This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 188 The Chairman's Arrival

Chapter 188 The Chairman's Arrival

The "small black house" where Yu Qingdong lived only had a simple camp bed, and the springs on the bed were still aging, and they creaked and creaked when they moved.

He covered his head with a quilt, as if he was asleep, and he was still thinking about the scene that happened the afternoon before yesterday, how he was in such a mess, how he was thrown out of the sewer well by the security personnel with his head and body full of investment objects. found.

What a shame!
The more I think about it, the more aggrieved I feel, and the more I think about it, the more I want to jump up and shout.

At this time, the door of the small black room was pushed open from the outside, and a gray-haired old man in a Chinese tunic came in, followed by the new CFO of Canaan Company, a despicable villain and the main opponent of office politics.

Yu Qingdong remained motionless, letting the two sit down beside him.

"Why, you're still upset. I heard you're going to go on a hunger strike to protest?" The old man in the tunic suit looked at the unmoving lunch next to him and said, and the despicable man also took the opportunity to make sarcastic remarks, "It's a shame that Mr. Yu has been wronged. The superiors have finally rehabilitated you, you are fine, you can go out from here."

"If I don't give an explanation, I'm not going anywhere!" Yu Qingdong shouted, throwing off the quilt.

The old man Zhongshan's face turned serious, and he scolded: "What do you want to explain, do you want to explain to the people whose behavior is out of control, or to the organization, huh?"

Yu Qingdong went all out, "There are all of them. Why should I be locked up? Why should the troublemakers be let go easily? I can tell that the honors are all from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Canaan Company and I just picked each other." Come out and give them the top of the tank, which is specially used to take the blame."

"Wow, wow, it seems that you have a lot of grievances!"

The old man in the Chinese tunic suit stood up angrily, walked back and forth twice around the bed, "Yu Qingdong, get up!", threw off the quilt at once, and shouted sharply: "Do you know how much trouble you have caused this time? Wipe your ass, how many people work around the clock, and finally recover a little bit of influence? Do you know how the international community attacks and discredits us? Do you know how much risk we have taken because of your recklessness? Don’t forget, except you Is it the CEO of Canaan Company, or a national cadre of the 'Project Zero', what about your awareness, and your party spirit?"

Yu Qingdong poked his neck and looked aside, not speaking.

The No. [-] project was basically tricked into it. At the beginning, he did a good job in Warwick Company. He was so frustrated that he believed the deception of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He thought it was an epoch-making technological breakthrough and that Canaan was our own. Flesh and blood', I didn't know until I boarded the thief ship, it turned out to be a "fostered" product.

It is said that he is the CEO, but how many people really listen to him, the big and small things in the company?There are a group of mothers-in-law sitting in the back. There are many hills in the company, each department does its own thing, and there are backers behind it.

This secret, that authority is not enough... Fuck, he doesn't have enough authority as a CEO, but he has enough authority to see the door-don't laugh, it's true.

Such a wonderful company, what's the point of doing it, it's better to take the opportunity and let them hire someone else.

Seeing that he couldn’t make any sense, the old man was a little anxious. It was an easy matter to deal with. It’s hard to find three-legged toads, and there are still people with two legs all over the street. Yu Dazui didn’t want to do it. there is one next to him.

But, okay, but that person wanted him by name, and said he liked and admired him...what to do?

"Mr. Yu, accept it as soon as you see it. You are really responsible for this matter. If it weren't for you..."

"shut up!"

"Yu Qingdong, you're not going to eat it, are you?"


There was no time to waste with him, that person could come back anytime.

The old man in the tunic suit had no choice but to be soft.

Yu Qingdong took the opportunity to put forward conditions.

The first is to restore his reputation, formal and public, the higher the specification the better, you know he is called 'Yu Mouse' on the Internet, the photos and videos from the day before yesterday are still going viral, it is embarrassing to throw it on this, I don't know the impact, really Don't have the face to go out and meet people.

The second is the decision-making power of Canaan Company's normal operation. In a word, he, the CEO, can no longer be a decoration, and he should listen to him and the board of directors in everything except major decisions related to classified affairs and "Project Zero". Yes, he must have complete personnel rights, and he must rectify the company from top to bottom, so that it at least looks like a normal company dominated by private capital.

In the end... Forget it, don't go too far, it's extremely difficult to agree to these two items, and Yu Dazui doesn't think he can be that important.

