This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 208 Mengxin Daily

Chapter 208 Mengxin Daily
On the hillside, a group of raggedly dressed rookie players are spawning monsters and upgrading.

Level 4 demonized giant mosquitoes are not easy to brush. They are quick to move and fly around. The sharp mouthparts will make a hole when they bite a person. The damage is the second highest. Xin is not afraid of zombies or skeletons, but afraid of this ghostly thing that is bigger than a person, has compound eyes, and mouthparts like steel needles.

Some people say that this is called xenophobia.

A blue-faced and long-toothed orc player pulled out the mouthparts of a giant mosquito, leaving a bloody hole on his arm. He wiped it nonchalantly without applying a bandage, and said in the team channel, "The idiot who came to loose money recently seems to have changed. not enough?"

"It's not a big deal, I watched for more than an hour yesterday, and no one came, shit!"

"Have fools become wiser?"

"It's all because those people on the Internet scold me all the time, no matter how stupid people are, they should wake up."

"I'm afraid people still think we are stupid?"

"Haha... If you don't lose a piece of meat, you can be stupid if you are stupid."

"This kind of good thing will never happen again"

"Also... the fucking explosion rate is too low!"

A few people brushed for a whole morning, and they didn’t explode a few copper coins, let alone the equipment, just a gray novice outfit. Fuck it, novice outfit. When did the novice outfit explode in the previous tests? All right!

It’s really a bitter tear to say, I have protested and appealed, but it’s all useless, and the majority of new players have resigned to their fate.

"It's still 30% to upgrade, how about you?"

"I'm halfway there"

"This level 5 is too difficult to upgrade"

"Yeah, moving bricks at the construction site is not so tiring"

"Swipe, there is still some consumption in one turn."

Several people rested for a while, recovered a little blood volume and physical strength, and then went to the intense and hard leveling army.

There are hundreds of players like this on the hillside. It has been seven days since the server was opened (reality), and none of the new players have reached level 5. They are generally in the third and fourth levels. With such a large base, it should not be.

The reason for this is naturally that the system resources allocated to each player are reduced.

The number of strange things is just the appearance, and the internal reasons are such as the explosion rate, the difficulty of obtaining items and props, the system attitude of almost stocking, and so on.

The orc player used his body to resist the attack of the demonized giant mosquito, grabbed the mouthpart stuck into his arm with one hand, and endured the blunt pain to prevent it from being pulled out. On his body, after a few rounds, it turned into 12 points of experience.

This method of spawning monsters is commonly known as the "meat pad spawning method". It specializes in killing monsters with a single attack method such as giant mosquitoes. You need to find a player with high physique, preferably an orc with a racial talent bonus, to act as a "meat pad". , after the monster is trapped, other people can output as much as they want, simple and rude, but very effective.

Once the demonized giant mosquitoes lose their agility, they are like meat on the chopping board. They are skilled in cooperating, but they have to sit down and rest every time they brush one.

The orc player's arm was full of blood holes, but he didn't take it seriously, pulled out his mouthparts and threw it away, waiting for his blood volume and physical strength to slowly increase.

It still didn't blow a single hair, and several people had already gotten used to it.

"Yeah, I won't swipe anymore, woo woo, I won't swipe anymore..."

A female scream came from the team next to it. The orc player glanced over there and said with a smile, "I said they couldn't hold on for half an hour, you still don't believe me!"

This team is mostly female players, and they are all elves. Even if there is an orc player as a meat pad, they can't last long. One mistake, the "meat pad" failed to trap the monster, and a female elf player was horrified. After the giant mosquito bit her, the female player collapsed.

"Cut? Elf?" The teammate spat in disdain, "It's nothing!"

"It's just beautiful, it's useless."

"A real man is still an orc!"

"She is a woman"

"If you want to play a good game, you can't treat yourself as a woman, you have to treat yourself as an animal, you have to be bloodthirsty, you have to be patient, you have to... In short, that's what it means."

"It's easy to say, how many people can do it?"

"It's done, it's useless to talk about these things."

Five tattered rookie players climbed up to find a demonized giant mosquito. The process was the same. After the meat pad trapped the monster, two elf players with novice bows and arrows emerged from the grass next to them. The last trace of blood was left, and the two arrows easily took it away, and also took away the experience that should belong to them.


As soon as the orc players cursed out of their mouths, they saw a white light coming from the monster's corpse. The two monster-hunting elf players were about to run away, but when they saw the white light, they couldn't move.

