This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 186 Defeat 'Yu Mouse'

Chapter 186 Defeat 'Yu Mouse'

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, it is estimated that 10 copies of the game will be qualified for the fourth test. Does it include overseas sales?"

"Is the exact opening time of Mr. Yu's fourth test clear?"

"Mr. Yu, what is Canaan's response to the accusation of 'cultural theft' that is hotly debated on the Internet?"

"Mr. Yu, there are accurate sources saying that there are planned and unplanned game qualifications for the fourth test. Can you explain in detail?"

"Mr. Yu, what do you think of UNESCO's announcement of a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of Canaan games?"

"...What do you think of the lifting of the 'Canaan ban' in North America?"

"...does your company plan to move its production base overseas to enter the international market?"

There was a huge crowd outside the headquarters building, and the cameras and flashlights were all focused on the people in suits and leather shoes. I don’t know how many media participating in the conference seized this precious opportunity to ask Canaan’s senior management, and the microphone went straight to Yu Qingdong’s face. No matter how the security guards stopped them, they couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the reporters on the scene.

Outside the scene surrounded by the media, there are countless self-media people who live broadcast the live event simultaneously through major we-media platforms. Calling on a mobile phone or a simple recording and broadcasting device...

Unprecedented grand event, attracting worldwide attention!
"Stop, stop, 5 minutes, 5 minutes!"

The famous 'Yu Dazui' couldn't bear to be teased by all kinds of tricky questions, and stopped in front of Lin Li's microphones and cameras regardless of the security supervisor's obstruction.

"Let me simply say that many questions have already been said at the press conference that just ended, and now I will just repeat it!"


The poor security guard was knocked to the ground by the influx of people, Yu Qingdong was startled by the enthusiasm of the people, and in a blink of an eye, he was alone in a boiling ocean, and he didn't know how many cameras desperately captured him. The 'big mouth' was included in the shooting.

"First, Canaan can only meet part of the domestic demand at present. It is estimated that for a long time, there is no plan to enter the international market. As for whether the ban is not banned, it has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me. Let go, we don't care!"

It really is Yu Dazui!
There is no hypocritical diplomatic rhetoric, just to open up directly without leaving any sympathy, really does not save a little face for the only superpower, but listening to it is so relieved and enjoyable!

I don’t know how many bullet screens are applauding him online at this time, and the people inside and outside the scene are aroused by this kind of domineering and confident answer, but the reactions from overseas media and self-media are complicated, some hugging their heads' Vomit, Mai Karma's wailing, some angry and loud protests, some begging loudly regardless of face, some...

Forget it, forget it, for Yu Dazui, who was already excited and fully fighting, it was just a drizzle.

"Secondly, there is no stealing of cultures, only exchanges and references. The tolerance of all rivers and rivers is great. A confident country and nation must be good at learning and drawing on the strengths of other cultures and civilizations, learn from each other's strengths, and discard the dross. Constantly improve our own cultural genes. We must have cultural self-confidence. Throughout the history of China, any period of cultural self-confidence is always in its heyday. The process of decay and disintegration. Canaan has indeed borrowed some elements of Western culture, which we have to admit. But after our digestion and improvement, especially combined with our own cultural genes, it has become a brand new one with our own brilliance. Chinese cultural characteristics. As for those who yell about stealing, they must be extremely culturally insecure and insecure, because only beggars are so nervous about the few copper coins in the bowl..."

When Canaan stepped out of the stage of questioning and conspiracy theory, and began to refresh the perception of players all over the world with its incomparable appearance and impact, there was a voice of "cultural stealing", and with the continued popularity and popularity of Canaan Continue to ferment, those sunspots who can't find any black spots, those anti-China people and media with ulterior motives, those capital, institutions and politicians who can't find a way to join this feast, can only seize this obvious black spot and concoct some Plausible articles, from time to time to catch the eyeballs and rub the heat.

Although it is harmless, it buzzes like a fly, jumping out from time to time to respond to it.

Yu Dazui was overwhelmed, and seized this opportunity to spout wildly.

After finally spraying cool, he is comfortable, and the order of the scene is completely chaotic.