Unexpectedly, the old man in the Chinese tunic suit agreed after pondering for a while.

Not to mention Yu Qingdong's astonishment, even the despicable villain behind him almost stared out of surprise.

In the news broadcast that night, Yu Dazui, who looked like a boss, made a gorgeous appearance. He inspected Canaan's game equipment factory and broke the news in front of the camera, saying that this test will launch game access equipment 2.0, a higher technology Standard, better gaming experience, more complete protection and health monitoring functions for players, etc.

Why did Yu Mouse come out?
Didn't you say that you have gone to the dormitory?
The attention of those who were puzzled was quickly attracted by this explosive news. After the news ended, the anchor used an extremely rare 30 seconds to praise Yu Qingdong and Canaan Company. Several major official Weibo accounts that night, It is also publicized as the platform for Yu Qingdong and Canaan Company.

'Yu Mouse' has become a new blocked word, and the pictures and videos of the group riots that day were also 404 on a large scale...

Such an obvious wind vane quickly made those Internet big Vs who criticized Canaan Company and Yu Qingdong himself die down, and some public intellectuals who did not believe in evil or had ulterior motives soon received a lawyer's letter from Canaan Company...

Gaming helmet 2.0?

The public's attention was all focused on this, and the focus was quickly diverted.

"Warehouse No. [-], unknown energy reaction!"

"I'm coming!"

"Don't panic, follow the plan!"

"Xiao Yu, you are the first"


"Quick, don't lose the chain at the critical moment..."

Yu Qingdong was a little dizzy, why was he ranked first?
Until the electric alloy door of No. [-] warehouse slowly slid open, that person, the "Mr. Chairman" who made everyone worry about, speculate in every possible way, and treated him with great care, came out with a smile on his face. He was the first one to see him, and followed him. He joked, "Yu Qingdong, Mr. Yu, I know him, I have known him for a long time, haha..."

It was only then that Yu Qingdong suddenly realized that it was not because he had become important, but because he left a clear and deep impression on the chairman, that...

It was a time of mixed flavors, I don't know how to describe it.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing, the chairman is talking to you!"

"Ah, oh, hello, chairman, the chairman is tired from the journey, it's hard work"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Qingdong wished he could slap himself in the face. Why did you say this like a little girl Yingbin without thinking about it?
Bei Gaoyang didn't care, and extended his hand very affectionately.

Yu Qingdong was half a beat slow before he hurried forward two steps, bowed slightly, and clasped his hands.

As I mentioned last time when I came back, the welcoming formation this time made Bei Gaoyang a lot more comfortable, there weren't so many irrelevant people, and they all looked familiar.

They greeted each other one by one, appearing very gentle.

Yu Qingdong's hands seemed to be scalded by a soldering iron, thinking in his heart, I can't wash my hands anymore, I have to find a chance to have someone take a sample, and I don't know if there will be any lesions, if it is "mutated" like this, it will be " Honorable' again.


"Chairman worked hard"

"Hello, Chairman!"

"Okay, okay, everyone has worked hard... Where are we going next?"

"The car is about going to the company's headquarters first?" said a "middle manager" of the company that Yu Qingdong was not familiar with very courteously.

"Then let's go to the place where you fought first!"

Bei Gaoyang got into an ordinary-looking business car, and when four or five cars drove away in an orderly manner, the surrounding area of ​​'Warehouse Zero' was blocked, and a white coat in protective clothing entered the warehouse cautiously , What I saw was that after the portal disappeared, there was still some void.

Soil, air, micromolecules, magnetic fields...all the detectable things are on the stage in turn, and finally there is a cautious steampunk-style 'black technology instrument'.

This is something that was researched after obtaining the 'magic solution' and the detailed design drawings of the game helmet, even though Bei Gaoyang saw it, he couldn't recognize what it was.

The 'black-tech instrument' went around the scene and did not know what valuable data it had obtained, so it was carefully put into the safe. After all the mysterious people who operated the instrument left the scene, other white coats were restored on the spot, and then Unblock.

The convoy was driving on the viaduct, and at night, the magic city was brightly lit, and the skyscrapers were shining, like a metropolis that only appeared in science fiction movies.

