This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 200 Server Opening Phenomenon and Mounts

Chapter 200 Server Opening Phenomenon and Mounts
Chenxi Town 1 Novice Village.

As the saying goes, once there are ten thousand people, there is no limit. In this Xinshou Village, there are only three or four thousand people, which gives people such a sense of sight.

I don’t know how many newcomers are crowded in the “narrow” square, crowded, pushed, talking, yelling, shouting, laughing, cursing, with accents from all over the world, as noisy as a dish market.

It has been three hours since the server was opened, but there are still players who keep going online. A white light will appear at the birth point every ten seconds, and then a fool who seems to be in a dream will come out, and then start to create new noises and chaos.

The first batch of cute newcomers who landed first had already followed the mission process. After receiving the mission, they walked out of the Xinshou Village excitedly and got in touch with the vast world outside.


The oncoming shock was more real than any movie special effects. Only when I was really in it did I know that the videos and photos I saw on the Internet before could not describe one ten-thousandth of this moment.

The wind blows and the grass moves, and the midday sun shines on people's skin, bringing a slight warmth like early spring. The air smells of grass, flowers, and soil. Every frame is far beyond the most exquisite CG The picture, this all-round and almost real perception, makes every newcomer speechless when they first come to the expensive land.

Like a flock of ducks, they ran around and screamed, and when they encountered monsters, they often rushed over in a swarm. After a while, they left behind a mess and bodies that were suspected of being trampled to death, as well as the corpses of monsters. Then they scattered and went to find the next target.

There are also many people who frantically took selfies, facing the rising sun, looking at the flowers and shrubs without any special features, even with a group of cute newcomers who don’t know whether they are K monsters or committing suicide... Kacha, Kacha System camera sound, from beginning to end.

Of course, there are also some people who adapt quickly, have overcome the initial shock and confusion, and found the correct rhythm.

They have already filled the monster spawn points of slimes, goblins, skeleton soldiers, and demonized grass spirits, and the phenomenon of more people than monsters has been repeated in the game. They are wearing standard novice outfits and each holds a wooden stick, as if Like a 'zombie', with red eyes looking for any moving figure that is not a player, once found, they will rush forward in a swarm, scrambling, pushing, swearing, etc. are common repertoires.

For a slime, for a piece of copper coin that exploded, for a piece of garbage whiteboard sold by old players to the system's black shop in batches, they can all fight for a dog's brain.

After destroying the area around Xinshou Village, they were forced to sweep to the more peripheral areas. The more advanced zombies, demonized giant mosquitoes, demonized goblins, and demonized wilderness gophers spent a period of leisure time when no one cares about them. , and finally ushered in their 'natural enemy', which is human beings, simply locusts, more ruthless than locusts, where there is no living thing, either they die, or they die, there is no other option.

Even the elites and the BOSS are still on the spot in the situation where ants are killing the elephants. At the refresh point of the Slime King, the player's corpses are connected one by one, and there are still red-eyed players rushing from a distance. Come on, they used their wooden sticks to hit King Slime one after another, -1-1-1-1, all of which were unbreakable damage, but continuous, accompanied by continuous white light.

In the end, the Slime King was on the spot, and there was a big bang.

This explosion even exploded in all Mengxin psychology.

Everyone at the scene trembled, just like the last time when doing something like that, and they all went into a state of madness.

I don’t know if it was the lucky guy who played the last -1. Without a team, no one can pick up the things on the ground. Looking at the piles of copper coins and the white and green auras, these people pounce on these things body, don't let anyone pick it up.

This is how the strange way of death appeared.

There are countless players who died because of the 'Stacking Arhats'. The last lucky one waited until the protection time limit passed, took out a whiteboard from under the pile of corpses, and laughed like a madman.

Do you think they are crazy?
According to the current exchange rate, a copper plate is 7 soft sister coins, and a white board is installed. Even the most trashy ones start at 2 silver. How much is 2 silver?That's 1400 Ruanmei coins. If it's a small top product, it's another story. Now it's priced but not marketed. As soon as it appears, it will be seconds away, and the eyes can't even see it.

This is not spawning monsters, it is clearly stealing money.

Let me ask, how many ordinary people can stay rational when they get along in different places?
Of course, it cannot be said that there is no one.

