Chapter 180

The player's soul will not be sucked away for a while, and the opponent on the steeple is very stable and experienced without being disturbed. The high-ranking demon smiled helplessly, stopped doing these small actions aimed at disturbing the opponent's mind, and slammed into the city wall.

With a shifted voice, Yaris shouted to his comrades defending in various positions. Each of the magic substrates was already activated. At this time, the power was turned on to the maximum, and the magic power was crazily extracted, propping up a protective cover that covered the entire wall.



The high-level demon shook his head in the low air, while the protective cover shattered with a tooth-piercing crackling sound, and a large number of substrates were shattered. Bob and other NPC players gritted their teeth and launched an attack at the demon stagnant in the low air. Shock!

The high-level demon flicked like a fly, and the system skills of more than a dozen NPC players were thrown aside like a child's play. The demon raised his right arm, and suddenly opened a pair of beholder-like compound eyes in the palm of his hand!

In an instant, everyone felt that they were being stared at by a purely malicious eye, like a frog stared at by a poisonous snake, who was shocked from body to soul.

The demon's other hand was held in the air, and a long whip burning with raging black flames appeared in his hand. The demon sang a nursery rhyme with a beautiful melody and a playful style, and whipped the whip up the steeple!
Only high-level demons can perfectly integrate magic and physics.

Bei Gaoyang's chanting was at the most rapid and high-pitched stage. When the long whip came, he still didn't make any movement. The dozens of defensive shields piled up by the magic net were shattered, and the whip shadow hit a shell unstoppably. Gao Yang's body was slapped in the jungle behind the demon by the distorted space transfer.


The black flames all over the sky drew a deep whip mark in the jungle, the animals and plants were burned to death, and a deep crack was drawn on the exposed rust-colored surface.

One blow was useless, and the devil was not surprised. He sang a beautiful childlike voice like a little girl, and swung his whip again, emitting whip shadows all over the sky, pressing down on the steeple on the castle like a mountain.

At this level of battle, extraordinary people of Yaris and Edward's level can't intervene at all, let alone the players.

The upper limit of the magic net determines the upper limit of players. Only when the number reaches a certain level of quality can we use the combat power and the weight of the balance of victory and defeat. The current magic net and players are far from reaching this level. level, so I can't help at all.

Fortunately, Bei Gaoyang alone is enough to deal with it.

The [Historical Mirror Image] on the left was the first to finish singing. He ignored the shadows of the whip that hit the sky, and pointed at the demon's real body with a finger [Great Disintegration].

Silently, raging black flames ignited all over the high demon's body, and the [Abyss Halo] that spread out retracted in the blink of an eye, compressing and solidifying into a solid 'cocoon' around him.

A soundless wind blows, the black flame goes out first, and then the 'cocoon'!
A large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the 'cocoon', dripping black demon blood, peeling off like dry bark, layer by layer, and finally, the high-level demon roared and jumped out of it, full of cracks. Claw pointed at the steeple: "Death!"

The surfaces of the three Bei Gaoyang's bodies flickered, their bodies withered and withered in the blink of an eye, their figures shattered, and went away with the wind, leaving behind three laughing paper figures torn apart.

The singing continued, and the minaret condensed itself in the waves. After the "Historical Mirror Image" on the right finished singing, a rolling dice was thrown into the air—the seven-ring spell [Dice of False Fate], "Six or one?"

"Fuck you!", the high-level demon was furious, and swiped his whip towards the steeple, and the reversal happened again. The shadow of the whip all over the sky changed direction the moment it touched the steeple, and whipped towards the high-level demon.


It is impossible for the same trick to take effect twice, and the demon also disappeared in its original position, replaced by Bob and the others who surrounded the demon like flies attacking in vain.

"Six or one?"

[Historical mirror image] Asked again, the high-level demon's expression became extremely dignified, and the playful nursery rhymes stopped. Bob and a dozen NPC players were instantly killed on the spot, and the soul was transmitted along the magic net channel to the resurrection node in the city go.

At this time, the high-ranking demons had no time to worry about the magic net and the players who had nothing to do with the overall situation. The white light of resurrection rose in patches in the city, and the world channel, friends channel, family channel, and nearby channels were in an uproar.



