Chapter 178
It's said, it's just said that a fierce quarrel broke out between the main thread NPC and the centaur shaman in the Mage Tower, and some players in the corner said that the two almost had a fight.

There are also people who say with certainty that when the centaur shaman left, he pointed at the mage tower and cursed the main thread NPC as a vampire, with no sincerity to cooperate, and did not treat the powerful scorpion tribe as a dish.

Of course, the sound insulation effect of the mage tower can't be so bad. Even if the centaur shaman gets angry again, he can't point at the mage tower and curse. , You have a brain hole to do such a thing, right?
But after this meeting, a thousand-strong centaur totem warriors, including their magic pets, servants, and enslaved monster legions, joined the sequence of the rebel army. Reached a strategic cooperation, and will help each other in the future, determined to overthrow all slavery and oppression, and liberate the entire Canaan cloud.

There are a few more centaur high-level NPCs in the system, but the game map has not been increased, but a wasteland with few monsters has been opened up as the resident and pasture of this centaur army.

The reminder said that during the fourth test, the mount, magic pet system, and centaur and scorpion alliance camp gameplay will be opened, the orc and elf races will be opened, the barbarian and bard professions will be opened, and the alpha battlefield will be open around the clock without restrictions, etc. .

At this time, there is only one day left before the 10-day period.

"Xiao Ai, wash it again!"

The centaur shaman has been gone for a long time, and Bei Gaoyang seems to be able to smell the fuss emanating from him, the hooves, the hooves, it's not for nothing, even if the furniture in the living room has been changed, he has a slight obsession with cleanliness The archmage is still in shock.

In this meeting, both sides got what they needed, and the atmosphere of the negotiation was indeed not friendly. Bei Gaoyang opened his mouth like a lion, seeing the fact that the other party was being excluded, and proposed a humiliating condition that was almost selling himself to join him.

Up to now, he still remembers the astonished expression of the 178-year-old centaur great shaman, and the saliva that spewed from the opponent's mouth after that made Bei Gaoyang almost think he was attacked by poisonous gas...

The Rock Fortress was captured, and one hundred thousand centaur totem warriors and several times the servants passed through this gap, and poured into the Huahua World within the borders of the human kingdoms, and centaur tribes from other attacking directions also rushed to this gap ...

The Scorpion Tribe is worried about this, insisting on their traditions that they have always been an outlier in the tribal alliance, and they don't have much right to speak. At this time, it is impossible to stop the red-eyed clansmen who are stimulated by the colorful world and jihad slogans.

Coupled with being assigned to an extremely dangerous attack direction, worrying about the future of the tribe, in order to keep the safety of the rear retreat, they can only reach a certain degree of cooperation with the archmage who has a mage tower and thousands of new undead troops.

This thousand-strong centaur force is the sincerity of cooperation.

There are only more than a hundred centaur totem warriors in this army, led by two centaur totem warriors and Wu Zhu, and the rest are servants composed of ogres, trolls, and gnolls. The masters of the human race and monsters, especially the Demon Scorpion Tribe who adhere to the worship of ancestors, have tens of thousands of years of experience in this area, and their family background is amazing. With them, at least the mount and magic pet system can be solved.

The Alpha plane can also be handed over to these professionals to completely transform the unknown so-called devil farm into a ranch that can stably provide mounts and magic pets.

And these benefits are just an appetizer.

Bei Gaoyang must be the entire Demon Scorpion tribe. He is not optimistic about the future of the centaur. Judging from various signs, the centaur pantheon is the next target of the human gods. No matter how smooth the holy war in the material world is, it is decided The winner and loser can only be won in the battle of the kingdom of God. Compared with the powerful strength of the human gods in the [Twilight Meeting], two or three kittens from the centaur gods are not enough to watch, and it is too late to hide. This time the centaur gods I don't know what kind of hysteria happened, to jump out of the bloody battle in the abyss and face the impossible opponent with hard steel, isn't this courting death?
Before the centaur falls, Bei Gaoyang must seize every opportunity to strengthen himself. It is estimated that this time will not be too long, nor will it be too short. At least within two years, the centaur can still persist.

It's hard to say after two years.

When the believers in the material world suffer heavy losses, the centaur gods have to stand up to provide support for the believers. Once they do so, their position in the kingdom of God may be detected by the human gods. Jihad, and now it's just the prologue.

Bei Gaoyang even suspected that the slow action of the human kingdoms and the fall of the Rock Fortress were some kind of strategy to lure the enemy in. When it comes to conspiracy and tricks, centaurs are not enough.

Speaking of which, since the front line is so tight, how can those enemies on the Alpha battlefield still sit still?

