This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 181 Fishing and Anti-kill

Chapter 181 Fishing and Anti-kill
Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu worked together to blow up a low-level player.

"This..." Fan Chaoyue was dumbfounded.

Xia Miaomiao quickly picked up the equipment and meritorious service that fell on the ground, put them into the backpack without looking at them, and then glanced around like a thief, her eyes signaled Du Shiyu and her to flash.

Du Shiyu put away his staff and said to Fan Chaoyue, "Let's go, be careful!"

"No... why did you start a fight just now? Aren't you talking and laughing?"

"That's to let him relax his vigilance!" Xia Miaomiao said as a matter of course: "End the battle in the shortest time. There is not much time left, how can I waste it?"

Fan Chaoyue was speechless.

This is really a model of "calling my brother face to face to touch the guy behind my back". The "little brother" shouted so affectionately. Who would have thought that the two sides would meet each other in the next second.

"What are you looking at?"

Xia Miaomiao was very upset to see Fan Chaoyue staring at her all the time.

"No, nothing"

"Why didn't you just do it?"

"I... didn't react!"

"Be smarter next time!"


The three of them walked in the devastated jungle, looking for clues of players and monsters, and tensed up like a hedgehog when there was a little trouble.

Fan Chaoyue remembered the first time he met Xia Miaomiao. At that time, she was still a little hypocritical girl. She was disgusted by brushing skeletons or zombies. She thought this monster was terrifying and accused herself of having nightmares at night...

The second time I saw her, although these little problems were gone, she was still pretty good at pretending, holding her throat and talking, pretending to be cute, what kind of beautiful girl's character is there, anyway, there are many things, and a few boys are playing tricks Go round and round.

The third time I saw her, we were already very familiar with each other. Fan Chaoyue knew that she didn't like him, and thought that he was "not seeking to make progress" and ruined her good friend. It has become a lot more realistic, and it is a special money fan. It is very proactive about some allusions, secrets, and strategies in the game.I stopped messing around, and began to work hard to improve my operation level, even the most disgusting monsters can be dealt with, only because of too little experience and low burst rate.

This is the fourth time, she has turned into a female bandit, killing people without blinking an eye, calling her little brother face to face, waiting for her to relax her vigilance, and making a decisive move, but she is a priest, those few attacks just now were really... no less than a gold medal player up.

Fan Chaoyue really didn't see that she had the intention of blowing up others, and so did Du Shiyu, who was a little too late to help.

"Just delete the file for the fourth test!"

While walking, Xia Miaomiao suddenly said something inexplicable in a harsh tone.

Du Shiyu understood her, and asked, "You don't want to be a priest anymore?"

"Yeah!" Xia Miaomiao nodded, "I want to play thieves, but I think it's more suitable for me to kill and steal."

Fan Chaoyue raised his forehead and sighed secretly, what kind of game is this, forcing a young girl like this?

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, and was about to complain about every trait of her best friend when she sensed movement in the grass ahead, "Who!?"

"It's me, it's me, the three beauties don't do anything, there is no malice, no malice!"

A dwarf player came out from the grass, raised his hands when he met him, and approached with a smile.

"Don't move, just stand there and don't move!"

Xia Miaomiao raised the scepter that had just exploded, and her skills were ready to go.

"Oh, it's a pastor, that's even better!"

Sure enough, the dwarf player stopped moving, and stood [-] meters away and said, "How about cooperation, beauty? I know a place where three monsters with blood left alone..."

"Why should we trust you?" Xia Miaomiao shouted.

The dwarf player pointed to the top of his head, and then to theirs.

The "+" sign on the heads of several people is not deep, and the incentive to seduce people to commit crimes is naturally absent.

Regarding this, Fan Chaoyue had something to say in his heart, that "little brother" just now may have thought the same way, how is it now, I am afraid he is gnashing his teeth in hatred?

Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes and winked at her best friend and Fan Chaoyue. Regardless of whether Fan Chaoyue understood or not, her face changed as soon as she turned her head.


Five minutes later, the four-person team found the secret place where the monster was hiding. Suddenly, it was a big hole that was blown out. The surrounding trees and vegetation were blown away, and a few [ghost girl vines] were still ignorant and fearless on the edge of the big hole. Singing seductive songs, there is no warning that the monster is approaching by the player.

An ogre, an earth knight, and a barbarian. The ogre has half blood, the earth knight has no remaining blood on his mount, and the barbarian still has more than half of his blood.

"No, we can't eat it!"

Xia Miaomiao suppressed her excitement, so she pretended to be embarrassed and said to her new teammate, who was concentrated in the essence, "I need to find someone to help me."

"Can you still find someone at this time?"

That's right, everyone is busy, either killing monsters or killing people. With this little time left, who cares about private chats?
"...Wait, let me try!"