"Unplanned? What is unplanned, please don't believe in rumors and don't spread rumors...Okay, please give way..." When asked about the minefield, Yu Dazui finally knew he was afraid. He looked around and saw only the security director Four or five meters away, they are desperately squeezing this way.

Want to run after spraying?

The people at the scene agreed.

"Mr. Yu, did you deny it just now?"

"Mr. Yu, what you just said is not legally binding?"

"I'm sure there are no unplanned quotas, right? Mr. Yu said just now that there is no such thing, rumors..."

What the hell!

Yu Da has a big mouth, if this is misinterpreted now, and if it is turned out to flog the corpse in the future, it will all be his responsibility.

I had no choice but to stop and say, "What am I talking about? Please don't misinterpret my words. Everything is subject to the announcement on the official website. Thank you. Please let me go, let me go..."

"Is that something unplanned?"

"There are really unplanned indicators!"

"Everyone, if Yu Dazui neither admits nor denies, it's tantamount to acquiescing. Sure enough, he has an unplanned game qualification!"

Game qualification is the most sensitive nerve, once it is touched, it will be transmitted to the outside at the fastest speed, the peripheral self-media clamored about shady, shady, and on the live screen of their connection, Yu Dazui also heard from people Everyone's applause turned into everyone's beating, and the situation inside and outside the scene changed suddenly.

"Down with Mouse Yu!"

"Reject the game qualification shady!"

"Death to Canaan Corporation!"

Amidst the rage, someone threw a tea egg right in Yu Qingdong's face.

Yu Dazui'ah! ' with a bang, as if being shot, the nearest reporter didn't understand the situation, thought that there was an attack, and exploded outward with a bang.

More torn shoes, rotten socks, mineral water bottles, bitten-off steamed buns, roasted sweet potatoes that looked like shit on people, etc. - the people inside ran away with their heads in their arms, and the people outside threw ammunition into it desperately. It disappeared, and most of the people attending the meeting were blocked in the lobby on the first floor. I don't know how many cameras came over and aimed at this scene...

It's over, it's over, the head of security touched his heart and almost fainted!
"What is this ghost reporter talking about?"

In the lobby on the first floor, a young player watched a western media anchor talking to the camera eloquently against the background of the chaos outside, and asked his companion who knew foreign languages.

"Probably shady scenes, riots, angry crowds protesting, etc., anyway, they are blackmailing us."

As soon as the young player heard this, he rushed directly into the camera, squeezed the beautiful anchor away, gesticulated, and said in a weird voice: "It's fake, it's all fake, there is no shady scene, there is no riot, it's just Because everyone loves Canaan so much..."

With a question mark on his face, the foreigner photographer stopped the live broadcast and protested loudly to the organizers of the meeting.

The staff and security guards of the Canaan company were already covered, and the leaders who hadn't left all looked as dark as Zhang Fei. They had no time to talk to them, and they were trying to restore order outside.

The domestic media are much more knowledgeable, and they are still interviewing players and celebrities at the scene.

Fan Chaoyue couldn't escape today, surrounded by many media reporters, her manager Hong Jie was talking to the camera, she found Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao in the crowd, and quickly waved and shouted Call them over.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao ate the melons outside with gusto, and almost got hit by stinky socks and rotten shoes. When they heard someone calling them, they searched the chaotic and noisy hall for a while before they found Fan Chaoyue in the corner.

"This way, here, Xuewu, sapling, come here!"

Du Shiyu looked surprised, Fan Chaoyue, who doesn't know him, but seems...

"Oh, Xiaoyu, Yiye Zhiqiu is Fan Chaoyue, and Fan Chaoyue is Yiye Zhiqiu!"


Du Shiyu thought about Yiye Zhiqiu's real identity, the wealthy daughter and the mistress of the rich, but she never thought about this well-known star. She was dragged by excited buddies and squeezed into Fan Chaoyue when she was still ignorant. there.

"Let's get acquainted, one leaf knows autumn, Fan Chaoyue!", the daughter of the countryman stretched out her hand with a smile.

"That...haha... Nice to meet you, a little sapling, Xia Miaomiao... Hi!" Xia Miaomiao shook hands and greeted the camera.

"I really didn't expect...Xuewu Feiyu, Du Shiyu, hello!"