An elf player frantically rushed towards the monster's corpse, and the orc player got excited, roared, and threw himself on the monster's corpse, occupying the position of touching the corpse.

The teammates reacted quickly, forming a human wall ahead of the elf players to prevent the elf players from coming.

The rest is to cordially greet the parents and relatives of both parties plus the eighteen generations of ancestors.

Finally resisting the protection time of the dropped items, the two elf players walked away cursing, and then the orc player got up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, rubbed his hands excitedly, and asked: Who is coming?
"I come!"

A dwarf player teammate came up rubbing his hands, ready to touch the corpse.

"Don't, last time you didn't touch a single hair, let Xiaobai do it."

Xiaobai, the orc player, pointed at himself, and his teammates nodded encouragingly, with nervousness and expectation in their eyes.

Xiaobai's Yali mountain is big, and he touches the white light on the corpse tremblingly.

[You got a bandage*1]

[You got 2 copper coins]

[You have obtained an ordinary enchanted dagger]

[Ordinary enchanted dagger, quality white, level requirement 4, equipment requirement: none, score: 34, durability 15/15, weight: 4, basic attributes:


The teammates' eyes turned green, staring at the dagger in Xiao Bai's hand like a hungry wolf.

"How?" Xiaobai asked.

The teammates didn't speak.

"Should I sell it?" Xiaobai said hesitantly.

There is only one piece of equipment, but there are five of them, and it cannot be divided into five parts if it is given to someone or not.

"How about... let's form a fixed team?" the dwarf player suggested.

"The fixed team is fine, let me use the equipment!" said a bearded human player.

"Why, if you want to use it, you should give it to Xiaobai. He touched the equipment. He is still an orc. He has the best strength and body. It is better to use it on him!" said the last dwarf teammate.

"I don't need it, I don't need it, I want money, if you want to use it, just share it with me." Xiaobai waved his hand quickly and said.

money, money!
Money is a bastard, but everyone recognizes it.

The bearded player who really wanted it scratched his beard irritably, hesitated and struggled for a while before saying, "I'll give you 1000 each, how about it?"

"1000?" The dwarf jumped up angrily, "It's 100 copper, are you sure?"

In the latest exchange rate, after a period of slump, the copper coin finally lost ground in the face of the extremely low burst rate and huge demand, and even stood at the historical high of 1:9.45 in one fell swoop. It is only a matter of time before it breaks through 1:10.

"How much do you want?"

"Take it and sell it, see how much the highest bid is, and at most it will be cheaper for you"


"Okay, stop arguing, vote with a show of hands, if you agree to sell it, show your hand!"

After half an hour.

Chenxi Town 4 Xinshou Village, you can still see some beggar-like players guarding the corner of the building near the square, just waiting for the old players to come and throw money like idlers, the newbies have never used the teleportation array, come out from inside It must be an old player, easy to recognize.

Suddenly, the magic pattern lit up, and these idlers suddenly became energetic, and they all rushed over in a swarm.

It is indeed an old player who came out from the inside, but he was not here to throw money. I saw him chasing away the beggars who surrounded him like flies, and shouted impatiently: "Get out, get out, no money, no money!"

Mengxin rushed away again, and didn't bother to look at him any more.

"Falling in love with bitter coffee? Who is falling in love with bitter coffee?"

"I am me!"

The old player looked a female elf player up and down, "Is it your forum photo that exploded and asked for support?"

The cute new elf player pushed forward his slender breasts and winked, "He is very expensive."

"How expensive can it be? Let's go, I'll take you to meet a client"

"Ah, isn't it you?"

"Let's talk about it first. If you chat and play with me, you won't pay anything. If something happens, it has nothing to do with me..."

It turned out to be a pimp.

Bai Xiaobai's team had just come back and happened to see this scene, in his heart he didn't say envy was fake, but on the face he really looked contemptuous, everyone looked like a gentleman.

"White enchanted top-quality short sword, double strength and body, with freezing damage, don't miss it when you pass by!"

The old pimp was about to leave, but stopped when he heard Bai Xiaobai's yelling.

"How to sell?"

"10 gold!"

"Damn it, you're so poor and crazy, why don't you grab it?"

"Don't buy it and get out!"

"Sincerely, give me a real price!"

"Can you afford it?"

