This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 201 Little Devil Salams T. Abraham

Chapter 201 Little Devil Salams T. Abraham
Other places are bustling with crowds of people everywhere, only here is deserted, except for a player and a few skeleton NPCs, there is nothing.

A birth point in the depths of a nightmare swamp, Li Yan has already figured out this half-acre-sized small soil enclosure. He did nothing for a few hours after landing, and spent all he got used to this new body and in the environment.

The game field of view of the little devil is different from that of ordinary players. In the eyes of ordinary players, the nightmare swamp is surrounded by dangerous magic energy all day long, filled with light black spiritual mist everywhere, and there are voices coming from nowhere. It has been a long time , it makes people flustered and short of breath until they are warned by the system.

In his eyes, everything is colorful, the fog is colorful, the swamp is colorful, and the few demonized mutant plants are also colorful, even the skeletons, zombies, ghouls, formless ghosts, and grudges outside are colorful. Spirits, etc., are all in color.

The low-level color is light, as if composed of pixels with very low resolution, and the high-level color is deep, like an oil painting with a relatively high resolution... Only the birth point is an exception, and the skeleton NPC is only gray.

At this moment, he still can't understand the meaning of it.

"Master Xiao Li Feidao 2, the environment here is too cruel, I really want to go back to the abyss quickly!"

"Master Xiao Li Feidao 2, please become stronger as soon as possible, those wandering souls outside are a good supplement!"

"I'm so hungry, Mr. Li Fei Dao 2, can you bring back 10 soul fragments? As a reward, I can give you this 'Devil Contract' scroll. With it, you can harvest the souls of intelligent creatures gone."


A few skeletons went back and forth, just a few words. Except for these skeletons, the camp was full of decayed ruins, and there was not a single living thing.

After going through the initial ecstasy, excitement, bewilderment and fear, Li Yan tried to get out of this dirt enclosure and came to the 'refreshment place' of the monsters outside.

The first skeleton soldier he met taught him how to be a human... oh, how to be a little devil.

The little devil's body is very cowardly, but what is powerful is the devil's innate talent and insight into people's hearts. Physically, he is barely on par with a low-level skeleton soldier. You scratch me, I kick you, poor Li Yan didn't even have a wooden stick, he just used minions, and after giving up several times in the middle (too painful), he finally overthrew a skeleton soldier.

The skeleton soldier fell down, and the color on his body slowly precipitated, and finally turned into a ray of colored light, projecting onto him.

"Acquire Soul Fragment 1"

"Are you absorbed?"

Shouldn't it be experience?
Li Yan is really at a loss. This damn hidden profession is different from learning all the game content and strategies. Killing a monster does not give experience, but what kind of soul fragments are given? Isn't this a mission item?


A little bit of warmth melted on his body, like a little water vapor soaking into the long-drought land, Li Yan was agitated, and at this moment he was more comfortable than a horse killing a chicken, his hands, feet and limbs became a little stronger, although it was just a moment A little bit, but he was overjoyed.

Is this an upgrade?
Looking at the game interface again, it is still level 0, but the original physical strength is 3 points, and now there is a shallow '+' sign behind it.

"Fuck, can you give me a strategy, please?"

The system doesn't say anything, doesn't prompt anything, everything has to be explored by Li Yan himself.

With this successful experience, he gritted his teeth, endured the soreness all over his body, and walked to the next skeleton soldier.

There are wandering skeletons everywhere, and occasionally one or two tall zombies. He always avoids them. When he overthrows the fourth skeleton soldier, his physical strength from 3 points becomes 4 points, and his level rises to level 1.

"This, this... just give some basic attributes when you upgrade?"

Everyone on Earth knows that Canaan's basic attribute points are 2 points at the first level. Why is this hidden race being given 1 point?
All the joy before turned into annoyance and frustration. I wanted to ask someone to ask, but the system prompted that under special environmental conditions, social functions cannot be used.

what! !

