This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 185 Planned and Unplanned

Chapter 185 Planned and Unplanned

On the high-speed train to Shanghai.

Du Shiyu's 'delegation' has booked a carriage in the business class. The school has really spent a lot of money this time. It has put a lot of hope in this 'delegation' and has deployed elite soldiers and strong generals. It is bound to win a few more places come back.

Why is it also a 985 university in a central city in the central part? Can't it compare with Qingbei?

The country should also consider supporting the construction of the Midwest!

Besides, we still have two baby bumps, have first-hand research materials and scientific research results, do people from Aurora and Nankai have them?

"Xiaoyu, what did Xia Miaomiao do? The director asked me just now, so don't be late!"

The vice president of the student union, the gentle and pleasant senior sister came over and sat down beside Du Shiyu, and asked straight to the point.

Du Shiyu was holding a bunch of information given by the director and was sharpening her guns before the battle. She wished that someone would disturb her, and said, "She has gone to deal with some things in the game. Don't worry, I just spoke on the phone. The plane this afternoon will arrive in the evening."

"That's fine, that's fine"

Glancing left and right, seeing that no one was paying attention, I leaned closer and whispered to Du Shiyu, "I just eavesdropped for a while, so it turns out that the school is so confident that there is an unplanned indicator."

"Unplanned? What do you mean?"

"The public lottery on the official website is in the plan, and there is also an index allocated to various domestic institutions and colleges and universities, an index in the plan."

Du Shiyu was startled, "Openly engage in secret operations?"

"What, it doesn't account for the quota announced on the official website, at most it's an internal fine-tuning, fine-tuning!"

Du Shiyu was speechless. Isn't this deceiving her ears and stealing the bell? If she changed her speech skills, she would be spared. So many Hushi Duanduan's eyes, both online and offline, at home and abroad, can't see it?

But she doesn't need to worry about this kind of thing, the higher-ups are confident that they can handle it, so let them toss about it.

"How many places are there for the fourth test?" This is what she cares most about.

"I heard that it's no less than 10."


"It's still in the plan, and the unplanned ones need to be increased by at least 10%, which is 10000 places that can be won."

"That's why the school has such a big fanfare?"

"Yeah, it's all up to you two"

"But we are just ordinary players, how can we help?"

"Why can't I help? How many colleges and universities have players now? Not many, right? I have an advantage if I have nothing. You think that the director and the school leaders are confused. They are good at it. For the results, whoever deserves the credit, this kind of thing is said to come first, the two of you will play a big role."

When she said this, the pressure on Du Shiyu became even greater.

I know that there is no free lunch in the world, and I live and eat for free at school, and it is also paid for by compensation, welfare, and housing... So I am waiting here.

When the train was about to arrive at the station, the head of the department and the dean held a small meeting to cheer up the 'delegation', especially Du Shiyu. Sister Gao wondered if she served a group of scammers. She had never seen such a famous university as a 'delegation'.

This trip is nominally to attend an academic seminar on the metaverse, but in fact, it is to attend a report meeting of Canaan Company on the news of the third test and answering reporters' questions. There is the dog bone of 'unplanned', Presumably, Du Shiyu's family is not the only university that is rushing to the magic capital. It is really the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers. It depends on who has the ability, who is connected, and who can come up with convincing...evidence.

Ha ha……

Du Shiyu seemed to see a group of buzzing flies running towards a dog bone that smelled of meat...

It's just pity for them, and there will be congestion and queues again.

I just hope that Canaan Company will not go too far this time.

It was already evening when the train arrived. The luxurious and huge exit channel, decorated with Canaan elements everywhere, looked like a grand festival. Cosplay crowds could be seen everywhere, and even the masks on the staff’s faces were printed with Canaan’s patterns. LOGO, out of the Modu high-speed railway station, on the oncoming square, hot air balloons are constantly in the air, pulling out huge banners, and the shaking Canaan game races, characters, and monsters are dancing with the wind. On the ground, The grand COS parade has just passed, and the staff and cleaning staff are cleaning up the mess left along the way, piles and bundles of slogans, colored paintings, and cheap gas dolls are all loaded into several garbage trucks waiting aside, full of shipped away.

