This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 193 The first showdown

Chapter 193 The First Showdown

In a blink of an eye, it was already the seventh day, and it was also the fourth day of training these apprentices.

In the living room on the first floor, Bei Gaoyang removed all the modern conveniences and restored it to a pure Canaan style. The interior was dim, like an old castle that was darkened by the sun. Candles were lit even in the daytime, and the apprentices more than once This is pretending to be mysterious, but Bei Gaoyang naturally has deep intentions in doing so.

Ding Jian stood in front of the demonic mentor for the fourth time, stumbled and pronounced a strange syllable, threw a silver coin, and made a corresponding spell-casting gesture with his other hand, and the coin flickered slightly on the way down Once, there were signs of being lit.

But unfortunately, he still failed, until the coin landed, there was no sign of the magic power lighting it up.

"What's the problem?"

Ding Jian was about to cry, and he didn't dare to hesitate to say: "I can't 'output' the magic configuration at the first time..."

Bei Gaoyang nodded, "It's still a question of proficiency, go down and practice more!"


He thought he had escaped this punishment, but then a trace of electric light struck him, causing him to convulse in pain, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.


"You have a visitor!"

Xiao Ai's avatar—Xiao Qi reminded, Bei Gaoyang waved his hand and told the apprentices in the back to wait, and a completely transparent [Magic Servant] attracted Yu Qingdong and two familiar but unnamed people.


"Well, are you done with your work?"

"Equipment production is already on track. It is estimated that four days later, on March 3, we will be able to produce enough gaming helmets for the fourth test."

"So many days have I been back?"

"Today is the seventh day"

"Time flies so fast..."

Bei Gaoyang realized that it was time to leave. Although this low-magic environment can prolong the stay, it is not indefinite. Now the energy storage material that consumes magic power every second is equivalent to burning all the time. Huge amounts of money.

The magical environment only solves the problem of 'water', and the 'water' is too little, not enough for him to recover in one meditation. The longer he stays, the shorter the time this small pool can last.

"You are here this time..."

Yu Qingdong didn't speak, and silently gave up his seat to the person behind him.

This is a middle-aged man with a firm face and deep decree lines. He came up very directly, and his tone was not respectful, "Hello, I am Bao Shaojie, one of the leaders of Project Zero. You ask a few questions."

"Please say!"

"What are the... strengths and techniques you have trained these men to master?"


"...Is it magic in the usual sense?"

"Yes and no, there is a certain similarity."

"Then... what are the benefits and harms of this kind of magic, and what kind of... prospect and future might it cause?"

Bei Gaoyang smiled and said: "Magic is dangerous, but it depends on how the person who masters it uses it. Magic power may also change and reshape the environment and rules, and make things you say are familiar beyond recognition..."

The middle-aged man was silent for a while, and asked again: "Is the Canaan game also a magic? Or..."

"Canaan is also a magic, using magic to create a completely virtual world, that is to say, the online games you understand."

"Canaan was created by your magic, right? It's virtual, it doesn't exist?"


"What is your purpose of doing this?"

"Believe it or not, I have no malice toward you or the world."

The young man next to the middle-aged man stepped forward and asked, "Everyone has a purpose in everything they do, right? Or is it convenient for you to tell us?"

"I can only say that I have some enemies, very powerful enemies, so I need helpers. One of the purposes of the Canaan game is to train a group of powerful masters of extraordinary power!"

"Didn't you just say that the Canaan game is virtual?"

"It is virtual, but some things obtained in the virtual may also become real"

"For example...the improvement in the quality of the players?"


"Are you implying that the professions and abilities in the game may appear in reality one day?"


"What you are doing now is to prepare for this day, right?"

Bei Gaoyang looked at the small building he was in, nodded and said with a smile: "It can be understood in this way."

Yu Qingdong was terrified when he heard it, why, why did you let me hear this, can you go, can you plug your ears?
A puppet-like CEO of Canaan Company has already suffered so much, and he really doesn't want to carry more heavy things...