He said 10 days would be 10 days, so that the traps he had arranged in advance fell into empty space.

It was also a coincidence that Yaris, who was staying on the Alpha plane, was about to continue the design of the fourth layer of the magic net, and sent a warning message through Xiao Ai—the enemy on the opposite side had changed.

"It's time to finish it...Xiao Ai, send a system announcement"

As soon as the upgraded white light rose over Zhang Miao, the announcement of the opening of the expansion pack Chapter 2 appeared on the World Channel.

"I only have 2 hours of game time left, how about you?"

"3 hours left"

"half an hour"

"What's going on here!?"

Hsieh Changting and Erniu are not online. Once the system announcement is made, there will be congestion. The first wave will definitely not be able to catch up.

"What if there is no time limit like last time?"

The three rushed back in a hurry. The players they saw along the way were all running towards the safe zone. The world channel was full of noise. The online players were all glad that they had caught up. , never take the initiative to go offline.

"What else can I do, I'm sure I won't be able to drink the soup!"

"Why is the expansion pack advanced?"

"Ask Canaan Company"

When the three of them walked out of the teleportation array, they saw that the square in Buck City was already crowded with people. The third floor and the outer third floor of several teleportation NPCs were full of people, and some players' booths were squeezed out of shape.

Seeing such a frenzied atmosphere, the three rushed to panic for no reason. When Zhang Miao saw someone coming out of the system's black store, he remembered that the equipment had not been repaired and the medicine had not been replenished.

He hurriedly pulled two teammates to buy potions at a player's booth, and then squeezed hard to the blacksmith's shop to repair the equipment. At this moment, he suddenly saw a sneaky player coming out of the blacksmith's shop. Zhang Miao felt that The sight was familiar, and someone shouted: "Little bridge and flowing water, here is the small bridge and flowing water!"

Immediately, all the players around looked over, all of them looked like wolfs and tigers, as if they wanted to kill this sneaky player alive.

To say that the most well-known players are not a few patriarchs who already have a family resident, nor are they the first to be promoted to the rank of [Third Sergeant], and they are not local tyrants who spend money to rush to the title of [Apprentice Knight] , but him, Qiao Shan, Xiaoqiao Liushui, who was rumored to have received the system's hush money, a 18-level archer player who got lucky and everyone wanted to blow him up.

On the Alpha plane, Bei Gaoyang boarded the spiers of the Devil's Castle, and saw groups of Griffin Knights circling around the city wall at low altitude. In the jungle on the ground, a large number of players were killed and returned to the resurrection point in the city. , On the towering trees, the enemy's scouts are climbing up to look out, providing a warning signal ahead for the approaching army.

This time the enemy was obviously more methodical and deployed strictly according to the set of marching formations. It is roughly estimated that the combined number of monster legions commanded by Griffin Riders, professional adventurers, and barbarians is no less than 5000.

5000 troops organized by elite professionals, this is already the full strength that a small country can show. It is not known how many high-level professionals the other side has. Judging from the results of the last test, at least the one pretending to be a demon Old guy, the professional level is not weaker than himself.

"grown ups!?"

Yaris' slightly nervous voice recalled Bei Gaoyang's thoughts. He knew what the follower was asking, and after a moment of pondering, he said, "Open the seal, it's time!"

Yaris readily agreed, turned around and went to the secret vault, and not long after, 10 war golems drove to the ground with a huge momentum.

"Big scene, big scene!!"

As soon as Zhang Miao walked out of the teleportation array, he saw a dwarf player looking up at the huge and ferocious war golem and muttering to himself. The ten golems lined up in a row were very visually impactful. The feet made of iron are really like ants.

As far as the eye can see, there are people moving around in the Devil's Square, the teleportation array and the resurrection point, and the continuous flashing of white light, from which come out one by one excited, confused, or anxious players.

In a blink of an eye, the teammates were squeezed out of sight.

Forming a team on the battlefield has the advantages of forming a team, and the lone ranger also has the flexibility and convenience that few people have. Hu Xinmin doesn't know, at least if Brother Ran prefers to act alone, Zhang Miao will not force it.

The senior NPC Yaris and the vampire Edward initiated the legion group, and the system prompted whether to join, Zhang Miao hesitated.

Joining the legion has guaranteed meritorious service and silver coin rewards, but correspondingly assigns various defensive and attack tasks, and PK is not prohibited among legion members, it is cheating, it seems that any team formation mode in the battlefield is not safe, and I don’t know the dog What does the planning mind think.

Forget it, let's play by ear!

