This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 194 Tourists and Players

Chapter 194 Tourists and Players

On March 3th, there are only 12 days left before the opening date of the fourth test server.

The server opening announcement on the official website was released yesterday, and there was a turmoil online and offline. Whether it was the design of the tourist qualification or the replacement of the game helmet in the hands of the players, it attracted a lot of questions and discussions.

[Canaan online version 1.04 version [-]th non-deletion test schedule and update content
1. The opening date of the server and the qualification drawing and replacement of the game access device version 2.0.

a. The service opening date is March 3 at 18:[-] pm.

b. For the fourth non-deleting test, 10 lucky players will be selected to distribute the 2.0 version of the game access device. The old players in the first three tests will be replaced with new devices for free. Old players should go to the nearest replacement game device The following are the replacement points (maps) of major cities across the country.
c. The game equipment and game qualifications of the fourth test are subject to the supervision of the whole society and the whole network. The whole process of drawing is transparent and open. It will be broadcast live on CCTV Channel 3 at 12:[-] pm on March [-], and the national notary unit will supervise the whole process , each prepaid ID number will enter the lottery pool, but only in domestic
d. Due to the needs of scientific research and the subsequent development of Canaan Games, in addition to the 10 places drawn, 1 game equipment and game qualifications will be distributed and delivered to relevant departments for use in major scientific research units, colleges and universities and For the needs of social organizations such as foreign affairs agencies, Canaan Company does not participate in the specific distribution.

2. The new setting of tourist qualifications and related instructions.

a, Considering the huge contradiction between supply and demand, in order to allow more people to be eligible to enter Canaan, after careful research and consideration, and after comprehensive consideration of various opinions, the qualifications and equipment for the 'tourist' status are now introduced.

b. Players who are tourists cannot carry out mainstream game content, such as employment, level, equipment, system life occupation, etc. Some special and dangerous maps cannot be entered, and other game behaviors are not restricted.

c, 1 game qualifications and equipment are used for the preliminary test, and more will be released in succession depending on the effect.

d. Please pay attention to the notice on the official website for the application of tourist qualifications. The principle is to accept the supervision of the whole society in an open, fair and transparent way. Please rest assured

3. Added content for the fourth non-deleting test.

a. Added Orc and Elf races, and two first-turn occupations: Barbarian and Bard.

b. Added mount and magic pet system. Players who have turned to level [-] can obtain mounts and magic pet tasks through relevant NPCs.

c. Added [Rock Fortress], [Sapudin Human Kingdom], [Fairy Forest], [Dungeon Entrance 1] and other game maps, added opposition, neutral, and alliance camp gameplay, added gang battles, city battles, National War System.

d, Added [Punk City] system city, added [Dawn 1] [Dawn Town 2] [Dawn Town 3] [Dawn Town 4] and other novice village birth points, added [Test of the Wasteland] experience level 10-15 Obtain a copy and add [Centaur Ranch] functional map.

e, Added equipment, props scoring and character combat effectiveness scoring system.

f, Added death penalty, level, experience, equipment, props drop due to PK and PK value, increased red name penalty, added wanted tasks, added system wanted officials NPC design.

g, Add cooking system, add hunger value setting, add various ingredients, recipes, various staple foods, dishes and drinks, special staple foods and dishes will get specific buffs.

More game content will be opened to players one after another as the fourth non-deleting test goes smoothly.

4. Update and optimize content.

a. Optimize the combat experience and the balance between various races and occupations.

b. Optimize the scouring system, change the fixed scouring fee to 'dynamic adjustment', and reduce the scouring door frame.

c. Optimize camp prestige, battlefield merit, military rank, noble title, family fiefdom, personal territory, etc. Families can create gangs and even build their own cities through family alliances.

d. Optimize the player's physical and mental health monitoring system. When the behavior, stimulation and danger in the game exceed the maximum protection setting, the player will be protectively offline.

e. Optimize the drop probability of the economic system, monsters, dungeons and battlefields, abolish the system mall, and retain the online auction and consignment system.

f. Optimize the game ecology, add a large number of game native NPCs, and enrich the gameplay in addition to the mainstream game process and content.

g, a higher degree of freedom, players and tourists can DIY all kinds of whimsical ideas, and any behavior that is not prohibited by the system is not restricted
that's all!

