This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 203 Metaverse Real Estate

Chapter 203 Metaverse Real Estate

"It fell, why did it fall?"

Hsieh looked at the latest K-line chart of the exchange rate and was puzzled.

Before the opening of the server, the market sentiment was clearly optimistic. Some experts said that the price of copper coins may even stand at a high level of 1:10.

After the server opened, there was a short-lived small positive line, and the copper coins broke through 1 to 8. At this time, Xie Changting entered the field, thinking about making a fortune and earning some pocket money.

But why did it fall now?

As soon as the market opened today, it continued yesterday's decline. At noon, it plummeted even more. From the highest point of 1:8.17, it fell to the current 1:6.69, and almost 20% of the market value fell.

This time the system did not release water. On the contrary, the players have discovered that the explosion rate has been lowered now. In the past, if you hit two or three mobs on average, you will get copper coins, elites will be out, and bosses will even be out gold coins.

Now, the mobs basically don't give anything, and the elites are lucky enough to give out two or three beggar-like copper coins, and they don't even think about silver coins.

As the source of currency is closed, shouldn't it be bullish?

"You don't understand this. When most people think it will definitely rise, it will definitely fall. When it is not as good as bearish, it will have a high probability of rising. If you guess it, I lose..."

Brother Ruoran, who was studying the map of the Alpha Plane, said.

"How did you know?"

Zhang Miao, who was also studying the map, asked.

"He's an old leek!" Er Niu said with a smile on his face, "When I met him, he was still sleeping under the flyover, just for stock speculation."

"Is there such a thing?" Zhang Miao was delighted.

Brother Ruoran was exposed as a younger brother, he felt a little uncomfortable on the face, he changed the subject and said: "Don't worry about the exchange rate, it's only a few dollars, come here, we must settle the matter of the territory today."

Changting Hsieh just turned off the computer, came over to look at the marks made by several people on the Alpha map, pointed to the most striking red circle and said, "This location is not in the list of land that can be allocated, right? I won't remember it wrong."

"I didn't say here, it's its surroundings"

The location marked in the red circle is the most quintessential part of the original devil farm. After the two battles, there are still some valuable things left, and it is also close to the only "Water Curtain Cave" that produces magic pets. Popular private estate.

"Such a good location, there must be many people looking at it. Which institutions have we bid for?"

"Always try, if it doesn't work, just stay here."

Brother Ruoran pointed to a hoop and said.

This location is close to Alpha City, on the side of the main road that must be passed by the south gate. The black part on it has been seized by people, and the little land left is fragmented, and it is about to be filled with black. full.

"This place is fine. In the future, we can hire a few NPCs to open a shop or something... Is our contribution enough?"

"More than 3 yuan, not enough for two pieces of land"

"Just over 3?"

20000 meritorious service can be exchanged for a private land of 5*5 meters, which is 25 square meters. For convenience, players call it a piece of land. Two pieces of land are 50 square meters. This land is indeed small, more than 3 Merit is not enough.

Merit is a stronger hard currency than copper coins. It is very popular with local tyrants and institutions. The current price is firm and has not plummeted like copper coins.

The market price of 1 meritorious service is 117 soft sister coins, which is not easy to collect. There are gossip that it will have to rise in the future.

But with the example of the exchange rate of copper coins, Xie Changting couldn't believe it. Who knows if the banker deliberately released the rumors, planning to cut another wave of leeks?
"Collect a little more, make up 4 yuan, and the two acres of land should be barely enough."

What can be built on 50 square meters, it is better to use it to upgrade the military rank, or buy the lowest noble title.

Xie Changting had such thoughts, but seeing that his companions were all excited, he didn't say anything.

Next, I looked at four or five places marked by the system that can be classified as private territories. None of them are as good as the first two pieces of land. Now online and offline speculations on the Metaverse land are hot. What is a home for your soul? What is permanent? Property rights, complete independence, and no need to pay property taxes...Even if the old players didn't have this idea, they were still enthusiastically aroused. However, the door frame for access is too high, and 20000 points of merit are enough to discourage most people.

So...the meritorious service will increase?

Xie Changting was a little uncertain again.

"Then it's settled. During the insurance period, let's charge a little more, and try to win this land No. 113."

