Chapter 199

In Buck City, a cute new player of the elf race was watched by several old players, shivering, "What are you trying to do, I'm going to moleste you!?"

The old players commented on him, and one said, "That's it, it looks pretty at first glance, but it's not very attractive."

Another added, "Still flat chested"

The third old player said, "Maybe he is a man?"

The last one said: "It's a problem that men and women are not, are you male or female!"

This Mengxin shouted very annoyed: "What do you want my old lady to say? Do you want to sing you Eighteen Touches?"

"Fuck, it's a woman!"

"Then...why are your chests flat?"

"Are all elves like this?"

"That's not enough. There's nothing to see at the airport. I've grown two long legs for nothing."

Mengxin was a little crazy, and he had PK protection before changing jobs in the safe zone, but he was not afraid of these old players, so he started yelling.

The old players were laughing and laughing, but they didn't let her go, and they didn't make physical contact, so as to avoid being convicted of indecent assault by the system.

Fortunately, Mengxin's 'thigh' has arrived.

"Brothers, brothers, this is my friend, let me go, let me go!"

There are old players here, it’s not good for a few of them to be deceiving, and besides, it’s time for a break, so they laughed and spread away, and while walking, they were still talking about the elf’s figure, the airport and so on, which made this newbie very sad , "When pinching the face, it has been adjusted to the maximum..."

Thigh glanced at her breasts, and said comfortingly, "It's nothing, pigeon eggs are also eggs, it's pretty good!"

Mengxin blew up when he heard it, "Wang Xiaofeng, what are you talking about, you... hooligan, I want to tell your mother!"

The two chased and walked away. Xia Miaomiao saw it, and her resentment for not being able to transfer to the elf was much less.

Orcs are blue-faced fangs, and elves are airports where men and women are not distinguished. It’s just like that when you look at it. Orcs are like dwarves, and their initial attributes in terms of strength and physical strength have bonuses. Elves have agility and spirit. Create a race with a bonus in intelligence.

But it seems that there is no such race, and it seems that humans are the most suitable profession for mages.

All aspects are very balanced, and the initial intelligence level is also very high.

And hidden races...

However, there are still very few such lucky players. Among the more than [-] players who have logged in, there are only a few of them. I heard that Yiren not only does not have the bonus of basic attributes, but is punished. Vampires cannot touch silver items. Under the restriction of strong sunlight, the attribute will be greatly affected, so the bonus in terms of agility is very high.The tauren is even worse, their intelligence and agility have been greatly weakened, and the prospects for employment in mainstream occupations are worrying. Unless they can work in racial occupations, this account will be abolished.

That is to werewolf, it seems that there are few restrictions, and there is also a coveted transformation ability, it seems that the employment prospects of hidden races are not good...These servers have been opened for a few hours, and some masters have analyzed them in detail based on the characteristics of each race up.

"Oh, what are you thinking, so lost in thought?"

Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue arrived holding hands, Fan Chaoyue pushed her, followed her eyes to see the elf player, "Elf!", sighed enviously.

"I heard that the bard's weapon is a harp?" Du Shiyu didn't care much about the new race, but was very curious about the new profession that hadn't been changed yet. I don’t know how many people have changed jobs.”

"I know that there will be a lot of people who change jobs as barbarians. Boys, most of them are simple-minded guys with well-developed limbs."

"Wow, the big star seems to be deeply touched!"

"Hate it, Sapling, we agreed not to mention this in the game."

"If you let those simple-minded guys with well-developed limbs know your identity in reality, why don't they jump over and take you alive?"

"You think too much. My identity has been announced long ago. You can see that I haven't even splashed a single wave."

"That's different. No matter how popular you are, it can be as high as Canaan's. That's because the fourth test is coming soon, and all the popularity is given to the big draw..."

The three talked and laughed, and rushed to the agreed place.

A tavern in Buck City was newly opened by NPC. As soon as she sat down firmly, Xia Miaomiao couldn't wait to shout: "Boss, have three glasses of your best wine!", as if not short of money.

Most of the people sitting in the tavern are players. After the most important function of "eating and drinking" is released, everyone will naturally taste the unique flavor of the Canaan world as soon as they go online.

Both Buck City and Punk City have a lot of newly opened 'food and drink' shops. Players have different opinions on tasting Canaan food. If they say it is good, they can boast to the sky, and they say excitedly that this is epoch-making and a milestone. But most players said that the food and drinks provided by the system were not good, especially the steamed buns that were provided the most, which had an indescribably strange smell...

