This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 189 A young bamboo shoot in the desert

Chapter 189 A Tender Shoot in the Desert

Magic City Canaan Company's special and special equipment manufacturing plant, Apartment 104, 3rd Floor, Building 12, Area A, Inside the High Wall.

The alarm clock woke up Ding Jian on time. He stretched on the white bed, opened his eyes and looked at the white ceiling, and it took him a long time to wake up from a deep sleep.

After getting out of bed, the smart AI home control terminal lights up the electrical equipment in the room, the floor-to-ceiling curtains automatically open, and cool air blows from the ventilating vent, taking away a little restlessness in the room.

While he was washing up, he looked at the text and picture messages on the full-length mirror. The workshop supervisor promptly sent him the work to be done today, informing him of the workers who would replace the night shift in half an hour, and remember to wear the access control card.

The cloakroom is also clean and white, all the items are of the same standard and color, and even the placement is neat, all single apartments are the same, as if they were copied and pasted.

Here, Ding Jian does not have any personal belongings. Everything he needs is distributed by the factory. Breakfast is delivered by a robot. Today it is replaced by a Cantonese-style tea shop. The crystal clear crystal shrimp dumplings are served with his favorite oil and vinegar sauce. Simply delicious.

Ding Jian used to be a professional mountaineer and an amateur extreme sports enthusiast. He entered this factory with the highest level of secrecy by accident. Items and personal space, every move is regulated, and it has been almost 3 months since I lived like a robot.

After breakfast, there is no one to pick up the car when they go out. A worker who knows him sits at the back by the window, and when he sees him coming up, he just nods.

Ding Jian was wearing a silver jumpsuit, and the access control card was installed in the transparent convex mirror on his chest. He clearly heard several beeps, as if he felt several scanning rays invisible to the naked eye passing by. own body.

Sitting by the window, the unmanned cable car advances between rows of buildings with the same regulations at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour. After a while, someone comes up again.

When all the seats in the carriages are full, the speed of the cable car is faster. It leaves the four-way well-developed auxiliary road and drives into the main road, joining dozens of hundreds of the same traffic.

As you can see along the way, everything is done step by step, as if you are inside a precision instrument, and the futuristic silver-white color makes this place a sci-fi world.

High walls, bunkers, and robot soldiers patrolling with guns and live ammunition, there are few other colors.

Every half a minute, the 'access card' on the chest will be beeping. It is difficult to move here without an identity. Since a spy who was lurking deep was detected last week, the security measures here have become stricter.

On the way to the factory workshop, Ding Jian went through a total of 7 security gates. Except for this suit of clothes, no "extra" items are allowed to enter the factory workshop. Due to the special nature of the work, he needs to come into contact with an incredible new material. After the work is over, the clothes will also be changed when they leave, and they will also go through a strict cleaning procedure.

Everyone is 'brand new' when they go out, and even the dust is not allowed to be taken out.

In the workshop, the transparent workstations have been vacated one by one. Ding Jian walked into his workstation, closed the fully transparent glass door, and checked the newly replaced tools under the surveillance of more than a dozen cameras and sensors. equipment, then sat down and began to wait quietly.

A few minutes later, with a beep, a brand-new helmet on the assembly line was delivered to his workstation. Ding Jian then picked up the tools, tore open the fully sealed package, and put a dozen exquisite brushes, tweezers, droppers Put them on the workbench one by one.

The new material is delivered by the robotic arm.

A transparent container the size of a fingernail contained an incomparably miraculous liquid. The surface of the liquid was light blue. After opening, a faint light mist evaporated from it.

This material has an unbelievable characteristic, that is, it is extremely sensitive to people's spirit and thoughts. Carefully absorb it with a dropper, and then drip it on the finest small brush. Ding Jian closed his eyes for a few seconds and then opened them. Extends to the end of the small brush to create an induction with liquid-containing ingredients.

He took a deep breath, picked up the helmet, found the starting point skillfully, and then followed the lines on it to start drawing.

There should be no distraction in this work, and the liquid composition on the brush must be controlled throughout the process, so as to saturate the material communicated by the texture a little bit.

