This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 190 89 Apprentices

Chapter 190 89 Apprentices

In the end, Bei Gaoyang didn't say anything.

Ding Jian didn't realize that he was at a fork in the road of fate. After the group left, he shook his head in doubt, and then devoted himself to the intense and orderly work.

He loved the job, yes, a lot.

Tempering the magic circle can be "addictive". After a large amount of mental energy is consumed, it can be recovered slowly by visualizing the "star map". There is pain and a little bit of joy in the process. Once adapted, the body and even the soul will "love" 'In this way, the pain is not pain at this time, but like smoking nasha.

This comes from the instinctive impulse of life.

It took a whole morning to inspect this so-called special and special equipment manufacturing factory. Bei Gaoyang compared it with his own "magic smart workshop", and evaluated it as a "manual workshop" at best, which was different from the already realized "magic workshop". Compared with the automatic and intelligent cleaning system of props production process, the original manpower is still used here, and the gap is not usually large.

Once the freshness wears off, that's it.

Before coming here, he said that he hoped to have a home in Modu.

This is no ordinary home.

After learning about his true intentions, the leading group behind the 'No. Zero Project' was extremely shocked, and the news was quickly passed to the highest level. The instructions they received were to make every effort to achieve it, to fully satisfy it, and to be absolutely sure in terms of security and confidentiality.

Of course, he has the final say on where the family should be. He didn't have any ideas at first. With Ding Jian, and considering that there may be many people with similar outstanding talents, he is going to make this so-called "family" Ann is nearby.

At least there is a manual workshop here. The natural volatilization of the magic solution will also bring a little magic concentration, which is better than nothing.

In the future, if more 'Ding Jian' are found, the magical environment is successfully built, and Xiao Ai's avatar can survive for a long time... Maybe we can really create a [Earth Magic Net].

After handing over the blueprint of the magic network access device 2.0, Bei Gaoyang wandered around the factory area and its surroundings. Yu Qingdong drove, and there were only two taciturn men in suits traveling with him.

When passing by an abandoned village, he asked Yu Qingdong to stop the car, pushed the door open, stood on the weedy country road, looked at the mountains in the distance, took a deep breath of the fresh air, and said, "This place is not bad?"

Yu Qingdong couldn't see anything good about this ghostly place, it was just a desolate sloping land, but it was so remote and hidden that it couldn't be found on the map.

"Well, the scenery is nice"

Bei Gaoyang smiled and said, "Then let's set it here!" He casually pointed to a small hill in front, "It's enough to build a small much time will it take?"

Yu Qingdong went to see one of the men in suits.

The man in the suit looked embarrassed, and Bei Gaoyang added: "As long as the basic requirements can be met in the fastest time."

What are the basic requirements?
Yu Qingdong took pleasure in other people's misfortune, silently enjoying watching these people with a higher secret level than him suffer.

"Within 24 hours!" Another man in a suit replied firmly.

Bei Gaoyang nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Then I will trouble you."

On the way back, I passed by several large engineering vehicles. Five minutes later, more than a dozen large trucks full of formed steel structure fixtures, plates and other building materials were waiting quietly by the side of the road. With a bang, it charged towards the nameless hill.

Before returning to the factory area, there are road and bridge construction vehicles driving past with a full load of formed steel plates. Road markings have been drawn on the steel plates, and there are even formed lampposts, wires, cables, etc...

——It seems that the two sides have very different understandings of the 'basic requirements'.

Bei Gaoyang watched in silence, Yu Qingdong curled his lips, complaining about dogs and sycophants in his heart.

"How many old helmets are there left in stock?", he asked.

This is Yu Qingdong's full-time scope. He was half a beat behind when he was on a errand before answering: "The latest data half an hour ago was 674389. After the new craft formula was delivered, the old craft stopped production. If you need to meet the fourth time in a short time The equipment requirements required for testing ... the pressure on the factory is very high."

"Let's see then"


After a while, he returned to the workshop. Ding Jian was familiar with the quenching process with more than a hundred "skilled workers". The inscription is easy to solve. Just change the drawing on the computer. There is no shortcut for this last key process. However, Magic Web's smart workshop cannot be moved to the earth.

"Don't bother them!"

