Chapter 192 Lesson [-]

The materials that need to be purchased are simpler, you only need to make a list, and naturally someone will rush to prepare it.

Speaking of materials, this time Bei Gaoyang purchased a large amount of food, one is to prepare for the smart NPC cultivation plan, and the other is to prepare for the fourth test to let the players start 'eating'.

Well, the player is essentially a kind of undead, and I have never heard that undead need to eat.

But the birth of the undead relies on special environments and conditions. What is the special environment and conditions of the player, it is naturally the magic net.

Maintaining the existence of players requires a lot of system resources to maintain them. In the past, there were no conditions, but now it is the fourth layer of magic net. Naturally, we must start to solve this pain point.

Besides, how can there be a second life without delicious food?

But let the undead eat normal food instead of relying on the magic power of dark elements and devouring soul power to maintain their own existence. The current magic system cannot solve it, and no mage has ever been bored enough to study this topic. It is too late to start researching now. Rely on the Book of Canaan to solve.

The easiest way, of course, is to remove the undead attribute from the player. However, since the first layer of the magic net, the foundation has already been built. If you want to change it now, you need to perform a major operation on the magic net, and doing so will outweigh the gains.

Undead + gourmet food... It really cost Bei Gaoyang a lot of brain cells.

He needs to sort out the most basic magic theory among them, and make sure that at least in theory, it can be realized, otherwise it will be handed over to the Book of Canaan, and he doesn't know what it will be 'corrected' in the end.

Inspired by Ghouls!
Well, ghouls are a very special form of life, because they are in the blurred zone between undead and living things. Ghouls can survive by eating rotting corpses, especially the corpses of intelligent creatures such as humans Energy and nutrition can also rely on the magic power of dark elements and the soul to maintain a special life situation.

After dissecting more than a hundred ghouls, Bei Gaoyang figured out the physiological structure of this creature, then designed a brand new magic circle to simulate this physiological structure, and compared the physiological structure of the players, finally Adjusted [Magic Clone].

He has already experimented on the player character number zero. Without the need for the Book of Canaan, he basically achieved number zero by eating 'fresh corpses' and using the remaining soul power on the 'fresh corpses' The survival of the character, the power consumption is thus reduced.

But 'fresh corpses' do not include plants, that is, they still cannot utilize normal nutrients such as starches, sugars and carbohydrates.

Therefore, in the end, we still have to rely on the Book of Canaan to solve the problem.

Bei Gaoyang has always been careful about the use of the Book of Canaan. In the third test, except for the third layer of magic net and magic smart workshop, no new spells were invented. This time to solve this pain point, It seems that there is no way around it.

He also thought about it, or just let it go, and he didn't see any objections from the players.

But considering the future, especially after the goal of the second life and the belief value are associated with it, it is better to solve it sooner than later. If we wait for the fifth and sixth layers of the magic net, the price we pay will be higher than it is now. Even bigger.

——Then invent another [Magic Kitchen].

He finally thought helplessly.

Fortunately, the magic theory has been straightened out. The normal ingredients are far from the racial identity of the undead. The big deal is to add some of these "seasonings" when cooking. Of course, these "seasonings" don't need to be known to the players, just fine. Used to solve some hard-to-handle quest supplies, such as teeth, cerebellum, venom... these rags, who knows what they can be used for, anyway, Bei Gaoyang and the magic net don't need them , this time it happened to be waste utilization.

But what about food?

The food produced in this way, not to mention the taste, is scary enough just from the appearance, right?Anyway, Bei Gaoyang was unwilling to try the last thing he made.

Really dark cuisine!
But don't forget, what the player sees, hears, touches... and now tastes are all adjustable.


The black-hearted archmage smiled maliciously, and with a snap of his fingers, the dark food that no dog would eat turned into a plate of roast lamb with all the flavors and flavors.

Even so, he was still reluctant to eat it, so he found one of Bob's friends and let him taste it.

"It's delicious, my lord. I've never eaten such a tender and delicious barbecue. What kind of meat is this? It seems to have a very special taste in it?"

