Chapter 176

The night camp is an open dungeon. The closer to the top of the mountain, the higher the level of monsters. There are professional monster elites wandering around the camp, and there are three regional lord-level bosses near the altar.

The first one was transformed from a professional thief, level 25, with four elite boys and a group of night priests, night paladins, and other monsters wandering in the front area of ​​the altar, on the only path that cannot be bypassed.

The second one was transformed from a professional rogue, level 28, a half-elf, and also led a group of younger brothers to wander in the back area, a jungle that was eroded by 'demon energy' like ghosts.

The final BOSS is naturally Joey, a senior priest at level 30. After his soul fell, he was captured by [Abyss Consciousness]. He is half-demon and half-human. A part of human beings still hovers around the altar, praying and repenting to the Goddess of the Night day and night. As soon as the players enter From the camp, you can see this lonely, crazy and desperate figure that exists on the commanding heights.

As the 10-day period is approaching, the atmosphere of the end of the third test is becoming more and more clear. Canaan has revealed that the expansion pack Chapter 2 is a climax of the end of the third test. The 20-level cap will continue to the fourth test , until the level of the main force catches up.

Level capping is a rotten method. If you don’t delete files, the current players are already satisfied. If you cap the level, just cap it. During the fourth test, you can make equipment first.

In order to reach level 20 before the end of the third test, and also for Chapter 2 of the expansion pack, the players forgot to sleep and eat. The periphery of the night camp has been completely occupied.

Qiao Shan hurriedly walked out of the teleportation point near the camp, and was about to announce his arrival on the team channel when he received a system prompt and was kicked out of the team.


This is the third time.

After destroying the team while brushing the level 20 [Night Paladin Elite], the third team that had managed to get in also abandoned him.

An enchanted green outfit is becoming more and more difficult to mix. Special effects and stunts have surpassed gold medals, silver medals and level occupations, and have become an important criterion for measuring player strength. Qiao Shan also sells good things as soon as he finds them. Enchanted green outfit.

Now the players in the first echelon have begun to pursue a full set of top-quality blue equipment. Someone posted a picture on the forum. In addition to its power, practicality is also taken into account. In his opinion, the best products have to be honed and returned to the furnace in other people's hands, even if they are washed and discarded.

The gap is too big, so big that he doesn't have the heart to compare with this kind of real person. He has earned more than [-] million net worth by playing now. It seems a lot. If you throw it into the game, you may not be able to do it all. The ultimate green outfit.

Some people also broke the news that this kind of players are all behind the organization, and it is still very rare to spend hundreds of millions of soft sister coins in the game, but what is the use of this, it is just self-consolation of envy and hatred .

There is no team, and there is no way to mix in the night camp. I contacted a few people, but their teams are full. There is no way, he can only give up this leveling resort and start his old job - a glorious lone ranger, Travel to a leveling resort that few people know about.

Speaking of this leveling resort, I have to thank the forest goblin sisters. It was the key information revealed by Alice that gave him the capital to be a lone ranger. Thinking of this, Qiao Shan remembered the good things he got on the battlefield last time, and deliberately I went back once, took out this good thing from the warehouse, rushed to the Fairy Forest in Chenxi Town, and got close to the fairy sisters.

Unexpectedly, someone has already arrived first.

This is a very "wretched" dwarf player. When Qiao Shan arrived, he happened to see him giving Alice something like a dog's leg. After finding him, the player looked vigilant and his small eyes were fierce. To be honest, if it wasn't for the presence of a high-level NPC, it would be rude.

Qiao Shan had expected this day, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

With a heavy heart, she gave the good things to Alice. Alice happily took the special plant seeds from the Alpha plane, and generously gave him a reward of 20 favorability points.

Ordinary players may be disappointed when they see only the favorability, but Qiao Shan does not think that Alice will answer a question as usual, because there is another player present, and it is not convenient for Qiao Shan to use his unique words to set the back door of the system. He asked a succinct question, glanced at the dwarven player, and headed down the hill.

"Dude, wait, wait!"

Before going far, the dwarf player chased after him, and he didn't care about Qiao Shan's face, he enthusiastically grabbed his arm when he came up, and showed his ID—whether money or life, and said: "Brother, what's your name? Haha, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, what is the ID of the brother, add a friend!"