There are, there are, players have no idea of ​​the current danger, they are aware of delays and freezes, and they also think that the server is overloaded and the graphics card is burning...

"Six or one!?"

With such three questions, the devil can no longer delay, and the mysterious rules driven by the mysterious core in the dark have already raised their knives and forks and put on their napkins.

"Six, six, I choose six!"

The high-ranking demon made a choice, and the spinning dice in the void stopped immediately, with one side facing up, and the historical mirror image on the right said: "Wrong answer!"

The high-ranking demon laughed loudly and said, "The dice of false fate, the false fate can do nothing to me!"

The next choice is on Bei Gaoyang's side. He can put forward a request for high-level demons to the mysterious bottom-level rules. There is an upper limit for this request, which cannot exceed the scope of the seven-ring spell, otherwise the overflow will be borne by his body !

The mirror image of history says: "Deprive!"

Depriving the high-level demon of the ability to devour souls to strengthen itself, which happens to exist at the upper limit of the seven-ring spell, the stomach of the high-level demon thundered, and the undigested soul spewed out from his uncontrollably opened mouth!

The soul of the war angel appeared on the battlefield, she gave a soft reprimand, and her head flew out of the demon's cracked chest, the gate of the kingdom of God opened again, and before fleeing back to the plane of the kingdom of God, the angel said: "What I see is what my Lord sees! "

At this time, Bei Gaoyang's body had just finished singing, and the seven-ring spell - the wrath of the stars, the void became pitch black, and several fiery red 'stars' were connected in a line, and the beam of light that descended from the sky lasted only one ten-thousandth of a second. The high-ranking demon who lost the soul of the war angel and the grand duke was as weak as before breaking through the seal, unable to resist at all, and was immediately wiped out in the beam of light.

The two historical mirror images also exceeded the validity of the eight-ring spell and returned to Bei Gaoyang's body.

When the strong light dissipated and the gate of the kingdom of God in the void closed, Bei Gaoyang withdrew the [False Dice of Fate], touched a new crack on it with pain, scanned the devastated Alpha plane, and let out a long sigh.

Win or lose! ?

On the surface, he won. The high-ranking demon had no choice but to return to the abyss to be resurrected. The grand duke who competed with him for the half-plane was lost in spirit, and the remaining minions were no longer a threat.

But from a strategic point of view, it is a lose-lose situation. The coordinates of the Alpha plane have been exposed. The damn duke flipped the table. When the chance of winning was slim, he actually used a war angel to sacrifice the abyss and let a seal in the abyss. The high-level demons in the material world have temporarily recovered. In order to achieve their goals, they sacrificed themselves. They are ruthless enough to themselves and do not leave any backs to the enemy. This is the first time Bei Gaoyang has seen such an unlimited and crazy nobleman.

Whether the Alpha plane will give up or not will be discussed later. He looked at the collapsed and disintegrated remnant enemies full of hatred, and asked Xiao Ai to issue a system announcement for the end of the plot.

The rest is the performance time of the players.

It's just a's not very useful.

"It's only the third layer of magic net, don't worry, be patient, be patient!"

Bei Gaoyang said this to himself, and then disappeared into the spire that had been guarding.

"Boom...", the city wall riddled with holes collapsed.

A huge 'black hole' appeared in the sky, and it took a long time for it to be filled with 'color'. The city was in a mess, and the buildings collapsed in pieces. The jungle outside the city, the danger of strong wind, heavy rain, hail, and infiltration from the chaotic sea 'Fog'!
The towering giant trees were obviously not affected, but they were collapsing in pieces. Large areas of vegetation visible to the naked eye were withered, and the unstoppable gust of wind swept across the city and outside the city. Gives people a sense of sight that is about to break.

The ground cracked while trembling, the columnar peaks fell down like raindrops of boulders, the waterfalls flowed backwards, and the rivers dried up... All of these are just the aftermath of the late battle, but they give people a sense of the end of the world.

Even the stone demon castle has collapsed, only the steeple that Bei Gaoyang once stood and guarded is brand new.

The main thread NPC is so terrifying, in the eyes of the players, it is simply not human, even if it is a god, it is nothing more than that?

The aftermath didn't dissipate until half an hour later, and the stabilized half-plane lost one-third of its land area, and it was devastated. A permanent change, when the players walked out of the ruins of the city gate, they faced a completely strange world.