The NPC player who was the experimental product didn't know what was imported. Bei Gaoyang, who was a black-hearted food manufacturer for the first time, was a little embarrassed and told him that the main ingredient of this dish came from an exotic plane, where There is a precious ingredient called 'mutton shank'. If it is combined with a special spice called 'cumin' and carefully roasted by a secret method, the 'kebabs' made are really delicious. Conditions do not allow it now. , the finished product is still a lot of processes behind...

This NPC player left with a look of aftertaste and longing. He vomited and diarrhea for a few days after that, but this is also normal. Who told him that he is not an undead.

The invention of [Magic Kitchen] makes up for a major shortcoming of Second Life, and also fills in a very important piece of the puzzle. Bei Gaoyang plans to integrate it into the fourth-layer Magic Net, as a newly launched system function, to all players Even tourists are open.

The fourth magic net can hang many small plug-ins, tourists, magic kitchen, and soul protection unit are one of them.

Back on Earth this time, we purchased enough ingredients to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of people for three months. For this reason, Bei Gaoyang had to make more than a dozen space rings with the largest volume. I didn’t see his ten rings. Are your fingers full?
In addition, the 2.0 version of the game helmet has begun to be shipped one after another, and the 'skilled workers' who have been replenished one after another are resuming the operation of this factory that has been suspended for a long time. It is expected that within a week, the previous production capacity will be restored. The fourth test There is a general outline of the date of the.

It is tentatively scheduled for March 3th.

The official announcement on the official website has not yet been released. It can only be finalized after Bei Gaoyang goes back to build the fourth layer of magic net and confirm the content of additions and modifications.

In this way, the main purpose of this comeback has been fully achieved.

Except for these 89 apprentices.

these people...

To be honest, Bei Gaoyang had some contradictions in his heart. This contradiction stemmed from uncertainty about the positioning of the earth. There were three parts that were eager to try, three parts that were apprehensive, three parts that were doubtful and fearful, and one part that he couldn't tell the complex emotions clearly. inside.

look at it!

At night, Bei Gaoyang stood on the top of the seven-story building, looking at the brightly lit factory not far away.

Such beauty, prosperity, tranquility and happiness, do you really have the heart to break it - a voice said in my heart.

Don't care about my business, people still want it, why don't you hypocritically be compassionate?Wake up, this is not your hometown, just a place with a high degree of similarity - another indifferent voice mocked.

Magic comes from the abyss. Magic power is just something that neutralizes divine power, divinity and faith after the fallen gods are assimilated by the abyss. The elemental elves are like the 'bacteria' that grow on the god's corpse. The root of everything lies in wisdom mind and soul of life.

Thought and soul are located at the bottom of the mystery. Human subconsciousness is like an iceberg hidden under the water, and only a small part can be seen forever. The genetic inheritance of intelligent creatures can be traced back to the beginning of life. The mysterious immensity.

The indescribable mystery of nature is opposed to rationality and science. With magic power, mystery also arrives, which will inevitably impact the order, science and civilization on this planet.

On the first floor, Bei Gaoyang sat down on the sofa, 89 apprentices lined up and handed in their 'homework' one by one.

The spell structure of the zero-ring spell [Light Art] is extremely simple, as simple as a single 'electronic component', they can refine two versions of the magic net access device, and it is not surprising that they can independently complete the 'work' .

"Tell me how you feel when you describe go first!"

Bei Gaoyang's attitude was not good, which reflected his complicated and contradictory mood. Moreover, when he was an apprentice, his mentor did not give him any preferential treatment, and the master's apprenticeship was more of a free range.

For most mentors, apprentices are more like cheap labor, and Bei Gaoyang is now planning to use them in this way. As for whether they can become real spellcasters in such a dangerous environment on Earth, it all depends on them.

Ding Jian was the first to call out.

The indoor lights were not turned on, and more than a dozen candles were lit. The flickering candlelight elongated and shook the shadows of these people, and also made the face and expression of the person sitting on the sofa hidden in a shadow.

