This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 206 My name is similar

Chapter 206 My name is similar
"We don't want to interfere with the normal game behavior of players!"

"In the past, the player base was small. In order to test the performance of the game in all aspects, the burst rate was higher and the props were easier to obtain. Isn't this normal? That wasn't the case at the beginning of the game? Why are you so critical of Canaan?"

"Why did you talk about the qualifications of the game? Let me tell you the truth, the game process, game content, and game functions are all controlled by the central brain, and there is not much interference in the offline world. Except for the game helmet, our company can't actually do it. to too much."

"Compensation? What compensation? Are you kidding me? Don't think that I don't know how valuable virtual currency and game items are now. Whoever compensates and who doesn't, it all involves astronomical amounts of money."

"My advice to new players is, persist, persist, persist, raise the level, leave the novice village, and go to the vast game world. There will be more resources and ways to obtain. So many people are concentrated in so few small Of course, resources are tight?"

"Okay, I'm in a hurry..."

Chased and intercepted by long guns and short cannons, Yu Qingdong hurriedly got into the car and went straight to the company headquarters.

Outside the headquarters, sanitation workers were cleaning up the mess left by the protest. A few players who hadn't dispersed saw the convoy approaching and wanted to rush over excitedly, but were stopped by the quick-sighted security guards.

Amidst the roars of Yu Dazui, Yu Mouse, and Yu traitor, he entered the company's headquarters building with a dark face, and the company employees he saw along the way were all talking about it, and all they ate were melons from the "Xinshou Village Walking Dog" incident. , One by one is still eating with relish.

"Mr. Yu"

"Mr. Yu"

"Notify the people above the supervisors of each department, and a meeting will be held in the conference room on the 10th floor in half an hour!"


As soon as I entered the office, someone knocked on the door and entered.

"You're firing bombs again. What do you mean by 'can't interfere too much offline'? Isn't this giving people a solid foundation?"

"Wrong what I said?" Yu Qingdong was full of resentment. Now he is "notorious". Whenever players feel unsatisfactory in the game, they use him as a target, scold him, curse him, and greet his parents and relatives, mother. Yes, even Warwick Company was implicated by him, and the former old colleagues were forced to distance themselves from him.

Who did I provoke?
"Be careful what you say in the future, your position is very sensitive...

"Okay, okay!", Yu Qingdong loosened his tie irritably, and leaned back on the boss chair, "Any new instructions this time?"

"You contact him, reflect on the offline influence, and see what he has to say."

"He... such a small thing?"

"What a good excuse, isn't it? As a friend, you should keep in touch with each other more, so that the relationship can be maintained forever."

"...Okay, I'll try"

Having said that, the beautiful secretary knocked on the door and came in and said, "Mr. Yu, Director Liu, check the forum quickly, something has happened."

"What the hell... what's wrong?"

Yu Qingdong now has a headache whenever he hears that something happened, so he opened the forum on the official website to see what happened.

New players protested, and old players were naturally dissatisfied. No, in response, more old players went to Novice Village to 'walk their dogs'.

Video after video, old players throwing money out with a smile, groups of new players scolding and fighting like hungry dogs.
Why are these people so annoying?

"Don't worry, it might be a good thing," Director Liu comforted the head-headed President Yu.

In the next two days, this incident intensified. Going to Xinshou Village to throw money and walk the dog gradually became a scene. Many old players followed the trend. As a result, when the new players saw the old players appearing, they flocked and yelled. On the one hand, they complained about fighting for integrity.

There are also a lot of newcomers who are dedicated to guarding. I heard that some old players who are particularly generous are not satisfied with the copper coins, and the silver coins have begun to be scattered.

The strange thing is that as more and more people do this, the grievances on the Internet have dissipated a lot, and there are still people who scold, but they are not as bitter and tearful as before.

The majority of people who eat melons have turned from sympathy and coaxing to envy and jealousy.

Fuck, why doesn't anyone do this in reality, why doesn't someone 'humiliate' me like this, if someone throws soft sister coins in bundles, let me call him grandpa or grandma.


Sympathy for the fart, people are players, how much is a game qualification worth?


Ah bah, if you can't poop, it's because the gravity is not enough?This game is qualified for Lao Tzu, just let Lao Tzu drink urine every day.

When the wind direction changed, Yu Qingdong was a little unexpected, and contacting Bei Gaoyang again, this excuse was a bit far-fetched.

