This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 184 Offline Account Distribution

Chapter 184 Offline Account Distribution
"...Let's do the math. Although the announcement hasn't come out yet, based on the information obtained in the past, this fourth non-deleting test will open the orc and elf races, the barbarian and bard professions, and will open the mounts and demons. Pet system, is there any more?"

"Looks like it's gone?"

"What about the second turn, what about the level cap?"

"I didn't say that. It seems that the cap of level 20 will be maintained for a period of time, so that the new players in the fourth test will have time to catch up."

"In this way, the fourth test doesn't add much new content, does it?"

"It's good enough. After three tests, the general gameplay has been basically determined. I hope Canaan Company will show more courage in the degree of freedom of the game. An old guy like me also wants to experience another world. It's beautiful, fighting and killing is too...hehe, you know for people like us."

"Entertainment, leisure, right?"

"It's not just entertainment and leisure, it should be a complete virtual society. Only in this way is it worthy of the name of Second World and Second Life!"

"That's it...thanks to Professor Wang for his wonderful analysis. Next, we will insert a piece of international news about Canaan."

"As the third file deletion test ended with the grand expansion Chapter 2, the much-anticipated fourth game qualification draw has become the hottest topic nowadays. There are heated discussions online and offline. Canaan Games The wealth-creating myth has inspired minority groups who did not pay attention to it to take action. Activities similar to the "Prayer Parade" have been launched across the country and around the world. Let us connect with a London reporter to see what happened on the streets of London. grand occasion."

In the waiting hall, Xia Miaomiao pushed the big sunglasses on her face and looked at the crowds of people on the LCD TV screen. While the camera was shaking, an excited blond guy pulled his shirt. The logo of Canaan Games and bright red were painted on the shirt. The translation of the slogan is: Let politics eat shit, we want Canaan, this is our birthright!

Xia Miaomiao pursed her mouth. The qualification for the game of the Four Tests is a piece of Tang Monk meat. It has not been put on the table yet. The gods from all walks of life have shown their magical powers. Now even foreigners want to sit at the table to drink and eat. Don't ask the hundreds of millions of Huaguo players who are still in the queue to answer or not.

At this time, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a migrant worker was sitting across from him. He was talking to someone on his mobile phone, and he was talking about Canaan. He seemed to be telling his wife or daughter to go to Wudang Mountain to burn incense and worship Buddha or something...

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old guy was eating instant noodles, pointing with his chopsticks eloquently, passionate and angry, spitting everywhere, vowing to talk about the shady scene of the game qualification draw, ordinary people have no chance at all.

The little girl next to him refuted him, saying that many of the players who showed up were ordinary people before, but he still insisted that those were procrastination, they were all used by officials as a show, and the game qualifications have long been divided up by various second generations so...

Xia Miaomiao thought of the entrustment of the school leaders before leaving, as well as the solidarity and public relations who left for Shanghai the day after tomorrow, and began to doubt and worry. This fourth qualification draw might cause trouble, just like the third qualification draw Similarly, if Canaan Company cannot come up with a convincing and credible solution that can withstand various tests, it will be in big trouble.

"Dear passengers, the G1071 train bound for Yudu has started to check tickets..."

Xia Miaomiao quickly saluted and walked towards the ticket gate.

Logos and slogans of Canaan elements can be seen everywhere along the way. There are also napkins with Canaan icons thrown on the ground, and trinkets copied from Canaan props are hung on the backpacks of passengers. Playing a recently popular game music, sat down, turned on the small TV behind the seat, and immediately played the scene of Zhuanjiajiaosi sitting in the studio and talking...

It's hard to imagine that a game, a kind of element, actually goes deep into every aspect of social life. Thanks to Canaan, the booming metaverse economy has made the GDP contribution of the service industry skyrocket, expanding domestic demand and expanding domestic demand. Finally, there is Such a strong grip.

This year’s GDP data has not yet come out, and there are already optimistic voices online and offline. It is expected that this year will return to double-digit growth. Coupled with the currency appreciation in the post-epidemic era, the gap with the only superpower will be greatly narrowed. Even per capita will step over the middle-income trap and enter the ranks of high-income countries.

Is this a developed country?

Most people are not prepared, either physically or psychologically. Looking back at their lives, they are bitter, tired, mediocre, working from nine to five, and it seems that they are not well-developed.

The most convincing one is Canaan.

Other countries can't play it, only your own country can play it. Watching all kinds of noise and all kinds of troubles of foreigners has become the only benefit that others can't enjoy, and it's just a comfort.

Xia Miaomiao was in business class and arrived at the destination city very quietly.

