This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 196 The Big Draw

Chapter 196 The Big Draw

If you want to extract 10 test qualifications from hundreds of millions of ID cards, you can’t simply shake a few numbers. It needs to be as open and transparent as possible, and it must stand the test of hundreds of millions of people. Most of the people who couldn't win the lottery had nothing to say... In order to come up with a feasible plan, Canaan Company formed a huge professional team to discuss and research all day long, but what they finally came up with was still drowned in a sea of ​​saliva.

The original plan was to divide the group into several groups according to the region, province, city and administrative region, that is, according to the law of each person's ID number. Each group has a number, and each group has a million IDs. The number is drawn to this group, and all [-] people will win the prize at the same time...

If 4 people win the lottery all at once, who is in that group and how many people are in each group?You know, there are hundreds of millions of IDs, and the printed A[-] paper can fill a room. Who has the energy and ability to go to each group to see who they are?

What if this group wins the lottery, but what if this group is full of rich and powerful people? If someone engages in secret operations, how to prevent the trick of changing the civet cat for the prince?

The credibility of Canaan Corporation?

I'm sorry, but with the collective corruption case of the third test, what the public hates the most is the integrity of the capitalists.

Originally, for a game owned by a private company, it is of course up to them whether to give the game qualifications or not, but the game was developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the main technology comes from state-owned and public assets, and the state-owned shares still account for 49%. In principle Everyone has a share, and Canaan games and technology belong to the collective ownership of all citizens.

There was nothing wrong with these words, and Canaan Company was disgraced because of this, and was forced to withdraw and redo the plan shortly after it was announced.

The second plan reduces the IDs under each group to 1000, and the people under each group will be publicized on the Internet. Before the extraction, they will also be handed over to relevant departments for audit to form a so-called "bottom case". The preparation time before the lottery draw is not allowed to be changed.

It stands to reason that this kind of plan is already very mature, and if you say that you don’t trust the relevant departments, there is no need to talk about it. Anyway, no matter how you do it, you can pick your bones, and no plan can pass the test.

This time, the voice of doubt was quite small, but a few days before the 'lottery', it was suddenly reported by the self-media that the second generation of a certain person said that he had pre-determined the fourth test in front of a group of cronies on such and such a occasion. Such a qualification, was secretly videotaped, posted on a short video platform, was seen by a self-media big V, and once reposted, it ignited the nerves of suspicion and uncertainty in people's hearts, causing an uproar.

Under the circumstances of public denunciation, ridicule, dissatisfaction and caring people, the relevant department immediately set up a task force to investigate the case. Bragging, in view of the huge social impact caused by his behavior, he can only be given administrative detention for three days, plus a fine of 2000 yuan.

How can such a result convince the public, and how can it calm the upsurge of conspiracy theories?
Therefore, 2000 yuan has become a hot topic on the Internet, and the majority of 996 social animals who know that there is little hope, and young and middle-aged people who have mortgages and car loans to support their families have joked about themselves.

Do you have 2000 yuan?

I have 2000 yuan, how about you?
Even 2000 yuan is not as good as lying flat. There are fewer voices of anger, and low, depressed, angry, and dissatisfied emotions are still brewing online and offline, like a silent volcano.

The second task force is completely trying to catch ducks on the shelves, and they have to find something if there is nothing wrong. They must find a target as soon as possible to appease and quell the dissatisfaction brewing online and offline, and give the public a need and " Intention” to believe the truth.

Note that a thick line should be drawn under the original meaning, which is the key point.

The second generation of the major shareholder and a certain beverage group giant got into blood mold because of this, and they didn't do anything in the first place, so they messed with whoever they were! ?

Stocks have fallen by the limit, market value has shrunk, financial statements, food safety, whether there is tax evasion, and whether other matters involve violations of laws and regulations...all are examined under the microscope one by one.

Raising grass and beating rabbits, other things such as colluding with insiders and outsiders to create fake IDs, buying and selling IDs, 'buying' IDs that have passed away, disappeared, infants and young children and do not meet the drawing conditions into the lottery pool to increase their own draws Probability in...