Those players who are smarter, have stronger self-control, and can always keep calm tend to gain the most, but such people are often very low-key.

But the result of this is that the power consumption of the system soars in a straight line, and Bei Gaoyang is forced to resort to the "kick off the offline" method. Anyway, the death penalty has no deterrent effect on Mengxin who has nothing. Only kicking off the offline can calm their minds. , think twice before committing suicide.

Veteran players will not be kicked offline, and the death penalty mechanism is fully operational.

Four novice villages, with a total of more than 13000 out-of-order cute newcomers, Bei Gaoyang was forced into the busyness of plugging loopholes and wiping buttocks everywhere. More than 18000 people were online at the same time, which provided a huge amount of soul power and brought a lot of excitement. He was apprehensive about the payout.

There are 7-figure expenditures and 7-figure income every second in the courage value. This in and out makes the backstage curve like a roller coaster, sometimes high, sometimes low, the peak repeatedly breaks the record, and the low makes him Worry, the magic net will collapse in the next second.

This state of affairs is naturally unhealthy.

But he has no effective way to solve it. He has used all the available means, warning, jail, luck point deduction, and favorability reduction... all are not as good as being kicked offline.

But if you kick people down, you have to get people up. This is the first time Mengxin has logged in, and he has to repeat the previous drama.

It's a vicious cycle.

In this case, the test is the tenacity of the magic net.

Xiao Ai's work efficiency is fully open, the thread is almost full, the huge game map, the huge amount of game content and functions, and the massive random events all require her to schedule and process them in the middle, where more resources are invested, and where they can be temporarily withdrawn Take part of it and use it elsewhere.

In this way, in the process of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, the most difficult period was finally supported. By the time the server was opened for 5 hours, most of the newbies finally found some rhythm when the game time was about to run out. The homework done offline, the team was formed in a mess.

The tasks can be filled, the supplies can be saved, and the poor have to grit their teeth and think about the bandages for a long time.

What is the lower limit?

Centaur Ranch.

Shao Bing finally chose the horse card. Under Xia Miaomiao's instigation, everyone was very curious about the newly launched mount system, and didn't know what the mount looked like.

When we came to the ranch together, we saw a simple wooden door and a low wooden fence, a centaur in full leather armor with the system logo on it, and the blunt door served as a guard.

A large number of old players came in and out, and some people stopped to comment on him from time to time. Xia Miaomiao said, this centaur looks really big, and I don’t know if the hidden centaur race is so big, can others ride it? ,whee……

Entering the pasture, it is a grassland, and many free-ranging horses wander in groups and graze on the grass.

There is a big difference between the horses in Canaan and the horses on Earth.

Taller and bigger, with a less docile temper, a smaller head, a stronger body, with a thick mane, it looks like a lion from a distance, and there are two humps on its back, which also looks like a camel.

Walked in and looked, the special steed, some players who received the mount task were talking with a centaur NPC, and it was their turn after waiting for a while.

"Oh, you've already obtained the token!?" The centaur NPC's accent was a bit strange. After being translated by the system, it felt a bit like listening to a foreigner speaking Mandarin.

"You can choose an ordinary mount from the inventory." The centaur NPC said cheerfully.

The stables are the stables behind them. They are smelly. There are many black, white and flowered horses in them. Xia Miaomiao is more active than herself in choosing them. She ran around these stables and finally pulled Shao Bing came up to the selected horse.

"How about this horse?"

These horses are all about the same. When Shao Bing was concerned, the centaur just said it inadvertently.

Ordinary mounts?
That means there are unusual mounts?
He took this message to heart and said with a smile, "It's pretty good."

Xia Miaomiao hesitated instead, "How about... Let's take another look, maybe there are better ones?"

After choosing for a long time and wasting time, I finally chose this one.

Leading this extremely handsome black horse out, Shao Bing found the mount interface on the game interface, pointed his right hand at the horse and said silently: "Submit", the black horse neighed long, showing some resistance, and finally turned into a white light, cast on him.

"Where's the horse?" Xia Miaomiao asked.

Shao Bing made a move with a smile, and the black horse reappeared in the open space beside him, becoming much more docile, without the wildness it was before.

"Wow, it's really convenient!"

