This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 191 The Magical Environment

Chapter 191 The Magical Environment
Who can say for sure what will happen in the future, let's just treat it as an idle game played by Bu.

In less than 24 hours, the construction of a seven-storey small building and related facilities that can meet the 'basic requirements' has been completed, the construction vehicles have been withdrawn, and the rest is some patchwork and scattered work.

Bei Gaoyang took out a large number of array substrates from the space ring, surrounded the small building, and started laying them.

After the 89 'apprentices' moved in, no one cared about them. Before they came, they had already been recruited urgently. Regardless of their personal intentions or not, they were only told that they were selected to participate in a highly confidential scientific research project. I was afraid that they would not realize it. How "highly confidential" is, and it is also compared with the first atomic bomb tested on the Gobi Desert that year.

Pity these people come from all walks of life, some are students, and they study liberal arts. How can they participate in such scientific research projects?
Time was too tight, and the ideological work was too late to be completed, so it was rushed to Bei Gaoyang's hands, as if he was afraid that he would go back on his word.

At this time, these 89 apprentices didn't know what they were doing, and they didn't know their own identities. After reluctantly staying, they watched such a strange person doing these inexplicable things, and there were many discussions.

Bei Gaoyang didn't care about it at all, and inlaid the substrates one by one, while muttering incantations, his fingers leaked the powder of the casting materials without a trace, and basically fused the inlays together.

With the connection of the substrates, a huge, cumbersome, mysterious and even weird formation appeared, vaguely a strange and awkward pattern, in the middle of this pattern, suddenly there was a half-opened, extremely abstract giant eye.

The discussion gradually stopped, and every apprentice began to feel an inexplicable coldness. Their eyes met the giant eye in the center of the pattern, and they were horrified to find that this eye was opened, and returned a look of indifference.

The apprentices were in an uproar. After confirming to each other that it was not an illusion, some people wanted to escape from this weird small building.

Bei Gaoyang still didn't care, he only cared about his work.

But soon, these escaped apprentices were sent back. When other people knew that the high wall of the factory area was extending to this side, and there were military police with live ammunition everywhere, they were silent.

To be selected, the quality is naturally extraordinary. They did not bluff, panic, or make some useless and futile attempts like ordinary people, but became cautious and careful.

Looking at this strange person like Bei Gaoyang, he became extremely serious, trying to find clues from him.

After being busy for more than two hours, hundreds of substrates were inlaid. This is only the first phase of the project. In the future, the volume of this enchantment will be expanded to continuously replenish the magic reserve unit.

As a large number of magic stones, mica, etc. were inlaid into each formation eye, after a cappella, "嗡!", the whole hill trembled, and dense clouds visible to the naked eye rose around the small building. A large number of elements The elves surged out of the magic reserve unit and came to this brand new world curiously.

The enchantment bound these elemental elves around forcibly, about the size of a football field.

As the concentration of magic power increases, the spread of light changes, forming a rainbow-like color gradient at the boundary, and a clear boundary appears, like an upside-down glazed bowl, distinguishing the environment with magic from the environment without magic .

The apprentices were speechless in shock.

Only then did someone remember that the strange pattern he saw just now was very similar to the craft drawings he had tempered. He told others in a low voice, and when he saw this strange person again, he became extremely afraid.

On the outside, the commotion had just subsided. Yu Qingdong wiped the sweat from his brow, and was obediently reprimanded by a major in uniform. Because of his negligence, he actually brought in some people who were not qualified to participate in this time. The earth-shattering changes in the past have become very troublesome.

The military is easy to control. The trouble is that many people from non-secret units and even civilians have not all evacuated. There is a lot of aftermath to be done afterwards, which is a headache to think about.

Everyone was told that a major scientific experiment was going on in the protected area, at the top secret level. From now on, they would lose something, and at the same time bear responsibilities and obligations that they shouldn't have.

Bei Gaoyang doesn't care about these things.

Today is the third day since he came back. After the magic environment was built, he obviously felt much better. His own magic power is no longer spilling out, and his soul is like a fish returning to the water. He has finished holding his breath and can breathe shallowly ' up.

Just like deep-sea diving, with the supplement of oxygen cylinders, the stay time is greatly extended.