"Look down on me? How about 5 yuan for soft sister currency trading?"

"Climb, only sell gold coins, minimum 8 gold"

"Brother, without this price, how much is the green outfit?"

"Yes, yes, sincerely."


Veteran players were a little surprised. These beggar-like guys had a serious tone. When they heard the movement, more people gathered around and commented on a small piece of magic with both strength and body. Many people joined in the inquiry and bidding. come.

"1 gold!"

"I want 1 gold and 10 silver!"

"Damn it, the green outfits at the auction are only 5 gold pieces..."

"Green outfit? Have you used it yet?"

"1 gold and 50 silver"

"2 gold!"

"Fuck, 2 gold, do you have it?"

"I accept it, why don't you accept it?"

Bai Xiaobai's face flushed with excitement, the equipment was extremely popular as expected, 2 gold has exceeded the psychological limit, how much is 2 gold?After calculating at the current exchange rate, he felt flustered and short of breath.

Veteran players are also shocked by the purchasing power of these beggars. They are so poor that they are going to be beggars. How can they still throw 3 gold to buy a piece of garbage that he thinks is useless?

—This may be a way of making money.

Veteran players also started to get excited, recalling whether they had similar items in their warehouses. Unfortunately, they found that this kind of garbage had been disposed of long ago, but they didn't know if other veteran players still had it alive.

The square in Xinshou Village is very lively, but there are not many leisure players doing business here. The newbies are notoriously poor. Old players come here either to "walk the dog" or to take people with them. This The business opportunity has yet to be discovered.

"Brother, can you go!"

The female elf player waited anxiously.

"Go, go, go"

In the end, this not-so-good whiteboard equipment sold for 2 gold and 35 silver coins. The newcomers are really bargaining for a silver coin and a copper plate, but this price is enough for the green equipment to be auctioned, especially in the current situation of tight liquidity. Down.

2 gold and 35 silver were divided equally between five people, and Bai Xiaobai went offline contentedly.

After waking up in the player's apartment in reality, Li Yan sat on the bed and was absorbed. Yes, Bai Xiaobai is his "demon disguise". He has been in Novice Village as an orc player for several days. He had reached level 5 a long time ago, but he couldn't take up his job. In other words, he had taken up his job a long time ago. Demons are both a race and a profession.

With the 'Demon Disguise', he can not only use experience to upgrade, but also collect soul fragments in the process of spawning monsters. Soul fragments can also be absorbed to gain experience, and can also be handed over to NPCs in the Nightmare Swamp camp in exchange for task rewards.

It is equivalent to having double experience guarantees. Naturally, the upgrade is faster than ordinary players. However, it is a flaw to have only one free attribute point at the first level. Up to now, there is no professional attack skill that makes him unable to distinguish whether this hidden race is a loss. It is still earned.

"Xiao Li, Li Yan, Li Yan?"

"I'm coming!"

Fatty Fang Qing knocked on the door and came in, anxiously asked: "I heard that you sold a white board with both strength and physical strength? How about it? Did you sell it and how much did you sell it for?"

"2 gold and 35 silver, what's wrong?"

"2 gold and 35 silver, right? Sell it to me, I want it"


"I'll give you cash, what's the RMB exchange rate today?"

Li Yan quickly looked at his mobile phone. The exchange rate was 1 to 10.14, officially breaking through the 10 barrier, and breaking many people's psychological expectations of the exchange rate trend.

According to this exchange rate, 2 gold and 35 silver are 23. Even if you buy it, is inflation already so serious?
"I don't want it, but the boss behind me accepts it. Let's count you 25. Quick, who owns that piece of equipment?"

"In my hand."

"That's good, that's good!"

The props dropped by the team are shared by the team by default. This sharing mode needs to be confirmed by other members of the team to be released. It will also be released after a transaction. This is a good solution to the current problem.

The things in Li Yan's hands are not much different from those in the hands of other teammates, but seeing Fang Qing's nervous look, the boss behind him is in a hurry?
"Come on, I'll take you to the boss to see, see."

"Ah, now?"

"You just logged off? Haven't gotten 'jet lag' yet? You don't look too sleepy."

"Haha, I've already gotten used to it"

"Then go, buddy will take you to see the world today."

What world do you see?
Li Yan didn't really want to go, but he couldn't refuse, so Fang Jing dragged him out.

 1 gold = 100 silver = 10000 copper coins
(End of this chapter)

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