Is this forcing me to delete my account and start over?
It's a pity that Canaan didn't delete the account, so I can only go offline and ask Canaan's customer service for an explanation, but there are still a few hours left in the game, so it can't be wasted.

Up to now, not even a single copper coin has been exploded. He seriously doubts that nothing will be exploded in this ghost place?

In reality, it's about to stop, but I can earn some living expenses!

No, it won't work like this...

He calmed himself down and turned around again. This time, he listened carefully to what the NPC said. The 10 soul fragments and the scroll of the devil's contract may be the breakthrough point of the predicament.

After the difficult, sad, and extremely inefficient "scratching" of 10 skeleton soldiers, I finally collected 10 soul fragments, brought them back to the skeleton NPC, and obtained an ancient scroll as I wished.

[Low Demon Contract Scroll, Explanation: It records the most simple soul contract, you can use this as a model essay to learn how to revise your own contract.Note: After learning, the soul contract revision talent will be opened. 】

The turning point is here?

Can you learn skills without changing jobs?
Li Yan opened the scroll full of expectations, and saw a line of ghostly drawn tadpole characters written on it. Monk Zhengzhang Er couldn't figure it out. Suddenly, these tadpole characters "moved", turned into colors, and began to "talk". They are all telling him the meaning they represent, which cannot be described in any language, but can only be understood by God and cannot be expressed in words.

Because of this, Li Yan knew that he had to give himself a real name that only he could know.

This real name needs to be 'down to earth', not an obviously exotic name like 'Xiao Li Fei Dao 2', because it is too simple, and finally use a devilish character that can only be understood but cannot be conveyed by words, and then use a simplified transliteration as the code name .

"Do you want to change the character name?"

Li Yan is not stupid. He understands what this unique treatment means. The previous complaints and complaints were all due to the anxiety of not being able to find the goal and direction. He will not really delete the account and start again, nor will he be silly When questioning Canaan's customer service, they will not even easily reveal this unique treatment to others.

"Please rename your character."

Li Yan looked at the devil characters on the scroll, which were written according to the underlying rules of the mysterious core. The meaning of the text is contained, and there are multiple dimensions such as time, space, matter, and soul.

How was it possible for me to learn such complex writing?

One word seems to contain countless truths.

He intercepted four of the characters, combined them into a 'painting', and simplified the transliteration of his character name: "Salams te Abraham."

"The character name was successfully named!"

For a moment, something seemed to cast a cold glance at him, and a feather seemed to brush over his soul, but Li Yan forgot about it in a blink of an eye.

With a real name, one has a "legal person" status with a "legal" meaning, and can use this "legal person" status to formulate one's own "legal provisions".

This is the essence and strength of the demon race profession.

"Lord Saramus te Abraham, the soul fragments just now are tasteless, can you bring back a more delicious [Remnant Soul]? As a reward, I have a scroll of [Devil's Disguise] here, It allows you to simply pretend to be a human being, walk out of this swamp, and venture into the vast material world..."

I can finally get out of this hellish place.

Li Yan roared excitedly, but looking at the game time, there was only less than half an hour left, and this "remnant soul with better taste" could only be reserved for the next login.

The last game time was spent with the low efficiency of killing skeleton soldiers.

A racial talent skill can't improve the fact that he is still a weak chicken. Level 1 only gives 1 point of basic attributes, and he can't allocate it by himself, making him weaker than normal level 1 players. This ghost place is equivalent to going to jail. It's still the scene of a horror movie, although the devil's vision sees it differently.

With 5 minutes left in the end, he suddenly found a moving colored shadow beside him, [Wraith Wraith, LV5, Elite].

The color on this wraith spirit fluctuates, as if there is a very special pattern. As soon as Li Yan shifted his attention to these specific frequencies, he 'understand' this repeated soul fluctuation, "Revenge, Blood, Avril..."

Is this a ghost?
Li Yan didn't feel scary at all. On the contrary, he even felt that this 'ghost' was a little silly, a little...cute?
Like a pug wagging its tail around itself.

Thinking of his newly learned innate skills, which he learned without a teacher, he also sent out a similar 'wave', which attracted the wraiths all at once.

