This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 182 The Last Hunting Banquet

Chapter 182 The Last Hunting Banquet
The remnants headed by more than a dozen earth knights escorted the old family mage all the way north. Hundreds of hyena-like players surrounded them and continued to strangle them. Lost experience, feats and equipment... These things that make players crazy, there is no more movement.

Chaos broke out in the player group for a short period of time. They killed each other, white lights lit up, and more players joined in.

In the eyes of the family mage, the magic net is everywhere. It uses these hyena-like undead to cast various low-level spells for free.

These low-level spells have been changed in the name of skills, and these undead have extremely high intelligence and combat literacy, and have everything necessary for a professional. The combination of the two forms the current desperate scene.

The magic net is a reservoir, and the players are faucets, or they are cunning, cruel, brave, and omnipotent faucets. I have an absolute advantage in strength on my side, and after such endless harassment and encroachment, step into desperate situation.

The earth knight charged back and harvested the lives of the undead, but it was useless. The white lights made people desperate. Before long, the undead just killed will return to the position of biting them, crazier than before , more bloodthirsty.

The magic net, the players... Although the family mage doesn't know the whole picture of this whole system, he is amazed by just the part exposed in the water. He is also a mage. Sixty or seventy years old, but you are going to be reduced to working for the nobles?


There is no hope, my whole life.

At the age of seventy-six, he is still a fourth-level intermediate mage. It is nowhere in sight to break through to the fifth ring, but his student has hope. He is only 18 years old, and he has already touched the door frame of the second ring spell.

Seeing the immature faces of the students looking back hastily, the family mage made up his mind and prepared to surrender to the archmage who had just defeated the duke and the high demon.

But this plan can't be exposed, we need to find a suitable time, time!
Goethe, the leader of the Earth Knights, rushed from the back of the queue and asked him if he could reset the teleportation array.

The family mage smiled wryly in his heart. Only the Duke himself knew the coordinates of the Alpha plane, and he didn't know how to build a teleportation array with this key parameter.

They cannot escape unless reinforcements are provided.

But... it is impossible to have reinforcements, at least in a short period of time, the Duke's family has no spare power to organize another army to rescue them.

As for later...

There is no future, they are just a group of mice locked in a cage, and now they are only used to sharpen the minions of the kittens.

"Yes, but I need time"

The leader of the Earth Knights, Goethe, was pleasantly surprised and loudly conveyed the good news to his companions. This small army composed of Earth Knights, Barbarians, Griffon Knights, and the remnants of the Monster Legion cheered loudly, and their morale recovered.

"No, this bone is too hard to chew, it's a waste of time!"

One ebbs and another, in the group of 'hyenas', Brother Ruoran stopped and told Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin beside him.

"Then what to do, there is less than an hour left." Zhang Miao looked around the hunting battlefield, and really didn't know what opportunities to make a fortune in such a short period of time.

Brother Ruoran's eyes showed a fierce look, and he looked at a player who was yelling and yelling in the crowd.

Hu Xinmin knew what he was thinking, shook his head and said, "Who is not smarter than a monkey now? There is nothing on him."

That's right, I can't find any one with a darker '+' on the head. Some players have even stored their equipment in the warehouse. They are wearing white boards. Your backpack must be empty. What is it?

It’s too late to go back to the city and sit around waiting for a rabbit. It takes more than half an hour to travel. Now who would be stupid to go back to the city with a full body of harvest? This kind of fool has long been educated to learn.

No chance, so I can only fight to the death with this hard bone!

Once he figured it out, Brother Ruoran would fight it out. There were not a few people who thought like him, so the cheers were answered by desperate shouts.

The "hyena group" no longer wandered away, but rushed straight up in a daze, and the frontal pressure of the Earth Knight's defense increased greatly. Everyone is like setting off fireworks.

"Damn it, turtle!"

A thief player complained before he died, and the earth knight who sent him back to the city brought the 'firework' that exploded from the [Explosive Arrow], and the damage value of -2-4-1-6-3... was constantly rising from the top of his head, weak He staggered, and the horse under his crotch couldn't hold on any longer. With a scream, he fell to his knees on the ground.

What could be more exciting than this?