"Let's talk about throwing the dice first!"

The dwarf player is conceited and has emphasized the distribution of the loot from the beginning.

Xia Miaomiao smiled secretly in her heart, nodded in agreement, first chatted with Hu Xinmin in private, but sure enough, she didn't know anything, and then chatted with Shao Bing in private.

Shao Bing has the rank of [Third Sergeant] and needs to do military rank tasks. He is not as free as other players, and the private chat channel has always been unblocked.

"It's done, a level 19 thief, a gold medal master, will be there in a while."

"Great", the condensed essence was rubbing hands excitedly, I don't know if it's real or pretending, I didn't realize the danger at all, "All five professions, plus experience and meritorious service rewards, 4 hours , let's have a big fight!"

Such a noob?

Fan Chaoyue couldn't bear it anymore.

The four of them hid in the dark and waited anxiously for more than ten minutes. Every player who passed by made them shudder. Fortunately, the monster hid it cleverly. There was a small hole in the big hole, and one player just looked in hastily. With one glance, he ran further in without stopping.

Now everyone is racing against time, killing or being killed, without any intention of entanglement, when the enemy bumps into each other, it is estimated that there is not much benefit, or it will waste a lot of time, so they greet each other's relatives and say a few cruel words, What to do.

As soon as Shao Bing arrived, as a level 19 gold medalist and a top-grade green outfit, he naturally gave his teammates plenty of confidence.

"Let's do this first, in this way..."

Shao Bing was not polite, he asked for the captain's position, and arranged his troops quickly.

"Wait to explode him"

Xia Miaomiao chatted privately.


"this dwarf"

" depends"

What Shao Bing meant was to see how the dice would be thrown later.

Xia Miaomiao nodded understandingly, turned around and smiled at the 'short'.

In another hiding place, seven or eight players watched Yijiang Chunshuiliu lead the team to jump down the big pit, and discussed.

"Didn't you say that there are only three girls, why is there one more? It seems that the equipment is not bad?"

"I don't know, is it different if there is one more and one less?"

"What we want is meritorious service, one more is just right"

"What do you know? Just now, that guy knew at a glance that he was above level 15. That outfit...are you sure you can take it?"

"There are so many of us, we are afraid of farting!"

"Have you discussed it, it will be revealed soon!"

"Hey, blast them!"

A river of spring water flowed down to the bottom of the pit, but he didn't enter the stealth state. He first used up to 15 points of spirit (equipment added) to sense the movement in the dark, but he didn't hear the monster's breath.

But he didn't think too much, he walked lightly, and 'floated' to the entrance of the small pit like a ghost, and saw a fire inside, an ogre with missing arms and legs was lying inside, and the blood bar was slowly recovering .

Looking further in, the Earth Knight leaned against the wall, like a lifeless statue, only the tall barbarians walked around alive and well, looking very anxious.


He didn't see anything wrong, but he felt weird, and he couldn't tell where it was. Just as he was about to go back and ask his teammates, he heard Xia Miaomiao screaming on the team channel: "Ah, someone sneak attack!"

Shao Bing's reaction was quicker than his brain, and he saw the afterimage that crashed into him straight out of the corner of his eye, and his body was already flying backwards. In mid-air, he remembered where the strangeness was, and suddenly realized, he shouted: "The monster is fake, be careful in ambush! "

How could there be no shadows when there was fire? It must be a fishing trap specially set up with special props.

At this time, the last Fan Chaoyue was in danger.

A warrior stunned her, a warrior's set of [combo skills] took away half of her HP, and the archer's [bursting arrow] focused fire, so that as an archer, she didn't even have time to react. After falling, it dropped a green longbow and 105 points of merit.

"Son of a bitch!"

Xia Miaomiao was unable to rescue her in time, and her blood-increasing skills fell into the empty space. Just as she realized that there was something behind her, a thief's figure appeared behind her. The critical strike damage also caused her to lose a third of her blood.

Xia Miaomiao casually gave herself a [Blessing], seeing that her buddy Du Shiyu was being taken care of, she avoided the [Charge] dangerously, but was fixed in place by the [Bound Arrow], the third archer was aiming at her to gain momentum, She was one step ahead of the archer with [Mage's Hand] and pinched him, interrupting his skills.

At this time, Shao Bing landed and entered [stealth]. The enemy stared at the priest who was specifically targeting him, but he couldn't lock his position, and exclaimed: "This thief's spirit is so high, I can't find him. "

As soon as the words fell, Shao Bing's figure appeared behind her. It was just a knife, -189, a terrifying critical hit value, which made her groan, and exploded all over the ground.

