Chapter 207
After returning, Elster summoned the leaders of the escaped fish and said, "...that is a strange creature, which cannot be simply defined by undead. They are both orderly and chaotic, brave and cowardly, and aggressive. They are also docile and harmless, both... In short, they are creatures full of contradictions, which are difficult for people to understand. Only one thing can be confirmed, that is, Lord Rumsfeld who created them is a great, talented, and powerful creature. Probably the most likely to advance to the legendary archmage. He even created a strange city out of thin air, in this city, but everyone has an invisible string, everyone is like a marionette, but everyone It's so real... Words can't describe the greatness of this city, it can be called a creator-like handwriting, if I didn't witness it with my own eyes, I would never believe that someone could create it."

"Such a great, powerful, wise, and talented archmage is irresistible to us, and it is also the root cause of the Duke's downfall. Sadly, I didn't understand until now what kind of enemy we had faced."

"Surrender, take refuge, don't waste your precious life on this hopeless hostility, this is our only choice now, as for reopening the portal...under the ubiquitous 'net', yes There is no chance, besides, we have already lost everything, and we are hiding around like mice every day."

"Irene, think about your family, think about your children, think about your beautiful and lovely wife, how many people are coveting what you have, are you willing to give all this to others?"

"This is not betrayal, this is loyalty to the duke. Only by being alive can there be hope and..."

"To tell you the truth, the duke has put all his eggs in one basket for the battle for the demiplane this time. The duke's family has already lost in the high-level power struggle. This time the new crown prince will be the duke's enemy. What follows is a series of The liquidation of the Duke is like countless times of rise and fall in history, how many families that are more prominent and have more historical background than the Duke have disappeared in the long river of history?"

"Competing for this demiplane is already a desperate act. If successful, the Duke's family can defend this demiplane and wait for the high-level political power map to change. Jin can dedicate it to the winner. I prayed for a chance to convert, but now it’s all gone, and the power accumulated by the family for hundreds of years has been lost here, and I can’t imagine what kind of pressure the duke’s mediocre heir is under.”

"Perhaps, he has been condemned to heresy, and perhaps your family and family are sliding into the bottomless abyss!"

"Time is running out, please come up with a decision as soon as possible."

It seems that the work of persuading people to surrender is not difficult to do. Maybe everyone has this plan in their hearts. Now that the first person who prostitutes himself appears, most people have the opportunity to shirk their responsibilities and alleviate their guilt. Get off the donkey, and agree to come down.

But there are also those who are stubborn, who are seriously brainwashed by the dogma of noble knights and religious beliefs, who refuse to betray with righteous words, and loudly denounce their comrades who are ready to sell themselves to join them.

There is nothing you can do about this kind of person.

Elster could only unite his supporters and kill them.

Among them was the head of the Knights of the Griffin Troop that Bei Gaoyang valued most.

A fire caused further downsizing of the Griffon Knights, and the number of remaining Griffin Knights dropped sharply to less than three hundred. When Elster brought these remnants of less than a thousand people, he came out of the hole where he was hiding When I was there, I felt uneasy, wondering how the mysterious, powerful, and talented great magician would deal with these people.

The appearance of such a huge 'monster army' naturally attracted the attention of the players.

The old players who heard the news rushed here desperately, and within an hour, a boundless "army of undead" gathered around.

Their eyes reminded Elster of the wolves in the wilderness, the body and mind were so cold that the blood froze, and the other leaders were even more unbearable. They had fought with these 'armies of the undead' long ago, and knew their nature and ability There is no doubt that when they think they are confident enough, they will swarm up, like ghouls, scrambling to come up and eat their own corpses without risking their lives.

The stalemate lasted for five minutes, as long as five years, until the black-faced Yaris brought the NPC city guards of Alpha City, and a system announcement appeared, reminding players that they were experiencing the plot of 'the remnants of the hostile camp surrendered to Alpha City' '

"Cut, waste my feelings, go away!"

"Ah, is there no big gift bag?"

"Bai's mother is happy, Gan!"

"I know that the system can't be so generous. Now the stingy ones are not given anything, and the 18th-level elite monsters are not even given a whiteboard. Do you believe it?"

