This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 195 Replacement Points

Chapter 195 Replacement Points

Wudu Canaan company game helmet replacement point.

Just like the magic capital, there are dubious people wandering around outside the inconspicuous replacement point all day long. Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao wrapped themselves up tightly and got out of the car under the protection of several security guards sent by the school. , avoiding the cameras and unscrupulous self-media throughout the whole process, and hurriedly entered the door of the replacement point.

As soon as they saw the familiar LOGO of Canaan Games and the office environment that imitated the scene of the game, the two seemed to have returned to their own home to relax.

In the small office, there are already many players waiting in line.

Seeing the two people coming in with security guards, many players gave them concerned eyes, guessing the identities of the two beauties in the game.

"Sapling, a small sapling, right!?"

A stylish female player dressed in gold and silver stood up and shouted to this side. Xia Miaomiao looked back suspiciously, "You are!?"

"It's really you!"

The female player took off her toad mirror, revealing delicate makeup and bright red... mouth, "Vanilla, vanilla pudding!"

"Ah, you're vanilla!"

"It's not me!"

Vanilla Pudding excitedly came up and hugged Xia Miaomiao in his arms, laughed a few times, and then said to Du Shiyu, "You are Xue Wu, right, the first potion master, the first magician!"

"Well, it's me!" Du Shiyu said.

"What a coincidence, you are also from Wudu?" Xia Miaomiao was about to be vomited by the smell of the perfume on her body, broke away with all her strength, and asked after taking two steps back.

"It wasn't before, but it is now!", Vanilla twisted her slender waist like a water snake, and said non-stop with her big bright red mouth, "What about you? Are you still students? Why do you look so tender?"

"Don't talk nonsense, we are teachers, university teachers!" Xia Miaomiao quickly denied.

"University teacher? No wonder, no wonder!"

"No wonder what!?"

"No wonder you are so proud in the game, you are not of the same class as us."

"Are you still grassroots?"

Xia Miaomiao looked at her mink fur coat, famous brand and luxurious jewelry.

Vanilla Pudding fanned her hands angrily, "It's developed now, it wasn't like this before..."

The staff at the replacement point and a timid girl in uniform reminded the three of them not to make noise. Du Shiyu took the opportunity to say that I was going to get the number, and left his best friend to deal with this difficult woman.

"Come on, let's go over and have a good chat!"

Relying on her advantages in height and tonnage, Vanilla Pudding walked away with her in her arms. Xia Miaomiao complained incessantly, but she couldn't refuse bluntly.

"Yaomeier, is this also a player?"

"Little girl is so young, so juicy."

"Do you have a boyfriend? Would you like Auntie to introduce one for you?"

"What do you introduce? My family has a suitable one. I think it's a good match!"

"It's just your lazy young son? You can't be as lazy as Yaomei, and you come to touch others?"

"What do you mean, what do you say, try to say it again?"

"What's wrong, you are allowed to do it but others are not allowed to say..."

"Shut up the fuck!"

Vanilla Pudding roared fiercely, the whole hall became silent, everyone looked sideways, Xia Miaomiao was so embarrassed that she just wanted to cover her face...

"Get out, get out of here, old lady!"

A group of middle-aged women smiled submissively and quickly left.

But the sound of quarreling and fighting soon sounded outside the replacement point.

"Are you looking down on me?" Vanilla Pudding asked, lighting a lady's cigarette.

Xia Miaomiao naturally said no.

"I know, that's what you think in your heart, and everyone here is."

"They... who are you?"

"They're all my relatives."


"A group of blood-sucking mosquitoes. If I don't take them with me, they will go to the hospital to harass my old lady. My old lady has soft ears, understand."


"They used to bully our orphans and widowed mothers, but now I use them as servants. I can watch them bite dogs by throwing some dog bones. It's revenge, hehe."

Xia Miaomiao: ...

"Let's not talk about these things...I didn't expect you to look quite similar to the game, otherwise I wouldn't have recognized you at first sight. Are you really pinching your face according to your real appearance?"

"Uh... there was an accident at the time, so..."

"Where do you live? You can't really be a university teacher, can you?"