Private land has a title deed, which marks the location of fixed-point auctions. 20000 is the lowest price for a piece of land, and there is no upper limit. If many people are interested in the same piece of land, the one with the highest price will get it, so 4 Meritorious service, it may not be able to win the 50 square meters.

In this test, the line congestion was even worse than before, and five people couldn't get on the line. Fortunately, there was a 20-turn cap still blocking the front, and with the experience of the previous few times, Zhang Miao and the others were not in a hurry, so they might as well accumulate Queuing priority, make more preparations offline.

Brother Ruoran contacted organizations and individuals who sell meritorious service, took Er Niu and Xie Changting out of the house in a hurry, and told Zhang Miao before leaving to contact the design company that had been negotiated, and come up with a practical design for the 50 square meter site. Feasible construction plan to come.

Building a house in Canaan is not like reality, everything is ready-made.

Starting with the most basic bricks and wood, you must do it yourself, and determine the source of each material, or buy it from a black shop in the system, or order it from a life player, or go to the wild area to find it yourself. If it doesn’t work, you can do it yourself ... In short, every brick and tile cannot fall out of thin air, and a lot of money and energy are required.

The so-called design company is not an ordinary design company. It must have the qualifications in this area, that is, it must be very familiar with the various productions, prices, acquisition methods, etc. in the game, and try to use the most easily obtained materials. The lowest price, the shortest time, the easiest solution to satisfy customers.

There are not many such companies in total, but each of them is an extremely popular "unicorn". This is the case with the company I contacted. There are not many people there. I heard that the valuation has reached tens of billions, and it is about to go public.

The designer who came here is not a player, but he is very familiar with the scenery and rules of the game. When it comes to the source and production of various materials, he is very thorough. Many real players like Zhang Miao don't know it, but he is very familiar with it. Zhang Miao was basically satisfied with the plan.

The site of 5*10 meters is designed as a two-and-a-half-story building, the first floor is the facade, the second floor is for people, and the third floor is a half-floor, which can be used for landing and resurrection.

There is no way, we must leave enough space for the system to be used as a teleportation array, and the price of a teleportation array is also high. If the overall calculation, plus the value of meritorious service itself, the cost of this small two-and-a-half-story building is extremely high. amazing.

is it necessary?Spend tens of millions just for this home that you don't know if you will use it or not?

Five people can still get this money together, but is it worth it? Is it better to use this money to invest in other areas?

Zhang Miao became suspicious.

"Can't it be built higher?" asked the big cousin.

"It is already the highest, and the material strength is not allowed"

"...That's it?" The eldest cousin looked at Zhang Miao, and Zhang Miao said that he would wait for Brother Ruoran and the others to come back and discuss it.

If Brother Ran's trip is not going well, the negotiated price is temporarily changed by the other party, and the price is 120 for a little merit, and the attitude is cruel, whether to buy it or not.

"What institution is so disreputable?"

"It's not an institution, the institution will not sell it, saying it's out of it!"


"But I see that the price on the Internet has not changed"

"That price is fake, and it's a deceit. In fact, there are not many meritorious deeds still in circulation on the market, and some people are sweeping up the goods in large quantities."

"Sweep the goods? How much does it cost, can you finish the sweep?"

No one knows how much meritorious service the two expansion packs have released in total. With such a high price, how much money must be invested before the liquidity starts to become tense?
That's an astronomical figure.

"It's easy to accept if you compare it to the real estate development in reality..." Xie Changting said eagerly, "I guess, the price of 117 can't be kept for a long time, and the merits will increase, and it will skyrocket. There are only a few old players in total. How much is it, even if each person has an average of 20000 points? 117 million meritorious service? [-] is only a little bit, which will kill tens of billions of plates. In reality, the larger commercial real estate in the first- and second-tier cities can't compare?"

"How is it possible, how can ordinary players have 2 points in their hands!"

"Yeah, the five of us together only cost more than 3 yuan!"

"So... this plate looks big, but it's actually small?"

Several people looked at each other and shouted in unison: "Monopoly!"

"But... it's a game after all, meritorious deeds are still a bunch of numbers..." Zhang Miao was still a little skeptical, but the others were different. Those who took out their mobile phones, those who surfed the Internet, and those who contacted organizations, looked anxious. look.

"I said, what if the system releases water again?"

"Impossible, at least not in the near future."

