This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 177 The system hacked my equipment

Chapter 177 The system hacked my equipment
"Did that guy come out?"

"almost caught"

"Let him run away again?"

"This person is very vigilant, and... the spell level is very high"

In the newly completed mage's tower, Bei Gaoyang was lying on the soft leather sofa, drinking lemonade while watching the light curtain that Xiao Ai opened for him.

The unlucky player Tarzan the Ape...

Don't force any loyalty to the player, besides, he is kept in the dark, I'm afraid he is still dreaming of story missions and system backdoors.


But he sees that he is so quick to kill people and steal goods, I am afraid that he is not a good person in reality...

Xiao Ai didn't expect his attention to diverge to such an insignificant place, and he was still searching the entire network for the guy hiding behind Tarzan the ape.

The spell level of the magic net is only 3. It is very difficult to find a spellcaster whose spell level is far higher than it. After all, the magic net is not a domain, and it cannot break the spell effect of a higher level. It is normal to find this person .

Bei Gaoyang is not in a hurry, the mage tower is ready, and the core device of the magic net is also installed, so what if there is a 9-ring great mage?

However, the centaur suddenly marched into the game area in a large scale and deserved to be taken seriously.

"The centaur should have captured the Rock Fortress." Xiao Ai analyzed the large amount of clues and data collected, "Aren't you going to confirm it yourself?"

"No need!" Bei Gaoyang put down his water glass, rubbed his brows and smiled wryly: "If the Rock Fortress has fallen, I don't need to look to know what's going on...the life will be ruined!"

"Are you worried about your racial stance as a human?"

Bei Gaoyang neither admitted nor denied: "Out of sight, out of mind, although the people in the fortress are pitiful, this is how the world works. The dwarves are not pitiful, what about the orcs, and those ghosts who are used and abandoned by humans? Tragic thing The more you see, the harder your heart will be.”

But Xiao Ai thought in her heart, if her heart is really hard, why doesn't she want to go and have a look?

"Be wary of every move of the centaur, I want to see if they have the guts to provoke me at this time"

"It should be because of the Mage Tower..."

"...That's it, I guess they dare not come in."

I didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

The centaur troops stayed at the boundary of the game area for a while, and unexpectedly broke into the game area in mighty force.

Bei Gaoyang's face turned cold after receiving Xiaoai's report, and he immediately dodged and went to the sixth floor of the mage's tower.

The powerful spiritual power blended with the spiritual power amplification circle on the sixth floor, and thousands of them basically started to resonate. The still-forming magic pool and element pool roared like two engines, incomparably The pure magic power was mobilized by the slightly lit tower body and gathered to the sixth floor.

Bei Gaoyang felt as if he had put on a thick 'mecha', propped it up to the same height as the mage tower, dispatched a huge amount of magic power far beyond what he could mobilize before, and activated the 'spell memory' engraved on the sixth floor ', a 6-level large-scale spell [Meteor Fire Shower] is about to take shape.

Coupled with the increase of the magic net, the range of projection power of this small mage tower has been greatly expanded. At a distance of more than 60 kilometers, large swaths of dark clouds gathered out of thin air, and the manic magic power flooded Heaven and earth, Bei Gaoyang's spirit and will are projected to this area from a long distance.


The centaur shaman yelled, "Bring that undead up!"

The unlucky Qiao Shan was tied up and pushed to the front!
"Protest, I protest, I want to sue you for abusing players..."

As soon as the gagged rag was pulled off, Qiao Shan yelled, pity that he was caught by the centaur as soon as he walked out of the nightmare swamp. Seeing his miserable appearance, the centaur must have not entertained him well, just like an African refugee Yes, all the equipment on his body was stripped...

Naturally, the centaurs couldn't understand what he said, and they stepped on the soft ground in the game area anxiously, startled by the powerful magic effect that was forming above their heads, and the horses neighed one after another!
"Undead, go and tell that venerable archmage that we are from the tribe of centaurs and scorpions. There is no malice in this trip!" the great shaman said to him kindly.

Qiao Shan rolled his eyes, "Where is my equipment? You robbed the player's property. Don't think that you can fool it by giving a task!"

"Equipment?" The old centaur was puzzled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Give him back the things!"

