This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 175 The Mage Tower is Completed

Chapter 175 The Mage Tower is Completed

The rumors of the second expansion piece and the fourth test made the players feel that the test is coming to an end. Under the condition that the file is not deleted, they are all nervous that they cannot be upgraded to the full level at the end of the third test. With the tide of leveling, the monster spawning area around the Church of the Night camp continued all night, gradually showing a trend of more people than monsters.

The night priest at level 16 has been occupied by the tide of players chasing up from behind. Several teams waited for a refresh point to refresh, and the efficiency was greatly reduced. Advance to higher, more dangerous areas.

Centered on the hill where the night camp is located, from a high bird's-eye view, in a huge circular area, there are players with their heads buried in their hearts everywhere. Conflicts broke out everywhere.

An alpha battlefield, an expansion pack, awakens the aggressive genes in the players, and they can fight each other if they don't agree with each other. In this way, the relationship between players becomes more complicated and three-dimensional, and it also enriches the gameplay and against competitive attributes.

Let every player be inseparable from Canaan, and let them experience the excitement that reality cannot experience in this game world.

Dedication and harvest, regret and fulfillment... use a dream named Canaan to weave their ideals and values, so as to increase the acquisition of [faith value].

Level 18 'Night Paladin' and 'Night Paladin' are located halfway up the mountain. The former's weapon is a mace, which can release two skills. [Photophobia] effect is almost impossible to dodge. Once hit, the attribute will be lost, especially [Photophobia]. It is like being in boiling water, giving the player constant pain.One is [Blessing of the Night], if the BUFF skill of the Night Paladin is not interrupted, the monster will turn into a small boss with abnormally high attributes and [Self-healing] effect, which cannot be solved by flying a kite. After a few laps, he was full of blood.

Zhang Miao and the others tried it once, and it took more than [-] minutes to grind a paladin to death. Xie Changting and Erniu Manmian almost died, and the condition of the others was also extremely bad, so they wisely gave up the idea of ​​using it.

The night paladin is relatively easy to brush, but there are two types of paladins: those with mounts and those without mounts. Don’t worry about those with mounts. The whole thing is an armored tank. Even people and swords hit a place more than ten meters away, and other professions are basically instant kills.

In this way, there are only paladins without mounts left.

With a crisp sound of "铛!", Brother Ruoran took four or five steps back in a row to counteract this powerful force. Up to 28 points of strength are like paper in front of the monster with big arms, round waist and full body armor. The monster repelled it with one move. He immediately turned around and charged towards the most threatening mage, only to see a straight afterimage crashing into Zhang Miao, who was [-] meters away.

Xie Changting, who was gaining momentum, had a bad sense, so he had to give up his body to block, collided with the monster, and his figure was immediately thrown into the air. He fell to one-fifth of the blood tank in mid-air, and rolled a few times after landing , and then a series of negative states such as dizziness, shock, and weakness, and I couldn't move a finger.

With this buffer, Zhang Miao escaped being instantly killed. He was so scared that he immediately interrupted the chanting of [Fireball], barely jumped out of the monster's attack range with a pitiful 6 points of agility, and an almost instant [Mage Hand] 】Pinch the monster for 0.5 seconds, and then fled to the back of brother Ruoran who was chasing up with his hands and feet.


Brother Ruoran, who was furious and angry, let out a battle cry, and then equipped with the special skill [Sweep], and saw the door-like giant sword swinging forward in a fan-shaped range of sword light, knocking back a few steps from the paladin who was jumping on him, and fixed it Standing for 1 second, the [Charge], which had been unable to find a chance to make a move, was activated and stunned the monster.

"Old Hu!"

Hu Xinmin's stealth time was almost over, and his teammates created this opportunity. An illusory shadow solidified behind the monster, and a knife light pierced deeply on the back of the monster, but was blocked by the thick armor , "Ding!", only hit -23 points of damage.

Hu Xinmin screamed that the defense was too high, and easily dodged the monster's counterattack. Seeing this, Ruoran gritted his teeth, and a set of [combo skills] promptly held the monster's hatred, and then the skills were used up, and he could only Like a sandbag, "clang clang clang...".

