This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 204 Punk City Experience

Chapter 204 Punk City Experience

"What the hell kind of place is this!?"

When Zhang Miao and five people came to Landmark 404, the cruel reality stunned the five people who invested almost all their living money.

I saw a canyon that seemed to be cut out with a sword. Landmark No. 404 was located at the entrance on the west side of the canyon, surrounded by white land with no grass growing, not even a single grass grew.

It was still so far away from Alpha City, and it was almost at the edge of the demiplane, surrounded by thick fog seeping from the Chaos Sea, and the visibility was less than 20 meters.

This kind of fog is also very dangerous, and it will continue to lose blood after a long time. It doesn't say anything about production, that is, there is no sign of any living thing activity, and it doesn't talk about living, even if it stays in this place for half an hour, it will die.

"Ah, I want to complain!"

Brother Ruoran, who fried the land and fried the dog's brains, is sober. He can't accept it at all. He jumps up and down and curses the black-hearted system, the plan with water in his head, and the dirty and corrupt Canaan Company...

But none of this can change the reality that huge sums of money are thrown into the water.

You can hear it when you throw it into the water.

There is 404, and naturally there are 405, 403, 401 and the like. In this kind of place where birds don't shit, what belongs to them is only a small piece the size of a palm.

People came one after another, just like Zhang Miao and the other five.

Zhang Miao saw that most of these people were players from small teams and small families.

The institutions are very sophisticated, they have done enough homework beforehand, and know the location of each landmark. They are the only people who do not do things carefully, and are impulsive when their brains get hot, alas!
The most tragic thing is that a family took pictures of their territory here, and took pictures of 6 connected landmarks. When they rushed to the place excitedly, they were all stupid.

That's it, that's it?
Internal strife broke out in this small family on the spot. The family members blamed each other and complained, and the quarrel became real. The ordinary members let the founding members take the blame, but the founding members naturally refused to admit it. Jin Jian's family expenses let them reserve the last sanity.

The first auction of family and personal territories ended. Some people were happy and some were worried. Those who were happy were generally institutions and their agents with advanced information, many people, and strong capital. Most of the people who were worried were ordinary players or families like Zhang Miao. Either the final bidding price far exceeded the budget, or not enough land was auctioned, and some were cheated by the system, and the land auctioned was unsatisfactory in one way or another.

In other words, the Alpha plane is so big, why does the system do this, divide the players out piecemeal, one piece here, one piece there, it doesn’t scale.

"There's a reason for that distribution."

Bei Gaoyang explained to Xiao Ai triumphantly, "Once the Alpha plane is in hand, the focus of future work is naturally to promote the fastest possible growth and development. A big battle has already hurt its vitality, and the spatial structure is unstable... The growth of the demiplane is only the population, and the distribution of the population must also appear on those nodes where the spatial structure is unstable or can grow and develop. If you look carefully at the structure diagram of the distribution, what does it look like?"

"Uh... the meridians of the leaves?"

"Yes, the development of the demiplane is particular. It just so happens that I have been exposed to and learned about this aspect before."

"Is the location close to the Chaos Sea for the growth of this 'leaf'?"


"I'm afraid the players won't accept it. The environment over there is not suitable for survival."

"It will be fine in the future. The newly grown land may produce many valuable minerals and treasures, and may also promote many special environments. At that time, they will be grateful for their current decision."

"I'm afraid they won't accept it now..."

"Families and private territories must complete the construction within the specified time, otherwise the system will confiscate their land."

"...I have some sympathy for these players."

"Haha, there is a golden mountain in the slightest. The so-called blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. Wealth and wealth are found in danger. Life is full of ups and downs, so it is exciting and exciting!"

Bei Gaoyang, who was an unscrupulous real estate developer for the first time, ignored Zhang Miao's wailing and complaints, and issued a notice intensified, asking them to complete the construction of private and family territories within the specified time and pass the system inspection.

How to do!
So much money has been invested, if it is confiscated, there will be nothing left.

"Xiao Yu, it's a good thing we didn't join in the fun, otherwise...haha, big cousin and the others are too miserable, haha..."

"I see why you are a little gloating?"

"Damn, let them steal our things last time? It deserves it, this time I spit it all out, and I have to post a lot, haha..."

"...No matter how unlucky he is, he will be almost level 20. With good equipment and five people who cooperate skillfully, and they are all gold medals, how can you say they are better than us?"