The only priest died, and the remaining seven people realized that the thief was the one who threatened the most. The warrior's [Charge], the archer's [Binding Arrow], and the thief's high-speed flat A all rushed towards him, Xia Miao Miao and Du Shiyu's pressure was greatly reduced, so they escaped from the danger and distanced themselves from the enemy.

[Stealth] Entering the cooldown, Shao Bing didn't panic at all. He first slid out of the way of the charge, and then rolled forward to become invisible again.

"It's an equipment stunt!"

The enemy players who were also thieves shouted that they had lost their priests. They had nothing to do with the thieves in the [stealth] state. They could only stop attacking, gather together, and be vigilant in all directions.

Xia Miaomiao was about to give Shao Bing a [Praise], but was held back by her best friend, only to realize that the opponent was staring at her movements, so as to determine Shao Bing's position.

One second, two seconds...

"Chunshui, kill this despicable dwarf first!"

Xia Miaomiao pointed to the concentrated essence and shouted.

The condensed ones reflexively shifted a body position, and a gap appeared in the circular hedgehog formation. It was at this gap that a black shadow flashed, and the archer with his vitals exposed on the back was killed by three hits! -
47, -101, -66.

"Equip stunts!!"

What was concentrated was the essence, shouting in a tune-changed voice, and at the same time issued a [Battle Roar], immobilizing Shao Bing who was out of stealth for 0.5 seconds.

But before the skills of his teammates could hold him back, Xia Miaomiao's [Song of Hymn] fell first, and Shao Bing's attributes rose again, like a ghost. , dodged the [Combined Skill], only let the [Shadow Arrow] take away a little blood, and escaped the encirclement smoothly.

With the BUFF light effect of [Song of Hymn], Shao Bing stood firmly in front of Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu. There were only 6 opponents left, and the skill was used up seven to eighty-eight, and he didn't even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes. , but he was hung up two.

The rest of the people knew that when encountering difficult bones, the condensed essence was also bachelors, and they were about to say a few soft words, when Xia Miaomiao's group attack skill [Growth] was activated, and large branches and leaves grew under the feet of the six people. Bind them for a second.

Looking at Shao Bing again, he had already appeared behind a warrior who had run out of skills, and with a wave of his ghost claws and finger gloves, he released two half-moon-shaped light blades!
"Another equipment stunt!"

The soldier screamed like a chicken being pinched by the neck, and two light blades hit his body, taking away nearly half of his blood.

It's not over yet, Shao Bing's figure is almost attached to his body, leveling A consecutively, and even dodging the skills that his teammates issued in a hurry.

Du Shiyu's fireball technique chanted for 3 seconds.

Xia Miaomiao's skills were used up, but the cooldown time of the priest's skills was short. She was nervously watching the situation on the battlefield, and was always ready to help Shao Bing heal.


In the end, the soldier still hated on the spot, and was killed by Ping A in the 'rescue' of five teammates. His equipment and merits exploded all over the place, and Shao Bing, who was exhausted physically, threw a green light on his body. Bottom's physical strength immediately recovered by one-third.

"Ah, it's still equipped with special skills!"

The few remaining people didn't have any fighting spirit anymore, they shouted and scattered to escape.

Shao Bing was panting violently, and he was not going to chase anymore!
In fact, he didn't have the ability to chase after him anymore, and he couldn't make it any more. The equipment and meritorious deeds all over the ground were enough for this trip.

But Xia Miaomiao hated that what was condensed was the essence, and Du Shiyu was also annoyed by Fan Chaoyue's death. After singing the [Fireball Technique], he went straight to what was condensed to be the essence.

"Grandma, admit it, admit it..."


"Damn it... the adulterer and the adulterer... don't deserve a good death... don't fall into my hands... ah!"

"Kang Dang"

Although the "+" sign on these people's heads is not deep, but the backpack is full of other people's things, Xia Miaomiao smiled happily, and kept thanking Yijiang Chunshuiliu, and let him challenge the prize first.

Shao Bing only took away his meritorious service, and on the pretext that he still had a mission for the legion, he hurriedly left the team and left this fishing trap.

Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu were satisfied with harvesting more than a dozen pieces of equipment and 2 gold and 50 silver coins, and found a very interesting prop in the small pit connected to each other.

[Projection ring (secondary ring), quality: white, durability: 2/3, equipment position: left-hand ring, attribute: none, function: synchronously project the environment of the main and auxiliary rings.Note: According to legend, this is a "mobile phone" in the Canaan world, specially made by a genius and amorous magician for his concubines, who can use it to quickly find each other in the huge castle. 】

"Little rain!?" Little stars appeared in Xia Miaomiao's eyes.

"Try it, there are still two hours anyway," Du Shiyu nodded, and hurriedly sent the coordinates to Fan Chaoyue who was lost.

(End of this chapter)

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