This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 183 The end of the third test

Chapter 183 The End of the Third Test
After a while, Shao Bing touched it back.

"Okay, 64 points"

Du Shiyu quickly asked: "Who is 6 and who is 4?"

Shao Bing said: "We are 6 and they are 4"


Du Shiyu wondered why her best friend didn't speak, and this was often the time when she was the most bluffing, so she glanced at her strangely, only to see her quietly say: "That's it, thank you for your hard work Chunshui"

"Well, the three of them have good strength, and it would be best if they can't afford conflict."

While talking, the two PK teams had already decided the winner, and as several white lights rose continuously, there were still 3 people left on the scene.

A priest, a thief, and an archer.

They were all cripples who had used up their skills and had more than half of their health bar. Shao Bing was about to go out when he saw a fireball explode in the center of the target, instantly killing the priest with little health. The rest of the thieves and archers fled in embarrassment. Out of the range of the continuous damage of the flames, the [Ground Spear] came out from under the feet. I didn't even see the person who killed it. I left a lot of merit and a few pieces of equipment in my backpack. I went back to the city with hatred .

Anyone else ready to cut the beard?
Xia Miaomiao rushed out first, followed by Shao Bing and Du Shiyu. Fan Chaoyue held the system camera the whole time, looking very Buddhist.

Zhang Miao and the other three also rushed out, occupying the position on the other side, and protecting the surviving Knights of the Earth.

"Who is it that you don't have eyesight, you have something to show for it!"

Xia Miaomiao shouted at the location where the fireball technique was launched just now.

Seeing this, Du Shiyu was relieved a lot, Qian Chuanzi is still Qian Chuanzi, and at this time, he can't care about the character design, which shows that his brain has not completely fainted.

"Spring Water!?"

A lone ranger came out from behind a fallen tree trunk, and Shao Bing saw that he was an acquaintance again—the truth was within the range of magic.

"Don't do anything, know, know!"

Shao Bing raised his hand to stop the hostile actions between himself and Zhang Miao, and said in the team channel, "This guy is a master, why not count him in, anyway, there are not many, and we can meet each other in the future, what do you think?"

Fan Chaoyue shrugged indifferently, Du Shiyu hesitated before nodding, Xia Miaomiao felt... pain in her heart, but she still nodded and said softly, "Listen to you, Chunshui"


Truth joined the team, and Shao Bing explained the situation to Zhang Miao and the others, not involving the four shares assigned to them, so all parties lived in peace, and walked to the Earth Knight together.

"Cough... undead!"

This earth knight is as high as level 38, and he is still an elite. Under normal circumstances, they may not be able to handle it all together. Now...

His visor has been shattered, revealing a surprisingly handsome face full of blood clots, and a shocking dent in his chest was smashed out by the war golem. A normal person would belch a long time ago, but he is still recovering slowly In the middle, a trace of blood is added every few seconds.

There were a total of 8 people at the scene, staring at him with bright eyes. If that team killed him, wouldn't they be promoted to a higher level?
But the distribution of loot has been agreed, and the experience is...

There were still 5 minutes left before closing the server, there was no time to waste, Brother Ruoran raised his hand and was about to release his skills, Xia Miaomiao had quick eyes and quick hands, and blocked his charge in a flash.

"Despicable, shameless, obviously we were called to help the fist, aside from us wanting to swallow it alone... What, now we are going to grab it again?"

Brother Ruoran didn't mind, he smiled and looked at Shao Bing.

Shao Bing also had a headache.

"Know?" Truth sent a private chat.

"Hmm!" Shao Bing replied with a wry smile.

"Oh, tell me how to divide it, I have no objection."

Time was running out, Shao Bing quickly came up with a plan.

The original 64 points will be changed to 55 points, and the experience belongs to my own team. Brother Ruoran is a bit reluctant, but the situation is stronger than others. His team is full, and there are two famous masters. They are three poor with all the equipment. Ghost 'a few streets, how to fight?
It's enough to save face if they don't turn their backs.

"That's it, Chunshui!"

Zhang Miao stood up to break the deadlock.

Only then did Shao Bing heave a sigh of relief, there were only five minutes left, and it would be of no benefit to anyone to turn their faces.

Immediately when he raised his hand, a flat A was hit on the Earth Knight. Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao, who had been prepared for a long time, also released their skills one after another.

The earth knight was drained of blood, and finally let out a long sigh, and there was a loud bang.