No more, no more!
The eyes of the players are red, the skills are overwhelming, and the afterimages of [Charge] are continuous... Unfortunately, with the sound of a muttered incantation, a green light bloomed on the Earth Knight, and the blood bar that bottomed out suddenly rose Back a third, together with the horse under his crotch, several players were thrown into the air, and stood up vigorously.

"Damn it, the mage still has a blood booster!?"


"Protest, protest, shady system!"

With the example of the small bridge and flowing water, the shady system has almost become the mantra of the players. If you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, if it happens, you won't lose two pieces of meat.

In fact, healing has always been a mage's specialty. Divine healing comes from divine grace. Ordinary people should not count on it. The drama of saving all living beings only exists in the novels of the earth. Faith is serious, and gods are superior. Without certain power and status, use divine magic to heal?
Simply blasphemous!

But in the magic net, Bei Gaoyang didn't care about these things, and the priest was defined by him as a purely auxiliary profession, and he couldn't help but say that he had no selfish revenge at work.

The players yelled a few words and saw no effect, and one player shouted, "Don't panic, everyone, persistence is victory!"

Needless to say, the others also noticed that there might be a surprise in the remaining hour, so they all gritted their teeth and vowed to eat this difficult bone into their stomachs.


The battle group has been moving northward, and the players are chasing after them. People continue to join along the way, and the scale has not decreased but increased. When passing through a damaged screaming vine forest, a larger battle group appeared in front of the side.

It was a remnant of Griffin Knights, with many barbarians, and there was a tendency for more monster legions to come and go with the players.

Coupled with the Griffin Knight who can also pour out energy to the players at low altitude, the players have a hard time coping with it, which is far less easy than here.


"Don't let the monsters merge!"

"Block it, stop it!"

The three monks had no water to eat, and the one who yelled the loudest was often the one who didn't make any effort. The confluence of the two 'monsters' was unstoppable, and all players who blocked them turned into white light.

This time it's completely out of the question.

There are griffin knights in the sky, earth knights on the ground, professional mercenaries wandering around, and trolls acting as cannon fodder, etc. The players have no chance at all. Seeing that the end of the third test is coming, knowing that it is impossible, it is better to go Try your luck elsewhere.

As a result, most of the undead who had been moving forward just now scattered away, and the rest seemed to be persistent, and they had no choice but to retreat when they saw this.


The family mage couldn't figure out the logic of the undead's behavior, and thought that the archmage who was going to join him would have to be lenient, and his determination became more determined.

"Waste my time, shit!"

Zhang Miao's three-person team was also withdrawing, carefully avoiding other players in the same group, and at the same time looking for opportunities to 'kill explosive equipment'.

At this time, Hu Xinmin had time to read the private chat messages, and Xia Miaomiao was at the top of the list.

"I found a hiding place for monsters, come here?"

"Aren't you coming to form a group?"

"Ah, don't use it, it's a trap, but they were also killed by us, haha..."

"This time it's real, it's a real hiding place for monsters, come here!"

"Someone is robbing us, come quickly, there is no time."


Hu Xinmin quickly chatted back in private.

"Come on, [coordinates]"

When Ruoran heard what Hu Xinmin said, his spirits lifted, Zhang Miao didn't say anything, and the three-person team immediately rushed to the coordinates of Xia Miaomiao's private chat.

When we arrived at the place, there was less than half an hour of game time left. The so-called hideout for hiding monsters was the former waterfall. The waterfall and the pool below were empty. An earth knight was seriously injured and took a barbarian and an ogre to hide in it. .

The ogre and the barbarian had been killed, things exploded all over the place, and the protection time had not yet passed. The two teams of players were fighting for these trophies. Outside the battlefield, he jumped in a hurry.

"Let priests and mages join the team!"

If Brother Ruoran gave the order simply and neatly, the archer Fan Chaoyue was excluded.

"You join our team!"

Xia Miaomiao was not to be outdone, nor did she want to hand over the captain.

"What are you doing, don't waste your time!"

Brother Ruoran shouted impatiently.

Hu Xinmin was in a dilemma, but in the end, real interests prevailed, and he persuaded Xia Miaomiao to join his team.

