This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 202 Completely worry-free

Chapter 202 Completely worry-free
"Laughing in the sea, surging tides on both sides of the strait..."

Alcohol is not intoxicating, and everyone is intoxicated. Even though they have not drunk, the more than [-] people in the player's apartment seem to be drunk.

Everyone took off their shirts, shirtless and formed a few rows of human wolves, and some people beat the time with bowls and chopsticks, singing loudly, laughing proudly, and a few girls were also unrestrained, and only suspenders were left , was catching a thin player filling a drink.The ground and tables were in a mess, and a dining place with more than a dozen long tables occupied the property hall on the first floor. , bowls and chopsticks, and damaged public goods are all turned a blind eye, and the fat face is like a Maitreya Buddha.

The game video of the Four Tests is being played on the TV, and no one is listening to what the guests above and Zhuan Jiajiao are talking about. Everyone is talking, arguing, laughing wantonly, making fun of themselves and others .

"At that time, the distance between the mouthparts of the demonized giant mosquito was only 15 centimeters from the center of the eyebrows. I figured it out within [-] seconds. This time it was either you or me. At that time, my buddy roared, scaring the devil Huaju Mosquito hesitated for [-] seconds. In this [-] seconds, buddy, I raised the stick and landed, -[-], and hit a critical hit damage. Hearing a bang, there was a big explosion on the spot, the white, green, blue, purple..."

"Stop it, stop it, the more you blow it, the more outrageous it is, green, blue, demonized giant mosquitoes, and these high-end products?"

"You don't understand this. Probability, do you understand probability? Officials didn't say what monsters can only explode. After all, it is a matter of probability. No matter how small the probability is, it is also a probability..."

"Okay, stop bragging. I was there at the time, and this guy peed his pants on the spot. Fortunately, there was a buddy behind me who had Jia Shuangmin's little best. First, he demonized the giant mosquito and saved his life. Otherwise, hum!"

"Another braggart who can't pay taxes was caught, fined for drinking, fined for drinking!"

The so-called wine is a drink. Although there is no alcohol, they can't help drinking with their stomachs open. Many people vomited several times after drinking, and were caught pouring it into their mouths.

This drink can also vomit, which shows how excited these people are.

"Wow, I have good poems, but it's a pity that I don't have wine, what a pity!"

"Then have a drink?"

"You can't drink, and you have to queue up to go online after the meeting!"

"That's right, we can't delay the business."

Only Li Yan has a forced smile, he has something in his heart, his game experience is different from all others, others are sunny and lively, he is dealing with skeletons, rotting corpses and other ghosts, eerie and lonely unmanned.

Someone asked him about his experience in the game, and he hesitated and couldn't say anything. He was confused by what everyone knew. Fortunately, everyone was immersed in the excitement and longing after the first game. Didn't pay much attention to his abnormality.

It went on until almost 12 o'clock.

After 12 o'clock is a brand new day, the game time is refreshed, and everyone has to start queuing up to go online nervously. Among the more than [-] people, there are many unlucky people who didn't line up from the first round to the last round. On this point, no one dares to be negligent.

At the end of the song, everyone agreed to watch and help each other in the game. They were brothers all their lives, shirtless and slapping their chests. When it was time to pay the hotel bill, Li Yan knew that the meal was made by AA. The lobster , Abalone doesn't know how much he eats and how much he wastes, and the figure that is calculated and shared on everyone's head makes his eyelids twitch.

"Why, it's not convenient at hand!?"

The little fat man who pulled him down for a dinner party was very generous. He swiped a large sum of money on the bill handed over by the hotel manager and paid for him.

"Uh...there's no income in the game yet!"

"You haven't accepted any small contracts such as endorsements and advertisements?"

"Advocacy advertisement?"

"You, you...Leave this to me. When do you have time tomorrow?"

"I...if I can get on the line..."

"Come on, I'll let them come in the morning. I'll see you when you're free."

On the second day, Li Yan had all byes in the half-day of the four rounds in the morning, and he didn't get online. He could only endure the anxiety and search for useful information and materials on the Internet.

I can’t read the official forum, and it often crashes. Not to mention, there is less and less useful information. Instead, there are some niche, VX groups initiated by players, fan groups of short video cloud play anchors, etc. There are many useful dry goods.