The upgraded white light rose from the five members of Shao Bing's team. Shao Bing was at level 20 and finally reached the peak with 3 minutes left before the server was shut down. Truth was at level 19, Xia Miaomiao was at 17, Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue were all 16.

It's too late to rejoice, the feats, the equipment, the props all over the floor, people can't take their eyes off.

Xia Miaomiao's breathing became short, and she held on to her best friend's arm tightly to keep from running away. Seeing her appearance, Du Shiyu could only bear with it, and damage numbers were popping out of her head.

This is a pile of soft sister coins stacked up.

Shao Bing picked up the merits first, and counted them loudly while picking them up. It took more than a minute to collect all the merits into the '+' sign on his head.

The "+" number is red and black, a total of 4217 merit points were divided into two parts, 2109 points were traded to Brother Ruoran, and the remaining equipment and props were brutally divided into two piles. There was not enough time and no time to control the actual value. , divided roughly by color, a total of 4 pieces in blue, 9 pieces in green, and 3 pieces of rare jewelry.

"Fortunately, I just changed to a bigger one!" Shao Bing said jokingly.

In addition to equipment, there are also materials, not to mention garbage. There are 10 items with a system recovery price of 78 silver or more. These do not require identification. There are 11 rare and never-before-seen items that need identification. There are scrolls , blueprints, unidentified statues, talismans, gems, boxes, etc., Shao Bing asked his teammates to video and take pictures of the whole process, so that they would not be able to explain clearly in the future.

It's too late now, and each of them divided more than 400 merit points and 1 gold and 20 silver copper coins, and there were still 30 seconds left in the time.

"Thank you for your trust!" Shao Bing clasped his fists and smiled at the other 7 people.

"It's you!" Brother Ruoran said in a sour tone, "Who cares who he is?"

Shao Bing bowed again and again: "Thank you, thank you!"

"Fortunately, you are here in Chunshui!" Xia Miaomiao blushed slightly, with her hands behind her back, her upper body swaying slightly.

Truth only said one sentence: "Let's go!", and people simply went offline.

[System announcement: The third test will end in 10 seconds, and the server will be shut down soon. In order to avoid losses caused by accidents, all players' characters will be recycled to Chenxi Town, and the online and resurrection locations will be reset. 】

[System Announcement: Thank you all players for your company all the way. Expansion piece: Alpha Plane Defense Chapter 2 is over. The new chapter and new epic are all starting from the same starting point as our fourth encounter. For updates and changes, please pay attention to the announcement on the official website. 】

That's it! ?

When this moment really came, everyone felt an indescribable feeling.

The third test lasted for more than two months, from November 2021, 11 to January 8, 2022. The cross-season and new year, it feels like a blink of an eye, and it feels so long, so long that it seems that many years have passed.

Du Shiyu recalled what he was like before the third test, and what he is like now. He feels that he has experienced nothing more than these two months. He was a student party who was worried about graduation, worried about employment, and was particularly confused about the future. , 'evolved' into a professional player who is now making money every day and has basically completed the change of mentality, it really feels like a world away.




Du Shiyu took off the game helmet, sat on the bed alone, lost his concentration, counted the gains before the end of the game time, and laughed happily.

She took out a brochure from the side of the bed, with a beautifully printed real estate introduction on it, and calculated the money she could spend beautifully, and found that it was not far from the ideal perfect home.

Excited, she lifted the quilt and went to find her best friend next door, "Miao Miao, Miao Miao... what are you doing?"

The buddy was wearing tight autumn clothes and was sitting and doing push-ups dripping sweat. He didn't look back when he heard the words, but said fiercely: "I have decided to be a master and start exercising from now on. Don't hold me back!" !"

Du Shiyu went around and tried to touch her forehead, but she avoided her, "You don't have a fever, do you? What's the trouble?"

"If I were a master, I wouldn't need it today... It's all money, a lot of money, and it was just divided up by those damn guys for no reason, huh..." Xia Miaomiao was speechless, unable to hold back When he got up, he threw himself on the floor and howled dryly.

After crying for a while, I didn't hear Du Shiyu's movement, so I raised my face without a drop of tears. Seeing Du Shiyu's unmoved face with her arms folded, she quickly emphasized, "I'm serious this time, I must take the second turn." Gold medal... Ah, by the way, didn't you want a gold medal, why did you get a silver medal in the end?"

"You think I don't want to? The expansion pack is open, how can I still have time to pass the level slowly?"

"A lot of money, a lot of money..."