Some mothers were shocked to find that their baby, who was just a few months old, had already grown to 20 years old.

Some families who had died due to catastrophes and accidents suddenly "resurrected" the whole family collectively, but the accent of the whole family is a bit strange, and some of them have weird voices from Southeast Asia.


I don’t know if I don’t check it. I was shocked when I checked it. It turns out that there are so many loaches and catfish hidden under the water. The ID card is useless. Someone has to be there. So, from Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam and Myanmar. Organizational smuggling is prevalent, and there are hundreds of thousands of impostors.

Oops, that's terrible, this is too dark.

The task force did not hide it, and for a while, it was unknown how many people were imprisoned because of this, and how many people lost their fortunes because of this, let alone how many black claws of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea and showing their magical powers were chopped off...

The public was satisfied and relieved, thinking they had found the truth, and turned their attention back.

After a lot of chicken feathers, the extraction plan is even more difficult to produce.

At this time, it was the critical period for Yu Qingdong to receive Bei Gaoyang, and the pressure was all on the bottom, so he escaped a catastrophe.

In the third plan, the relevant departments have intervened, and if you let it go on like this, you still don’t know how to deal with it in the end.

This last solution is much more 'reliable'.

First, the groups are voluntary, with 1000 people in each group, breaking the division of regions, provinces, and administrative regions. Each group has a unique digital code for easy extraction.

Second, a total of more than 6 million valid IDs will be divided into 4 and 5 group digital codes, and each ID that is eligible for extraction must select one of them before the deadline Settle in groups to obtain the corresponding digital codes, no expiration date, once settled, no changes are allowed.

Thirdly, the live broadcast of the lottery scene is live offline and online. The lottery machine is customized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It has been produced and has passed the strictest inspection and acceptance, eliminating any possibility of cheating.

Fourth, this plan is the final plan, and the results obtained have legal effect. Without clear evidence, no one or any organization shall smear and question without reason, knowingly committing a crime or for the purpose of disrupting the normal social and economic order. If you find out, you will never tolerate it.

Well, it's over now.

This solution is much simpler than the first one.

Straightforward and rude, but very convenient and intuitive. You can choose which group you get and what number you get. The 'lottery draw' website has been opened. There are more than 645 million groups, and each draw draws one part of 64.5, 100 times. , with a probability of one in six thousand.

Everyone has a one-in-six thousand chance of becoming a player.

This is much higher than expected!

At least the winning probability is much higher than Shuangseqiu and Big Lotto, isn't it?

In the past, there was no such straightforward numerical probability. I just felt that the probability of being drawn among 14 billion people was basically negligible, so I was anxious, powerless, and angry. with.

In the lottery scene in the live broadcast, the expressionless notary finished his lines, without any excess, the 'lottery draw' began immediately.

I saw that the huge machine made people unaware, and the lottery player was also expressionless. He just pressed a red button towards the camera, and countless balls of uniform color began to spin in the transparent container.

After about half a minute, the balls fell one after another, and the first number rolled out quickly.

It is 1.

A single number can determine the lives and deaths of many people. Watching the live broadcast online is full of wailing, and the screen with too many bullet screens can't be seen clearly. There has never been an incident that has touched the hearts of the general public so much. It has set a Guinness World Record for ratings. No one cares, let alone statistics.

"1, it's 1, Mom, it's 1, 1!"

In an old-fashioned dormitory building, a 16-year-old high school student squeezed the number in his hand and shouted nervously in the direction of the bedroom.

"It's just the first number, what's the ghost calling, the neighbors are all resting."

Only then did the boy hold back his excitement, his tightly clenched fists were soaked with sweat, the note with the group number written on it was soaked, and there was a message on the TV that his mother traveled thousands of miles to Wutai Mountain Gymnasium to ask for good luck Fu, the decorations in the room have also been changed according to my Feng Shui master's suggestion.

I don't know that the fortune teller said that his parents are not suitable for watching live broadcasts, nor are they suitable for paying too much attention to this matter.

His parents locked themselves in the bedroom, pretending they didn't care and didn't care, leaving only their son in red underpants and underwear in front of the TV.

