This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 21 Life Occupation

Chapter 21 Life Occupation
"Old cousin, old cousin, I beg you, resist the monster!"

"Little brother, shoot better!"

"Cheeky, Wozhi, why don't you dance there, backstab, backstab, jump behind the monster to attack, why are you stabbing his arm, tickle it!?"

It’s been a while since the four brothers teamed up to hunt kobolds, and each of them died almost once. Kobolds are not goblins, they have a stronger body than adults, and their long-term miner career makes every kobold , Even old people have a strange strength.

The big cousin's teeth were bleeding, and with a roar, the wooden shield faced the chopped shovel, "Boom!", the strange force coming through the shield made his knees go limp, and he almost fell to his knees.

"Whoosh!", Zhang Miao finally shot an arrow, the arrowhead pierced the kobold's shoulder brightly, and the red -7 rose.

Taking advantage of the time when the kobold was suffering and distracted, Brother Ruoran slashed his calf with a knife, leaving a deep bone wound, -11 flashed, and retreated in embarrassment under the counterattack of the kobold.

Brother Xiaosha, who had been looking for a position, seized the opportunity and stabbed the kobold's vest with a dagger. Luckily, he triggered a double critical strike. A big -20 rose. , the power of the counterattack is greatly reduced.

The four brothers were shocked, and after a minute, the kobold turned into 14 experience points.

At the end of the battle, the group of four was out of breath, Ruoran stared at him, because Zhang Miao took the last blow, and the others were busy in vain.

"No, it can't be done." Sitting on the ground, Brother Xiaosa panted heavily, "It's too hard to fight, why not go goblins."

"The key is not to divide the experience. In the end, you can't hold back." The eldest cousin helped Zhang Miao calmly.

Zhang Miao smiled awkwardly, ignoring Brother Ruoran's bull's-eye, he wasn't that tired, he had already attacked from a distance, and his output was good, and he had a lot of confidence.

"try again!"

Ruoran is still not reconciled, how much is a goblin with 14 experience points?

Besides, goblins don't have explosive equipment, they are full of sticks, sticks and the like, and the poor don't even have any clothes.

"Wait, wait, take a break."

Brother Xiaosha waved his hands tiredly.

This delay lasted another ten minutes. Not far away, there was another group of players. They seemed to have been upgraded to level 3. Their equipment was much better than theirs. They were skilled in coordination, faster in brushing, and shorter in rest time.

Brother Ruoran saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

"Xiao Sa, are you alright!?"

"Okay, okay, let's do it!"

Brother Xiao Sa gritted his teeth and got up, looked around, spotted a lone kobold, and touched it quietly.

"Wori, level 4, what should I do!?"

The cool gora monster came back, running all the way and shouting, the kobold behind him was at an astonishing speed, and he was about to catch up.

Brother Ruoran looked at the leather armor on the kobold's body and the mining knife in his hand, and he ignored everything, and yelled at his cousin to go up, while going around from the side.

The eldest cousin gritted his teeth and raised his shield to block the kobold's way, while the younger brother behind him bent his bow and set up an arrow, aiming strangely!

The big cousin blocked the kobold's blow, and knew right away that it was not good. He was cut off with the knife, and the kobold turned around and gave another knife. Brother Xiaosha snorted and turned into a white light .



Brother Ruoran, who had just touched it, was frightened and turned around. The kobold caught up with him in two steps, and the eldest cousin only got up at this time.

Fortunately, Zhang Miao shot an arrow, -2, just broke the defense, attracted the attention of the kobold, and let him escape from death.

The kobolds chased them for more than 50 meters before returning with their knives.

When brother Xiaosa picked up the corpse and revived, brother Ruoran didn't want to be brave anymore, and went back to goblins in disgrace.

"Ah, I did it, I did it."

Du Shiyu carefully traced the last stroke, and received the reminder that the task was completed, holding up the task props sewn by herself in ecstasy, laughing and dancing.

Not easy.

The dissertation defense is not so serious.

Just memorizing these ghostly talisman-like [Magic Patterns] made her sleepless for two nights, and she had to draw them out exactly?
The task item is a backpack. It is not difficult to do it with a manual foundation. Adding [Magic Pattern] is not the same. The requirements are demanding. I don’t know how many times I failed. It is difficult to complete without the aura of Xueba.

But this girl did it, wow haha...

After admiring it quite narcissistically for a while, Du Shiyu went to the main thread NPC to hand in the task.

For this damn mission, it is still level zero!
The main thread NPC was building a house again. Du Shiyu approached him, struck up a conversation respectfully, and handed over the mission props with great anticipation.

"Hmm... well done!", the main thread NPC smiled kindly, "It seems that you are very talented."

"Are you interested in learning the advanced art of enchanting?"

Du Shiyu: ...

She was dumbfounded, only saw Bei Gaoyang's mouth move again, the voice seemed to come from far away.

"Do you mean it, child?"

"I, I, I mean it!"

"Very good, from now on you are an 'Apprentice Enchanter', this is a very basic enchanting blueprint, take it to practice, come to me when your intelligence attribute reaches 10 points, I will teach you A higher knowledge of enchanting."

[System Announcement: Player Xuewu Feiyu has successfully transferred to a career: Enchanter, obtained the title: Enchanter Apprentice, and gained 100 faction reputation. 】

[Complete the task, get 10 silver, get 200 experience points, get the favor of Ramsfield Bei Gaoyang +20]

[You have successfully taken up the Enchanter profession. 】

[You have obtained the title of 'Enchanter Apprentice']

[You leveled up and got two free attributes]

[You leveled up and got two free attributes]

[Your reputation in the Rebel Army has increased]

A series of system prompts stunned Du Shiyu, who didn't respond to the upgraded white light at all.

She blankly took the blueprint from the NPC, and found that it was exactly the kind of [magic pattern] she practiced, but it was more complicated.

[Primary Backpack Enchanting Blueprint: Increase the non-system backpack capacity (Type A) by 10 space units. (Note: Standard backpack*1 is required, primary magic solution 10ml is required, quill pen*1 is required)]

"Fuck, life occupation, what the hell!?"

"Enchanter, it the kind of enchantment I understand, isn't it?"

"Ah, how come I don't have such good luck, ah!"

"Xue's Xue Wu, she succeeded, let's go find her, go find her!"

"Break the game, it's not fair, it's a black box operation, we strongly demand openness and transparency!"


Bei Gaoyang had a premonition that he would not be able to get away after a while, so he left Du Shiyu who was still acting stupid, and Shi Shiran left.

Enchanting is actually the drawing and making of a magic circle. The real enchanting is naturally not so simple and child's play, but it is different with the help of [Magic Net].

This has the advantage of further reducing the 'power consumption' of [Magic Net].

Players can be self-reliant, so there is no need for the blessing and definition of [Magic Net] in every detail.

(End of this chapter)

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