"Isn't this a normal function of the game? Please don't be surprised, okay?" Lin Xiao yelled at her again.

"I want you to take care of it!?"

Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue wandered out, chatting and laughing and asked Shao Bing to try riding.

Shao Bing stepped on the mount, rode the horse for a few steps uncomfortably, and found that it was very stable. The horse under his mind seemed to know that he didn't need his verbal orders, just a simple and direct thought.

With interest, it was like stepping on the accelerator, and the horse galloped wildly, regardless of the yelling of the companions behind him, and rushed away into the distance.

"Ha ha……"

The wind blows in the face, the scenery around him flashes by quickly, and the black spots in the distance rapidly enlarge, at a speed of at least 80 kilometers per hour.

He has not been so happy in a long time. In reality, riding is a skill that needs to be practiced for a long time, but it has become so simple in Canaan. This is the difference between manual transmission and automatic transmission, and riding is more comfortable. The two The hump is a good harness, and there is still a gap between Alto and Audi.

Returning after being exhausted, Xia Miaomiao yelled for her to try, but found that it was not working, the mount only recognized Shao Bing, even if she forcibly rode on it, she would not obey the instructions.

"No, I'm going to do the mount mission!"

Xia Miaomiao was overwhelmed with envy, and Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue were also moved by watching. An old player who was watching the fun laughed and said, "Mount mission? You think it's so simple to give you a mount for nothing, no Don't even think about ten days and a half months."

"Ah!? What's going on?"

Veteran players took the opportunity to complain, "The first task requires money, buy a lot of things to give the centaur relationship, that is, favorability, and the second task is to help them take care of their grazing horses, which takes time, you see ..."

The old player pointed to the busy players on the grassland and said, "Collect pasture, bathe the horses, remove insects, the most outrageous things... there are still people who pay horses to sleep, so they call it' Establish blood-linked trust and tacit understanding', but I think this brother only needs a horse card, and it is not necessarily without 'trust and tacit understanding'. There are still several tasks in the future... Is the dog's brain flooded? Now, you know how to torment our players?"

"Ah!? So troublesome?" Xia Miaomiao was dumbfounded.

"Brother, what about the horse card? I heard that there are mount trust and favorability points. Do you use the horse card?"

Shao Bing looked at the interface of the mount, "The horse card comes with it, and the value is 100."

"Wow, what did you do with the horse card? How much trouble has been saved."

Shao Bing said with a smile, "The battlefield exploded in the expansion chapter 2, and now there is no chance."

After seeing off the disappointed old player, Shao Bing took the mount and said to his companion: "It seems that the mount is not easy to get, so the horse card I allocated will have to be revalued, what do you think?"

Others admired his frankness, even the aloof Lin Xiao, whose truth was only within the range of the spell, also admired his appearance, and he was almost becoming his follower.

"Where are we going next?"

The five people met and used the 8 hours of game time to figure out the newly opened map, city and gameplay of this test. The game time is already more than half, and they haven't gone to the first stop, Punk City, and the progress is far behind.

8 hours is naturally impossible, not even 8 days. The game map updated this time is too big. A short distance on the small map represents a large game area, and the exploration and lighting only account for a small part of it. Part, most of it is still unknown.

It should be noted that this is not the scope of exploration by one person. The common thing for old players to meet is to 'share the game map'. The illuminated area is the long-term efforts of almost all players.

But this time, with 12 players and the same number of tourists logging in, this situation will be greatly changed.


"Forget it, let's talk about it next time, I'm going to the Alpha battlefield, I have something to do"

Xia Miaomiao wanted to ask something, but she swallowed the words. Fortunately, Lin Xiao asked for him, "Merits and military rank?"

"Yeah!" Shao Bing nodded, "The last expansion pack still has some finishing touches."

"Just right, I'm going to be promoted to the military rank too, let's go together"

"Okay... how about you?"

The three girls were not interested in military ranks, but were greedy for private land. Xia Miaomiao was about to say to go together when Fan Chaoyue pulled her back and said, we have other things to do.

The five separated, and Fan Chaoyue taught Xia Miaomiao that girls should be more reserved, as they would make people feel cheap if they were too rushed.

Xia Miaomiao naturally denied it, so she wouldn't say that she was hugging her thigh.

(End of this chapter)

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