Even if it turned into a battle, Ruoran still has 12 points of agility, but he can barely keep up with the attacking rhythm of the monsters. The giant sword like a door panel dangerously blocked the monsters' attacks one by one, and the others were dazzled. It's like two kung fu masters are making some kind of kung fu movie.


Every time he hit it, he felt trembling in his heart, how much the durability of the huge fine gold giant sword lost, and how many soft sister coins he lost with each blow...

"Xiaoer, are you fucking alright!?"

Seeing that the fast-paced attack could not drive away the annoying fly, the monster backed away and started to gather momentum again. Brother Ruoran swallowed nervously. It was like this last time. Xie Changting was still on the ground with his dead body. This time it will happen again , I definitely can't stop it.

The monster also adapted to the rhythm of the battle, the timing was just right, Zhang Miao was two seconds away from singing, and just these two seconds became the key to the outcome!

Fortunately, Erniu Manmian didn't use his skills on Xie Changting, and kept holding his skills until this time.

A [Blessing] fell on Brother Ruoran, although the attached buff was weak, it increased Brother Ruoran's attributes by a little bit, just a little bit, when the monster's [Heavy Attack] struck, Brother Ruoran Finally carried it!

Ruoran blushed and had a thick neck, the grassy mud horse is coming, come on, barking like that to block the monster from attacking the mage, after a few clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang finally finished singing the damn [Fireball Art].

At this stage, this skill is the big killer in the hands of players, even thieves can't match it, it really has the final result.

Everyone was relieved to see the fist-sized fireball expanding in the air, no matter how the monster dodges, it turned and hit like a missile, and then there was a loud "Boom!", and the extremely gorgeous flame brought a large area of ​​people who were directly and indirectly hit. harm……

When the pyrotechnic effect of the fireball dissipated, leaving behind a charred figure, but it did not fall down!

"Dark night..." The monster began to pray!


Brother Ruoran's scalp is numb and he goes up, his skills are cooling down, his condition is worrying, and he doesn't know how many times he can block?
At this time, Hu Xinmin, who was playing soy sauce all the time, appeared behind the monster, and with a score of A, -5 damage, the mighty Night Paladin collapsed.


At this moment, everyone in the team wanted to cry.

5 days!

It's so fucking easy!
They finally exploded, and if they keep going like this, it may not be possible to reach level 20, but they will definitely go bankrupt.


The players have worked so hard, so Bei Gaoyang naturally can't be lazy.

The design of the fourth layer of the magic net was not something that could be accomplished overnight. While the situation on the Alpha plane was still relatively calm, the mage tower could be topped after day and night construction.

The main structure of the Mage Tower is a conical spire, with two floors underground and seven floors above the ground. The upper-level space laboratory and the smart magic workshop are going to settle down on this level.

The third layer is the element pool, which is different from the magic pool. The latter draws the surrounding magic power to form liquid pool water, which is used as the daily energy storage of the mage tower to meet the basic functional needs.The element pool directly communicates with the major elemental planes, and directly extracts the corresponding elements from the elemental planes to form a single and extremely high-purity magic power, which meets the needs of some advanced functions, such as high-level magic research, experiments, and creations. And magic experiments that require extremely high precision, etc.

The magic pool and the element pool are the two cores of the mage tower, like two hearts, which continuously produce magical 'blood' and supply all kinds of energy and nutrients needed by the mage tower.

The fourth floor is the botanical garden, also known as the life laboratory. Its biggest function is to help magicians study spell casting in various environments and ecology. Some magicians with special needs will carry out various weird magic experiments here. There was once a mage who claimed to have invented a plant that could produce milk. As a result, once this magical plant was removed from the special environment of the mage tower, it would become a magic vine that could reproduce and grow infinitely. The large-scale ecological disaster caused a disaster for a while, adding another strong evidence for the evil and power of the mage.

The fifth floor is the meditation room, which is also the mage's own training hall.

At this level, mages can freely experiment and cast various types of spell power and effects, research and improve spell casting efficiency and conditions, find ways to shorten preparation and chanting time, and exercise their fighting skills without worrying about harming them. No matter how much damage the surrounding environment causes, the mage tower will absorb the excess spell power without harming the mage tower itself.