Bei Gaoyang and his entourage stopped at the entrance of the workshop, looking at the sterile, dust-free, simple and white workshop, it was really audible. More than a hundred people were concentrating on memorizing the drawings, each of them was extremely serious and serious.

Seeing them, Bei Gaoyang remembered that when he was an apprentice, he also dealt with a large number of such drawings. It was extremely painful at the beginning. Those ghost symbols were his nightmare for a long time, and his mental strength was exhausted every day. Sudden death is possible!
Those who are not talented enough will pass this level, and those who pass the level will have one out of ten. This is only the first level... I don't know how many of these people can pass.

According to common sense, the old configuration can be tempered, and the new configuration should be able to be completed after familiarization. This is not the case at all.

The tempering of spell configuration requires the close participation of spiritual power. After a configuration is successfully tempered, the soul and consciousness will form an existing 'imprint'. This imprint is the so-called [spell slot]. It is like a formed How can spiritual power flow along this established river course as water? How can it be changed?
Blow up the embankment to divert the river?
That is suicide!

There is only one solution, which is to build another "parallel" river channel, that is, to build another [spell slot], which will test people's soul qualifications. Some people's souls are tough enough and have enough "volume" to easily It is difficult to overcome this difficulty, but most people's souls are relatively thin and loose. It is already the limit to refine one spell configuration, how can we create another one?
This is a congenital limitation, there is no solution, and no known external means can change it, including the gods.

Of course, no matter how outstanding a person's talent is, the tenacity of his soul is not comparable to that of a real mage. External means cannot intervene, but he can be promoted through self-transcendence and sublimation.

This is how Bei Gaoyang came all the way. At the beginning, he could only memorize a few simple zero-ring tricks, but by memorizing these tricks, his soul qualifications were tempered through long-term immersion and assiduous connection, so he surpassed and Sublimated, you can memorize more and more complex spell configurations.

On the road of magic, there is really no shortcut. It is really one step at a time. It is an extreme test of a person's talent and aptitude.

With talent, one must have enough concentration and hard work, plus the indispensable luck, to climb this cruel and bloody pyramid of power.

Looking back now, it is blood and tears every step of the way. The hardships and sweat that I paid are hard for others to imagine and understand.

Therefore, every famous sorcerer is a person with determination and determination, and he will never give up to achieve his goal. A fool cannot become a spellcaster, and a guy with no talent but a flawed temperament will all fall on the way to the start.

These people don't need memory, they just need to temper it according to the drawings, but it doesn't mean that everything will be fine if you follow the gourd and draw a scoop, tempering itself is a kind of memory.

Soon, someone at the scene said they would, and a newly engraved helmet was delivered, and they each walked into their workstations and started tempering.


Not long after the tempering started, some people held their heads and screamed, some foamed at the mouth and fainted. The symptoms of others varied in severity, and all ended in failure.

Everyone didn't understand why, and Bei Gaoyang didn't bother to explain, and the workshop was in chaos for a while.

About fifteen minutes later, some people said that they were ready, but Ding Jian was not included.

This time it was seven people, they persisted longer, but they got nothing except seven scrapped helmets and wasted magic solution.

Some people became anxious, and regardless of Bei Gaoyang and others watching, they asked loudly how these failed people felt. After these people described their feelings intermittently, Yu Qingdong asked in a low voice: "Chairman, why is this happening?"

"Not enough qualifications!" Bei Gaoyang said.

Yu Qingdong continued to ask, "What qualifications are not enough, is it not smart enough?"

"Quality to cast spells, qualification of the soul."


Yu Qingdong still wanted to ask, but he looked like he didn't want to say more, and he was very serious, so he didn't dare to ask more.

"Let them continue and see how many can succeed in the end"


For the rest of the time, every 'skilled worker' was under great pressure, and unspeakable mystery and weirdness shrouded his heart. Only a few of them were free from any interference from the beginning to the end.

Half an hour later, Ding Jian and the other three raised their hands to signal, and after getting permission, they each walked into their workstations.

All three of them successfully completed the tempering of the new helmets.

