This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 22 The first wave of popularity

Chapter 22 The Second Wave of Heat

"Xue Wu, don't forget about me when the backpack is finished!"

"Uh...I see."

"Beauty, add a VX, how do you sell the backpack?"

"This... I'm sorry, there are too many people, I may not be able to do it."

"Miss, do you have a regular team? How about joining our team? They are all masters above level 2. Let's play together?"

"That... I have a team, sorry."

"Xuewu Feiyu, right? I want your task flow, please make a price!"

"This one……"

"100 yuan, just add my VX, 130****"

"Rich woman, please take care of me, please take care of me..."

"Sister, please take me with you, I don't know how to play..."


Du Shiyu took off his helmet, and duck-like calls echoed in his ears. Where has he enjoyed such celebrity treatment before playing games?

The joy of being the first job-changing career was disturbed by enthusiastic players, and she was so scared that she quickly hid offline.

Roommate and buddy Xia Miaomiao didn't notice that she had "woke up" and was still concentrating on typing on the keyboard in front of the computer. Du Shiyu touched his suffocated stomach and prepared to order a takeaway.

The postgraduate dormitory does not have a private bathroom. She washed her face in the public water room, looked at herself in the mirror, and was stunned for a while.


Joy is like a glass of aged wine, the aftertaste is still hot, until now it still floats up to make her head dizzy with momentum.

Du Shiyu never thought that she would be so worried because of a game, as if it was not a game, she thought so subconsciously.

Once back in the dormitory, the best friend screamed that the courier was already on the way to deliver, and her helmet was about to arrive.

Why is this virtue both online and offline?
"You don't know, you are completely on fire, do you know if you are on fire?"

"I know, what's the big deal... I'm going to order takeaway, how about you?"

"It's not the same, oops, I can't tell you clearly, come and see, I've saved it all."

The best friend dragged her to sit in front of the computer and clicked on a webpage, which turned out to be an interview video on the Communist Youth League Weibo.

"...Recently, some very special videos have been rapidly fermented on the Internet. Many players who claim to have experienced the game have appeared on the Internet to speak out, and have also produced many convincing screenshots and game videos as evidence, which has caused widespread controversy and heat. People exclaimed that the era of the metaverse is coming ahead of schedule, and today Tuanzi also came to join in the fun, and invited Professor Miao Chunming, an expert in the field of brain-computer interaction from the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Professor Liao, VR holography, has the Metaverse arrived ahead of time? What do you think?"

"Uh... I watched those videos on the Internet, and professional knowledge tells me that it is impossible. The metaverse depends on the breakthrough of hardware technology, but seeing is believing, and now I can't be sure, hehe."

"That is to say, there is no such technology at home and abroad, right?"


"Then... is this virtual reality game real or fake, or is it a movie played by CG real people as some skeptical voices said? Can you tell us?"

"CG live-action movies are possible, but after the experts we organized together demonstrated, such a possibility was basically ruled out"

"That is to say... oh my god!"

"...We were also shocked, and there was a lot of debate internally, and now I can only express my personal opinion... Yes, it is indeed an immersive virtual reality role-playing, in a way, to achieve It has given us a vision of the metaverse in a certain dimension. I don’t know how the game producer did it, but it told us a future in advance, a future based on digitization, virtualization, blockchain, brain-computer interaction, The future of Ai, 5G and the Internet of Things is believed to be not far away."

"Chinese Academy of Sciences, this is the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiao Yu, the Chinese Academy of Sciences!" The best friend pushed Du Shiyu back and forth excitedly.

Du Shiyu: ...

Seeing that she didn't speak, the best friend clicked on the bookmarked webpage at the back.

"UC Headline: Shocked, experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences say that the virtual reality game is real, and the Metaverse is here ahead of schedule!"

"Weibo Push News: An epoch-making live-playing virtual reality game has been hammered by experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences!"

"Financial news: Metaverse-related concept stocks are trading at their daily limit today, and the market sentiment is frenzied."

"Game World: The world's first VR holographic virtual reality game has crossed the ocean. Related pictures and videos have been widely reported by media from various countries, with mixed reviews."

"Alibaba Cloud Space stated that it will resume normal access to the official website of "Canaan oline" as soon as possible, and shouted across the air to pay tribute to the team of game producers."

"After the Aliyun space, Penguin also quietly resumed the official communication group of "Canaan oline", and parachuted an insider to serve as the administrator of the group. This move caused a small controversy."

"VR holographic virtual reality detonates all major self-media platforms, and Yuan Universe occupies the top few hot search lists."

“… Douyin officially stated that it will have to restrict the flow of a large amount of repetitive video content.”

"...From science fiction to reality, the metaverse has descended among us in such an extremely abrupt and child's play way."

"...the public security department reminds netizens that the risk of fraudulent use of gaming helmets is increasing rapidly."

"There is still a mobile phone, and a mobile phone!"

Du Shiyu quickly picked up the mobile phone that his buddy forced to force him to watch, and watched a very popular video on Douyin.

1099 million likes, 147 million comments, and 79 forwards.

Exciting background music, exciting commentary voices, mixed-cut Canaan first-person and third-person game content... There are also materials provided by her.

Swipe your finger, another follow-up video, swipe again, or...

It feels like the whole world is talking about it, and it feels like everyone is crazy about the game they just rolled off the assembly line.

"So, as for?" Du Shiyu murmured.

"Metaverse, look, look..."

(What is metaverse...)
(That's a second world, that's not just a game)
(What does Canaan really mean to us humans?)

(History will remember today...)
"I, I..." Du Shiyu didn't know what to say, "Is there no doubt?"

"Of course there are, and the doubts are not small. The Chinese Academy of Sciences immediately jumped out and denied it, but what's the use? They can't deny that what the expert said is wrong. Questions are also hot. Everyone is now talking about the heat. Now go out and talk about yourself. There is a helmet... Ah, my helmet, my helmet will be okay!?" The buddy screamed again.

"Yes, it should be all right!?" Du Shiyu was also unsure.

If the courier knew what it was delivering, if someone found out, if... maybe, maybe, this helmet would not be received, right?

Thank goodness, the delivery courier called.

The best friend pulled Du Shiyu and ran outside, Du Shiyu asked her: "You didn't tell anyone, did you?"

"No, I'm not stupid."

"Don't tell anyone else, remember!"

"I know, I know."

The courier boy was standing downstairs in the dormitory, a square box was just left there casually, and it was splashed with mud.

(End of this chapter)

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