Chapter 197
"Xiao Ai, let's check it out and see if there is anything we have forgotten."


After returning for more than half a month (compared with the time lapse of 1:2), Bei Gaoyang was really busy and dizzy. If it wasn't for Xiao Ai's help, he would never be able to complete such a large workload by himself.

The fourth layer of the magic net was invented very smoothly, and it has been rolled out now. Xiao Ai with a higher magic level has stronger functions and greater power. Within the coverage of the magic net, she can do some miraculous things. Things, such as building a new system city from scratch - Punk City, and a large number of game native NPCs.

The magic array automatic engraving machine and the magic smart workshop are like two powerful tentacles for her to transform reality. As long as the raw materials are sufficient, a city that can only be regarded as a small town in the eyes of the earth takes less than two days. Build complete.

As for the aborigines NPC, it is a matter of 'programming' and a lot of 'copying and pasting', because this project has been started for a long time, and a lot of preparation work and research have been done in the early stage. It doesn't take much.

The first batch of game natives who are completely game narratives are essentially undead just like the players.

Magically cloned bodies, programmed 'souls', filled memories, because of their faith value, these people seem to have lived in this new city for many years from the moment they were born.

The weirdest scene happened in the early hours of yesterday. When the first bell rang, more than a thousand aborigines of the system woke up like countless mornings when they usually wake up. The 'usual' thing.

Worship, prepare the family’s morning meals, prepare the husband and children at the door, prepare the tools and water for the farmland, small merchants and hawkers start to sell along the street, and when they meet "familiar" people, they will greet them warmly...

They don't know their true identities and origins, but they know that players are creatures whose worldview and way of looking at affairs is completely from the Canaan game. Looking at this city that was still dead yesterday, after giving an order, they will It seems that it has existed for ten or a hundred years, and even Bei Gaoyang feels chills, and has a new evaluation of Xiao Ai's ability.

The opening of the server is imminent, there are a lot of things to do, and it seems that everything has been prepared. In order to avoid any omissions, Bei Gaoyang took the announcement of the opening of the server and checked each item with Xiao Ai.

"The first is the race of elves and orcs... Are there enough corpses stored?"

"There are more than 4 corpses. The centaur tribe is very mobile and has a spirit of contract."

Only the 'cannibal' centaur savages could take out so many corpses. Unless Bei Gaoyang himself conquered an elven island, when would he be able to take them out?
Orcs, skeletons are not uncommon. Some of them survived before. They were originally intended to be used as hidden races and hidden occupations. Later, they were found to be superfluous. This time they were simply used as a new occupational race.

"I just don't know how they programmed me behind my back."

With such a corpse, the name of "Thousand-faced Human Massacre" is even more confirmed, Bei Gaoyang muttered for his own reputation, and proceeded to the next item.

"Bard and barbarian professions..."

"The new job system has been tested, do you want to try it yourself?"

"Forget it, there's no time."

"The bard is positioned as a mage support, and the barbarian is positioned as a tank meat shield. Do you have a good relationship with the follow-up advanced profession?"

"Of course, the bard's advanced level is sword dancer and chanter, and the barbarian's advanced level is defense master and battlefield breaker."

"The sword dancer has changed from being assisted by a mage to being controlled by a mage, and the career direction of the singer remains unchanged?"

"What is the Battlefield Breaker?"

"Output, destruction, rampage with a touch of control."

"...Can't you follow the established and mature template?"

"Do you always have to be a little bit inventive? When you go back this time, didn't you see someone saying that we only copy and plagiarize?"

"...Okay, if there is no problem, let's make it like this...By the way, the top of the second turn is at level 30?"


"Is the end of this test?"


"Alright then...the next item is the new game map."

"How big is the coverage of the magic net now?"

"The diameter is 180 kilometers, and the theoretical perfect value is 400 kilometers"

"too big……"

"Yeah, we can no longer have a clear grasp of every map and every possible monster gathering point like before. It is unnecessary and consumes resources."

"The mouse hiding in the dark is even more difficult to find."