Du Shiyu: "Fortunately, you are here in Chunshui!"

Xia Miaomiao was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head in embarrassment, "I'm so distressed, are you still gloating over there?"

Du Shiyu didn't bother to talk to her anymore, went back to her room, turned on the computer, and browsed the expansion pack and the news about the end of the third test.

As soon as I opened the forum, a picture and text push popped up, suddenly under the city wall of Alpha Battlefield, the shock wave swept across, and during the process of rising a large number of white lights, precious light fell all over the ground!

The caption on the picture reads: Guess, how many millions are these worth?

Below that is a plethora of exclamation points, as do tens of thousands of replies.

With a click of the mouse, another picture and text push that can be called a CG blockbuster.

The bald war angel slashed at the top of the city with a sword, and a shield made of magma blocked the huge lightsaber. The moment the two sides touched, the flames burst, collided, and diffracted billions of colorful light spots under the impact of light. Then, dimly, the phantom of the head of a fire dwarf poked out from the shield, roaring silently towards the indifferent war.

Under the two, the main thread NPC has only a small black dot, which is inconspicuous.

The title of this picture and text push is: I guess there is 36D, how about you?

There are a bunch of replies below, and some people made an animation of War Angel's jumping full chest for only a few seconds, and ended it with an explosion light effect.

The third picture and text push is the most popular. Suddenly, the snake head, the upper body of the human body, and the spider-like lower body of the higher demon and the main thread NPC are separated by an airspace of thousands of meters.


At that time, I didn't think it was because of "numbness". Looking back at it now, Du Shiyu's blood was boiling with excitement.

Because you are in the center, you only pay attention to one area, drifting with the current like a duckweed, not knowing what is happening in the raging river. At this time, you jump out of the river and take an overview of the whole situation with an omniscient identity and perspective. Only then did you realize that you were in the current situation What a magnificent place.

The more Du Shiyu watched, the faster her heart beat. The pictures and videos corroborated with her personal experience, as if the 'stamina' of drunkenness made her head stunned.

a long time……

She closed the push pop-up window and browsed Caton's official website.

At this moment, the whole world does not know how many people are doing the same thing as her.

The news of the fourth test has not come out, the latest announcement is still about the centaur alliance camp, even the expansion pack Chapter 2 has been delayed so much, Canaan Company has no idea what it is doing.

Click on the forum, and the messages and posts will refresh the screen.

A large number of players shared their experience in the expansion pack Chapter 2 on it. A large number of pictures and videos gathered a large number of cloud players at home and abroad. The most used emoticon is exclamation, and the most used emoji is screaming face ...

There are all kinds of things to say, but there are very few valuable ones. An expansion piece, Chapter 2, can be regarded as unraveling the real veil of the Canaan world, allowing players and the majority of cloud players to see what the real magical world is like.

What is the real battle, and imagine what it will be like if your level rises to that level...

In such an almost real world, everyone has an almost real experience, and this kind of imagination makes people excited, unforgettable and incapable of themselves.

The same is true for Du Shiyu.

My eyes are looking, as if I’m not seeing anything. Words, pictures, and emoticons pass by my eyes and don’t enter my brain. What I experience is an emotion called fanaticism.

Yes, what to say, what to watch is not important anymore, the aftertaste of being late is so shocking and intoxicating, making her instinctively doubt that she really experienced all this, was she really an actor on the stage at that time?


I have been watching late at night, excited until late at night.

The third test is over, what will the fourth test be like?

More players, more maps, more races and occupations, more ways to play...

No, these are not important, what is important is that Canaan is being perfected and enriched little by little.

Looking back on the first test and the excitement at the end of the third test, it is not difficult to see that this second life called a game is becoming more and more worthy of its name.

Let everyone who participated in it get, give, laugh, and cry, making people more and more invested and more and more difficult to let go.

It is not just a game, but a miracle, a miracle that is growing and constantly surprising people. It is not perfect, but it is moving in the direction of perfection. How lucky is she to grow up with it?
The tutor's phone call made Du Shiyu wake up from the feelings and emotions in her heart. She wiped away her tears and connected the phone.

"Xiaoyu, this time the school chose you and Xia Miaomiao to go to Shanghai, don't forget the most important task!"

"Ah!? Mission?"

"Look at you..." A stern mentor is kind like an old father, "For our school to speak out, we must fight for a few places. The hopes of tens of thousands of teachers and students in the school are pinned on you two... "

Du Shiyu felt dizzy when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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