A strong centaur totem warrior threw a pile of equipment that had been trampled into tatters.

Qiao Shan's heart bleeds when he saw it, and he put away the pile of junk like a hungry tiger. Fortunately, the paralysis ring and the top-quality green longbow only lost a little durability.

"That's it, that's it, my equipment doesn't last long..."

Before he could finish speaking, the centaur totem warrior threw out a few golden magic props.

Looking at the green, blue, and even purple auras in front of him, Qiao Shan's eyes almost popped out. At this time, the system prompt for being late finally arrived, and it really was a plot mission...

Damn it, it's time for me to make a fortune!
Qiao Shan ecstatically put all the aura on the ground into his backpack, and coughed pretendingly, "That's it, that's it..."

"Give it to him!", the big shaman waved his hand lightly indifferently.


Silver coins, gold coins, and even platinum coins that I haven't seen before... Almost buried Qiao Shan, and that's not the end, many centaurs still smashed him with daggers, long swords, armor, rings and necklaces , the magical aura buried him alive as if he didn't want money.

ah ah ah...

Mine, all mine...

The backpack couldn’t fit anymore, Qiao Shan was still stuffing it into his bosom, he took off his tattered enchanted trousers and made it into a big bag, he stuck his white butt and desperately stuffed it into it, his mind was lost , I didn't see that the money and equipment were marked with a mission prop, and I was completely stunned and nerve-wracked.

It turns out that there is such a thing as being knocked out by money!
Bei Gaoyang, who saw this kind of ugliness from the light curtain unfolded by Xiao Ai, couldn't bear it anymore, it was too fucking embarrassing, so a bolt of lightning struck him down.

"Ouch, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Although he hated this guy for losing his own people, Bei Gaoyang didn't want to do anything to him, he gave him a small warning, didn't let him lose his life which was not much, but just increased the pain to make him wake up quickly.

At this time, the players who received the notification from the system were coming one after another, leaving the teleportation array in groups, gathering in groups and screaming towards the front of the centaur troops.

One side is the boundless centaur army, the army is well-organized, with a strong sense of murder in the air, and the other side is the stragglers gathered by the players, just like the Afghan guerrillas who are fighting head-on with the rice army. In the sky, a pair of invisible eyes are watching, The [Meteor Fire Shower] that was still gaining momentum turned day into night, let flames burn in the sky, and made flaming meteorites condense on the heads of the two armies.

"Big scene, big scene!"

Some players have been recording for a long time, and some people are dancing excitedly, as if the system's "big coin" is about to repeat itself, not at all afraid of the enemy on the other side.

"Hey, who is that beggar!?"

"Fuck, player!"

"It's like being raped [-] times, hehe..."

"Special mission?"


"Depend on!"

In the midst of everyone's attention, Qiao Shan, with an electric afro on his head, a scorched face, and two bare white legs, walked this way carrying large and small bags.

Smiling while walking...

The centaur shaman looked at the faintly formed team of players, and was secretly startled. In just how long, these undead have 'reproduced' so many, and the growth rate is still so fast. The last time I saw them, it was not worth mentioning. Have the strength compared with the tribal warriors?

"What's on this guy's body... Damn, equipment!?"

"...It's too exaggerated, is it true or not?"

"Everyone, let's explode him!"

"The system prompts that you can't attack, is it in the process of the plot?"

"Fuck, who is this kid?"

"I know, I know——Xiaoqiao Liushui, he has a top-quality paralysis ring, he's a very wretched, very chicken thief, and he's a first-time player!"

Qiao Shan was triumphant, and looked at the players who were about to move with contempt. The system prompted 'in the process of the plot' so that he had no fear, so he swaggered to the front of the teleportation array, and the next second the main thread NPC [projection] Waiting for him there.

"Master Legion Commander, I..."

"I already know, thank you child, leave the rest to me"


"Thank you for bringing back the gifts of the centaurs, can you give them to me now?"


Qiao Shan was still in a daze, and the projection of the main thread NPC waved his hand lightly. All the big and small bags on his body, including the platinum and gold coins in the system backpack, were all recovered by the system.