"You remember, I thought you had forgotten"

"Hey, let's not talk about this... Have you settled the important maps? [Stone Fortress] was turned into ruins by centaurs. I went to see it once. The bones are exposed in the wild, and there are no chickens crowing for a hundred miles. It's miserable. It's too miserable, but there are many more wraiths, ghosts and ghosts. The Nightmare Swamp also extends there. It's a good fortress. Danger.

As for [Sapudin Human Kingdom], half of the territory has already fallen, and the coalition forces of the human nations are still quarreling in the imperial capital, allowing the centaur barbarians to wreak havoc everywhere.

[Fairy Forest] There are still a small number of wild elves, but they have degenerated into a slash-and-burn matriarchal clan society. Many black-hearted slave traders and mercenary squads hunt slaves in it. I have reached an agreement with one of their largest clans. Neutral camp.As for [Dungeon Entrance 1]... Forget it in the early stage, the Dark Elf Drow is not easy to mess with, and is particularly treacherous and promiscuous. Players go in and do some immoral things, which will provoke unnecessary criticism offline ..."

Bei Gaoyang counted one by one with his fingers. The newly added important maps are not good places to go. Once the players go there, they will deliver food. In addition, another important thing is the minerals, ingredients and magic materials in the game map. produce.

What is gratifying is that many special terrains and minerals have been incorporated into the game area, and Bei Gaoyang cannot find them all one by one. There are a large number of monsters, and monsters above the second level have beast cores, which are more advanced magic energy storage materials than magic stones.

The skins, bones, tendons, eyes, hearts, and even blood of Warcraft are all useful. This is not the rags that players collected before. They can all be used in real alchemy, forging, enchanting, and potion making. Previously, it all depended on Bei Gaoyang Blackmailing Bahne's survival support is fine now, and it can finally alleviate part of it.

Speaking of Bahn, the movement of the abyss is really worrying. There has been no sound for a long time. Could it be that the knock was too hard last time?

After taking stock of the map, what's the next item?
"New Village, Chenxi Town 1-4"

"Ah, by the way, how can such an important thing be forgotten, really..."

Within a circular area with the original Chenxi Town as the center, the birth points of four novice villages modeled one-to-one are all located on a small hill. The large pool of [Magic Clone] is divided into 5. It is expected that each novice village Up to [-] players can be accommodated.

12 new and old players, 5 novice villages, and a maximum of 5 people online at the same time, the calculation is just right.

Considering that it is impossible to maintain the peak online all the time, there should be some margin for such an arrangement. As for the tourists...

Tourists don't need system resources, nor do they need the blessing and definition of the magic net. It doesn't matter how much they have, just let them play as they please.

If there is no place to live, build it yourself.

Nothing to eat?Go buy it.

No clothes to wear?Go weave!

No money?To collect, to borrow, to rob, to earn... There are many ways.

"The next item is the scoring system for equipment, props, and character combat effectiveness..."

Just check one by one in this way, and adjust if you find things you have forgotten or missed. The time is passing in this final server self-inspection... When everything is done, there is only less time left before the server starts one day.

12 hours in reality.

The fourth layer of magic net!
After finishing his work, Bei Gaoyang had the time to sigh.

The majestic building has already covered the waist, and the magic net that is comparable to the domain and the kingdom of God is also showing its ferociousness. With his level 7 spell level, if he senses the magic net now, he already feels easy and unshakable.

It used to feel like a thatched cottage, which was bulky but flimsy. Now the thatched cottage has become a rock castle, which is bigger, stronger, and not easy to shake.

The previous magic net was just a shallow pool, one could easily forget it at a glance.

Now even he, the creator, needs to deal with Xiao Ai one by one. Even Xiao Ai can't fully understand what is happening on the game map, and needs players to explore as her eyes and tentacles.

If at this time, he encounters the high-level demon of the chaotic camp again, then he will never be able to interfere with the operation of the magic net as easily as last time. The player's soul protection unit cooperates with the access device, and has done the best it can. Well, time will tell the rest.