No, when three cups of bitter ale came up, Xia Miaomiao took a sip and her face crumpled together, "Bah bah, it's so bitter, what the hell is this, why does it still smell like preservatives?"

A player at the next table interjected, "It's good that the beauty gets used to it, and you will find that it has a special flavor when you return to sweetness after suffering."

Seeing that his equipment was not good enough, Xia Miaomiao cut him softly and ignored him.

The three of them tasted it, waited for someone bored, and commented on this tavern in a low voice.

"Everywhere is dirty, and the hygiene awareness of NPCs is worrying..."

"It's too dark, like a haunted house, can't they make the windows bigger?"

"Whoever wants to do this in reality will definitely suffer."

With the level 20 cap ahead, the old players are not in a hurry, and their energy is generally transferred to 'practicing internal strength'. The previous few tests were too rushed, and there was no time to stop and study carefully.

The three of them were talking about not knowing what Punk City is like, and they will share the spoils later... Oh, it’s not that they split the bills, let’s go to Punk City together, I heard that it’s bigger there, with more NPCs, a total of three or four thousand , like a foreign city in the middle ages, and it is extremely simulated, almost every NPC is intelligent...

At this time, Shao Bing and Lin Xiao, who were late, arrived.

"No way, there are too many people in line."

Shao Bing just queued up for the server now. Xia Miaomiao asked him if there were too many people in line. Shao Bing replied that there were not too many people. If 12 people were online at the same time, it would be miraculous if the server didn’t crash. The scale kicks people off the assembly line, or you have to wait for a few more hours.

"The newbies are out of tune, making a lot of jokes..."

Xia Miaomiao took the opportunity to talk about the out-of-order behaviors of the newbies, and completely forgot how she was when she landed in Canaan for the first time.

"let us start!"

Lin Xiao knocked on the table very coldly.

"Then let's get started!"

Shao Bing took out something from his backpack, which made the eyes of the whole tavern focus on him, and there were exclamations everywhere, especially the longbow that shone with light blue aura.

"Mine, mine!"

Fan Chaoyue couldn't wait to grab it.

"Wait a minute, let's settle the accounts first!"

Lin Xiao pressed her hand and said in a businesslike manner.

"I suspect he is eating your tofu!"

Xia Miaomiao whispered into Fan Chaoyue's ear, but everyone present could hear it, so she was a little embarrassed.

Shao Bing pretended not to hear, and first took out the distribution plan and compared them one by one.

Fan Chaoyue has already remitted the money to the public bank account. Most of the equipment, props and materials have not been cleared at the beginning of the server, and now the distribution is only the equipment needed by several people.

The accounts are clear, who gets how much, who needs to make up how much, who uses up how much share... What professional accountants do is detail.

"Don't forget, we will have to pay taxes starting next month."

In the end, Fan Chaoyue got the most eye-catching blue top-quality longbow, Xia Miaomiao got the top-quality green scepter, Du Shiyu got a top-quality green mage robe and a talisman with decent attributes. Xiao didn't divide anything, and kept the weight, and put the treasure on the props that hadn't been identified yet.

Shao Bing put the rest of the distribution into his backpack, and said calmly under the hot eyes of the tavern: "Let's go, let's go for an appraisal."

The appraisal NPCs in Buck City are full of old players. Most of the appraisals are the remnants of the three tests. From time to time, there will be blue or green flashes of inspiration, which arouses the exclamation and discussion of the onlookers.

A few newcomers who came from a long journey, mixed in the crowd and looked at this scene enviously, the old players who brought them took the opportunity to educate and show off, plus the life players, businessmen, and agency agents who saw the opportunity mixed together , very lively.

The first to be identified is the scroll that is most valued.

The surface of this scroll is sealed with golden magic pattern, the parchment is very old, and the strong magic power strongly stimulates people's nerves, as if what is being held is not a scroll, as if there is an extremely explosive energy contained in it.

The same is true for the identification results.

[Meteorite scroll, one-time spell scroll, quality purple, level limit 25, occupation: magician, use requirements: intelligence 45, spirit 20, mana consumption: 320, use method: tear the scroll, lock the target to the spirit or Target area, apply group spell effect, within 5 seconds, cover enemies within 10*10 range, cause 100-150 points of damage to targets directly hit by meteorites, cause 45-89 points of high-temperature fire to targets indirectly hit Damage, and form a shock and shock environment that lasts for 10 seconds, causing continuous damage to enemies within the range, and additional effects such as deceleration, dislocation, and cognitive confusion, lasting for 3 seconds. 】

"Wow!" Little stars appeared in Xia Miaomiao's eyes.