Li Yan joined several similar communication groups like this, and kept diving to read the game information shared by others, but he still didn't find a similar experience to his own.

This made him even more uneasy.

At this time, a phone call came in, saying that some kind of winery came to discuss business cooperation.

What experience does a student who didn't graduate high school have in this area?
The property company thoughtfully called a lawyer, and met the commercial representative of the "ancient word tribute wine" in his apartment.

The other party provided two cooperation methods, one is offline endorsement, which is to authorize Li Yan's image, video, and pictures in the game to them to use as one of the image brand promotion images for them to promote.

One is an online endorsement, which requires Li Yan to speak some lines in the game according to the script they provided, interact with other spokespersons, and then record a video.

Both methods are the simplest business cooperation. Although Li Yan is a player, he is not well-known online and offline. The offline endorsement fee is only a mere 5 yuan a year, and the online is a bit more expensive, which does not exceed 10 yuan.

"There are more players now, but it wasn't at this price before."

The lawyer hired by the property management said very knowledgeable, "No problem, they are all standard contracts. Most players probably have one or two, so sign them!"

After signing the contract and excluding the legal fees, I got 8 soft sister coins before tax. This is something my parents couldn't save for a year. Is it so easy to get it?

"Collect these receipts, and remember to declare the income in the game truthfully. There are rumors that the tax bureau is going to catch the typical ones recently, so don't hit the gun."

Before leaving, the lawyer saw that he was young and inexperienced, and kindly reminded him not to evade taxes.

After sending the lawyer away, he remembered that his current game image cannot be exposed, the first one in the world.

How can this be done.

The contract is signed!
If other players find out, they can't make a fuss. What if the Canaan Company is under pressure and says that their hidden race is just a bug, so what if they want to fix it?

The 17-year-old fell into a huge entanglement, and the "huge money" he just got became extremely hot, and he was not as happy as before.

When I didn't know what to do, I suddenly remembered that there was still a task of 'Devil's disguise' that I hadn't done.

so far so good……

After completing this task, you will be able to obtain the second "natural skill", and the problem will be solved.

Don't be so rash next time.

Li Yan reminded himself that he waited until 12:[-] noon and had four rounds of byes in the morning, which made him queue up at the top of the weight sequence, and he was very lucky to log in to the game.

"Xiao Ai, how many people are online at Peak?"

"Just exceeded 2 people"

It was not until this time that the crisis of "full opening" was over, the power consumption curve of the system background began to slow down, and the surplus began to transition to a better direction after repeated see-saw.

There were 1 people at the beginning of the service, and in less than two days (Canaan) it has crossed the door frame of 5 people. From this point of view, the construction of the fourth magic net is successful, and there are no major problems. loophole.

Bei Gaoyang was proud of his own design skills, and at the same time checked the operation of the magic net.

"Most of the updated content hasn't been launched yet, right?"

"No player has met the requirements yet."

Old players are still stuck at level 20, and new players are still noisily adapting to the rhythm of the game. It may take a while to reflect the changes and updates of this test.

The most obvious ones are the equipment item rating and player's combat power rating system, because there are no players at level 21 yet, and the related functions are still in a sealed state, and can only be activated after this condition is met.

When and what functions and content will be released are strictly calculated. Opening up too early will waste resources and cause system burden, which is not necessary.

However, the early activation of the mount and magic pet system surprised him a little.

Bei Gaoyang was hesitant about what kind of appearance this system would take to meet the players.

Of course, Canaan has mounts and pets, but there are no mounts and pets in the game. How do you understand it? That is to say, these things are actually similar to the earth. Some people have dogs, some have cats, but no one has ever relied on dogs to catch prey. Raise cats to catch mice for a living.

There are mounts and pets, but they are not that important, and they do not have the convenience and variety of gameplay in the game.

Whether to push it or not, after repeated consideration, Bei Gaoyang decided to push it out.

One is that it strengthens the attributes of Canaan as a game.

With a bang, the mount that came to pull the wind was summoned, and with a bang, it was put into the system backpack again. Who can say that this is a real alien world?
The second is that the game map is large and there are many players. It is impossible and unrealistic to rely on teleportation, as if a country relies entirely on air transportation.