Only then did 89 people be called.

The first floor of the 7-storey small building is the living room, which is so large that it can accommodate hundreds of people. It is a permanent building with an all-steel structure and special cement pouring. It is rare that even the interior decoration is done in the factory workshop. Furniture, electrical appliances, Furnishings, daily utensils, etc., and even the carpet under the feet are all available.

Some of the 89 people were sitting and some were standing. Bei Gaoyang was only thinking about it, tapping the armrests of the seats with his fingers lightly, making his heart beat faster and his lips dry.


In the end, he took out a blueprint of the zero-ring trick and told them that from now on, use the tempering technique learned in the factory to draw this new 'craft blueprint' on white paper, and the top ten will be rewarded. The bottom ten will be penalized.

Then leave them alone and leave on their own.

"Little Yu!"

Yu Qingdong was in a daze beside the off-road vehicle at the foot of the mountain, when he heard the greeting, he was shocked, turned around and drove away, smiling ugly, "Dong, chairman!", and trotted over.

Except for Yu Qingdong, Bei Gaoyang turned a blind eye to other people and things, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go to the warehouse to have a look."


He ran to the side of the car like a dog and opened the door, respectfully invited the big Buddha in, then trotted all the way to the passenger seat, and winked at the robot-like driver.

All the way unimpeded!
Bei Gaoyang looked thoughtfully at the high wall that was extending to this side. Yu Qingdong took a look at his expression through the rearview mirror and explained: "It is mainly for safety reasons. If you feel uncomfortable, I will tell you According to the response from the superior, some adjustments can be made..."

"What did you say?" Bei Gaoyang thought about this all.

What he was thinking about was the old helmets left in the warehouse, and the replacement of the helmets in the hands of players.

The identity of a tourist is a good idea. It doesn’t need too much support from the magic net. It can be solved by hanging a “small attachment” in the magic net on the fourth floor. What a burden.

Players and tourists are separated, and the landing channels are different, which can also avoid the problem of online congestion.

The most wonderful thing is that tourists can also provide faith value, except for the main game process and gameplay, other are not restricted.

They can live, travel, operate, obtain and give in Canaan, and carry out some simple production... Ah, isn't this just another intelligent NPC cultivation plan?
Such a good idea, why didn't I think of it before?

"When will the helmet in the player's hand start to be replaced?"

"The announcement was sent out this morning...but..."


"It's nothing, hehe... It's just that the players have unnecessary doubts. Don't worry, the chairman, I can solve them."

He said it could be solved, and Bei Gaoyang believed it. Anyway, for this powerful state violence machine, problems are trivial, and he doesn't need to worry about them.

"How many tourist identities associated with the old helmets are you going to issue?"

Yu Qingdong thought, here we come, here we come, he habitually wanted to peek at the expression behind him, but when he looked up, he saw the driver's eagle-like eyes. The script said, "Of course I have to listen to your arrangement, as much as you say"

Bei Gaoyang chuckled, not believing that the other party was so honest.

How to distribute the hundreds of thousands of old helmets in the warehouse, to whom and not to whom, is a huge right, and it also contains huge benefits, which are so great that no one, organization or even the country can ignore them.

It is not a dog bone, but a gluttonous feast, and having the right to dispose of it is tantamount to monopolizing an industry that is rising like the morning sun.

Although Bei Gaoyang was not familiar with these things, it was not that he didn't know anything about them.

"Tourist status... let's put 10000 places first, don't you have an unplanned target? Just right, plug this hole, what do you think?"

Yu Qingdong was a little reluctant. The unplanned indicators were player qualifications rather than tourists. This was the "rich resource" that had been negotiated and reserved for Canaan Company long ago. How could it be taken away lightly?
If he agrees to this, he will definitely be the one to take the blame. He has provoked whomever he has provoked.

Bei Gaoyang didn't hear his answer right away, he understood it in seconds, slapped his forehead, and said, "Look at me, the tourist status should be separated from these, your unplanned indicators are still yours, and the tourist qualification is another calculation!"

Yu Qingdong was overjoyed, and immediately confirmed: "That's 10 game qualification draws, 1 activity indicators in Canaan Company, plus the existing 11000 players, a total of 12 four-test players?"