"You're born, old man!" Fan Chaoyue grabbed Du Shiyu's hand and shook it vigorously, then pulled her to the camera and answered the reporters' questions.

The identities in the game, the relationship between the three, the regrets in the third test, the longing for the fourth test... that's about it.

No matter how chaotic it is outside, it will not hinder the joy and harmony inside.

After the interview was over and the media reporters left, Fan Chaoyue, a disfigured Ge You paralyzed, said weakly: "You can say whatever you want, and I will continue. I am dishonest, and I should have confessed to you long ago."

"I think it's very good. What does it matter to us whether you are Fan Chaoyue or a passer-by? Didn't we tell you your real identity in reality?" Xia Miaomiao was uncharacteristically easy to talk. As usual, I have to stab the other party a few words to feel at ease.

Fan Chaoyue looked at her and smiled, and said, "It's rare, saplings."

"Hey!", Xia Miaomiao rubbed her head and smirked. She persisted for less than two seconds before revealing her true intentions, "Beyond, don't you know Tong Yuyan well? I think he's over there. Do you want to call him over and get to know him?" what……"

"Are you his fan?" Fan Chaoyue understood in seconds.

"I hate it, I just want to get to know each other!"


When Tong Yuyan came over, Xia Miaomiao was greatly disappointed. On the screen, he felt that this man was so handsome at [-] degrees, especially with his eight-pack abs. Xia Miaomiao drooled a lot at the poster, imagining The boyfriend in the book is based on him as a template, so why does it feel normal when we meet online?

Acne, blackheads, dull complexion, a big man still wears foundation, vomit, buy Karma, he also has forehead wrinkles and bags under the eyes, his head is also a bit small, and his facial features are not as three-dimensional as they look on the screen...he is just ordinary and handsome!
"Some people are on camera and some are not. Stars have a halo. If you take off this halo, everyone is an ordinary person." Fan Chaoyue pulled the two of them to sit on the sofa. Anyway, the chaos outside would not subside for a while, so they chatted. Saved by being dragged by the agent to deal with those endless people, "Look at me, am I quite ordinary?"

"Your face is really small," Xia Miaomiao said after examining it carefully.

"You can't be a star with a big face, except for special actors... Forget it, let's not talk about it, when can I get my top-quality blue longbow? I have already transferred the money to Yijiang Chunshui's account."

"You have to wait for the fourth test to open, right? Don't worry, I've been to his house, and I can't escape you."

"Speaking of this, I really want to thank you. I want to go too, but... you know."

"It's okay, it's okay, you have a special status..."

The two became more polite, but Du Shiyu said very little. Fan Chaoyue roughly estimated the characters of the two, and still felt that the quiet and quiet Du Shiyu was the most suitable for him.

"What is a star? Is the identity of a player rarer than a star? There are 70 billion people in the world, and there are only 10000 players. How many celebrities are there? It's too many to count, right? So, you are now rarer than any big star... Xiao Yu, You said I was right?"

Du Shiyu smiled gently, and was about to answer when an associate professor from the school came over.

"...Stop chatting, hurry up, follow me through the side door"

"Ah? So urgent!?"

"If you don't leave, you will be arrested!"

The two bid farewell to the big star in a hurry, were led by the associate professor, and walked away through a hidden side door like thieves. When they got on the bus, they saw that the chaos in the front square and the parking lot not only did not subside, but expanded, Signs of flooding, many people who have only heard a few words are coming, and the various media and short video platforms on the Internet are even more uproarious. Even the old men and women who usually only walk in the park are uncharacteristically concerned. Little Maza sat down on the congested road, and told the people around him that my grandson, my son-in-law let me come here, and if I don’t give an accurate statement today, the headquarters building of Canaan Company will be demolished .

"What are we going to do!?"

On the bus, Xia Miaomiao bluffed and asked the vice principal.

The vice-principal's face was dark, and the dean said, "Go back to the hotel first to see the limelight. At this time, don't act like a bird of prey!"

The vice-principal cursed in a low voice, and said, "This Yu Dazuo is really unreliable, and all good things are defeated by his mouth."

There was a echo in the bus. Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao looked at each other and sat down with a suppressed smile.

(End of this chapter)

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