"What should I do in the future, the explosion rate is too low!"


One moment they were staring at everything, that posture seemed to be eating them alive, and the next moment they scattered, not even interested in looking this way, the leaders suddenly understood what Elster said The odd and contradictory is what it means.

Yaris accepted their surrender. Even though he disliked these minions of the church and nobles, it was Bei Gaoyang's decision.

The surrender ceremony was held in the square of Alpha City. Afterwards, how to arrange these people is a problem.

The deputy head of the mercenary group (the head has been crushed to death by the Grand Duke) is a ranger with occupational level 2, and has a bit of elf blood. It is said that he is the illegitimate son of a certain nobleman. His "distribution trend" is the first to come out.

A soul contract, the vice-head who pays attention to appearance tremblingly signed his name, and immediately felt an extremely cold thing invade his body, and then drilled into his brain.

The deputy head's field of vision was greatly distorted, everything became weird and dreamy, a large number of colors reorganized in his eyes, and all objects came to life, floating and twisting like ghosts.

He howled and begged in fear, until a cold mechanical voice said: "Functional NPC No. 1047, you have a new mission, please check the mission details."

Only then did the deputy head open his teary eyes, and found that the world he saw had changed. A square box appeared in the center of his field of vision, and there was a strange flashing symbol (exclamation mark) in the middle.

When he learned to operate the functional NPC interface, it was already a day later.

Functional NPC No. 1047 Task [-]: Prepare to establish a mercenary guild in the magic net, and find a way to gain recognition and contact with external mercenary organizations.Task [-]: Update and synchronize external mercenary tasks, within the coverage of the magic net, conditionally and selectively hand over to players to complete.Task [-]: Cultivate and absorb players to become mercenaries, enrich and complete the mercenary system, adventure system, and related credit and strength upgrade systems within the coverage of the magic net.

The leader of the barbarians is the functional NPC No. 1099. The task is, first, to establish a barbarian tribal camp on the abandoned wasteland, find a way to attract more barbarians, and use it as a city of the neutral camp in the future.[-]. Establish a barbarian professional training camp in the barbarian camp, receive and train all players who are employed as barbarian occupations, improve their various qualities and abilities, lead them to understand the history of barbarians, the various reasons for their formation, and inculcate the "church" It is wrong, bloody, reactionary' concept.Third, establish a business travel relationship with Buck City and Punk City, and actively hunt, animal husbandry and other various productions.[-]. Gradually match system tasks, launch exclusive and professional tasks for barbarian camps, daily tasks, weekly tasks, use players to engage in construction and promote production, strive to build cities as soon as possible, and attract more barbarians to come and settle.

Barbarians are a race in the wasteland, but they are indeed a profession in the system.

This is for a reason.

The source of barbarians is very complicated, it is a kind of cultural identity rather than racial identity. Human beings can become barbarians, as can dwarves, and there are even elves, ogres and so on.

Barbarians have a unique sacrificial system, ancestor worship, and their unique totem warriors, totem warriors, totem wizards, totem shamans, etc., which are used for reference by many sub-human intelligent races, such as kobolds, jackals, etc.

So, barbarians are more of a profession than a race based on physical traits.

The barbarians and aborigines on the wasteland have all kinds of faces, but most of them are orcs. Therefore, in the eyes of the civilized world such as humans, they have become synonymous with barbarians, uncivilized, degenerate and primitive, and they are not interested in figuring out what is inside them. Multiple sources, all called barbarians rather than their original racial identity.

These have been fully transplanted into the system by Bei Gaoyang, and there is also the intention to move closer to reality to reduce the burden on the system and further improve the fit between the magic net and the basic rules.

There are mercenaries, as well as barbarians, and of course the Griffon Knights are indispensable.

The head of the Griffin Knights has been killed in the internal strife. Most of the brains who refused to surrender are either dead or still working as mice in the Alpha plane. The withdrawn leader, Wei Nuo Nuo, signed the soul contract, and after being included in the magic net as an NPC, he returned to the Griffin Knights with system tasks and began to preach in public.

Task [-] is to establish a complete set of infrastructure for breeding and training of Griffin. The required cost and material system are partly resolved, and tasks can also be issued to players to collect.