Canaan Company, Inc. March 3, 12:10 a.m. 】

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, are you alright?"

"Wait a minute, it will be ready soon"

"It's been half an hour!"

"Don't worry, it's too late!"

Xia Miaomiao was sitting in the living room of a hotel suite in Shanghai watching the news about the fourth test on TV, waiting impatiently.

The replacement of the game helmet is arranged according to the address information on the ID card, that is to say, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao must rush back to the central city of Wudu as soon as possible.

Although there are still 3 days until March 18th, a large number of players have already rushed to the replacement point for replacement. Coincidentally, there is a replacement point under this hotel, but it can only be used by players in Shanghai and nearby areas Make a replacement.

The replacement point has not yet opened, and a large number of 'suspicious' people have gathered outside. Of course, these people can't all be players, most of them are tabloids and self-media to gossip.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are uneasy and kind people who plan to lock the identities and addresses of the players in reality and carry out some ulterior criminal activities.

On the TV, the two bricks called Beasts blushed and had thick necks, for the unplanned [-] player qualifications, and also for the so-called tourist status.

The expert said that since there is a tourist status, it means that the server resources are enough to accommodate more people, so why bother?Artificially engaging in a 'discriminatory' stratification, the status of tourists is inherently inferior.

The expert said that the identity of the tourists just shows that the system server is tense, and the announcement has already made it clear, in order for more people to settle in Canaan as soon as possible, in order to give the majority of mainstream game progress, that is, to fight and kill, upgrade equipment The set of tourists who are not interested in providing the opportunity to enter the experience, so painstakingly launched the tourist identity, why are there so many critical voices?

Why is it discriminated against? How many people want this tourist status may not be able to get it.

The expert sarcastically retorted that it is true that the identity of a tourist is not necessarily obtained, and the identity of a player is even more impossible. Then, will many people who are waiting in line at ease pour into this new channel to enter Canaan?So, are tourists really tourists?Are you really not interested in mainstream game progress?If these people want to return to the status of players in the future, what should they do? Is the 'birth' set at once and cannot be changed in the future?

This is really saying that the public is right and the wife is saying that the woman is reasonable. Xia Miaomiao's heart was tilted to one side and then to the other, which made her flustered and even more at a loss.

Is tourist status good or bad for players?

It is said on the forum that it is beneficial, and it is a great benefit.

Tourists cannot carry out mainstream game progress, levels, tasks, spawn monsters, or even equipment and system life occupations, so what can they do?
Go around to play, enjoy the scenery, and talk about love?
No, they need food, clothing, housing and transportation... Haha, there is no reason to introduce cooking and hunger value settings at this time, it is to let them enter the game to serve our players.

The influx of such a large number of people will further push up prices and create a large demand out of thin air. In the future, you will not worry about selling any rags. In the future, any player will be able to hire tourists. It's nothing to worry about... Prestige, meritorious service, nobility, fiefdom, you understand, you understand, hehe, those who don't understand must have a problem with their IQ.

Is this good, is this good?
As one of the players, Xia Miaomiao was a little happy, but more of them were flustered and confused.

She doesn't want to be a servant, doesn't want to be a mistress, and she doesn't have any interest in raising male pets, but what about other players, what will the game be like in the future? Do they really want to move closer to the world background set by the game?

These can't be solved by hiring NPCs, why must they be tourists?

Always feel weird.

Of course, these are fantasies of some players, but the possibility cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, compared with the extensive discussion and questioning voices online and offline, no one has mentioned the unplanned indicators that have caused a lot of trouble some time ago.

The school is very happy. It has put all its energy into activities these few days, and even Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao broke their legs. The newly established bureau is in charge of distributing four-test game helmets. I don't know, the vice principal of the dignified 985 university leads the team, and they don't even let them enter the gate.

This is another way to beg grandpa, sue grandma, mobilize all relationships to find the other party. It is hard to enter the door through "acquaintances". The strength of the bull's nose.

In the end, they found the right person who spoke well, and all they got was a piece of paper, and asked them to go back and write applications and reports... In short, after a circle, they returned to the fucking starting point.