"What do you want to do?" Qiao Shan broke away without any pretense, with an impatient expression of farting.

"Don't do it, don't do it, isn't it... I found out that you are a fellow of the same way, brother? I think you and Sister Alice should have a good relationship. If you have any tricks, teach me, I will also tell me What’s the discovery, how about if everyone communicates with each other?”

"You're not stupid!" Qiao Shan said sarcastically, "If you want to take advantage of me, do it in your next life!"

"Come on, you make a price, and I'll pay for it?"

"I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

"How many?"

"1 billion!"


Qiao Shan sneered, shook off him and walked towards the teleportation array.

"It's really impossible to discuss?"

"Man, what do you think if I sell this secret?"

This bastard dared to threaten Lao Tzu.

Qiao Shan hated in his heart, but it's a pity that killing people can't be silenced in the game.

Teleported to the B12 area, this former leveling resort was empty. After leaving the complete area, Qiao Shan hid behind a big tree and stared at the exit. After a while, he chased him after asking for money.

Qiao Shan was ready to teach him an unforgettable lesson when he got out of the safe zone. Although he has the ring of paralysis, it is not very effective in spawning monsters, but PK... Hehe, he really doesn't pay attention to this kind of player who mainly makes money inside.

Unexpectedly, this guy was as treacherous as a ghost. He had just left the safe zone, and the moment Qiao Shan's [Binding Arrow] was released, he was aware of the danger in advance, and his agility was not low. Area.

"Brother, can't it be..."

Qiao Shan didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and didn't show up, turned around and went straight to the destination.

This leveling resort is actually a piece of [Nightmare Swamp], which is widely distributed in the game area, so it is not unusual to say it.

The Nightmare Swamp is forbidden for players to enter because of the strong magic energy and because the magic net is not strong enough to protect the player's soul.

It's not that there are curious players who have gone in, but the result is disconnection, loss of equipment, loss of experience, and even the need to recreate the character level to zero.

Of course, Qiao Shan didn't seek death. He had a secret weapon on his body, which was enough to deal with the danger inside.

Putting the "cockroach ball" made by the forest fairy sisters to open the "back door" of the system in his mouth, he took a deep breath of cool air, and plunged into the swamp surrounded by black mist.

It is not without reason that the Nightmare Swamp has not been included in the official game content until now. As soon as he entered, Qiao Shan felt his heart tighten, as if being pinched by something, and the red words of the system warning flashed in his vision. The voice made him feel anxious, and he just wanted to vent it by shouting.

There was no system prompt, but he started to lose blood continuously, and there was also a phenomenon similar to Caton, which caused him to delay the operation of the character.

Fortunately, the 'cockroach ball' in his mouth produced a sense of coolness, which instantly woke up his drowsy head.

Only then did I see the environment clearly.

Pale black smoke is everywhere, and the swamp exuding a pungent sulfur smell is like an open-air oil field. Bubbles bubble up and burst, and the black smoke condenses into howling skulls, rising and expanding again. In the process, it melts into the void.

"What the hell is this place!"

It feels different from any game map. If you ask him what it feels like, he can't tell. Anyway, it's very weird. It's weird that there is nothing there, but it feels creepy.

Qiao Shan carefully chose his foothold, bypassed a bubbling 'spring', and headed towards a 'pond' made of large swaths of mud.

A skeleton soldier appeared staggeringly in front of the route. It took a while for the words "Skeleton Warrior, Elite, LV6" to appear. This monster has a "reality" that the outside world does not have. It is just like... like ……in reality!

what the hell!

Qiao Shan shook his head, throwing away the absurd thought at this moment. The level difference was 3 levels, he had no experience, and he didn't explode things, so he avoided it with agility much higher than that of monsters.

Skeleton warriors, zombie generals, and some low-level skeleton soldiers were all over the place. It took him more than ten minutes to arrive at the place he had found out last time.

The cracked ground is dark in color, and one or two plants shaped like ghost claws seem to be strange monsters that will come to life at any time. Under these thick and weird plants, one or two ghouls shaped like 'crawlers' are lazily Crawling there, swallowing demon energy.