The air was filled with a mysterious and weird atmosphere, the whole small building was very cold, and the air seemed to contain something else—everyone of them was aware of the volume since the glass-shaped shield separated the inside and the outside. Into an unimaginable supernatural event.

Some people are excited about this, some are ecstatic, some are terrified, some are trying to escape - Bei Gaoyang doesn't care about this, and there is no need to know, the cruel reality will naturally teach them what to do.

"I... I felt as if... as if something was being touched"

Ding Jian's answer made Bei Gaoyang nod slightly, signaling him to step back, and then asked another fat man to step out.

"I also have a similar feeling, as if there are...a lot of invisible...fleas around me, my body is numb, and they are still drilling into my body, scaring me and failing several times..."

"Not bad!"

In a simple comment, Bei Gaoyang asked the third one to come forward.

"My feeling is similar to Wang Xiaonan..."

"Who is Wang Xiaonan?"

The third person hastily pointed at the little fat man who retreated behind them...

"From now on, you no longer have names, only numbers!" Bei Gaoyang said, "The number on the paper issued to you is not allowed to call anyone by name in the future. Once you violate it, you will be punished!"

"I..." The third person opened his mouth to say something, Bei Gaoyang snapped his fingers, and with a crisp 'pop' sound, an electric glow as thick as a hair struck him, making him 'ah! ' With a scream, the whole body convulsed and fell to the ground.

There was a terrified commotion among the apprentices, and they retreated several steps involuntarily. Some were about to scream, and some looked towards the door, as if they were about to escape...

"This is one of the ways of punishment!"

As he said that, more lightning flashes appeared on the screaming, fleeing, and reckless people.

All the doors and windows closed automatically after a bang, and Bei Gaoyang's figure in the shadow began to swell and elongate, like a ghost that suddenly appeared, and the huge shadow condescendingly enveloped the remaining apprentices.

Ding Jian was so frightened, it took him a while to hear a thunderous voice saying, ", 014 will come out!"

Poor apprentice No. 014 didn't remember his own number, so he was happy to receive an electric light. This was a girl, and her hair was blown apart by the electric shock.

"027 out!"

Ding Jian smelled the stench of incontinence and saw that the little fat man standing in front of him had wet pants. He was very glad that he was the first to be called, because he didn't remember his number.


After more than half an hour of tossing like this, among the 89 people, only 6 people were still standing, and the others were lying on the ground.

Screams, howls, protests, calls for help, calls for ghosts, etc. all disappeared, and the room was completely silent. Those standing and lying dead held their breath, watching the huge shadow shrink back to its normal size.

This is Bei Gaoyang's first lesson, let them learn to be in awe.

They are different from players, and players don't need to be in awe.

"From now on, forget your names, forget your past, forget the legal principles, morals, and ethics you are accustomed to. Here, in this building, there is only one rule, and that is me!"

"who am I?"

"I am your mentor and your master. In the future, you must do everything possible to please me, complete the homework I assign, and solve the tasks I entrust to you...until one day, you can rely on your own abilities to walk out of the world. here!"

"Go back to rest now. At 5 o'clock in the morning, I will give you another chance. If you still don't satisfy me, you will enjoy similar punishments every hour until I am satisfied!"


When people went to Lou Kong, Bei Gaoyang snapped his fingers, cleaned up the filth left by the apprentices with a cleansing technique, opened the doors and windows for ventilation, and then sighed.

Pain can deepen a person's memory. Fear is the most primitive driving force. As for the name and number... there are good intentions, but these, the apprentices have not been able to experience for a long time.

He remembered the first lesson he learned as an apprentice, which was to realize the importance of [True Name].

Because in the rules of mysticism, the more you agree with a symbol as your abbreviation, the more "pointing" meaning this symbol has to you, and the more dangerous it is.

After all, no one knows what kind of ceremony it will be used by. Many spellcasters who are not cautious enough will inexplicably add a debt contract or curse. The worst thing is that even their souls are sold. .

(End of this chapter)

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