What I have seen and heard in the past seven days has made my nerves extremely tense, and I have a pair of ubiquitous eyes staring at me every day in my dreams!

I thought that the provocative behavior of the '10 helmets' would allow me to escape from this huge vortex, but unexpectedly, it backfired, and the higher ups actually raised his secrecy level.

What a fuck!

In the face of this degree of secrecy, his will is really of little importance, and he has to go with the flow and cannot help himself.

The living room was silent for a while.

"Thank you for your frankness." The middle-aged Bao Shaojie softened his expression and said, "You said just now that magic power may change the environment and...the rules? Could it possibly bring about a huge plague or other disasters? "

"No, ordinary people hardly feel it, you are in a magical environment, you should have a way and time to determine whether this is correct"

"...What is magic?"

The smile on Bei Gaoyang's face disappeared, he thought for a while, and said cautiously: "Magic is also science."

"That is to say, there are rules to follow, and there is a way to repeat the realization. It is an unknown law and phenomenon that modern science has not involved and observed, right?"

"...a very good explanation, it can be understood like this"

"...where are you from?"

"My hometown is in Fuyuan, which is just another source of blessing, a parallel time and space earth, where there is also a country very similar to Huaguo, and there is also a nation very similar to yours. ..."

"As far as we know, you first appeared in the cotton spinning community in Fuyuan City. Is that your home address in another time and space?"


"Then you went to another place, a place where there is magic, magic?"

"Yeah, that was an unbearable experience."

"Thank you, our questions are over."

The middle-aged man and the young man looked at each other, bowed to Bei Gaoyang, and said, "Please treat this place as your hometown. We welcome you back and wish our cooperation smooth."

"Have I passed the level?" Bei Gaoyang smiled, "How many weapons are aiming at here at this moment?"

"Please understand that this is the last resort. You know us very well, but we know very little about you. In order to avoid possible heavy losses due to misjudgment, we have to..."

"I know and understand."

"Then...we're leaving"


As soon as the three of them reached the door, several apprentices rushed out, shouting for help...

"Young people don't know how to cherish, what a great opportunity now? Learning a skill well is no better than anything!?" The middle-aged man scolded very righteously!
"We have been coerced, threatened and abused, our personal freedom has been restricted..."

The young man hurriedly said: "Nonsense, why didn't I see it there?"

"I...", several apprentices were dumbfounded, they didn't see it, how do you want to see it, are you blind?
Yu Qingdong suddenly felt that this scene was particularly joyful, and he coughed quickly to stop himself from laughing. Only then did the apprentices find him, and they seemed to have found a savior, calling Mr. Yu, Dazui Yu, Mouse Yu...

Yu Qingdong's face darkened, and he quickly said to the two superiors, let's go, don't disturb the normal teaching order here...

After the three of them left, Bei Gaoyang naturally took care of these guys. Under Dianmang's turn to serve them, these people cried bitterly and realized their mistakes, and swore they would never dare again.

"Punish you not because of your behavior just now, but because you failed to correctly understand your own situation, couldn't tell what was useful to you, and what was useless to you, and you still had illusions and luck that you shouldn't have. And This is precisely the taboo of spellcasters!"

Taking the opportunity to educate the apprentices, Bei Gaoyang waved his hand to signal them to leave, and sat alone in the dark living room, recalling the meeting just now, and laughed silently.

He had expected this day.

Almost a showdown!

That's right, before he was just tossing around in the game. Although there are players, the base is still small after all, and the risks and benefits are not directly proportional.

It's different now. In the fourth test, hundreds of thousands of players and the same number of tourists, plus he also extended his hand offline, the risk is not comparable to before.

Bei Gaoyang has never underestimated the elites of this world, and believes that after they go back, they will carry out and maintain the current cooperative relationship after careful and comprehensive evaluation.

