This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 198 Punk City

Chapter 198 Punk City

"Why is there a hidden job? I remember it was cancelled?"

"Cancelled? It wasn't mentioned in the announcement."

Bei Gaoyang was speechless, Xiao Ai was playing tricks, it was not mentioned in the announcement, but he was already impatient with these gimmicks that cost a lot of work and didn't see much benefit, a stingy little love, why should these What about settings?

"Enrich the ecology of the game, my lord, surprises and big gift packages still have to exist, let players look forward to, envy, let them delve into and pursue it, and increase their centripetal force and recognition of the game."

"But why... a demon? I remember that I didn't get a few demon skeletons in the Alpha plane, right?"

"That's enough, rare things are precious!"

"If you do this, it will be very troublesome later. How do you let this devil player get a job?"

"You don't need to be employed, demons are both a race and a profession"

"What about his racial skills? What about the balance with other classes?"

"Specific, hidden, and rare race occupations don't need to consider balance. The demon race has great limitations, so it should be used as compensation? As for the skills, just refer to the real little devil..."

"You speak lightly, a real little devil..."

Demons can only evolve from abyss worms, and can only be conceived by the abyss. With just a skeleton and a magic net, it is impossible to 'clone' this special and powerful race favored by [Abyss Consciousness].

Devils are best at soul magic, and since they were little devils, they have possessed a very important racial skill, which is to acquire powerful original power by devouring souls, especially the souls of intelligent races, to promote their own evolution.

The problem is that this kind of evolution is dominated by [Abyss Consciousness]. Its internal mechanism and principle, not to mention Bei Gaoyang, even the gods can't figure it out. It requires the specific environment of the abyss, and countless souls who have fallen into the abyss to fulfill.

Does the magic net have such a condition?

The Nightmare Swamp does have the smell of the abyss, and the [Demonic Qi] is strong. Based on the situation observed at the moment, this demon player has adapted well there, and he is like a duck to water in the magical energy that normal creatures are afraid of being contaminated. It is indeed a bit small. The charm of the devil.

But a fake is a fake. In essence, he is still an undead, an undead wearing a little devil vest.

Xiao Ai's persistence made Bei Gaoyang see her ambition. She only mentioned before that she wanted to extend the magic net to the abyss and make a fortune in the context of the bloody battle. Unexpectedly, she is now planning for a rainy day.

Forget it, let's just treat it as an experiment. Anyway, now that the family is rich, this loss is considered a venture capital investment.

In addition to the hidden race profession of little devil, the four test players also gave birth to such as wingman, centaur, tauren, vampire and werewolf. This player base is large, and any unexpected situation may happen, satisfying the probability of triggering the hidden race Also big.

But hidden races are not necessarily stronger than mainstream races. Demons are an exception. They stand out on one side, but they are bound to be weakened on the other. However, rare things are more valuable. Some hidden races have unique talents, such as wingmen , this kind of intelligent race that is about to become extinct in Canaan is born with the ability to fly short distances and low altitudes. There are also werewolves, although they are a kind of orcs, they are still classified as humans. ), it can also be said to be a kind of lesion, which is not obvious at ordinary times, and its basic attributes are also normal. Once it enters the state of emotional agitation or full moon, it has the ability to transform into a giant wolf.

All the hidden races are intelligent races that Canaan has or once had. Bei Gaoyang and Mowang can't conjure a kind of intelligent race out of thin air, nor can they conjure a set of occupation systems for them.

Therefore, race is equivalent to profession, and vampires can only be promoted with their blood core. From childhood to adulthood, from baron to viscount to earl, there is no need to deliberately, everything refers to the real occupation system.

After the opening of the server, tens of thousands of new and old players rushed in. Chenxi Town, as a landing point for old players, does not need too much attention. The situation of Chenxi Town 1-4 is frequent, more than [-] The Mengxin of the fourth test yelled and shouted as soon as it went online. It has been in chaos until now, and has not yet entered the normal game process.

Bei Gaoyang checked the opening of the server throughout the whole process, and constantly dealt with various unexpected situations. After the patch was applied to the world channel, there were no more meaningless messages such as screams, emoticons, and exclamation points. However, other channels were also congested. Especially in the nearby channels, there were too many players, densely packed like locusts, and they were all crowded together, squeezing several Newbie Village birth points into canned sardines.