Magic City seems to be focusing on Canaan elements?
The headquarters of Canaan Company is here, and the officials here seem to want to equate Modu with Canaan, and make it a center connecting the Second World and Second Life, a holy place that players all over the world yearn for.

Du Shiyu recalled a post he had read, which was still about conspiracy theories, saying that Canaan was not a product of earth technology at all, and that the highest level seemed to have dispelled all doubts about Canaan, and was fully letting go of everything about it. Restrictive measures, this shows that Huaguo has obtained huge benefits from Canaan, and is fully seizing this opportunity to achieve so-and-so.

Such posts are no longer seen today, and conspiracy theories still have some ground abroad.

A few people from the Metaverse Research Institute of Modu held a sign to welcome the 'delegation'. The vice president, the dean, the head of the department and other bigwigs exchanged simple greetings with them, and then hurriedly boarded the luxury bus. , all the way to the center of the magic city.

This so-called academic seminar is also a cover. The organizers of the conference and the delegations from all over the world are tacitly aware of it, so the itinerary is arranged very simply, just to find a reason for the above.

In the evening, Du Shiyu picked her up at the airport, and Xia Miaomiao hugged her and asked her questions, chirping about what she had gained from the trip, ignoring the frequent glances from the hotel driver through the rearview mirror .

"Everyone always has a few million, but... look at Chunshui, he even sold his house and car, and he owes money to banks and institutions. He plays games better than us, and his income from games must far exceed ours... "

"I know what you want to say, big profits and big investments, right? If you don't invest, you can't be a high-end player?"

"Yes, that's what I meant. We sold all the good things we had in the past, but we can't do this in the future. We have to give priority to what we can use, and then consider changing to RMB."

"But have you ever thought about it, Chunshui has such ability and confidence, do we have it?"

"They all have one head and two arms, so why can't we?"

"You only see the scenery of others, but you don't see the hard work behind them. It's not as simple as you imagine, hard work is one of them, and talent is also very important."

"I don't care, this time I must get a good outfit, and I will never be a chicken again."

"Okay... it's time to invest some in the game, and besides... money is not enough"

"You agree too?"

"Hmm... Then give Zhiqiu the top-quality blue longbow?"

"Then she has to make up the difference. Chunshui estimated it at 100 gold, and it's only 100 gold. It's really cheap for her."

"We are all teammates, and we can still pay according to the price on the auction."

"He is not short of money, this time he sent an assistant"

They chatted all the way to the hotel, and the driver even asked for autographs from the two of them. The senior sister from the student union was guarding the lobby all the time, and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw the real Xia Miaomiao, as if she was afraid of being let go.

After enjoying a sumptuous dinner, another party was held, and tomorrow's schedule was finalized. The head of the school had to go to various yamen to visit the wharf. She and Du Shiyu had only one task - to memorize materials in the room.

Speaking of these materials, there are also the "results" of the two of them.

The experience in the game, the first-hand information and data obtained, were crowned with high-level prefixes such as metaverse, changed their appearance, and used cloudy and professional vocabulary, so that ordinary people could not understand, I don't know what to say.

Can this kind of information really fool the above?
When it comes to the economy of the metaverse, the institutions that are on the front line far have more say than the experts and professors locked in the ivory tower, but they are often very low-key and will not easily announce their own business conditions.

It wasn't until the next morning, when Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao watched the morning news while eating breakfast, that they saw an organization called 'Deep Sea Venture Capital' publicly release a detailed report on the investment in the metaverse to the outside world.

200 billion yuan, more than 1300 billion yuan was burned on related companies (with tickets), players and virtual assets. The current income is almost zero, and this family has to invest another 200 billion in it, as if money It's not money, it's butt wipes.

This is just an institution, no wonder the prices in the game are high.

Where did all this money go?
Most of them are circulated inside and outside the game, and some of them go to players like Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao. The so-called myth of benefiting is the result of these hot money.

But the strange thing is that, with such fiery, deformed, and inflated conditions, no one called it a bubble. Instead, they all thought that a huge tuyere comparable to a category [-] typhoon was taking shape. It is enough to permanently change the pattern of human society, fundamentally subvert the existing economic structure, and reshape the high-end and downstream of the industrial chain.