Bei Gaoyang was engrossed, his eyes were focused far away, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

Yu Qingdong has been told that there is no need for 'sampling', which stabilized the heart hanging in the air. He carefully looked at the side face of the chairman, felt the dull and tense atmosphere in the car, coughed, and said: " Shall I tell you about the situation of the company?"

"Uh, let's talk about it"

The atmosphere in the car was relaxed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Qingdong began to report at length.

Bei Gaoyang nodded while listening, looking very interested. In fact, he didn't care about these things. Canaan Company is a form of cooperation between the two parties, and it can also be said to be a white glove. The tacit understanding between the two parties is that the earth belongs to the earth, and Canaan What belongs to oneself.

Everyone takes what they need, and both parties don't mind providing some small conveniences for each other.

So far, the cooperation has been pleasant, and the other party is very measured. After a few contacts and trials, Bei Gaoyang is very comfortable with being neither far nor close. Maybe it is because he has further ideas. The other party wants to move forward a little bit this time, and then Bring the distance between the two sides closer... It just so happens that he also has such a plan.

But don't worry, you have to pay attention to the method and strategy.

Halfway through the selection of qualifications for the fourth test, Yu Qingdong said that he would wait for you, the chairman, to make a decision. Bei Gaoyang joked with him: "I know, whether it is planned or not." He snapped his fingers with his right hand, a little mysterious The light created out of nothing unfolded a hazy image in the space in front of him, suddenly it was the most widely circulated photo on the Internet.

In the photo, Yu Qingdong just crawled out of the sewer, with a rotten vegetable leaf on his head, was protected by a group of security guards and got into the car. Many angry people at the scene acted as the background board. It was as embarrassing as it could be... …

Yu Qingdong didn't know whether to be amazed by this technique or annoyed because his scars were exposed, so he could only say embarrassingly, Chairman, you are really humorous... Bei Gaoyang laughed loudly, patted him on the shoulder, said that you have suffered, and said again Ask how it was dealt with afterwards.

Yu Qingdong answered honestly, and Bei Gaoyang smiled and said that you were wronged and so on.

The middle-level executive with higher secret authority than Yu Qingdong interjected, "Chairman, is this magic? It's amazing..."

Bei Gaoyang dismissed the trick, smiled, and asked, "Is it coming soon?"


In the evening, he checked into a nearby five-star hotel, enjoyed some modern conveniences, and had a delicious dinner unimaginable in Canaan. Bei Gaoyang sat in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the presidential suite and looked through the itinerary given by Yu Qingdong.

Tomorrow, I will go to the factory that manufactures magic net access equipment, and by the way, I will finalize the version 2.0 game helmet. The configuration of the magic circle has already been prepared, and the soul protection unit has been added. The difficulty of engraving is not a problem, but for 'technical workers' , the difficulty has increased a lot.

The mental strength of ordinary people is still very difficult in the last level of "tempering". Even if it is the best among the best, it should be an effort to select more than [-] people.

In fact, it is most suitable for players who have been strengthened by the system to participate. The spirit and soul of the players have been strengthened for a long time, and they are far superior to their peers. It's a secret and large-scale search for talented people from various channels...

Forget it, let them go.

Adding magic net access equipment to the soul protection unit is only one aspect. The fourth layer of magic net must also make sacrifices for this. A large part of resources must always be reserved for this aspect. The purpose and usage of [Faith Value] After coming out, Bei Gaoyang also added a certain amount of [faith value], striving to make no loopholes in this key 'infrastructure'.

The magic net can temporarily collapse, the system can go down, and the player's soul must not have an accident. Once an accident occurs, it will threaten the current cooperation and destroy this hard-won good situation.

As a sweetener, tomorrow I have to come up with a certain amount of dry goods to satisfy the partner.

Last time, it was the magical configuration and production process of magic solution and magic network access equipment. This time, it was magic stone, mica, beast core and other materials that store magic power and the technology to build a magic environment in the earth's non-magic environment. .

At the same time, it is also an experiment and attempt. If it succeeds, Bei Gaoyang plans to "plant" a clone of Xiao Ai in this demonic environment, and at the same time establish a home for himself on the earth, which will greatly prolong his stay on the earth. time and reduce the unknown risks brought by crossing the crystal wall system.

Look, with so many things, I don't know if there is enough time.

Bei Gaoyang stood up and stretched, turned off the light, and sat cross-legged on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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