In the next step, Bei Gaoyang will gradually increase the transmission fee, and will not provide a large amount of subsidies in this regard.

Players can only rely on the four legs of their mounts to travel the ever-expanding game map.

Compared with the cost of launching the mount system, the cost of teleportation is higher, and the same is true for magic pets. Enriching the functions and gameplay of the game, increasing the combat effectiveness of players, since it can be realized, why should we be stingy.

"It's still the surplus from the third test...", Xiao Ai explained.

He cares more about the system's surplus than Bei Gaoyang, and finds it hard to bear any waste of resources. Up to now, he still has a grudge against the "big money" behavior in Chapters [-] and [-] of the expansion pack, and he picks out and stabs at every opportunity he gets. sentence.

Bei Gaoyang smiled, ignored this, and continued to look at the report.

Punk City is also running smoothly. During the interaction between the natives of the system and the players, many interesting small scenes appeared.

Most of them were things he hadn't thought of beforehand. Seeing the players with all their brains and trying their best to find the loopholes in the system and the opportunities in the game, they had a bloody encounter with the aborigines, and they didn't complain or regret it. It's ridiculous.

A near-real game ecology is taking shape in Punk City, which is what he cares most about.

When the operation stabilizes and the magic net reaches the theoretically perfect value, players with tourist status can be allowed to log in.

When they appear, what kind of sparks will they create with the residents of Punk City?

Bei Gaoyang was really looking forward to it.

But he will not forget the purpose of doing so.

The almost real game ecology is a means rather than an end. He, Xiao Ai, and Magic Net have only one purpose, and that is the value of faith.

"How is the surplus of belief value?"

Because of the existence of Punk City, the belief value has also been continuously consumed. There is no way, to create a non-existent city out of thin air, a large number of non-existent aborigines, the belief value is essential.

Phenomena that cannot be explained by magic, and difficult problems that cannot be solved by magic theory, are all resolved by faith values.

This already has a taste of "creation out of thin air". As we all know, in their respective fields, only the gods have similar power.

Faith is actually changing reality and rules by 'gathering the will of all beings'. Bei Gaoyang suspects that the Book of Canaan also has this flavor, pointing to the mysterious basic rules.

A magic net that can generate and utilize faith points cannot be characterized by a simple fourth magic level.

From now on, it is a veritable 'miracle creation', with a touch of artifact.

"433, about 2 points per minute surplus"

"……not bad?"

Lacking a reference, Bei Gaoyang didn't know whether it was more or less, but the punk city created out of thin air cost less than 300 faith points in total. How long did it take to open the server this time? Not only has the cost been recovered, but it has also started to make a profit.

"Not bad!"

Xiao Ai was afraid that he would go 'roaming' again, so she deliberately spoke vaguely, and quickly threw out another happy news, trying to divert his attention.

"The soul power just broke through 100 million points"

"100 million!?"

As expected, Bei Gaoyang was fooled, shifted his attention, calculated in his mind how many times the 100 million soul power was enough for him to cast four-ring spells, and then laughed out of satisfaction.

"You remind me of the idiom 'poor man becomes rich' now!"

"I'll take you as a compliment, haha..."

It is not without reason that Bei Gaoyang is so happy.

100 million soul power is a number that the magic net has never accumulated. The battle of the Alpha plane has consumed less than half of this number, and the fourth level of the magic net has reserved more and more advanced plug-ins. , the spells that can be stored and cast are more and more powerful, and the four-ring and four-ring spells can be cast almost infinitely.

The fourth ring is already an intermediate level. The fourth ring spells, even the natural magic races such as high-level demons and giant dragons, can also hurt them. These large lizards are exhausted.

As for the church.

No matter how many low-end military troops come, it will be for nothing.

In other words, he is safe now, and there is no need to worry about a voter, demigod, or some four-winged angel suddenly breaking in that day and cleaning him up.

Even if he exposes his identity and lets Twilight Meeting know his current location, he will be able to deal with it and even protect himself.

Safe and worry-free, it means that the sword of Damos hanging above the head has a strong shield to resist, how can you not be happy?
(End of this chapter)

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