster for a second, and then launch [charge], after the strength attribute is improved, the monster can no longer be immune to the stun of the skill.

This brushing was very easy, it took 1 minute and 10 seconds, and everyone still had enough energy to brush two monsters in a row before resting.

The efficiency has more than doubled, this is the effect brought by a piece of top-quality equipment.

"If you have good things in the future, don't rush to sell them anymore," Xie Changting sighed during the break.

"Yes, I have earned enough money!" Zhang Miao also nodded.

I can’t help it, I’m used to being poor, and I feel safe when I don’t exchange money for good things. I’m afraid of deleting files, afraid of short, I’m afraid of everything.

 happy new year
(End of this chapter)

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