The vice-principal also lost his temper last night, saying that the king of Hades is easy to see, and the little ghost is difficult to deal with. He is a person who can see the highest level. It is unbelievable that such a big scholar can't handle this matter.

Then... There is no more, anyway, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao are not joining forces anymore, and the two of them will rush back to Wudu immediately to complete the replacement of the game helmets. Even if the sky falls, the school doesn't want to keep them anymore.

——There is also a live broadcast of smoking helmets at night, so you can't miss it.

It's all about!
The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became, and just as I was about to yell at my best friend to tell her to hurry up, Du Shiyu finally came out.

"I just had a conversation with Chaoyue." Du Shiyu explained.

"Beyond, surpass, you are a big star, you are an ordinary person..."

"Are you finished, are you leaving?"

"Go, go, go..."

The helmets are always carried with them, so they don’t feel at ease putting them there, and there is no other salute at this time, so they each have a small bag with a helmet locker box, and hurried out the door.

The number one boy under the vice-principal, the vice-president of the student union, Senior, has been waiting outside the door. When she saw the two coming out, she greeted them pitifully. Just as she was about to speak, Xia Miaomiao said first, "Sister, stop talking. Today is the day when knives fall on the sky, and we have to leave.”

"But... obviously there are still 6 days..."

"We can't wait for a moment, we have to replace it immediately."

"Let's discuss it again, there is a very, very important thing tonight..."

"Okay, apart from being mascots, the two of us can only help out very little. I wish the school all the best. It's a prestigious school in 985. Without anyone, we can't be without us..."

"You don't know. Just got the news that embassies from many countries have stepped in. There were not many quotas allocated to colleges and universities. Now it's even more tense."

"No, no..."

"Light rain..."

"I listen to her all... You can see that she is stupefied."

No matter how Senior Sister Ren tried to persuade her to stay, the two left the hotel without hesitation. The hired bodyguards and a commercial vehicle were parked outside the hotel, as if the big star was going out.

The replacement point on the opposite side of the street just opened the door, and a player packed himself into the door, causing a sensation immediately.

"What are you doing, what are you doing here!"

Xia Miaomiao, who was sitting in the car, saw this scene, hugged her helmet tightly, and yelled at her best friend next to her.

"It's all crazy!"

Du Shiyu was also shocked by the frenzied atmosphere at the scene, and when she looked up, she saw a bodyguard sitting opposite staring at the box she was holding, and turned her back reflexively.

"Some people say that the fourth test will be the beginning of the metaverse. Whether it is tourist status or player qualification, hundreds of thousands of people will flood into a virtual world that is almost real, and it will inevitably set off a subversive revolution in the two worlds. Second Life will become worthy of its name. From then on, human beings will have a spiritual home, which will permanently and pioneeringly reshape the ecology of human society. The huge benefits contained in it make no organization or anyone indifferent , From the political leaders of a country to the lowest level of society, it will change because of it. It is known that all social structures, culture, art, technology, and even human history will be involved..."

"Turn off the damn radio!" Xia Miaomiao screamed nervously.

The director of the security company asked the driver to turn off the car radio, and smiled at Xia Miaomiao ingratiatingly through the rearview mirror.

This smile made Xia Miaomiao's hair stand on end.

"Stop, stop!"

"What are you doing?"

"I said stop!"

Before the commercial vehicle came to a complete stop, Xia Miaomiao pulled her best friend and jumped down. A police car and two police officers happened to be parked on the side of the street. When they saw someone parked illegally, they were about to ask questions. Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu rushed come over.

"Comrade police, we are carrying very valuable items, please send us to Modu International Airport, thank you!"

Of the two policemen, the older one didn't realize what was going on, but the younger one looked at the combination box in their hands and the Canaan LOGO painted on the box, and understood immediately.

He shuddered and asked excitedly, "Are you players?"

"En!", Xia Miaomiao nodded her head.

"No problem, leave it to us, get in the car!"

A broken Jetta made Xia Miaomiao feel more at ease than the luxury business car just now. On the speeding highway, the young policeman made no secret of his envy and jealousy. Xia Miaomiao was very determined, and she didn't feel as dangerous as before.

(End of this chapter)

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