"No!" Du Shiyu objected, "We found out first, you guys should help us, you should listen to us!"

"Yeah, big cousin, why are you like this? I only called you, what do you mean by bringing so many people here?" Xia Miaomiao glared at Hu Xinmin.

Fan Chaoyue didn't care, but it was hard to refuse the kindness of the two friends.

"Then there is no group!"

Brother Ruoran doesn't care anymore, it's real gold and silver, who cares who!

Three gold medals but not three silver medals?

It's just that poor Hu Xinmin is going to be "broken in love".

"If you make money, you can't find a woman, cheer up!" Brother Ruoran patted Hu Xinmin on the shoulder as a joke.

The three of them changed places to hide, and they jumped out to snatch the fruits of victory just waiting for the two teams that were enjoying their lives to decide the winner.

Hu Xinmin smiled wryly, and was still chatting privately with Xia Miaomiao to explain and apologize.

"How about..." Brother Ruoran smirked, "Let the three of them explode together, let them experience the beatings of the society, and grow up as soon as possible?"

"Stop joking!" Hu Xinmin said with an ugly face, "...she blocked me!"

Brother Ruoran and Zhang Miao were taken aback for a moment, then laughed softly.

"Piss me off, piss me off!"

On the other side, Xia Miaomiao jumped angrily. She didn't expect, she didn't expect that the damn spare tire and licking the dog would turn their faces and deny people, and it was hard for her to accept that it was still her own reason.

Du Shiyu was very open to it, and persuaded him: "I don't know you at all, and things in the game can't be taken seriously. How much is that? Look at the things that explode over there!"

The earth knight is still alive, and it is hard to tell whether the monster exploded or the player exploded. The "+" sign has the most meritorious deeds. The aura of the equipment is elliptical, both green and blue. As a matter of fact, Du Shiyu seemed to see a magic staff emitting purple light floating on the ground, just waiting for someone to pick it up.

Getting along in different places, who would give up just for a 'beauty' he met in the game?
forget it!
If the best friend is a big cousin, he also knows how to choose, right?

"No, I'm looking for Chunshui!"

Xia Miaomiao really couldn't swallow this breath, there were still ten minutes left, and she didn't know if it would be enough, so she chatted with Shao Bing privately and told him the current situation concisely.


Shao Bing only knew two words, which made Xia Miaomiao so excited that he wanted to cry, and his affection for him immediately increased.

Shao Bing came very quickly, but he was actually sent by an NPC riding a griffin.

"We snatched a batch of griffins, the captain has already domesticated..." Shao Bing joined the team and explained.

"You guys? Captain?" Xia Miaomiao asked back in surprise, looking at the Griffin going away.

"Oh, the third-rank sergeant can join Lord Buck's regular army. You are now the militia, which is different."

"Regular army...what is it!?" Fan Chaoyue asked curiously.

"Rebels, those who don't have enough meritorious service are militiamen. Only those who have enough meritorious service and are not used up can find the Lord of Buck City to be transferred to active duty. The lowest rank in active service is a third-level sergeant. They have some rights of system NPCs and can submit to the militiamen. Issue a call-up order, or issue some simple tasks for the militia to help complete.”


"Let's not talk about that, it's almost over there, what about the big cousin you mentioned, hiding there?"

Xia Miaomiao immediately pointed out the direction for him, "Over there!"

"Wait, I'll meet them, I know a few of them, try not to conflict!"

Xia Miaomiao immediately said nervously, "Chunshui, you won't abandon us, will you?"

"How could it be!" Yijiang Chunshui Liu smiled very warmly, with a little pampering from the elderly, making Xia Miaomiao's heart sweet.

"This man is definitely not young, uncle, don't get caught in the sapling!" Fan Chaoyue was very worried when he saw Xia Miaomiao's appearance, and reminded him out of kindness.

Xia Miaomiao was like a cat stepping on its tail, bluffing, repeatedly denying, and warning her buddies and Fan Chaoyue not to talk nonsense, ruining her personality as a young and invincible beautiful girl.

Do you still have a character?

Fan Chaoyue complained in his heart, maybe he is also a female man or a bandit wife?
(End of this chapter)

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