It's a normal family, and it happens all over the country.

Internationally, the live broadcast of this scene also appeared on TV screens in many countries and regions. The spinning, jumping, and falling ball really touched the hearts of countless people.

At this time, a TV host in Western Europe reported that the first number was 1.

It was time for a general election in a small country in Eastern Europe, in order to win the final exit and the final votes.

"Second number, second number, come on, come on!"

The 17-year-old boy stared at the TV screen tightly, watching the second number roll out, before the notary announced the number loudly, he jumped up from the sofa, his face flushed and he shook his fist, Shout, choke to death, choke to death, fuck, damn, awesome, ahaha...

His parents were waiting anxiously in the bedroom, and it was inconvenient to express their concern, but this bastard only knew where to scream, but refused to give a letter of approval.

"Mom and Dad, it's 4, it's 4, the second number hit again, haha!"

At the beginning, because the number of this group was 4, his parents, especially his mother, raised objections to the number generated by the family lottery, and it was the boy who insisted on not changing it, which reaped the ecstasy at this time.

There are three numbers and a special code at the back. The boy fell silent amidst the roar of his parents, and started a new round of waiting and suffering.

Before the third number was opened, there was a ding-dong bang-dang noise upstairs, the sound of quarrels and accusations passed through the floor and the downstairs could be heard clearly, the boy curled his lips, endured the noise, and turned on the TV to the loudest.

The third number is 7.

The boy stopped barking this time, and was dumbfounded for a long time without making a sound.

His parents thought that the third number made them out, and endured great disappointment to comfort each other, it's okay, this is the first time, and there will be 99 more times in the future.

"Dad, Mom, again, again, hit again, 7, the third number is 7!"

The first three numbers are 1, 4, and 7, and there are two remaining numbers and a special code. The probability is already so high that people have huge expectations.

His parents were even more nervous, and they believed in the preparations made in advance. In order to show that they didn't care, they tried their best not to think about it, but the more they were like this, the more...

So the two simply sang.

"Soldiers shoot targets and return to the camp, return to the camp. The red flowers on the chest reflect the colorful clouds, and the happy singing is flying all over the sky..."

The out-of-tune, trembling, ugly singing voice seemed so abrupt and funny, but at this time, how many people are normal?
Upstairs and downstairs, all kinds of abnormal noises, all kinds of human voices, dogs barking, adults and children making noise together, before the final number came out, someone set off firecrackers outside, and some people ran outside shouting who, who ,Who……

The fourth number, the fourth number.

The boy was forced to stick to the TV, staring at the ball still rolling on it, sweating all over his body nervously.

The fourth number rolled out, his eyes widened suddenly, his mouth opened, and it took a long time for ho ho before he yelled: Damn it!

The fourth number is 9.

1479 has only one number and one special code left.

In the bedroom, his parents didn't dare to sing anymore, and they couldn't continue singing. As if there was God's blessing, the last number was hit like a miracle.

It is 0.

14790, there is still a special code for letters.

The probability has shrunk to less than 10%.

"Mom and Dad, you guys, why did you come out!?"

The number ball was being changed on the live broadcast screen. The boy saw his parents walking out of the bedroom. He was not interested in this feudal superstition, so he didn't want to take any risks. Locked the door.

Can the last special code save this home without any hope?

Both the boy's parents have serious chronic diseases, and they have no formal jobs. They only make ends meet by setting up stalls in the night market every day. That is the light of redemption.

Can see, can hear, it is so far away.

Unexpectedly, I really did not expect that this ray of light would envelope him one day, even though the final special code did not come out, the young man already believed that the last one must be E.

Sure enough, the special code is E.


First group creampie.

Juvenile ID is one of them.

But extreme joy begets sorrow.

When the boy thought of his parents in the bedroom, and opened the door to go in, his mother's face was already purple, and she was very angry.

Just like that, she tightly held on to her husband's hand, not letting him go out.


The boy frantically rushed out of the house with his mother on his back, followed by his father, staggering, alternately sad and happy.

By the way, the boy's name is Li Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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