Confident players all choose this way, and less than a third of them joined the legion. This part of the players quickly found a goal, received various tasks, and rushed to the walls everywhere.

"The hunting team will form a group. Gold medal players above level 18 will report their real names and home addresses to join the group. Picking methods will take turns!"

"The lone ranger finds a thief partner, joins the group for a detailed chat, and reports his real name and home address. It's easy to be fooled!"

"Teams of five enter the group, teams of five enter the group, pick up and throw the dice, if you can't afford it, don't come!"

"Sun potion, sun potion, 20 silver in a bottle, 1 gold in a group, a must for killing people and stealing money, don't miss it when you pass by!"

"The family has received meritorious service for a long time, accepted futures, and signed formal business contracts. Bosses and heroes from all walks of life are welcome to consult and negotiate business!"

"The pastor's MM is looking for someone to take care of her. She is 18 years old. She has fair skin, beautiful skin and long legs. She can show her face and run around..."

Seeing the chaos in the square and the steeple of the castle, Bei Gaoyang pointed at these chaotic players and asked Bob behind him, "What do you think they look like?"

"Wolves, a pack of hungry demon wolves who smell prey!"

The metaphor of the young city lord made Bei Gaoyang laugh out loud. He turned around and looked outside the city. There were no sporadic players anymore.

In the jungle, the enemy has completely become an active place. A group of tall ogres came out first, and then a large number of monster legions rushed towards the city wall noisily.

The Griffin Knights were still cruising around the periphery, and the enemy's regular army could not be seen.

"Hmph, looking forward and backward!"

Bei Gaoyang saw the guilty conscience and hesitation of the other party, waved his hand lightly, the city gate opened, and ten war golems walked out of the city rumblingly with footsteps that made the ground tremble.

The players in the square also moved, screaming, grimacing, and screaming meaninglessly. They followed the last war golem and rushed out of the city in a mess.

At this time, the horn sounded in the jungle, and a large number of Griffin Knights began to form in the air, and a large number of armor reflections appeared on the edge of the jungle.


More than [-] ogres took the lead in charging. These blue-skinned monsters with a height of more than three meters ran, and their momentum was not much weaker than that of the activated war golem.

There was a concave ripple in the player's phalanx, and the players in front of the charge stepped aside one after another, as if they were about to collapse.

Actually it is not.

The first [Fire Element Demonic Wolf Statue] opened its ferocious mouth, revealing the dark blue gun barrel inside. Terrifying magic power gathered in its mouth in the form of a ball of light, and after three seconds, it spit it out.

One, two, three, four... The continuous fireballs spread out a wide front as the head of the wolf statue swayed, and in midair, the fireballs expanded one by one, bursting with terror The energy bombarded the front of the ogre charge.

Boom, boom, boom... Covered by artillery fire comparable to the earth, all the ogres that were directly hit all screamed miserably, their arms and thighs flew around, and a sea of ​​flames exploded. The damage value, rushed out of the flames in embarrassment, but the momentum of going forward was no longer there.

"Come on!"



The players who hadn't dared to confront head-on just now showed a fiery enthusiasm for fighting, their eyes were red one by one, everyone rushed to the first, flooded over the war golems, and met the vanguard of more than [-] ogres left.

In Zhang Miao's field of vision, there are people everywhere, crowds are gathering and killing everywhere, and ghosts are screaming everywhere. He squeezed into a battle group anxiously, just in time to see a thief player being killed by a cannibal with one arm missing. The magic counterattack turned into a white light, and then he saw arrows nailed to his body like raindrops, blocked by the armor on it, and the impact from the explosion was like the ripples of raindrops falling on the water surface...

The blood bar is too long.

One tube was emptied and another came out.

Zhang Miao cautiously held on to her skills and mixed in the team to act as Mr. Dong Guo.

Unexpectedly, no matter how loudly the wishful thinking was played, it could not keep up with the rapid changes of the battlefield. The enemy's follow-up troops rushed up, and because the players blocked the golem's attack position for them, they were unscathed.


Zhang Miao watched helplessly as a large number of players in the front side were knocked away by the powerful force from behind, and the people turned into white lights in the air, and then saw, one by one, like black flame knights rushing out of purgatory, they The man and the horse are one, the armor with the magic patterns on it even protects the mount underneath, only the eyes of the man and the mount are exposed, both eyes are shining with a frightening fire, charging in the queue of thousands of players In the middle, like a sharp blade out of its sheath, it went straight to the war golem.

 The chapter titles of the first two chapters are wrong, and I can’t change them. It’s not easy to troubleshoot such a trivial matter. It’s the Chinese New Year. Please bear with me.
(End of this chapter)

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