Xia Miaomiao couldn't keep up with her topic jumping speed.Vanilla Pudding started talking endlessly, "No wonder you two are so polite (Xia Miaomiao: Isn't it arrogant?)... Oh, by the way, do you want to watch tonight's live broadcast, or do you want to be together? I'm in Wudu Hotel has booked several suites... Oh, yes, there is a little girl named 'Shi Taichang Shampoo' over there who said that he wants to organize an offline party for Wudu players, can you and Xue Wu go? Go? If you want to go, I promise him, but you two have to be careful, that guy is not a good guy..."

At this point, a security guard from a replacement site came over and said, "Sorry ma'am, we don't allow smoking here."

Vanilla Pudding gave him an uncomfortable look, but ignored it.

"Please go to the smoking room, or you will be fined"

Vanilla Pudding took out two stacks of soft sister coins from the LV small bag, about [-] yuan, "I invite everyone here to smoke one, is that enough?"

The security guy was stunned for a moment, he didn't take it, and he didn't take it.

If it is an ordinary person, it will naturally not be like this, but this is a player, what is a player, a rare talent with a special new model in the new era, and a person who has attracted attention, sought after and hotly discussed in the whole country and the world. Popularity and social influence...

"Xiaoyu, come here, come here!"

Being embarrassed and not knowing what to do, Du Shiyu made a rescue, and Xia Miaomiao left a message saying, "I'll go over there and have a look." Then she ran away as if to escape.

Du Shiyu had already lined up to get a number, and was having a lively conversation with two male players. When Xia Miaomiao passed by, Du Shiyu pulled her and pointed to one of them and asked, "Guess who he is?"

Seeing this person, Xia Miaomiao looked vaguely familiar, guessed his ID in the game, and had a flash of inspiration, and called out, "Are you...a monkey?"

"Haha..." Another male player burst into laughter, "The sapling has good eyesight, I won, here it is, ten thousand yuan!"

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior said with a bitter face, "I shouldn't, I'm pinching my face!"

"It's really you, monkey!?"

Xia Miaomiao jumped up and punched him hard in the chest.

"Guess me again, guess who I am!"

The other couldn't wait to come closer, Xia Miaomiao slapped her away, and said pretending to be disgusted: "Who else can it be, Brother Xinchun will get eternal life, right?"

"Ah!?" Brother Chun was dumbfounded.

"You idiot, you are a Yunwan anchor, who doesn't recognize your ugly appearance, and still need to ask the sapling?" Huaguoshan Saint Warrior pointed at him and laughed.

Only then did Brother Chun come to his senses, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, and said, "That's even, we don't owe anyone anything."

"Who said, the two of you, [-] each, get the money quickly!" Du Shiyu spread his hands to ask for the debt.

"Who still carries cash these days!" the Huaguoshan Saint Warrior exclaimed.

Xia Miaomiao wanted to say, why not, there is one over there.

"You want to play tricks!?" Du Shiyu persisted.

"VX, VX, I'll transfer the money to you later!" Brother Chun conceded the bet in a bachelor's way.

"Okay, you bet me!" Xia Miaomiao yelled, "No, Xiao Yu, you have to share half of me."

Laughing and playing like this, the two men and two women who met offline for the first time are like old friends.

It is also [-] yuan, compared to just now, it is really two extremes.

The players in the lobby are also... It's hard to describe.

Fat, thin, young, old, arrogant, low-key, there is almost no mediocrity. It is easy to identify whether it is a player or not. If you look at the crowd, the one who is the most conspicuous, the most imposing, and the most emotional Maybe it is.

This is because the continuous strengthening of the magic net has accumulated over time, making the players' mental outlook, especially the strength of their souls, higher than that of ordinary people.

He can be mediocre, but his inner spirit can never be mediocre. Whether he is arrogant or low-key, he has his own high-spirited charm.

The four of Du Shiyu talked for a while, found a relatively secluded place to sit down, and chatted about topics related to the fourth test, waiting for the replacement to begin.

Everyone has a box that is always in their hands, and it contains their own wealth and life—the game helmet, Huaguoshan Saint Seiya lamented, and they don’t know what the new helmet is like. This improvement is needed to make the neck more comfortable. Every day Lying down with such a thing, I almost have a cervical spondylosis.

At this moment, the bell rang, indicating that it was time for replacement.

Behind the counter is a gate that automatically rises one by one. Behind the staff sitting behind the special bulletproof glass, there are silver lockboxes. The boxes are tidy and tidy. The military police with live ammunition stand in a row, guarding the things that countless people want to get. thing.