Getting off the bus in this famous southern tourist city, Xia Miaomiao didn't inform Shao Bing, but stopped a taxi and went straight to the address Shao Bing gave.

In a very high-end residential area, the guard refused to let her in, so she had no choice but to call Shao Bing——I wanted to 'investigate' first.

It was a little girl who answered the phone. She hung up the phone without saying a few words. After a while, she jumped out and looked at Xia Miaomiao, who had wrapped her tightly, with her head tilted through the door of the community.

"Little friend, your name is Tiantian, right? I am Sister Sapling. Has your father told you about it?"

"You and my dad are not suitable..."


"Take off your glasses and mask and let me see"

The guard watched from the side, Xia Miaomiao was a little embarrassed, the little girl looked serious, Zuo Gu said that his few words didn't work, so he had no choice but to follow suit.

"My dad has no money, sold the car, mortgaged the house, and owed a whole lot of debt to the bank. Do you want to follow him?"

Xia Miaomiao was angry. Why are children like this now? How did the parents educate them?
After all, the guard finally let him go. On the way to Shao Bing's house, Xia Miaomiao had nothing to say, "Tiantian, why are you alone at home? Your father is also relieved to let you come out alone. Aren't you afraid of bad guys?"

"There used to be a nanny who hit my father's attention, and I drove her away with a little trick... You are the seventh, and the youngest and most beautiful one"

Xia Miaomiao didn't know whether to be happy or... Is he too old? With the rapid development of society, how can a four or five year old brat seem to understand everything?

"Come in, my father is going to pick up Uncle Lin, and he was going to pick you up too, but you came to the door by yourself."

Xia Miaomiao: "...Who is Uncle Lin?"

"The truth is within the range of magic. Aren't you here to share the spoils today? You don't even know this?"

I can't talk today.

It felt like the little girl was full of hostility towards me as soon as I met her, even though I didn't follow my good intentions, I came here to investigate the enemy's situation first...

Xia Miaomiao sat down in the living room, and the first thing she saw was the sand table of the Alpha battlefield placed on the coffee table in front of her. The sand table was extremely realistic, and the game scenes and NPC positions before the expansion chapter Chapter 2 were marked very accurately. It is also filled with various small flags. The notes on the flags are immature, and some words that cannot be written are replaced with stick figures and pinyin. You can tell who wrote them at a glance.

Looking at this house again, it is well-organized, everything is clean and tidy, and the items are neatly placed... This makes her a little ashamed. A single-parent divorced man with a four- or five-year-old daughter lives like this Exquisite, let her be a young and beautiful girl with a glamorous appearance and a house like a chicken coop.
"Tiantian, when did your father come back?"

"do not know"

"You just said that the car was sold, the house was mortgaged, and what happened to the bank? Did your father wash the equipment?"

"My father never practiced. He said that practicing is paying IQ tax. Auntie, you don't pay a lot of IQ tax, do you?"

"Well, there is, children, don't talk nonsense!"

"I think you have it, your eyes betray your heart!"

Xia Miaomiao: "..."

"My father said that the investment in training is not directly proportional to the income. It is the system launched to recover the indiscriminate game coins. Most of my father's equipment is bought. I know everything and participate in it. He said , only buy the most cost-effective..."

Xia Miaomiao became angry from embarrassment, "Then your father sold the house and car, and owed a whole lot of debt?"

"What do you know, my dad said, the amount of investment depends on the expected return. This is called, this is called the profit rate. My dad is confident that he will earn back several times. The current contribution is for future returns. You can't be blind, and you can't Impulsive, invest in your own game character, as far as it is concerned, you can only earn but not lose... Otherwise, you wouldn’t come to my house, auntie, would you?”

"It's sister, sister!"

"Then you are inferior, are you sure?"

Xia Miaomiao was a little crazy, but luckily Shao Bing came back.

The first time I saw Yijiang Chunshuiliu's real person, Xia Miaomiao was a little disappointed. It turned out to be an uncle, at least 40 years old. Even if he looks a little handsome, he is also very masculine, and it is far from his own standards.

"It's coming? A sapling, right?"


"Hehe, you are so young... This is Lin Xiao, and the ID is that the truth is within the range of the spell."

Following Shao Bing came in was a cool boy in his twenties with long broken hair. He was about [-] meters tall and handsome. He didn't like to talk. He just nodded lightly. sit down.

Cut, what's the air?
When Xia Miaomiao came, those small thoughts had been forgotten, and the reverie in the game was shattered by reality.