[Magic Ghoul, LV18, Elite]

Qiao Shan took a deep breath, stood outside the monster's warning distance, put on a top-quality white bow with extended range, and shot an arrow at the level 18 ghoul.
The damage was really touching. The ghoul's movements were as swift as the wind, but Qiao Shan also had 24 points of agility, not much slower than the monster. In addition, he was prepared to draw his bow and run back.

The monster stopped after chasing for a certain distance, roared at him, and was about to turn around when Qiao Shan shot another arrow.

The ghoul got angry now, biting behind him frantically, Qiao Shan calmly took advantage of the available terrain, turned around with an arrow.

This is called flying a kite.

Only when the 'paralyzing' effect is activated, Qiao Shan will use the skills that need to accumulate momentum. The tactics planned in advance are executed so smoothly, the surrounding area is also empty, there are no mobs, and the ghouls are widely distributed. Don't worry about being disturbed by other players!
The more he brushed Qiao Shan, the more surprised he was. Ten minutes later, the ghoul didn't even touch the corner of his clothes, and half of the blood groove was worn away.

With success imminent, he was very nervous, worried about any accidents. As expected, when the monster's blood bar was still one-third left, it suddenly screamed silently, and the ghouls that were scattered around began to gather here.

Qiao Shan was in a hurry, and after standing still, a flat A did not produce the paralyzing effect as expected, so he had to use the cooldown [Binding Arrow] as a last resort.

Within a second of freezing time, he quickly changed into a green longbow with [Freeze] special effect, and scored another flat A, freezing the monster as he wished.

【Explosive Arrow】started to gather momentum, and after changing the equipment, the agility and range were not as good as before, but the attack power and control effect increased linearly.

The monster broke free from the freezing effect, roared and rushed towards the 'fly' that was no longer running away, 30 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters, as fast as a cheetah rushing at full speed, Qiao Shan looked at its stench Before his big mouth bit his head, he had finished accumulating momentum, the strongest skill [Explosive Arrow] was equipped with the special skill [Thousand Jun] - the arrow that increased the skill damage and stun effect by 50% was shot, and only heard a popping sound , deeply pierced the monster's chest, and then exploded with a "Boom!"! -
Qiao Shan, who had the highest damage in his life, was also thrown several meters away by the shock wave, and rolled awkwardly on the pitch-black mud. When he got up, he was grabbed by the dying monster's claws on his chest, his eyes darkened, and he almost held his breath go.

It hurts, it hurts!

The almost real pain made him break out in a cold sweat, and the loss of the blood gauge was the second most important thing, and it was fatal to lose his ability to react for a while.

Fortunately, the monster was already at the end of its strength, and the laceration wound of the bursting arrow was still bleeding. Finally, it fell down with a bang, and four circles of light, one blue, one green, and two white, represented falling.

[You killed the demonized ghoul lv18 elite]

[You have gained 254 experience points]

[You have gained 10 faction reputation]

Is this a system bug?

Level [-] elite monsters let me brush alone?

Qiao Shan was still surprised, but was suddenly thrown forward by a huge force coming from behind, his life lost wildly, he was fainted in mid-air, and fell heavily to the ground.

He thought it was the arrival of other ghouls, but only after seeing the system prompt did he know it was not.

[You are attacked by the player Tarzan, HP -35]

【You are dizzy】

He didn't know what happened here, and before he got up, he shouted: "Don't do it, buddy, I have something to do..."

Before he finished speaking, the last bit of life was taken away by a set of [combo skills], turned into a white light, and furiously returned to the nearest resurrection point.


Qiao Shan's eyes were red.

Tarzan the Ape, how could this bastard enter the red zone to spawn monsters?

Just broke the blue outfit!
Uncle can bear it and auntie can't bear it, he immediately teleported back, with half an hour of fall protection, enough time.

Steal Lao Tzu's equipment?

When he rushed back to the Nightmare Swamp, he unexpectedly saw a black line spreading from the red area, and the ground trampled by countless horseshoes was like an earthquake!
Damn, this is...a plot?
Wholesale, this is, the third test is coming to an end, is the system in a hurry?
Fuck it, it's important to grab equipment.

Back to the place where he hung up, the player named Tarzan was unexpectedly absent, and the things Qiao Shan exploded were lying there alive.

How is this going?

What about the sneak attacking bastard?
(End of this chapter)

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