Task [-], establish the favorability, merit and reputation system of the Griffon Knights, and accept all players who meet the requirements of merit and reputation to join the Knights and become a reserve.

Task [-], launch the system's Griffon mounts, all Griffins from the Alpha battlefield will re-select their masters, and train player knights to become new Griffon riders.

Task [-]: Gradually connect with the gift system, launch exclusive tasks for the Griffon Knights, military camp tasks, meritorious tasks, daily and weekly tasks, use players to engage in construction and promote production, and strive to build the city as soon as possible under the guidance of the system, and continue the griffin mission. The blood of the Griffin Knights strengthens the team of the Griffin Knights.


Even Elster has his own mission after signing the soul contract and being included in the magic net. These remnants who have sold themselves to seek refuge are really being used to the extreme by waste, and no one can escape.

A total of 897 functional NPCs with complex sources and different occupational systems appeared on the stage, and camps with various organizations, occupations, and purposes were established, which further enriched the game's ecology without consuming much system resources. This business Bei Gaoyang I am very satisfied.

As for the 'rats' who are still in the Alpha plane, let's leave it as a big gift package for the players to surprise them, to sort out the details of the Alpha battle once and for all, and he will leave all the follow-up troubles to Xiao Ai. To the side no longer care.

Including the centaur ranch, there are more and more "grafted" things in the game, such as the mercenary guild, mercenary mission and adventurer system, barbarian camp, barbarian inheritance, barbarian history, barbarian Totems, etc., as well as the emergence of griffins, wild mages, knights, etc. In the future, the magic net will not only have its own ecology and various industries, but also bring in external ecology and industries. The magic net should be Open, not closed, harmonious and positive exchanges between Canaan and the earth in the game, where two different ideas and civilizations collide together, can form a unique cultural heritage of Canaan, making it more than just a It is not a game, but a complete ecology, a lively and interesting life.

second Life.

Everything that Bei Gaoyang did was aimed at this goal.

But the second life is not the goal, but the means, and the goal still falls on the belief value.

And the belief value is for the detachment and upgrade of the magic net. In the final analysis, it is for himself!
Ambitious, ambitious, and passionate about entrepreneurship, Bei Gaoyang works every minute and every second. He has too many concerns, and it is an inevitable choice to focus on the big and let go of the small.

No, the abyss, which hadn't been heard for a long time, finally had a movement.

"You mean, you're winning overall?"

At the gate of the abyss of the mage tower, a constant magic circle imprisoned a succubus from afar.

This glamorous stunner was wearing a tight leather jacket, carrying a whip burning with black flames, and winking at Bei Gaoyang, "Yes, your client sent me to inform you."

This is really not good news.

It was no surprise that the party representing order won the final victory. It was unexpected that the bloody battle would come to an end so soon.

After the bloody battle is over, is it time to settle accounts with himself... Ah, no, the devil will not expose his true intentions so easily. The so-called comprehensive victory may be an exaggeration, and he used this to threaten himself.

"so what?"

"Master Barn still needs to continue to perform the previous contract, but the amount and conditions of the contract need to be discussed again."

Hey, sure enough.

Bei Gaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, he had no choice but to blackmail the other party like that last time, it was not a businessman's practice, so let's go downhill this time.

"Then reduce it by [-]%"

"Minimum [-]%"

"make a deal!"

The succubus was very surprised when she finished the task easily, she giggled coquettishly, thinking that her charm had played a role, she poked her head in a pose and showed off her sex appeal to Bei Gaoyang.

"Anything else?"

"I heard that you took down Alpha Farm?"


"Remember the two-year agreement?"

"Of course I remember, but isn't the bloody battle coming to an end?"

"...Who would think that there are too few people sent to death?"

"It's only been less than a year, let's talk about it later... How many units do you want to order this time?"

After the succubus left, Bei Gaoyang said to Xiao Ai, "This is not an overall victory. This is clearly a swollen face to pretend to be fat. It seems that the abyss has made its choice. As expected, it has gone completely crazy , confusion and destruction."

"Are you really going to participate in the bloody battle?"

"Hehe, I hope Bahn and the others can persist until then... Who can say what will happen in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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