But the price is that the previously accumulated surplus has been exhausted, and the soul power and faith values ​​are only in single digits. Some small changes are okay, but major operations are impossible.

Standing on the top of the mage's tower, Bei Gaoyang looked at the rising sun in the distance and slowly surpassed the horizon, repelling the darkest shadow before dawn, occupying the sky and land, and shedding golden sunlight.

The tide of magic may or may not have receded, the environment of the abandoned wasteland has been permanently changed, it has been completely reduced to a sea of ​​monsters, and it has become a taboo place where strangers are not allowed to enter.

A few days ago, he secretly went to the civilized world to visit an "old friend" for the war between centaurs and human nations. The perception of this magic wave and the invasion of the centaur tribal alliance.

Hey, forbidden land.

It's okay, it's okay...

The vast game map covers every inch of the field of vision. As long as Bei Gaoyang intends, he will get almost a "field" of support here.

The domain...the legendary symbol, has been extinct in Canaan for a long, long time.

"Xiao Ai, get ready to start the server!"


Xiao Ai was very happy. She was more active and caring about the player and the fourth test than Bei Gaoyang. The player and the magic net were what she needed for survival, and there was nothing more important than this.

At the same time on the earth, the time came to 3 am on March 18.

Only 3 hours away from the opening of the server, the streets and alleys, the hustle and bustle of the city have become a lot quieter, online and offline, waiting with bated breath, just waiting for the server to open on time.

In the player's apartment where the four test players in G Province are located, Li Yan got ready, excitedly put on the game helmet, lay on a special bed and chair, and quietly watched the countdown in the helmet's field of vision.

Watching, watching, he actually fell asleep.

When he woke up and opened his eyes, he found that he was in an empty and huge temple. In front of him was a huge statue of a god that was dark and without facial features and other physical details. The other outlines were shrouded in shadow, only the front one was illuminated by a beam of light from nowhere.


It was the first time he experienced such a real 'virtual reality'. He lost his body and only his thinking body existed like a ghost. At the age of 17, he was startled, and his soul screamed.

Strangely, the sound was faithfully transmitted in the empty temple, causing echoes.

【Please select your character race】

The cue had been flashing for half an hour, and was now dispelled by his scream, a dull, thick, loud voice saying, "O soul from afar, can none of these races please you?"

What, who am I, where am I?
"answer me!"

Afterwards, Li Yan once recalled his mental state at that time. He only remembered that he was really frightened at that time. He knew that Canaan was close to reality, but there was also the word "nearly". Without personal experience, he could not really feel it It is the impact of the moment when you first come to the noble land.

At that time, he was completely unaware of what was triggered, a voice with a strong command: answer me, let him subconsciously follow the other party's words and answer: "Yes, yes, yes..."

"And what about these?"

Under the statue, another hidden turntable appeared, on which there were still several human silhouettes standing, and the one lit up on the front was the image of a 'little devil', who was grinning at Li Yan's conscious body, with scarlet slits The tongue licked the chapped lips, the two demon wings flapped slowly, and the two horns were bright red.

"Tell me your choice!"

"I choose him, choose him!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Yan's consciousness flew towards the little devil's body. Amid his screams, his consciousness suddenly went dark, as if he had fallen into a dark vortex, and then brightened again, and the image appeared in front of him. A lot of unexplained pictures.

Dense bugs crawled all over the ground, huge pale skeletons that could not be seen at a glance, countless black shadows jumping and searching among the bones, and countless strange-shaped creatures looking up at the sky.

A huge bone dragon passed by in the rust-colored sky, and the demon sitting on the bone dragon smiled strangely, with his vision fixed on the top of the bone dragon, he flew forward.

A huge door appeared at the junction of heaven and earth in the distance, and a bright light flooded all Li Yan's thoughts.

Then...he woke up!

In the image of a little devil, as a level 0 player, he was in a nightmare swamp.

"You gaze into the abyss, and the abyss gazes into you!"

(End of this chapter)

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