The enemy disappeared without a trace, and the portal collapsed in the sea of ​​chaos. They couldn't go there, and could only hide everywhere in this half-broken demiplane.

In the sky in the distance, a Griffin Knight was struck by lightning in the clouds, whirled and fell to the ground billowing in smoke and dust. What equipment was lost, was it hacked by the system and so on.

At this time, the prompt [The third test will end in 10 hours...] made all players feel lost.

Is this the end?
"If it weren't for the 'faith value', the magic net would have collapsed!"

"I know!"

"Can't come again, I will die, I will, almost!"

"This time it was an accident..."

"You always talk about accidents, accidents, you can obviously do better... Ah, sorry, I'm impatient..."

"Let's prioritize the protection of the player's soul in the fourth layer of magic net!"

"What about the intelligent NPC cultivation plan? Faith value is too important. Without it, the magic net is just an ordinary spell effect. In the face of a truly powerful force, it is like a castle on the beach!"

"That's because the level of the magic net is too low. What do you want to do on the third level of the magic net? It's impossible to directly resist the high-level demons of the seventh-level and eighth-level professions? That's impossible. At critical moments, being able to protect the player's soul is enough to show It's excellent”

"That's because there is faith value!"

"The faith value is also a part of the magic net. Without the magic net, how can there be faith!?"

"Can the intelligent NPC cultivation plan gain more faith?"

"must be able to!"

"OK then……"

Bei Gaoyang really did not expect that the First World War would end in such a situation.

That's right, who could have predicted in advance that the other party actually hides a sealed high-ranking demon?
The lower limit of human nobles is too low, and I still underestimate their shamelessness.

How did such a guy get to the high position of the duke? Could it be that the upper echelons of the church are all rotten?
"Sorry, I just, just now..."

"It's the first time you're facing life-and-death danger, and it's normal for you to react like this."

"I apologize to you, my lord, for somehow I have been overwhelmed by emotions of fear and anger."

"How do you feel now?"

"It's much better."

Comforting Xiao Ai, Bei Gaoyang smiled and continued to meditate.

Where is this going!

He has experienced far more dangerous battles than this one, and his relatives, lovers, and comrades-in-arms died tragically before his eyes, only to get back to today.

Why not snatch the Book of Canaan from the Holy See?

From the very beginning, he had made sufficient preparations, and this preparation was double. He had to deal with the enemies on the Alpha plane, and he also had room to deal with the spellcaster hiding in the dark.

Otherwise, he would have prepared an eight-ring scroll [historical mirror image] in advance. From the very beginning, he was prepared to deal with powerful enemies from three aspects.

Besides, the biggest hole card, the Book of Canaan, hasn't been revealed yet.

It's just that the exposure of the Alpha plane is unreasonable, but who would have expected the other party to be so unscrupulous, isn't he afraid of being liquidated, and he doesn't care about his family?
After all, Bei Gaoyang still lost to the complexity of human society!

But, should the Alpha plane give up?

If I give up, I really can't bear it. If I don't give up, what if one day...

Forget it, forget it, it’s impossible to keep secrets forever, my existence, the magic net, and the players are going to go to the front of the hard steel, and they are all on the fourth floor of the magic net. Do you still want to keep it a secret?
"Sapling, where are you going!?"

"Ah, the best magic scepter I just bought has fallen!"

"Don't go, you can't find it!"

"I don't care, I'm going to leave evidence to seek compensation from Canaan Company!"

"...Maybe someone picked it up!?"

"The system is hacked, many people are saying..."

"They are blackmailing, imitating that guy named Xiaoqiao Liushui, but are you sure you want to trouble the main thread NPC? Don't dare! Be careful to wear small shoes for you."

"And Canaan Company"

"The Canaan Company won't talk to you!"

"Then what do you think? Woohoo, why am I so unlucky? I spent 20 yuan on that magic staff, and it's still warmed up when I got it..."

"What's the use of crying, there are still 10 hours left, let's go kill monsters, it's all outside, a lot of them are leftover blood, if you're lucky, maybe you can make money!"

"Then let's go!"


"Xiao Yu is still your best..."

(End of this chapter)

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