Mengxin is amazed at the reality of the Canaan world. It is not uncommon for the three views to suffer a huge impact, so that all kinds of disorder and gaffes are not uncommon. The old players in this town had already marched towards Punk City, and they blocked the birth point, forcing Bei Gaoyang to intervene.

After kicking those troublemakers who were still unable to enter the situation and spread chaos offline, the repeated system warnings finally calmed down the newbies, let them read the system prompts, let them learn to operate the game interface, and let them see The task arrow guides them to find the novice guide NPC, and then all point to a system process of Bei Gaoyang, and finally listen to the world background introduction.

"...Welcome, young rebels, welcome to wake up after a long hibernation and a long journey, you have arrived in a cruel and oppressive world, gods and their minions..."

Chenxi Town Square 1, the hall of the town hall, which can accommodate thousands of people, is extremely congested. Bei Gaoyang's thread is preaching, and the system prompts are still being refreshed. This player took the opportunity to profit from the crowd and was punished for sexual harassment. The public property of the town hall was suspected of theft, was caught by the vicious NPC guards, thrown into the system prison, etc...

The newbies will not be honest and quiet, the hall is like a vegetable market, everyone is a curious baby, touch here, look there, then marvel, scream... Anyway, there are only things you can't think of, no They can't do it.

Bei Gaoyang can bear these things, but when he saw an orc player take off his pants and curiously touch the large mosaic at the base of his thigh, he couldn't bear it anymore.

A flash of lightning struck the orc player to death, and then issued a server-wide announcement that when a certain player was disgusted by something because he was obscene with the system gods, his luck value would be permanently deducted by 2 points, and he would be sentenced to 120 hours in prison. Suppress this restlessness.

Miserable, so miserable.

Most of the players in the hall are elves, all of them are beautiful like white porcelain, but they can wear the skin of elves, but they can't learn the elegance of elves, which makes them not look like elves, but like a group of smelly Goblin.

Oh, bear with it!

In the beginning, it will always be chaotic for a while, and then it will be fine.

Bei Gaoyang comforted himself in this way, out of sight and out of mind, so he stopped wasting energy with these cute newcomers, let them make trouble, there will always be a time to stop.

Turning my attention to the old players, I am very relieved to see that the old players quickly got started with the new game content and gameplay, going to Punk City, to the Night Camp, to the Fairy Forest, and those who are going to try the Baldwin family cemetery... It is rare to see people doing nothing, everyone has a plan and a purpose, and is in a hurry.

But the good mood didn't last for a few minutes!

"It's not fair, why can hidden races only be selected when building a character? What about us old players?"

"Yeah, yeah, the shady game!"

"Protest, protest!"

"We want compensation!"

"Yes, compensation!"

"We want fairness!"

"Fair, fair!"

Since the last time a player named 'Xiaoqiao Liushui' successfully blackmailed the NPC in the main thread, Bei Gaoyang's thread has been full of these players. This time, as soon as the server was opened, so many hidden races appeared. , which made some old players jealous, so they thought of making up for it.

They all believe that the main thread NPC is played by a real person, similar to the GM in the game, making a fuss might have miraculous effects, isn't there a successful example?

Bei Gaoyang warned several times, but it was not easy to use heavy hands to punish them, so that they would intensify, and they actually came to make trouble for him at this time, really.

"Just ignore them," Xiao Ai said, "so some openings cannot be opened, and there will be a lot of trouble after opening."

"I didn't care about it at the time!"

Bei Gaoyang knew he was wrong, so he justified himself, and ignored these buzzing flies.

Set your sights on Punk City.

Punk City is more than [-] kilometers away from this town, and it takes more than a dozen teleportations to get there from this town. The teleportation fee is expensive, so all the old players who have arrived so far are not bad at money.

Most of them were casual players, all eleventh and second level players. They entered the city and quickly noticed the difference between this place and Buck City.

Although there are many residents in Buck City, whether they respect, fear, or even loathe players, they all regard the player group as a different kind.