Fan Chaoyue's words touched Xia Miaomiao's sore spot, she was stunned for a moment, and then said harshly, "Let's go, let's go to level up, what's so great about level 20?"

"What about the gold medal!?"

Xia Miaomiao was angry, "Fan Chaoyue!"

Du Shiyu held back a smile and stopped the two of them, saying: "It's time to upgrade, I've wasted a lot of time, go, go, go, buy the supplies and go to the night camp."

"I must get the gold medal for the second transfer. If I don't get the gold medal, I won't change jobs. I, Xia Miaomiao, swear to God..."

"Okay, okay, gold medal, gold medal, we will definitely get the gold medal when the time comes, okay!"

"Xiao Yu, don't you believe me or yourself? We don't need them or anything..."

"Yes, yes, I know that you have nothing to say about your operation and skills now. You can kill seven in and seven out on the battlefield without taking it offline for several days. How can an ordinary gold medal compare?"

"As long as you know……"

In Punk City, the NPCs and players coming and going are mixed together, which is surprisingly harmonious.

In addition to the teleportation array, I saw a lot of players and NPCs crowded together. When I got closer, it was actually a gambling stall. Several casual players took turns to be the dealer. Most of the gamblers were NPCs. Guess odd or even.

NPC gamblers are divided into two groups, one side guesses singles, the other side guesses doubles, and some people guess specific numbers with higher odds.

The gamblers yelled nervously, all staring at the wooden stick in the player's hand, for fear of missing something. This kind of game has long been eliminated in reality and is especially popular in the game. These NPC gamblers It is rare to see such a fresh and simple gameplay with extra investment.

"Come, come, buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it!"

The amount of gambling in one game was astonishing, as high as 61 silver.

"Let's go, trickster"

Du Shiyu whispered to the two companions.

At this time, suddenly an NPC with city guards separated the crowd, pointed at a few casual players who were dealers and shouted: "That's them, they are liars!"

Casual players saw that the situation was not good, and reacted extremely quickly. They tossed out the table full of chips that could be exchanged for gold, silver and copper coins, shouted, money is being distributed, come and grab it, and then slipped away.

The scene was chaotic, gamblers who robbed money blocked the way, and the city guards who wanted to catch a few scammers hurried around, and the NPC who brought the city guards kicked and beat those gamblers who robbed money, saying that it was me money...

Even Xia Miaomiao and the other three were harmed by Chi Yu. In the chaos, someone touched them a few times and left a few black handprints on their bodies.

"What the hell is this place!"

Xia Miaomiao, who was disgusted by the tofu, complained to her two companions about the black handprints on the clothes rack.

"Whoever asked you to join in the fun, we are all implicated by you," Fan Chaoyue complained. There were more and more obvious black handprints on her body. This kind of encounter made her very novel.

"I think you're very happy, could it be that... Missing you!" Du Shiyu teased her.

Xia Miaomiao said: "The big star has been spoiled by others, and it's still in the game, so it should be on the headlines of the entertainment section, hehe..."

"Hate it, you two agreed not to mention this..."

The three of them left the scene of the incident talking and laughing. The oncoming Punk Street is bustling and bustling. Pedestrians rub shoulders one after another. Small businesses and hawkers are hawking along the street. Players are in groups of three or five, chatting and laughing as if there is no one else around. , the various shops on both sides are working hard to attract customers, even the black spots opened by the system, the NPCs inside are also very authentic, so there are long queues inside and outside the door.

The three of them went separately to various shops to buy red and blue stamina potions. A player in front of Xia Miaomiao was biting a bunch of candied haws. Looking at a letter in her hand, she stepped forward and took a curious look. It turned out to be a love letter. The inscription was actually the address of a place in Punk City.

Looking at this player's smile, he was so proud of himself, he didn't care about being peeked at by the beautiful woman behind him, and even took the opportunity to wink at him.

"What the hell is this place!"

Xia Miaomiao lamented this system city for the nth time. It has only been a long time since the server opened. It has already become a resort in the minds of leisure and entertainment players. If the system auctions the land deeds here, it will definitely be more popular than the Alpha Battlefield.

"Damn it, let me catch those scumbags who are collaborating with NPCs, and I promise to make them regret their lives. Damn, the system doesn't care. Should we keep the evidence and sue Canaan Company for improper operation?"

"Yes, sue him and let Canaan Company give an explanation!"