In a word, we are experiencing an industrial revolution.

The expert on TV called the beast was still talking about Kaikai, and they talked about the current hot stock market.

After the third test is over and the news that the fourth test is about to enter the lottery stage is released, A shares have ushered in the third daily limit, not to mention metaverse concept stocks, just bring a little bit of relevant elements, or mention a few words in the New Year Outlook The market is generally optimistic about the nonsense that it will soon enter Canaan, and it will even rise sharply.

Real estate developers said they wanted to develop Canaan real estate, and a certain boss of a real estate company who likes to show off even made a big deal about the development plan of Buck City, saying that he wanted to develop an offline Buck City in a certain place, and he was negotiating with Canaan Company. Contact Yunyun for relevant qualification authorization.

The beverage seller said that he wanted to develop the red and blue medicine market in Canaan, but he couldn't preemptively register the trademark and appearance of the red and blue medicine, so he played around and made a specious new product. Not to mention, the sales were pretty good, especially in Very popular among elementary and middle school students.

Groups of children play Canaan's battle-playing games during recess and after school, and they can't do without it. It has become a scene in primary and secondary schools.


Experts on TV are still saying that the disorderly behavior caused by the fiery market is skyrocketing. The current mood is abnormal and deformed. The relevant departments will definitely take action to rectify it in the near future. The majority of investors are vigilant.

Xia Miaomiao was eager to try after hearing this, and wanted to go to the sea to try again, but the lesson from last time was too painful and the time was too short, and it is still fresh in her memory.

Naturally, he didn't dare to tell Du Shiyu such small thoughts.

Du Shiyu received a call from Fan Chaoyue and basically agreed to the agreed distribution plan. She got the blue superb longbow, and she still needs to spend money to compensate others.

"Isn't she going to be a life player?" Xia Miaomiao said with some dissatisfaction.

"Can life players not have good equipment?" Du Shiyu asked back.

Xia Miaomiao had nothing to say, so she poked in the porridge to vent her anger.

"Are you two alright? Come on, come on, people from the Metaverse Research Institute are here, remember everything I asked you to memorize last night... Oops, grandma, go wash your face and change your clothes! "

This is how a busy day begins.

Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu met a lot of people, they were all old men and women, and asked them a lot of questions. They were all close and kind, just like the neighbors who lived next door. Their faces were frozen with laughter, and they talked After we finished, we changed 5 venues, ran to three units, and finally sat down in front of the cameras gathered in the news hall on the 12th floor of the Canaan company headquarters.

Now that Canaan Company wants to release any announcements about Canaan games, it is impossible to fool them by just posting a notice on the official website, especially when it comes to the important event of the four-test game qualification draw, which has attracted worldwide attention. The cameras on the scene and Nuoda's live broadcast are proof.

Interestingly, many anti-China and anti-Canaan Western media are more positive than anyone else at this time. Du Shiyu also saw the famous Fox News TV logo. Before the news Q&A session started, he looked serious The anchor stood in front of the camera, talking endlessly to Beimi's audience.

Xia Miaomiao took the opportunity to drink a big sip of water, fanning her hands to the wind, looking left and right impatiently, unexpectedly found many players, and some people she knew.

"Tell me, will it work for us?" Xia Miaomiao looked around,
This grand posture and such a serious atmosphere made her suspicious of the so-called unplanned.

How courageous is it to dare to play tricks at such a critical juncture?
"Supported by the state", Du Shiyu said, she was looking for Fan Chaoyue's figure, secretly guessing the identity of her friend in reality.

Fan Chaoyue came in from the side door in a low-key way. Only her manager Hong Jie came in together. Du Shiyu didn't pay attention there, but Xia Miaomiao saw it, "Wow, Fan Chaoyue, the big star is also our Canaan player!"

People entered the venue one after another, most of them were famous figures in the cultural and sports circles, as well as some famous people in the industrial and commercial circles. Unknowingly, the scene has become a gathering of stars.

The finale was naturally Yu Qingdong and other high-ranking officials accompanied by landlords.

"Now I announce that the third test of Canaan Online is over, the news release of the fourth test and the on-site Q&A session are officially beginning!"

(End of this chapter)

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