"Who is Avril?"

"Avril, Avril, my Avril..."

It's getting closer, and it's hard to see clearly that this wraith still has a human-shaped outline, men and women can't be distinguished, and the face is also blurred under the transparent smoke. When Li Yan saw it, he felt 'hungry and thirsty'.

He didn't know what this 'hungry' was, and he didn't notice it at all at the time. He saw the ghost responding to him, and excitedly wrote on the rotten soil.

This is the first 'law' written by him.

Following the "format" of the tadpole article, Party A naturally had his real name, and Party B and other wraiths "filled in" themselves.

Avril may be his lover, or his child, in short, he is a very important person, otherwise, he will not be haunted after death, and he will still remember this name in such a ghostly place.

The wraith 'read' understood the content of the contract, and the white system ID immediately turned red.

"You lied to me, you should die, die, die!!"

This is... guess wrong?

Before Li Yan could react, the furious resentful spirit turned into a pitch-black specter with long claws passing through his body and scratching his "brain", making his consciousness stunned, followed by a burst of drama pain.

When he woke up, he found that he was already lying on the bed of reality.

Sitting up from the bed with a splitting headache, it was as if he had just recovered from a serious illness, and his whole body was limp and weak. After barely drinking a saliva, he couldn't hold on anymore. He fell back on the bed and passed out.

When I woke up again, it was already late at night.

Li Yan was stunned for a long time before he recovered his memory. The last 'scratch' of Wraith Spirit is still fresh in his memory. He felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly sat in front of the computer to check the information.

At this time, the first and second batch of players who logged in had long since gone offline, and the third and last batch of players were still online. There was a lot of noise on the Internet and forums, and there was a huge amount of information about the fourth test.

Li Yan didn't have the energy to pay attention to these, and eagerly searched for the information he wanted, but the content he found left him speechless for a long time.

Hidden race is a hot topic, and there are a lot of related information, but very few are really useful. Most of them are the multiple creations and obscenities of people who eat melons. No player from another demon race came forward.

Even other hidden races are not like him. They were born in a normal Novice Village, the mainstream game process, and all game functions can be used normally. There is no one like him who can't even open the world channel.

what 's wrong?
It's impossible for Canaan Company to design a race and occupation specifically for itself, right?
Can't figure it out...

Li Yan recalled what happened when he logged in to the character selection hall.

There was a new turntable, and the first character on the turntable, and the only character that could be seen clearly, was an imp.

It seems that there are other options, so I chose it in a daze. Looking back now, I can't remember the specific details.

"Li Yan, Li Yan??"

"Ah, here we come!"

Someone came to visit, and the one who came in was a little fat man. As soon as we met, he complained to him, "What's the matter with you, I have not replied to me many times!"

"Ah I……"

"If I didn't find you online, I thought you hadn't logged in? Which Novice Village were you born in? What level are you?"


"Dude is level 3, haha..."

Li Yan couldn't get in his mouth. This little fat man was as excited as the players upstairs and downstairs. Hidden race, he probably wouldn't listen to it, and was completely immersed in his exciting memories and reverie.

"Xiao Li Fei Dao, right? Isn't it..."

"Wrong, Xiao Li Fei Dao was taken by someone else, I added... oh, I just made it up, called Salamus de Abraham"

Saying the real name in the game in reality, Li Yan was shocked, and a strange mood and feeling arose for no reason.

Too late to recall...

"Sa, what is Sa?"

"Salamus te Abraham"

"What kind of weird name is this?"

"...It was casually started at that time."

"Forget it, forget it, Salamus te Abraham, right? Then who was my M at the time, there were so many people named Xiao Li Feidao... Never mind, they are having dinner below, you go No, but you can't drink, and you have to queue up to go online tomorrow."

"I won't go, I'm too tired!"

"Haha... Haven't recovered from sleep? Isn't it great? It feels like a new look? Canaan is the black technology of Zenith Star, which can improve people's body. Brother, let's have fun secretly, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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