"The player partnered with an NPC to cheat... sue him!"

The three dwarf players lined up in the back, complaining loudly about the tragic experience of being cheated by a partnership with an NPC. Xia Miaomiao was secretly startled when she heard them say how she was cheated. awful.

After buying enough red medicine and reuniting with her two companions, she complained about what she had seen and heard along the way.

“I find it quite interesting”

Fan Chaoyue looked at the bustling street full of people coming and going, his eyes were full of excitement and eagerness to give it a try.

Du Shiyu, "Let's go, time is wasted on these irrelevant things"

Xia Miaomiao: "That's right, I feel that the time of this test has passed very quickly. You see, there are only 3 hours left. What are we doing?"

"In the past, there were only tasks, spawning monsters, and upgrading, but now there are so many things to see and play, and I stopped before I knew it. Listening, watching, and time will naturally pass quickly." Fan Chaoyue understands it very well said.

After finishing speaking, the three of them passed by a restaurant called 'Papa Luke's Barbecue Restaurant'. They saw many players and NPCs queuing up at the door, and the aroma wafting from inside was also very attractive. Xia Miaomiao, whose hunger level was only 70, felt I can't stand the hunger, I want to buy some, and enjoy it when I spawn monsters.

"Would you like to buy some melon seeds, drink, eight-treasure porridge?" Du Shiyu said sarcastically.

"Wow, wow..." Xia Miaomiao nodded repeatedly.

"I just said that time is wasted..."

"Don't care about the time!"

So, the three of them spent another ten or twenty minutes queuing up to buy three barbecues and a few bottles of 'Master Cola' drinks. When they arrived near the teleportation array, there was not much time left for the game.

"I didn't expect that the barbecue restaurant was jointly opened by the player and the NPC, and the chef was actually the player."

The area near the teleportation array was the most deserted, and NPCs could not be used, only players came in and out. Xia Miaomiao was drinking 'Wan Shi Cola', which was no different from sugar water, while watching a group of players who had just walked out of the teleportation array.

Among the players in this team, there are cute newcomers from the four tests. They were surprised when they walked out of the teleportation array. The old players who led the team wore a whiteboard outfit with words on the back, and it said a certain metaverse advertising company. It's a team that shoots endorsement ads.

"It's over, I can't go anymore, I have a little niece who must ask me to take her, it's really annoying."

Just as he was about to teleport to the direction of the night camp, Fan Chaoyue suddenly received a private chat and said helplessly to his two companions.

Du Shiyu asked: "Little niece? How young?"

"Just started high school..."

Xia Miaomiao asked, "Are you 16 years old?"

"Birthday is a few months away"

Xia Miaomiao: "Okay, it's shady again, how did you get the game qualification when you're under 16?"

"You said that you are one year old, what's wrong with the virtual age of 16, you can't enter the prize pool, who stipulated it?"

Du Shiyu: "Okay, you two, bicker every chance you have... What should we do, why don't we go to the mission to spawn monsters?"

Xia Miaomiao: "Forget it, let's go meet her little niece. By the way, we haven't been to Xinshou Village yet. I wonder if the newbies are the same as us back then?"

"Then go and have a look..." Fan Chaoyue became excited again, changed the transmission address, and pulled up Du Shiyu who was still hesitant, "Let's go, it won't be a while."

Du Shiyu complained in her heart, since she went online until now, she hasn't brushed a single monster...

Leaving Punk City in a teleportation array, they fell down four times on the way. The three spent a total of 22 silver, and it took 5 minutes to teleport to 2 Xinshou Village, Chenxi Town, [-] kilometers away.

"Wow, here are three more beautiful big sisters, please take care of them, please take care of them!"

"My sister is so beautiful, please give me some money!"

"Sister, please take me, please take me!"


Before walking out of the teleportation formation, a group of beggar-like new players rushed up, each of them eagerly seemed to see some relatives, and even reached out to beg without limit!
Before the three could react, they heard a shrill voice shouting outside, "Go away, I called them!"

After hearing this, the beggar-like newbies slammed together, and then dispersed in a herd, staring at the other teleported targets.

Fan Chaoyue's little niece is an elf, and she complained as soon as she met, "Auntie, why are you here, I'm starving to death!"

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao were a little blind to all the elf players, and felt that the little girl spoke quickly and rushed, which seemed to be a quick temper.

(End of this chapter)

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