But Shao Bing said, "It's not bad, it depends on how much we can sell", looking dissatisfied.

As a mage, Lin Xiao didn't intend to take it for himself.

"Is this thing bad? It's purple!" Fan Chaoyue asked without understanding.

"See what you use it for. If you fight the boss to open up wasteland, it's in front of you. If you kill someone, it's..."

"Kill a chicken with a sledgehammer!" Lin Xiao added coldly.

"Then can I get a gold medal with it!?" Xia Miaomiao thought about turning to the task.

"The level limit is 25, and the requirements for intelligence and spiritual attributes are so high, how can Mengxin use it?" Lin Xiao sneered.

Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes, then became excited again in a blink of an eye, urging those behind her.

The second identified was the strange statue.

[Strange totem statue, barbarian inauguration quest item, level limit 5, instruction for use: Good luck guy, take it to Lord Ramsfield, the leader of the legion, he has some clues about this totem. 】

"Hidden occupation!?" Xia Miaomiao screamed again.

"How can a barbarian be considered a hidden profession, please don't be surprised, okay!?" After failing twice, Lin Xiao said to Xia Miaomiao impatiently.

Only then did Xia Miaomiao come to her senses, and replied, "I want you to take care of it, they just didn't react for a while."

"Wait a minute, with this prop, do you not need to do job transfer tasks?" Du Shiyu thought of another aspect.

In the first turn, you need to download the copy of the Kobold to get the [Certificate of the Brave]. If you pass the level with real ability, you will get the gold medal. In the first turn, you will get the silver medal and the bronze medal. This thing is said to be a quest item for the barbarian. Do you still need it? [Proof of the Brave]?
"Maybe it's really a hidden job!"

It is impossible for the system to open a back door to bypass it. It is a barbarian profession, and it is not included in the regular first-rank mission. What is that, isn't it a hidden profession?

"Can barbarians take office for everyone?" Fan Chaoyue asked.

"That's what I said, but there must be restrictions for elves to work for barbarians. It is best to be orcs. Barbarians are tailor-made for orcs." Du Shiyu added.

"That's a barbarian and a hidden profession, so what could it be?" Xia Miaomiao became excited again.

"I don't know..." Fan Chaoyue shook his head.

"This thing might sell for a sky-high price!" Lin Xiao was finally satisfied, with a smile on his face.

"Then wait and see!?" Shao Bing asked.

Xia Miaomiao nodded her head, and waited for the Mengxin in the fourth test to be promoted to level 5, and then find someone else to try it out. If it is really a hidden job, then it will make a fortune.

In other words, the barbarian itself is a new job, what else can be 'hidden'?

Why is the system so complicated!

The next few things, there are surprises, but they are all within common sense.

A potion master's intermediate formula—Happy Water, let's not complain about the name. This potion is not used on people, but on magic pets and mounts. It can adjust the mental state of magic pets and mounts. The owner's goodwill and compatibility can also stimulate the pet's potential at critical times, similar to stimulants.

A "Odyss's Travel Illustrated Book", which records the monsters, ruins and rumors of secret treasures encountered by an alien traveler named Odyss Hepburn while traveling in various planes, the system collects 10 gold, and They don't know how to use it.

There is another thing, after the appraisal, it becomes a horse card, which can be used to choose a mount at the centaur ranch. It has been replaced by the system, and the few people who have completed the cruel exploitation are generally satisfied. That statue seems to be the most valuable Things, even Lin Xiao chose the [Meteorite Art] scroll.

He doesn't like other equipment and props even if he is in top quality.

"How about the value? Who knows how much it is worth?" Xia Miaomiao saw that he was not pleasing to the eye, so she didn't want to take advantage of him.

Lin Xiao replied, "It will never be more valuable than the blue best longbow!"

Xia Miaomiao was left speechless, and Fan Chaoyue nervously touched the longbow in his hand.

Shao Bing coughed and said, "Even if it's 30 gold, the purple scroll is immeasurable if used in the right place, but it's a one-time item after all, and the requirements are high. No one can use it except the truth."

Xia Miaomiao then pinched her nose and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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