Zhang Miao: "Why are you so sure!"

"Because the cuteness of the fourth test has not yet grown up, and because there is still a 20-level cap, the new expansion pack is released at this time, is the system crazy?"

"You just said that when everyone is bullish, it will definitely fall..."

"Now is a special situation..."

"...Why do we have to create this private territory? We can't really live there, and it's not convenient to spawn monsters..."

"You, you, why are you so stubborn? We don't live here, we can wait for it to appreciate in value, we can rent it out, we can... Forget it, we won't be able to tell for a while."

They contacted everywhere anxiously, and the price of 120 was re-offered at 130, which Ruoran took without hesitation, and then contacted several small and medium-sized organizations, with an average premium of 20%, and a total of more than 2 points of merit.

After everything was done, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. As soon as a few people went online, they completed the transaction they had negotiated offline. The public bank account spent millions of real money in exchange for a bunch of numbers.

There was not enough cash in the account, so several people pooled more than a hundred thousand.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the merit value really skyrocketed.

"Crazy, crazy!"

In the city hall of the Devil's Castle on the alpha plane, Zhang Miao was overwhelmed and sighed as he watched the bee chrysalis come and bid for the family and private land.

A huge map was hung on the wall in front of the city hall. The city lord, Yaris, marked the number of each land deed and the corresponding location and area, and then hung it on the auction.

The land that has been promising for a long time will soon appear in the auction sequence. When the time for public announcement arrives, the starting price of each piece of land will immediately soar from 20000 to 31000.

It was not until the position of 35000 that the momentum of crazy bidding eased.

The five of Zhang Miao were stunned. According to this price, the meritorious deeds they had in hand were only enough to get a piece of land.

Soon, this piece of land will not be available.

40000 merits, 50000 merits, 60000 merits, it took less than half an hour, and the first land with the best location has already exceeded 15 merits, and there are still people bidding.

The atmosphere at the scene was frenzied. Many people waved the 'receipts' representing the value of meritorious service, as if they were waving pieces of waste paper. Ruoran's eyes were red with anxiety. , and said fiercely: "I still don't believe it, I can't even get a piece of land with 7 meritorious deeds!"

"What do you want to do!?" Zhang Miao was horrified to see that he had changed to another relatively remote territory, because the one they were looking at beforehand was no longer enough for bidding.

"If you can get it, you win, no matter where it is!" Ruoran said back with red eyes.

"Calm down, calm down... hurry up and persuade me!" Zhang Miao hurriedly mobilized the others.

Unexpectedly, other people also agreed with this decision. Xie Changting was more radical than Ruoran, "I can tell the fuck that everyone is following the rhythm both online and offline... Lao Nie is right, if you can get it, you are a victory, don't care Where is mom?"

"Ah!?" Zhang Miao was dumbfounded.

6, 7, soon, even this remote territory is not enough to bid.

The land king with the best position has soared to 50 meritorious service pieces.

My goodness!

How much is 50 meritorious deeds, just a piece of land the size of a palm like 5*5?
"Also, is there any cheaper one?" Brother Ruoran anxiously searched on the auction page.

"No. 404 on page 6, 3!"

"Give me the top, 7!"

"You are crazy, how can there be such a bid?" Zhang Miao was anxious.

"Momentum, momentum, if you want to frighten those who want to pick up the leak, you must show momentum!" Xie Changting shouted while marking the price.

"But... where is No. 404?"

"Where the hell is it...we'll talk about it after we shoot it."

Finally, after more than an hour of fierce competition, those with insufficient merit began to be eliminated, and the price reached the point where they could no longer bid, and the land king had infinitely approached 100 million merit.

I don't know whether it's lucky or unlucky, but Zhang Miao and the others bid for the land No. 404 that no one has bid for, and 7 is also their total assets.

As the bidding time for the first piece of land ended, the map was filled with red zones one after another, announcing the completion of transactions with astonishing value.

"Please, come and support me, please come and support me!"

At this time, Zhang Miao already knew where the land No. 404 was. His face turned green, and he didn't dare to tell his companions. He just prayed silently in his heart, that someone else would take advantage of them and push their bidding price down.

It's a pity that the price of 7 yuan was still firm when the auction ended.

"It's over, it's over!"

(End of this chapter)

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