Of course, it wasn't that they believed what Bei Gaoyang said. In fact, this showdown didn't say anything, it was just a gesture, and it could be said to be a deeper temptation than before.

Neither he nor the other party can give up this cooperative relationship. No matter how great the risk is, it is only speculation after all. The benefits are real, tangible, and still sweeping like a tsunami.

— It's time to leave.

The fourth test is coming soon, and there are still a lot of things to do in the construction of the fourth layer of the magic net. As for these apprentices, let them stay here and practice well. What happens in the future depends entirely on themselves.

Taking stock of the harvest of this trip, Bei Gaoyang was basically satisfied. He originally planned to play around, but he forgot when he found a good seed that really had the qualifications to become a spellcaster.

I can't do it next time, I finally come back, and I should relax after work, work and rest.

It is said that as soon as the three of Yu Qingdong walked out of the 'colored and transparent barrier', their expressions changed.

"Shh, let's talk about it when we go back!"

Sitting in the car with a lot of preoccupations, the middle-aged Bao Shaojie took out a note from his pocket, opened it and looked at it, frowning.

When the young man saw it, he said, "Did he find out?"

Bao Shaojie asked back: "What do you think?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders, "I thought nothing could be hidden from him. Being looked at by his eyes, I feel that my inner thoughts have been read by him."

Bao Shaojie sighed, took out the lighter, lit the paper ball, put it in the car ashtray, and watched it turn into ashes.

"Well... really don't care about them?" Yu Qingdong asked weakly.

"What do you care? One is not hungry, the other is not cold, and the third is not injured. All of them are white, fat, and alive. I want to change with them." This is the attitude of the young people.

Bao Shaojie also regretted, "I didn't understand the situation at the time, and the time was too tight, otherwise... well, it's too late to say anything now."

Yu Qingdong slandered in his stomach after hearing this, why, you still want to arrange one or two Mr. Dong Guo to go in?

The car returned to the factory area, and when they got out of the car, Bao Shaojie and the young man boarded a helicopter that had already started. Yu Qingdong wanted to slip away, but was escorted by two big soldiers.

Sitting in the helicopter with a sad face, looking at the nameless hill below him and the colorful and transparent enchantment covering the hill, I really feel involuntary.

"I still have a lot of work to do..."

In the evening, Yu Dazui, who had been sitting in the small dark room for more than two hours, hurriedly complained when Bao Shaojie came in.

"Your!" Bao Shaojie threw a bag of things.

"What?" Yu Qingdong opened it and found that he had been conscripted again. This time it was a brand new unit that he had never heard of before. There was also a special epaulette, and a series of documents that secretly raised his authority level, military rank and awards. .

"Again!?" Yu Qingdong threw his things away, sat down, and said helplessly, "I'm just a businessman, an ordinary person, and I was forced to get to where I am today. I didn't tell me at the beginning. about I go back to Warwick Company? I think that kind of job is more suitable for me...really, I'm really not this material!"

"Your level is higher than mine now." Bao Shaojie seemed to have not heard these complaints, sat down leisurely, lit a cigarette, and threw one over regardless of whether the other party smoked or not, "I convey to you Let's take a look at the spirit of the superior... After a professional, prudent and comprehensive evaluation, we decided to keep the current established guidelines, policies, measures and support unchanged, listen to his words and watch his actions. At present, this person can still cooperate. Although we can’t believe all of what he said, we can’t completely disbelieve him. We think he still has some feelings for our country, people, and history. From his first appearance to the present, we have collected and analyzed everything about him. information to build a comprehensive analysis and evaluation model…”

Yu Qingdong listened to every sentence, thinking to himself, it seems that this thief ship is not easy to get off, and he should be more careful in the future, less involved in everything, and must control his mouth well!

This is all fatal...

"Director, news from Building Zero...he's leaving!"

Yu Qingdong thought to himself, this giant Buddha is going to leave at last, let's go back and do the four tests, honestly run the Canaan game well, isn't it better than anything else?
(End of this chapter)

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