Chapter 187 Return Moment
Players can pat their asses to go offline and wait for the four test servers to start, but Bei Gaoyang can't. This is the time when the work is heaviest.

The first is the summary of the three tests, the total revenue and expenditure, those mistakes, those wastes, those deficiencies, and those that can be improved and optimized... It took Xiao Ai two days to get such an overall 'report' come out.

Looking at the densely packed numbers on the screen, the great magician also had a big head, so he read them all patiently.

All in all, the bulk of the system's expenditure is on the player's occupation, skills, and props, accounting for almost 50% of the system's resources. There are many aspects that can be optimized, the most prominent being the player's occupational skills.

At the beginning, Bei Gaoyang was inexperienced, so he followed the template almost completely, and created a player whose skills could be upgraded through attribute points. Later, it proved that this was completely superfluous. Not only did the calculation of the system become more complicated, but the actual effect was not good. Players spend valuable free attributes on skill upgrades.

One is that the effect of upgrading skills is not obvious, and the other is that the difficulty of subsequent upgrades increases. Each level only has two points of free attributes. If the equipment is not good, it really can't be wasted.

This can be optimized and replaced by a proficiency system. The more times a player uses a skill, the more intense the battle process is, the better the combat effect is, and the higher the system evaluation is, the faster the proficiency will increase.

Vocational skills are divided into three levels, elementary, intermediate, and advanced. There can be a special level above. If you don't meet the harsh conditions, don't have enough luck, and don't make outstanding contributions to the system, you can't be promoted to the special level.

The advanced level is given the title of expert, and the special level is given the title of master. The same is true for life occupations. After the proficiency is enough, there will be a promotion task. There is no door frame for the junior high school. There is no system prompt for the advanced level. Everything has to be explored by the player.

Doing so is expected to save a lot of system resources.

Then there is the equipment of the players.

At present, it seems that it is simple, intuitive, and clear to distinguish by color, gray, white, green, blue, purple, orange, red, and the seventh level actually implies the magic level of the magic net. The level is similar, using himself as a reference, using real magic products as a template, and adding some parts of the magic net, so far, it seems to be working well.

Worth optimizing is drop.

The current drop mechanism is divided into two parts.

Part of it is the items in the magic net. After being included in the magic net, it is endowed with corresponding attributes. Basically, it is half of the real one, and half of the magic net. After the introduction of [Magic Smart Workshop], half of the magic net is reduced to 10-30 as a whole. % or so, the refining system needs to lower the door frame, it is too dark for one gold at a time, and there are still some props that have not been refitted.

Changing it to 10 silver at a time may awaken the players’ gamblers. If it is not 1 silver at a time, it will increase the difficulty of washing out the best products. As long as it is washed once, the magic net will be replaced. It is impossible to trade at a loss.

The other part is items that are not in the magic net and are brought in from the outside, such as the spoils obtained from the two alpha demiplane defense battles.

There are two situations here. The first one is that the magic net can be directly included and given corresponding attributes, no identification is required, and Bei Gaoyang himself can't use it.The second is that the magic net cannot be directly included, and requires complex replacement and system identification. Bei Gaoyang and the magic net can also be used.

Call out all the unidentified props in the players' backpacks from the background database. There are quite a lot of these items. Without the consent of the players, Bei Gaoyang called up the real information of these items and found that there are really many good things .

These are all in his pocket. When the players appraise them, Xiao Ai will replace them quietly and completely, and give the players a little sweetness. It is enough to deal with it. The black heart is comparable to Huang Shiren.

The advantage of such a drop mechanism is saving, but the disadvantage is that it is uncontrollable. The magic net is a passive response, and cannot macroscopically control the distribution of a certain type of equipment and a certain class, resulting in a certain class, a certain part of the equipment and props Overwhelming, while the equipment and props of another profession and position are scarce.

The solution is also very simple, that is, [props synthesis] in the template.

But the fourth layer of the magic net is impossible. An 'intelligent NPC cultivation plan' and 'player soul protection system' will consume most of the system resources, so we can only wait for the fifth test to solve this problem first.

The most resource-consuming part of the system is retrieved, and the rest is an inventory of the game map.