The residents here seem to be much more lively than Buck City. Most of the residents are humans. There are various intelligent races and industries, and there are one or two guards with wings.

The streets are bustling with people, people come and go, whether the players come or go, out of order or not, they are 'used to', and they are not regarded as different, but... the same kind?
A casual player with the ID 'Xing Ye is not bad for money' stood at the door of a drama troupe, watching NPCs, adults and children, gather around the ticket gate to buy tickets, while the small merchants next to him took the opportunity to sell some candies, snacks and the like Yes, many of them can be found in reality, but the packaging and trademarks have been torn off.

"Can you still come like this?"

Master Xing went to queue even if he was not short of money. These NPCs did not make any difference because of the joining of a player. An old woman was squeezed by him and even scolded him. Master Xing deliberately said that I am a player and a professional. , the old woman glanced at him up and down, and said contemptuously that he, a level [-] bronze medal player, is looking so proud here?
Look at him with the eyes of a country bumpkin.

"Interesting, really interesting"

I waited in line for more than ten minutes to buy a ticket, and the ticket price was 5 copper coins. After entering, there was really a drama in it, but the props and costumes of the actors were all cheap, and the acting skills were unbearable to witness. The plot was also poor, but the stage Both adults and children watched it with gusto, especially when monsters made of cardboard boxes appeared on the stage and the protagonist and the team were in danger, scolding by adults, screaming by children, and other things such as coughing, spitting, and picking the soles of the feet, etc., life is full of joy. State, and so on.

Not much different from offline.

This shocked Master Xing not short of money.

The first priority of casual players is not to upgrade, but to be able to keenly discover changes in the game ecology, so as to find moving points that others have not discovered.

The fourth test, especially the system city, already has the prototype of Second Life.

But where are the business opportunities?

There is too much competition in the mainstream game process, and there are more wolves and less flesh. Such a major change must contain countless opportunities to make a fortune. It just depends on who finds it first.

Master Xing didn't want to spend money and didn't want to watch it anymore, left the noisy theater troupe, and wandered around in Punk City.

The style of this city is similar to that of Buck City, but the scale is larger. A cross street that divides the city into four is the most prosperous commercial area, surrounded by shops, and there are all kinds of shops.

Thousands of NPC residents live here. Although the sparrows are small, they are complete in all walks of life. A caravan from Buck City transported more than a dozen horse-drawn carts of grain. The same curious Buck City residents looked at this The city that popped up suddenly was as curious as the player.

For a few hours, Master Xing communicated with many residents of Punk City without short of money, and also triggered and received many tasks.

One of the quests was issued by a well-dressed, kind-hearted old woman, asking Xingye to go to the designated stores to buy some things without any money, and give them to NPCs in different places, and then come back and hand in the quest to him .

Master Xing ran happily for a long time, spending a total of 50 silver. After completing the task, he went to find the old woman, but he couldn't find it.

"That's a liar!"

Seeing him wandering around the trigger point of the mission like a headless chicken, a kind young woman came out from the side bun shop and kindly told him.


Master Xing is not short of money, no matter what, he never thought of it. There is a task reminder and a sign that the task is completed. How can he be a liar?
Looking at the task details again, I found a line of very small fonts at the footer: The final interpretation of this task belongs to Mary Darcy...


The task is already completed, and there is no need to find anyone to hand it in. In other words, he was cheated by the system NPC, who cheated him of 50 silver.

I went back and looked for those who took his things, but I couldn't find them.

"Fool, idiot, idiot..."

A few urchins clapped their hands and laughed around him, and an old man with a wrinkled face walked up to him and said, "Young man, I see that you have a strange skeleton, and you can tell that you are a genius with extraordinary aptitude. I have a hidden mission here." Do you want any clues, come, come, the old man will tell you in detail..."


The second one jumped up and said, he thought of moving the bricks, that is, together with these NPCs who are no different from real people, set up a fraud group, specifically to deceive those players who are no different from fools and idiots, guarantee to deceive one allow.

How to do.

Seems like a very lucrative business!

To make up for those players who were cheated by him and went bankrupt, Master Xing couldn't bear not to be short of money.

(End of this chapter)

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