A complete 'circuit' needs to be completed in one stroke. Once it is interrupted, the helmet is the next best thing. The waste of this kind of liquid is fatal.

The depiction of the initial 'circuit' was successfully completed. The light blue silver light flashed and appeared on each transparent work station. People who didn't know where saw it would think they were welding something.

Ding Jian changed to a larger brush, carefully put the brush he had just used into the stored instrument, and then finished the next task.

The lines of this circuit are much 'rougher', and a complete picture of the drawing automatically emerges in his mind, imagining it as a 'star map', and each 'point' needs to be communicated and illuminated by him with a brush. At the core of the star map, there is a circuit distribution similar to that of the human brain. With the undivided work, this "star map" "lives" in his consciousness, without deliberate thinking, body and hands Inertially start working according to the established process.

It feels like just a moment, but in reality it has been a long time.

When a complete star map was drawn, he had changed seven or eight tools, and the magic liquid had been consumed, and the finished product was a blue game helmet with nebula-like patterns engraved on its surface.

The original material of the helmet has been greatly changed, and the current composition and texture give people a contradictory sense of non-gold and non-jade, both heavy and light...

This is what I do?

Although it was not the first time, Ding Jian was still at a loss.

The 'star map' still remains in his consciousness, allowing him to involuntarily follow its flow line to let his spirit flow accordingly. From the outside, he is in a trance and dazed, consuming a huge amount of mental power in this state Next, quick recovery.

A stabbing pain woke him up, and it turned out that his consciousness began to accelerate according to the 'star map', to the point where he could not bear it.

"Everyone stop what they are doing...stand up!"

Ding Jian was startled, what happened, did another spy break in?
He stood up reflexively according to the instruction, and naturally looked at the entrance of the workshop.

A burst of extremely abrupt talking and laughing came from that position, and then, an extremely abrupt color burst into this spotless white world.

"...Let us welcome the chairman and his party!"

The applause sounded sparsely, and Ding Jian applauded half a beat later. He saw a stern workshop director walking on the left side of a young-looking man. Standing on the right side of this man like a Maitreya Buddha, he saw many important figures he knew and didn't know chatting with this man with laughter all the way...

But who is this person?
What chairman, people from Canaan Company are not even qualified to enter here...

"Okay, okay, let them all be busy and leave us alone." Bei Gaoyang said with a smile on his face.

"Everyone work!"

Ding Jian and the others sat down in doubt.

There are hundreds of workstations in a workshop, and each workstation is separated into a fully enclosed "chamber" with fully transparent special glass. Each workstation is connected by a guide rail. There are assembly lines and robotic arms on the guide rail, and various materials and tools are delivered. Once processed, it is transported away by robotic arms.

Together with the remaining tools and materials, nothing will be left on the workstation.

Bei Gaoyang didn't ask why so many monitors in the workstation were used for, and browsed through the 'cabins' with a smile.

The workshop director obviously had a military temperament, he didn't talk much, but he was concise and to the point. Although he didn't know Bei Gaoyang's identity, he was told to treat him as the chief with the highest authority and secret level.

Listening to his introduction, Bei Gaoyang kept nodding his head. If he wanted to ask him about this factory and workshop, he only had one good word!
Even in Canaan, even in the laboratory on the mage tower, such a scene cannot be seen.

A mage, with at most 10 apprentices is already very impressive. The mage's laboratory is usually known for being dirty, messy and dangerous. Accidents such as fires and explosions are commonplace. The most important thing every magic apprentice learns is Emergency treatment of various dangerous situations in the experiment.

What about here?
Simply a work of art!
Although the basic magic products are made, the production process itself is not dangerous, but the degree of quantization and standardization is only on the earth. There is no concept of standardization and streamline in Canaan, and there is no basis for its realization.

Refining the magic circle requires full dedication, especially for those who are not apprentices.

They are a group of people, and even a workshop cannot work normally, but there are also some people who can eliminate the interference from the outside world, maintain their focus on me, and continue the work at hand without being affected.