"...Chairman, there has been some minor disturbances offline recently, you know that?"

"'ve been wronged again, haha..."

The word 'haha' made Yu Qingdong's whole body feel lighter, and all the previous grievances disappeared, and he was very moved for a while.

Look, look, a 'chairman' who is so big, he cares about the grievances of his employees, unlike some people who just use him as a target and put him on the table to blame.

"It's because we didn't do a good job, and I'm here to review it with you."

"Regardless of your business, it's normal for players to make noises. This time, a big adjustment has indeed been made."

"We understand that the player base is large, so it's impossible to be like the previous tests..." Yu Qingdong started a small test.

"Uh, there are reasons for this, and the more important consideration is for the future... Forget it, don't talk about this, do you have other things?"

"Yes, yes, it is the tourist qualifications and the arrangement of the online time, you see..."

"Let's wait for a few more days, the server has not yet reached the perfect load."

"Can you give me an approximate time? We can do the preparatory work."

" will be almost there in 3 days."

"So... do you have any instructions regarding the extraction of tourist identities?"

"You arrange it, I have no objection."

Yu Qingdong was so excited that his fingers trembled with excitement.

"Only I hope that the sources of tourist identities will be wider, preferably from all walks of life, so as to enrich the ecology of the game!"

"I understand, I understand..."

"That's it?"

"You are busy, goodbye."

After finishing the communication with the other side of the earth, Bei Gaoyang asked Xiao Ai how many people are online at the peak?

"Twenty-nine thousand"

Four days after the server was launched (realistic), this result can be said to have exceeded expectations. The theoretical perfect value is 4 people online at the same time, and the status of tourists is not included.

At this point, the magic net has gained a bit of depth and breadth, forming an increasingly large and fortified fortress and system. Inside this system, there are hundreds of thousands of magic circuits that are being processed and processed at the same time. Working together and reacting to each other, the colorful game functions are formed.

This layer of 'skin' covering the reality is getting more and more 'full'. At first glance, it really has some flavor of the realm of the kingdom of God.

"Let that person in!"

In the labyrinth of the space array on the first floor of the Mage Tower, Bei Gaoyang sat at the table, and the gray-haired fourth-level mage Elster walked out of the portal carefully, with a stooped figure, as humble as if he was about to meet the demon king of the abyss .

An oil lamp emits a dark and elegant light, which stretches Bei Gaoyang and his shadow infinitely. There is no limit in the space maze. With a little light, in a darkness and depth like the depths of the universe, his figure and his shadow , like the only master, who holds mysterious and supreme power.

Elster just glanced at it, then buried his head deeply, and humbly gave a mage salute, "I salute you!"

"What's your name, and who is your mentor?"

"Uh, how did you degenerate to the point of working for a human noble?"

"The Southwest Wizarding Association? I have heard that a group of selfish and crazy guys will not be sympathetic to them being wiped out by the church. It is not surprising that you were born there."

"I have no interest in the family you serve. The Battle of Alpha has shown that this is a dying ship, and they no longer have the ability to compete with me for this plane."

"You have served the nobles of mankind for decades, how do you feel?"

"You're right. The church is already corrupt, and the nobles only care about their own interests, piety, faith? That's a joke, it has become a kind of political correctness, and the gods are still kept in the dark, haha!"

"What I see is that the middle and lower classes live in dire straits. Under the oppression of the church and the nobles, they have no food to eat, no clothes to keep out the cold, and the daily hardships are not enough for a family to meet the minimum standard of living. There is a sense of desperation, misery and not knowing why this is everywhere."

"This is a silent volcano. Once it erupts, it will destroy everything. The church and the nobles have already felt it, so they are even more violent and crazy. They are doing their best to brainwash the people, saying that all sins are God's test, This world is built on the basis of lies, and my task and mission is to expose this lie and wake up the working people from their brainwashed ignorance!"

"Very good, I accept your refuge, and now I give you a task to gather the remnants scattered on the Alpha plane and tell them my kindness. Remember, this is the only chance."


Bei Gaoyang took a fancy to Griffin Rider.

After all, who doesn't want their own air force? Although the Griffin Knight is not very useful in real high-end military duels, it is definitely the decisive force in most battle scenes.

Imagine, there is such a group of bombers pouring their vitality to the ground above the head, what kind of enemy can hold on?