Bei Gaoyang nodded.

Yu Qingdong rubbed his hands excitedly, and finally reached the 10 level, which is more than 10 times higher than the third test. If the subsequent tests continue to expand at this rate, how far will Canaan Games and Canaan Company grow? ?
If that day, game qualifications can be freely obtained, and everyone in the world can enter Canaan freely, will Canaan Company still be just a company?Isn't that a Tusla?Ah, no, it is simply the umbrella company in Resident Evil!
Suddenly, Yu Qingdong somewhat understood why his superiors paid so much attention to them. Why were those unknown people with higher authority than him so nervous all day long? Bei Gaoyang's every micro-expression and every change in tone could make their nerves tense...

Thinking about it this way, I can better understand the value of the person sitting behind me!
"Is this stupid? Haha... 1 is just a test of the water. It is expected that it will not be less than the number of players, and it is within the period of this test."

"Ah!?" Yu Qingdong was dumbfounded, "That's 12 tourists?"

Bei Gaoyang nodded with a smile.

Yu Qingdong was still digesting the reaction, the off-road vehicle had already stopped at the entrance of a large warehouse in the factory area, and a row of people stood outside like elementary school students, respectful, as if waiting for some international VIP.

"Hehe, Xiao Liu, long time no see!"

"Dong, Chairman!"

Liu Chongshang, who hadn't seen him for a long time, caught up and bowed slightly stiffly.

"Don't be so polite, let's go in and have a look together!"

Bei Gaoyang didn't ask who the other people were, Liu Chongshang was not there before, and why he appeared now, he just walked towards the open warehouse with a smile on his face.

There are endless boxes in the warehouse, each of which is a one-meter-long and wide cube structure. Open the wooden lid, and inside is a silver metal lockbox, with the logo and numbering sequence of Canaan Games painted on it...

"It's all here!" said Liu Chongshang.

"Well, it's spectacular!" Bei Gaoyang nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Yu Qingdong, "The difference between tourists and players and qualifications, will you send them out?"

"No, isn't this the quasi-letter that has been waiting for you?"

Bei Gaoyang waved his hand: "Then send it out, listen to the feedback from the players, and reassure them casually."

"Then... I'm going to work right now?"

"go Go!"

As soon as Liu Chongshang came, Yu Qingdong knew that he should leave the stage. This was to prevent someone from 'too closely related' with the chairman, so that he could not lose his tail, and then use his special position to seek personal gain for himself. It was also to prevent someone from taking advantage of others. , do preventive considerations.

Having reached the door of the warehouse, Yu Qingdong suddenly had an impulse, remembering the crying of his little daughter every day, he gritted his teeth and said, "Well, Chairman, I have a request!"

As soon as the voice fell, the faces of the people around changed.

Bei Gaoyang chuckled, as if he didn't notice anything, and said: "Don't tell me, let me guess..." He glanced at Liu Chongshang and said: "Are you qualified for the game?"

Yu Qingdong bit the bullet and nodded, and was ready to be criticized in his heart.

"You are the CEO, the CEO of the dignified Canaan company, and you can't even get a game qualification? Unplanned?"

Yu Qingdong smiled wryly and said: "I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring up and down. How dare I, this time... I really can't stand the noise at home. Every time I go home, my head grows big. Others don't believe me, and my family members don't believe me." I don't believe it, I... really...", an expression of 'the baby is suffering but the baby can't say it'
"Okay, okay, 10 quotas are specially approved for you, and you can give it to whoever you like... I have this right!?" As he said, he went to see these unknown people around him.

These people changed their expressions at the speed of Sichuan opera, and nodded repeatedly.

Only then did Yu Qingdong leave contentedly.

As he walked, he thought tragically in his heart, the big deal is to remove Lao Tzu, this has already registered with Lafayette, and he has a golden speech, can he still be locked in Lao Tzu's little black room?
Even though I think so, I am sure that the superiors will not take anything against me because of such a trivial matter. Most of the 10 places still have to be handed over, but I still feel uneasy, and I need to keep cheering myself up to appear righteous.

Damn, love whatever!

(End of this chapter)

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