The ups and downs of life are so exciting, Qiao Shan cried and hugged the projection's legs, but only touched a piece of air, Bei Gaoyang hated him for losing his face, and didn't even restore the lost equipment for him, turned around and appeared in the middle In front of the array of troops.

"Salute to you, Your Excellency the powerful spellcaster!"

The big centaur shaman bowed slightly, and performed the etiquette of a nomadic barbarian showing respect and no hostility. Bei Gaoyang's projection smiled, "It's easy to say, dear elder, what is your purpose?"

The big centaur shaman smiled and said, "I always knew that there was a neighbor like you, but I was so entangled in trivial matters that I couldn't find a chance to meet him. In addition, I have some small things to discuss with you."

"Small matter? Could it be the Rock Fortress?"

"The Rock Fortress has been conquered...Your Excellency, do you have the honor to visit your mage tower?"

"Uh... aren't you afraid?"

The great shaman smiled gently: "I'm already 178 years old, I should have returned to the embrace of my ancestors long ago..."

"Where are your magic sticks?"

"The Demon Scorpion Tribe is proud to obey the ancient inheritance..."

Bei Gaoyang understood in seconds, it turned out to be a centaur tribe controlled by the spirit of nature.

There are not many such nomadic barbarians who insist on tradition in the wasteland.



At this time, the [Meteor Fire Shower] that was brewing in the sky began to weaken, large swaths of dark clouds receded, the boiling magic power calmed down, the red flames were extinguished, and the meteorite that was about to fall seemed to have never appeared before. Shoot down through the gap, forming a beam of golden light.

In the light beam, the main thread NPC and an old centaur converged.

A projection, a half-man half-horse covered in bone ornaments, gorgeous feathers, and full-body leather armor, is located in the center of the golden light beam falling from the sky, paying tribute to each other... This scene is extremely beautiful and magical, and every frame is comparable to the most beautiful On the CG screen, the players enjoyed the plot, and the world channel was like a vegetable market, guessing what the next plot would be.

Of course, there are also discordant places.

Qiao Shan couldn't accept the tragic reality of 'from outbreak to abject poverty', so he went all out, and yelled at the shady scenes of the game, what kind of rewards were there for such a big plot, the NPC played by a real person hacked his equipment gold coins, and he would sue Canaan when he went offline The company went bankrupt and so on.

Some players who didn't know the truth followed suit, usually it's fine, but this time there was an outsider, or an unusual outsider, Bei Gaoyang's face was a little uncomfortable.

" trained...warriors?" The centaur shaman noticed the embarrassment of [Projection], which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted.

The projection didn't answer, and went straight to the teleportation array.

But Qiao Shan doesn't care about the plot or not...

"It's still my negligence, how about I make it up to him?"

"no need!"

Xiao Ai reminded that just now he not only took away the things from the centaur, but also took away the props that belonged to this player.

But it's not unreasonable to let him make such a fuss, look at his ghostly appearance, it's really embarrassing to throw it at grandma's house.

With a wave of projection, Qiao Shan's equipment and the contents of his backpack were all back to normal. Bei Gaoyang didn't remember what he took away. Those were given by the centaur, and those belonged to him. He couldn't do that in a hurry. Be careful, and I don't know if it will be cheaper for him.


Letting the centaur shaman into the teleportation array, he turned around and glared at Qiao Shan, who had died down, and lifted the system restriction of "in the process of the plot", allowing the players to move freely.

The players looked for Qiao Shan everywhere, but Qiao Shan had already disappeared with oil on his feet.

In this way, Bei Gaoyang welcomed the first real guest in the Mage Tower.

Players also ushered in the first real plot interaction, and had a real intersection with the indigenous forces in the Canaan world.

There were different opinions about this unexpected incident online and offline, and soon fell into a fiery quarrel.

Bricks and beasts from all walks of life came out one after another, breaking up the recorded video and analyzing it, and Qiao Shan and his ID Xiaoqiao Liushui became household names overnight.

At this time, there were less than two days left before the 10-day period.

Finally, the fourth layer of magic net is about to start.

Just like the third layer of the magic net is a qualitative leap compared to the second layer, the fourth layer and every subsequent layer is a qualitative improvement compared to the previous layer, which is due to the level of magic and the complexity of the spell structure. determined.

(End of this chapter)

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