On the Alpha battlefield, it was because of the magic net and sufficient system surplus that it happened to restrain this kind of air force that also focused on mid- and low-level firepower.

Besides, players also need griffins, and out of this consideration, those fishes that slip through the net that are still left in the Alpha plane cannot be let go.

"Why, is there anything else?"

Elster used the greatest self-control to make himself hunched. In front of this mysterious and powerful spellcaster, his spirit, consciousness and soul were in a powerful shock and trembling. The pride of the author is also out of respect for Bei Gaoyang.

"I... have a humble request!"


"I want to take a closer look at your masterpiece, those undead, and the magic effects that are always around..."

"Oh, a magician's thirst for knowledge?" Bei Gaoyang smiled understandingly, then waved his hand.

With permission, Elster appeared at the first stop in the town of Chenxi Town.

Seeing the birthplace of this well-ordered magic net, I saw many old players. They are high-spirited, energetic, and race against time. Everyone has a goal, and everyone has a strong purpose. It is almost invisible. Seeing anyone with nothing to do, the nearly 70-year-old mage nodded. He was shocked by the growth rate of the undead, and marveled at their diligence and discipline. From them, he saw the quality of being a real strong And potential, which is rare in the sluggish kingdoms of men.

The second stop was Buck City. He, who had seen a lot of knowledge, could judge the origin of this city just by the smell in the air.

He stood at the entrance of the Baldwin family cemetery, sighing deeply, he smelled the familiar smell coming from inside, such a smell is often smelled in the dungeon of the church.

I don’t know how many [White Ghosts] are wailing all day long in the dungeons of the church. What awaits them is the stake. The only value of their existence is props to please the believers. The church and the nobles pushed the suffering of people in their lives to these [White Ghosts], declaring that it is precisely because of the existence of these unbelievers and heretics that there is so much suffering and misery in the world.

The young city lord Bob has grown up, standing behind him to watch and remain silent. The old mage has nothing to say to this NPC player. He has seen too many young people who are burdened with blood feud and great responsibility.

The third stop is Punk City.

As soon as he set foot in this truly system-first city, the old mage was shocked.

What am I seeing?
The Creator-like miracle I saw! ?

It is because I am lonely and ignorant that I can use undead spells to such an extent. Why have I never heard of that senior mage, nor have I seen it in Canaan?

This is simply turning the rotten into the magical, creating a... city out of thin air?
If the player is acceptable as a new undead race, then this city completely under the control and support of the magic net is beyond the scope of magic, it is simply the domain of the gods!
How did he do it?
Is he some awakened ancient god?

Or, some unknown legendary spell effect?
It is because I understand that I know the incredibleness of this city. This is something that magic cannot do. Even the 9-ring magic can only temporarily graft the shadows in the arms of historical imprints into reality, but it is time-sensitive. It's unreal, not like it, so real, so alive...

The old mage was walking down the streets of Punk City in a daze, seeing the bustling natives and players of the system who were also undead, as if he saw countless invisible 'threads' connected to them, these 'threads' stretched all the way to Deep in the void, and then brought together to form an all-encompassing, all-encompassing, all-defining and!

The magic is on!

What kind of wisdom and what kind of strength is it to complete such a miraculous masterpiece! ?
Elster became more pious, and proceeded with a pilgrimage mentality for the rest of the journey.

The fourth stop, Chenxi Town 4 Xinshou Village.

"Come on, come on, I'll throw it over there if it screams loudly, this time there are gold coins!"

"Damn it, it's too much, you guys should be more aggressive!!"

"Wang Wang Wang..."

"That grandson is yelling, fuck your mother, it's too embarrassing..."

"Wang Wang Wang..."

"Haha...that's a good call, children, follow up, the money is here!"

A large amount of yellow and silver coins spilled out, and a large group of people rushed towards the landing point. As soon as the old mage came out, he was surrounded by such "enthusiasm".

"Fuck, where are the gold coins? You can't afford it, can you?"

"No money to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf?"

"What the hell, how can I send this little money to beggars?"

"Aren't we just beggars?"

"You don't understand this. The so-called wine and meat are left in the heart of the Buddha, and a man can bend and stretch... Now they play with us, and we will pay back ten times in the future. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!"

"Cut, who doesn't know how to talk?"

"Is there any more? Is there anyone else throwing money? I sound like a bark, bark, bark..."

(End of this chapter)

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