Bei Gaoyang stopped in front of Ding Jian's work station, and what he saw was a young man who was full of attention. His eyes were empty, but his hands were extremely steady, so precise that only a hair-thin brush at the end seemed to have life in his hand. , The soaked magic solution resonated with his spirit, the end shone slightly, and penetrated into the magic lines on the surface of the helmet, just like welding, flashing and flashing, a circuit was completed in a short while.

Bei Gaoyang raised his head in surprise, and looked at Ding Jian's side face seriously.

A young man in his twenties, with sharp eyebrows, deep and three-dimensional facial features, not tall, and a thin body, but his eyes are surprisingly big and bright, his forehead is wide, and his hair volume is worrying...


"Uh... a very talented young man!"

Bei Gaoyang commented.

"This is Xiaoding, 24 years old, very quick to learn, and has become a skilled worker in less than a month"


"In our grading, there are first-level workers and second-level workers."

"Is there anyone more talented than him?"

"Yes, yes"

"Then take me to see it"

In the eyes of Bei Gaoyang, the so-called "better talent" is indeed mediocre. He can also eliminate external interference and concentrate on the work at hand, but lacks the "spirituality" seen on Ding Fitness. It's nothing more than practice makes perfect...

After reading it, Bei Gaoyang was noncommittal, turned around and stopped beside Ding Jian's work station.

The people traveling with him saw how special he was to this young man, they exchanged eyes for a moment, and then returned to their normal appearance.

Ding Jian is 'drawing' the last loop.

At this time, he was already struggling, his face was a little pale due to the exhaustion of his mental strength, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, but his hand was still steady, and the frequency of the small brush that penetrated into the magic pattern was still flickering. After a while, the final logic The door closed', the whole helmet flashed slightly, and all the magic solution immediately reacted with the material of the helmet itself, and a gradient pattern like a starry sky appeared on the surface of the helmet.

Ding Jian entered into a state of 'trance and confusion', the remaining 'star map' in his consciousness was still flickering, and his little mental power was running along the smuggling of the star map.

At this moment, Bei Gaoyang spoke suddenly.

"What did you see, young man?"

The ups and downs and turnings of his voice, tone, and voice are extremely strange. To the human ear, there is a kind... an indescribably dark and rich sound, and the end sound has a frosty harshness, like some kind of electronic synthesis sound, and There is a force of convincing, trusting and closeness within.

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere of the whole workshop changed suddenly.

"I... I saw the starry sky!"

Ding Jian answered the order that exploded in his consciousness as if he was sleepwalking.

Hearing this, Bei Gaoyang looked a little strange.

How low is the probability of finding someone truly gifted with spellcasting on a magical deserted earth?

Anyway, it must be lower than the probability of Canaan.

And now it happened.

Compared with the mage profession among players, the path this person is taking now is the right path.

To become a spellcaster, the first is spiritual power, the second is the affinity of magic power, and the third is the aptitude of the soul.

The first type can be nurtured, the second type must be brought from the mother's womb, but it can also be improved through some "secret methods" affecting the mother and fetus, only the third type has no way at all, the same is true for players, and the magic net can't Change.

Ding Jian saw the so-called 'star map', which is the magic configuration of 'Pray for Soul Traversing' on the access device. Don't the circuits look like a lit starry sky?
A mage has spell slots and must memorize spells every day.

The first step of becoming a mage is to 'copy' various elementary spell configurations, over and over again, day by day, year after year, until the 'copying' is completed, the spell configurations do not need to be recalled, they will naturally remain in consciousness and In terms of soul, it is considered to have its own [magic slot].

People with insufficient soul qualifications will never be able to possess [magic slots], and naturally they will not be able to become mages.

But now, on the earth in the magic desert, there is actually a person who has his own [magic slot], as rare and dazzling as a young shoot growing from the desert.

He's not a player yet...

"now what?"

Bei Gaoyang waited for him to wake up before asking.

Seeing so many people around, Ding Jian was a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down, thought for a while and replied: "It's blurred a lot, and I can't see it all."

The use of the word "watch" is wonderful.

If 'I can't remember everything', then Bei Gaoyang's evaluation of him will be much lower.

But what should we do now?

He has no plans to take apprentices...

(End of this chapter)

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