The sixth floor is the control room, which is also the core hub of the mage tower.

At this level, the owner of the mage tower can integrate his spiritual power into the mage tower, so as to control all the resources of the mage tower, make the magic pool and element pool a magic reserve other than himself, and use all the resources he can display Spells are all recorded on this layer. Once an enemy invades, you can destroy the enemy outside the mage tower without using the spells in your own memory.

The seventh floor is the amplification and amplifier of the magic power, and it can also be said to be the essence of the mage tower. Its structure is extremely complex, and it is the most precise part of the mage tower. It requires the cooperation of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of tiny and precise magic circles. It is not only like a lighthouse, but also like a star that is constantly within the range of the Mage Tower. It is the symbol of the Mage Tower, and it is also the part that is most easily damaged and needs protection.

The mage tower is a work of art, and it is also the highest technological achievement of the magic industrial civilization. A mage who is not strong or wealthy cannot have his own mage tower even if he spends all he has. However, if a mage hides in his own tower, then He is invincible, and within the range of the mage tower, a powerful effect of a "pseudo-field" is formed, allowing the mage to call the wind and call the rain and be omnipotent.

In fact, the original inspiration for the mage tower came from the kingdom of the gods, which is a great example of mages stealing the power and authority of the gods.

The completion of the main project is only the first step of the Long March, and the next step is the most important work - decoration.

The main project cannot have magic power involved. This is not a superstition, but involves a mysterious core that has not yet been discovered. It seems that there is such a rule in the dark. The construction of the mage tower cannot be opportunistic. It requires manpower, sweat, and excellence. Grinding and protracted hard work can build a mage tower firmly. From ancient times to the present, those famous mage towers have all been poured with blood and sweat with huge manpower and material resources.

Bei Gaoyang did not have such manpower, so the 51-meter-high mage tower seemed very small.

But although the sparrow is small and complete, it has magic nets, and the technology of the earth, it cannot win in terms of scale, but it far surpasses it in terms of precision.

The magic circle automatic engraving machine continued to work amidst the buzzing sound, and the dwarf craftsmen put in the substrate polished in advance like an assembly line, and the precise and cumbersome configuration of the magic circle was engraved in this way. Bei Gaoyang still thought it was too slow, so he stopped Half of the magic smart workshop was built, let the magic net control, and Xiaoai was in the middle to deploy, and more than 3 production lines were fully started. In less than [-] hours, more than half of the substrates for decoration were completed.

This is the most tedious, time-consuming, and difficult part of the work, but it has become the easiest part to complete at this moment. The combination of technology and magic is how it turns decay into magic.

Above the mage tower, the dwarf craftsmen who set up the elevated frame are installing the final capping structure. There are many NPCs and players watching on the scene. After a glazed round sphere is installed in place, the final packaging project is declared complete.

The young city lord Bob blew his whistle, and hundreds of residents of Buck City who participated in the construction began to leave in an orderly manner. Bei Gaoyang appeared in the players' field of vision with a large number of substrates floating around.

"Don't watch Xiaoyu, live the plot every day, the third test must be over soon, let's go upgrade soon."

"Wait a minute, watch a while"

"What's so interesting, it's just a very ugly tower"

"This is the Mage Tower"

"What happened to the mage tower?"

"You don't even understand..."

In the eyes of his buddies, the tower was extremely ugly, but in the eyes of Du Shiyu, it was an incomparably exquisite work of art, and most of the mages at the scene felt an indescribable affinity.

On the forum, someone has already synchronized the construction process of the mage tower, watching it built from scratch, this feeling is getting better day by day.

According to the party's speculation, such a plot does not have any hints, which may be in line with the possibility of the permanent resident hinting at the possibility of professional gameplay to mage players, that is to say, in the future, mage players may have their own mage tower.

Wow, my own mage tower!

Just imagining it gives me chills.

Two days before the opening of the expansion pack Chapter 2, the mage tower standing outside the west gate of Buck City was completed.

Bei Gaoyang ushered in the joy of housewarming, and recalled the scene when his mentor's mage tower was destroyed.

"Rumsviel, remember, you must remember it deep in your soul!"

"Don't forget, Rumsfeld, don't...don't...forget...remember..."
(End of this chapter)

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