Still centered on Dawn Town, a game area with a diameter of 80 kilometers covers a game map of a fledgling scale. There are dozens of monsters, ranging from level 1 slimes to level 20 night priest elites. The distribution of monsters of various levels is uneven, there are too many low-level monsters, and there is an obvious gap between level 10-15 monsters.

It took another two days for Bei Gaoyang to capture hundreds of monster legions mainly consisting of ogres, trolls, and goblin bears on the Alpha plane, and prepared to set leveling levels in the four directions of the game map. The main dungeon, and scattered and sporadic monsters in the map, such as demonized monitor lizards, wasteland magic wolves, raging black bears, etc., are all 'subdued' one by one, and they are all included in the magic net, so that they can be subdued in the game area Little brother - add variables to the game map.

After finishing these, it can be regarded as sorting out the main route from level 1 to level 20. As for the dozen or so bosses that have evolved, they have long been included in the magic net and saved with [Monster Art].

To the north of Chenxi Town is the depths of the wasteland. The monsters in this direction are the highest and densest. To the west is the direction of Buck City. The game map in this area is almost cleared by the players. The farmland and pastures around the city have been fully restored, and the rations of hundreds of NPC residents have been resolved.

The Mage Tower is also located here.

To the east is the direction of the Fairy Forest. The game map has expanded to the edge of the forest and is close to the hometown of sister Alice. The planned new city is also located in this location, and the smart NPC cultivation plan project will also be implemented in this new city.

The forest also has an entrance to the dungeon.

To the south is the direction of the Rock Fortress, the frontier of the civilized world, the place where the glory of the gods shines, the direction of the biggest source of crisis in the future, and the focus of the magic net's future strategy.

In the end, it took two days to take stock of the existing game maps and the distribution of monsters, and it was a one-to-one correspondence between Xiao Ai's report and the reality.

In general, the results are excellent, and the system expenditure and system income are maintained at a very healthy level, but Bei Gaoyang will not be satisfied with this, and will further reduce the system expenditure and do everything possible to save unnecessary waste. The most precious resources are used in the construction of [Magic Web: Four].

With such a healthy surplus level, the magic net has become as stable as it is now, just like a big tree that is still growing. Sufficient nutrition and careful maintenance are the keys to its thriving growth.

At the end of the inventory, the design drawings of the fourth-layer magic net were spread out on the floor of the Lord's Mansion in Buck City. Its huge and cumbersome spell structure resembled the blueprint of an integrated circuit magnified many times, integrating more than 5 magic circuits. The "magic logic gate" is enough to realize the system functions that the third layer of magic net cannot realize, and it also goes deeper into the core of the mystery. In terms of level and level, it is many times higher than that of the third layer.

The level of spells is arranged in a pyramidal ladder. The higher the level, the closer to the core of the mystery, the closer to the bottom rules of the mystery, and the higher the corresponding difficulty.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many spellcasters have climbed the pyramid ladder, but only a small group of people can get close to the top of the pyramid. Bei Gaoyang is only on the seventh level now, and there are eighth and third levels up. Nine, even beyond the legend of the pyramid ladder structure.

The fourth layer of magic net, he is also considering the diversion of players in the future.

Even if the magic net is set up to the ninth floor, it is impossible for every player to reach the top. One is that it cannot carry it, there are not such high resources, and the other is that it is unnecessary.

So from now on, we should start to design, at what position and on what level, select players who are good enough and lucky enough to let them continue to climb on this pyramid ladder.

Most of the rest, using game levels, death penalties, job transfer tasks, etc., will always stay in the middle and lower levels, and the fourth level will be a good position.

"Xiao Ai, what happened to the death penalty system?"

"At present, 80% of the progress has been completed, and the relevant modules can be completed in time for the fourth test."

Bei Gaoyang nodded.

In the fourth test, the death of the player will not be kicked offline, the equipment will be lost, and the level will also be lost. Unless it is a special occasion such as the Alpha Defense Battle, the magic net and the system will become more and more supportive of the player. The more stringent it is, the drop rate will be changed back. It is impossible to release large amounts of water. If the price is high, the price will be high. With a player base of more than 10, the pool will become larger and the water that can be accommodated will become more.