As soon as I thought about it, my instinct came to my mind, and I said straightforwardly: "I represent Xue Wu Fei Yu. If she has something to do and can't come, I am the plenipotentiary representative."

"Where is One Leaf Knowing Autumn?" Shao Bing asked.

"Her, wait a minute, the phone is coming."

Xia Miaomiao received a call from Fan Chaoyue, saying that her person was outside the complex. Shao Bing went out to pick it up, and brought back a chubby girl wearing glasses a few minutes later.

"One leaf knows autumn?" Xia Miaomiao looked critically up and down.

"No, no, I'm her assistant. She can't come if she has something to do. I'm the plenipotentiary representative... This is the authorization document!"

"Then it's no problem, please come here, let's start!"

A huge sum of money was placed on Shao Bing's game character. It is still impossible to estimate its value accurately. Props in mind.

Two pieces of blue equipment, five pieces of green equipment, and one of the best blue equipment, which is a longbow.

[Foro's Forest Elegy, quality blue, two-handed bow, equipment level 20, score: 671, equipment occupation: archer, load 12, durability 55/55.

Basic attributes: agility +4, strength +3, intelligence +2, physical attack power: 23-54, with poison continuous damage 9-17/second, lasting 3 seconds.

Special effect: strong, power +5
Special effects: strong, upper limit of health +50
Special skill: Tracking Arrow, shoot an arrow to the possible location of the invisible enemy, there is an 80% probability of directly hitting the enemy, breaking the enemy's invisibility, and restraining the opponent for 1 second, gain momentum for 2 second, cool down for [-] minutes.

Special skill: flame arrow, shoot three arrows to the target area in a row, the attack power of each arrow is 80% of its own attack power, with flame burst damage, ignite a 3*3 range of burning state in the current area, flame Lasts for 5 seconds, causing continuous damage of 9-17 per second, gain momentum for 2 seconds, cool down for 3 minutes]

Another piece of blue equipment is a dagger, which only has special effects and special skills. Its practicality is not as good as Shao Bing's ghost claw finger gloves, but the basic attack is much higher. Shao Bing naturally doesn't like it. It seems that it can only be auctioned or offline. Sold to interested parties.

4 pieces of green clothes, one of the best, is the magic scepter, and Xia Miaomiao is determined to get it, but she didn't show her urgency.

The rest of the whiteboard pack has more than a dozen small pieces, and the total value of these is no less than 20 gold. Considering the influx of new players in the fourth test, these are the hard currency that everyone needs, and the real value is doubled More than that, conservatively estimated, at least 50 gold!
50 gold, according to the current exchange rate, that is two to three million!

Just this, just this, just this junk?
Xia Miaomiao didn't feel much at first, but with such a reference object, she felt a little short of breath.

How much are these, these, these worth?

Just one piece of equipment is an astronomical figure that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

There are so many more, a thick stack of props and materials that do not need to be appraised, but need to be appraised... If you add the meritorious service that has already been divided, the income of one black-and-black game exceeds the annual income of many listed companies. profit?
It can be seen how hot Canaan is now, and how much hot money has poured in. It can be seen that some time ago, it is reasonable to regard the player as a "listed company entity" and sell stocks, and there are so many people enthusiastic about it.

"These are all dropped by players!" Shao Bing said with a smile, "Some durable depreciation is also included, and the real value is not so high."

"Then it's 40 gold!" Lin Xiao said indifferently.

Shao Bing's daughter held the calculator like a grown-up, and tapped it twice.

After the equipment has been counted, the remaining props and materials are also easy to estimate, and those that are difficult to estimate are those that need to be identified, are rare, or have never been seen before.

An ancient scroll, sealed with a cumbersome and mysterious golden magic pattern, it is not ordinary at a glance.

A statue with a strange shape. There are traces of knives on the surface, and the texture is extremely hard. It is suspected to be some kind of special magic material.

A formula that cannot be deciphered or translated. Judging from the beaker painted on it, there is a high probability that it is a potion formula that a potionist needs. Without knowing the name and efficacy of the potion, its true value cannot be estimated.

There is also a book, which is also written in tadpole-shaped characters, and there are illustrations of various monsters on it. Some monsters seem to come alive from the pages of the book, which is very miraculous.

In the end, I had to put these four things aside and not make any statistics. The rest estimated the total value of more than 400 gold, and the five people in the team divided it equally according to this value.

Fan Chaoyue's assistant was stunned. He thought it was an insignificant matter, but who knew that such a huge sum of money was involved. Poor her little assistant with a monthly salary of four to five thousand, the deposit is not enough for these few players. Eye-catching piece of junk whiteboard.

(End of this chapter)

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