In the end, only these 119 of the 3 people passed the level. The probability seems to be very low, but considering that the magic circle configuration of the game helmet is more complicated than the zero-ring trick, they have not done any professional training, nor do they know any knowledge of magic theory And the principle of the magic circle...

Being able to memorize two spell configurations is already qualified to be called a magic apprentice, which means that the three of them have already stepped within the threshold of spellcasters.

For the rest of the time, Bei Gaoyang looked very serious.

He just asked the factory to count all the people who completed the second tempering in the [-] workshops, give him a list, and then lock himself in the guest room of the hotel.

Outside, there was already an uproar.

It wasn't until dark that Yu Qingdong showed up at the door of the guest room with this list.

"come in!"

He cautiously opened the door, and took a look inside first. The lights inside were not turned on, and a very mysterious fluorescent light flickered on the floor of the guest room.

Going in and looking, there are some unknown stones, bones, plants, etc., lit up in a formation similar to a hexagram, and a very strange pattern is drawn with bright red lines in the middle of the hexagram. At first glance, this pattern looks like a half-opened bird Open your eyes, as soon as Yu Qingdong came in, he seemed to be 'stared' by it, and a chill went straight to his head.

Bei Gaoyang sat cross-legged beside the six-pointed star formation, with his eyes closed.

"Dong, chairman..."

"how many people?"

"A total of 89 people"

Eighty-nine is less than [-]% of the more than [-] people, but it can't be counted like this. This is a desert of magic. What is the probability that someone with spellcasting qualifications will be born in a magic-free environment?
It can be said that it completely subverted cognition.

Unless, the presence or absence of magic power does not have as great an impact on the soul's qualifications as the mages claim, or in other words, it doesn't matter at all.

This is a huge discovery, which is enough to rewrite many mystical theories and research directions. Its significance is like discovering that life does not need water to survive.

The question is what now?
Originally planned to build a magical environment here, trying to see if the magic net can be extended, but now that the earth also has the basis for discovering and utilizing magic power, this plan is a question mark.

It was a difficult choice before Bei Gaoyang.

What the earth meant to him.

Is it to sow the fire seeds of extraordinary power and system here, or define it simply as a supply place of 'cheap human resources', and the core demands and interests are still placed in Canaan?

The magic circle around him is continuously evaporating magic power. Because it is a completely enclosed space, Bei Gaoyang has already felt a certain concentration of magic power.

The elemental elves seem to be very active. They are curious about the new environment here, and they don't see any signs of discomfort.

They are 'reacting' with everything in the room, making the air humidity, temperature, and light transmission all appear abnormal to a certain extent.

This shows that in a closed space, it is feasible to build a limited and low-magic environment. The elemental spirits do not want to 'escape' to the vast world outside. They are trying to turn a grain of sand into a Livable!

As long as there is enough magic power, maybe they can really multiply on this planet.

Bei Gaoyang looked at the list of 89 people, holding the fate of these 89 people in his hands, pondered for a long time, and said to Yu Qingdong: "Let these people move to live in my house, and find someone else to replace the work they are in charge of."

Yu Qingdong said hastily, "In this case, production has come to a complete standstill, and only these people can complete the refinement of new techniques."

"It can be solved by changing a new group of people," Bei Gaoyang said, "How did you choose these [-] people?"

"Uh... I don't know much about this..."

"Forget it, let them choose a new batch."

" this going to solve it?"


After sending away the bewildered Yu Qingdong, Bei Gaoyang waited until late at night for the massive 'death' of the elemental elves.

It should be loss of activity, death is not accurate, elemental elves have no concept of death, only active and silent.

But their number has not decreased. If new companions continue to join in, maintaining a fragile balance can still be done.

In the early hours of the next day, the entire factory was empty.

Overnight, more than [-] people who could no longer refine the new array configuration were scattered and resettled.

At noon, the first bus full of new 'skilled workers' drove into the factory area, and Bei Gaoyang was amazed at their efficiency and execution.

At this time, standing in front of him were 89 ignorant young and middle-aged people, and none of them could see the existence of an old person. Behind him was a seven-story "small building" that was nearly completed, and the surrounding land was initially leveled and transplanted. flowers and trees.

"From now on, you will live and live here," he said to the 89 apprentices who did not know their identity and apprenticeship.

(End of this chapter)

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