Soon, after the call began.

Du Shiyu saw a very fat and fat player sitting in front of the counter with his own box, and began to fill in a lot of information, and then there were fingerprints, irises and other procedures, so he interrupted the chat of his companions and asked: " I heard you still need to draw blood?"

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior nodded and said, "Yanjing and Shanghai will start before us. I heard that a comprehensive physical examination will be done."

"Why is it so troublesome?" Brother Chun thought about conspiracy theories, "Is the government taking advantage of our body information?"

"Why, do you have any secrets that you're afraid people will know?" Huaguoshan Saint Warrior spoke with sarcasm when he talked to him, "Please, no one in the country knows about your embarrassment, the famous Yunwan anchor, those who watch it The fans of your anchor may know yourself better than yourself.”

Brother Chun was not ashamed but proud, nodded and said: "That's true."

It's time to give it to this guy.

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior ignored him and continued to "lick" the two youthful and invincible beautiful girls wholeheartedly.

Xia Miaomiao was amused by him and giggled, while Du Shiyu was more reserved, and kept paying attention to the movement on the replacement side.

There was a dispute between the fat player and the staff behind the counter. A subjective appearance came to mediate. The two sides did not know what to say. Soon the fat player was taken into the back side door, and the staff called the next number.

It seems that you really need a medical examination?

At this time, a greasy-faced player came over, greeted with a smile, introduced himself by his name instead of his in-game ID, and invited four people, especially two beauties, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao, to join their offline organization Wudu Players Club.

"Did your game ID ask Shi to wash his hair too often?" Xia Miaomiao had known about his roots from Vanilla for a long time. Seeing that this person didn't admit it right away, she said in a contemptuous tone, "I know it's not right after hearing it." What a good thing, you are talking about a cute newcomer in the third test, what is there for a rookie who has not reached level 15, paomei? Be careful that your aunt will kill you and you will not be able to enter the game."

"What's the matter, still not convinced? Huaguoshan, this person is handed over to you."

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior smiled sadly, and said, "Master, you often wash your hair, right? Come on, we know each other, the second tester, a level 18 thief, how about you?"


In the end, the teacher washed his hair too often and left disheartened.

Xia Miaomiao watched him return to a group of gorgeous women, spat, turned around to meet his companion's joke, and waved his hand aggressively, "Grandma is on the battlefield, if there are 10 or 7 of such things killed, in my case Pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, I think he is floating, and he is flying very badly."

"He is a player, look, how popular is it?" Brother Chun pointed in that direction and smiled strangely.

Xia Miaomiao's eyes turned to meet the gloomy eyes of the other party. She burst into heart but didn't show it on her face. She also bared her teeth at the other party and raised her chin provocatively.


A replacement just like this 'nearly any danger' went on into the evening.

"Surprised" is naturally the players' refusal to cooperate honestly in the face of this all-round physical examination, and "no danger" is naturally their resistance is invalid. The official statement is that the game cannot be replaced without completing the collection of detailed identity information Equipment, with this trump card, I am not afraid that the players will not submit.

Not only old players, but new players after tonight's lottery draw also need to enter original and detailed identity information.

I feel that this time it is much stricter and more regulated. Unlike before, it was almost a stock market. This time, everyone’s files, resumes, educational backgrounds, family and social relations, etc. were collected, and even the information on the Internet was not released. Pass.

After the physical examination, Xia Miaomiao was asked similar questions. It was because of the indignant remarks she made two years ago because of a group food poisoning incident in a popular kindergarten. I asked her if she still had the same thoughts at that time. and many more.

"...It feels like there is no privacy at all!"

In the evening, sitting in the living room of the school dormitory, waiting for the live broadcast of the fourth game qualification draw, Xia Miaomiao complained about the physical examination and review of her best friend.

"That's good, it's best to kick those perverts, wretched maniacs, and scum out of the player team." Du Shiyu commented while eating strawberries.

"It's not good, it's not good. If you kick someone out for this today, you'll get us out for that tomorrow!" Xia Miaomiao said worriedly.

"When the live broadcast is over, you will know if you look online...Stop talking, it's about to start!"

Du Shiyu quickly corrected her posture, staring at the grand opening ceremony on the TV screen, very nervous.

10 new players!

The world-renowned 'Great Lottery Draw' is finally here.

(End of this chapter)

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