In addition to death penalties, there are also tasks and job transfer levels. After level 20, the upgrade experience will increase exponentially. And put forward higher requirements for the players.

Level 20 is a gift or a gift, and the real test begins after level 20. Talent and hard work are indispensable. This is the overall idea of ​​the mainstream gameplay.

This kind of thinking is reflected in the design of the fourth layer of magic net, which is far from the few changes mentioned in the announcement.

Of course, there are more important Second Life plans and player soul protection that are related to belief values.

Players who are diverted are not giving up.

Bei Gaoyang made changes to the nearly completed design draft and perfected the last details. Xiao Ai reminded that it was time to contact the earth.

The player's soul protection needs to start with the access device of the magic net. The existing game helmet cannot meet this demand, and a more complex and high-end new version must be launched, which requires him to return to Earth in the near future.

This time I will go back to complete an experiment, which is to bring back a [clone] of Xiao Ai, and use some magic reserve props such as [magic stone] to try to build a pocket version of the earth's magic net in a non-magic environment ...

Soon, the (smiling face) sent by 'Xiao Liu' appeared on the screen of the central hub.

After a simple exchange of pleasantries, let's get down to business.

"When will you be back?"

"Recently, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"That's great, we're looking forward to it, hehe... You came back this time mainly for the fourth test?"

"Yes, the access device needs to be updated... Oh, I almost forgot, the helmet is not going to be produced, this time I am going to launch a new version."

"Ah, the new version? The previous ones can't be used anymore, right?"

"The new version 2.0 will adopt higher standard technical specifications, and have higher requirements in terms of player protection and game experience... Version 1.0 can also be retained, but there will be some restrictions on functions."

"Restrictions... you mean?"

"It can be used as an access device for tourists, and has the lowest weight in the queuing sequence, and it cannot perform mainstream game experiences, employment and tasks."

"...This idea is very good. As a tourist, it can solve one of our major problems. Hehe, have you read the news on the Internet?"

"I saw... the group riots outside the Canaan company headquarters building, right?"

"It makes you laugh, it's because we didn't do a good job."

"It's very joyful and joyful. Haha, I like that Mr. Yu very much. Don't be too harsh on him."

"This guy is giving us a headache...but it's actually your request, the chairman, so we'll let him go"

"How is the company doing?"

"Very good, we will arrange another comprehensive report when you come back this time."

"Let that Mr. Yu come here... I still need to purchase a lot of supplies this time. Is there enough money in the account?"

"Unless you're going to buy the entire magic city, it's enough...hehe"

"Sounds like a lot of money?"

"The company was established and operated for 107 days, with an average daily net profit of more than 15 billion yuan..."


"The research and development, game hardware, and software construction are almost zero expenses. You take care of them all by yourself, and the operating income is almost pure profit. Such a company can be said to be the only one in the world. Some of our comrades are very sorry and want to share some for you. , but I was worried about being abrupt again, hehe..."

Bei Gaoyang smiled slightly, strategically did not reply, and waited for a few minutes.

The earth was almost suffocated in these few minutes. The leadership who made such a strategic decision was under great pressure. A secret base of Nuoda was heard of. They all looked at the blinking cursor on the big screen.

Just when the emergency plan was ready to be implemented, Bei Gaoyang replied.

He cunningly changed the topic and said, "I'm going to play for a few more days when I come back this time. I'll walk around, take a look, and investigate the impact of the Canaan game on reality."

"Welcome, warm welcome, do you want us to arrange something for you?"

"No need, just walk around and have a look... Ah, by the way, this time I will bring back some supplies, some... supplies that don't exist on Earth, you know"

"Thank you, thank you very much, we have systematically re-done the 'technical training' you requested last time, so far, we have trained 1.0 technicians for the large-scale manufacturing of access equipment Workers, the 5 version of the access device can now achieve a daily output of [-] units."

"Are there enough materials?"

"Except for scientific research and other special purposes, Canaan Company's inventory is running out."

"I'll bring some more when I come back this time..."

(End of this chapter)

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