This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 210 Bai Xiaobai's First Time

Chapter 210 Bai Xiaobai's First Time

"Ah, should I call you Lord Salamus te Abraham or Lord Bai Xiaobai?"

"Bai Xiaobai"

"Okay, now you must know the real name, how important it is to a demon, especially a demon who is still in its infancy? A name is just a code name, and there can be many code names. There are countless powerful demons with various Codenames walk in many planes. Some of these codenames represent pure cunning, some represent the destruction from the source, and some represent complete chaos and madness, but no matter how many codenames there are, there is only one real name. Even a simplified real name will not work, that is the deepest secret kept by the devil, absolutely, never let the second person know."

"I understand!"

Li Yan remembered that he had told Fang Jing his real name, and was annoyed while thinking about the remedy.

I have no experience at the beginning!
Too careless.

Now I have been this little devil for a while, and I am gradually waking up.

Especially with the [Devil Disguise], the name, that is, the character ID, can be changed with each disguise. May I ask who in other races and professions has such a powerful function?
Only this one can be extended to countless ways to play. Now he has no doubts about the power and fun of this hidden race. After so long in the ordinary player group, no one has noticed that he is different.

——I hope Fang Jing can forget that name, it is so complicated after all.

"I am very satisfied with the remnant soul you provided last time. You also traveled to the outside world once. Now let's challenge a higher difficulty! Are you ready?"

"……All right!"

"Then start the intermediate teaching."

"At this moment, there is a powerful human player entering the Nightmare Swamp, try to find a way to sign a contract with him, but please remember that the soul of the player cannot be obtained under the blessing of the Lord God of the system, and the goal of this contract cannot and gaining his soul."

"...Can you give me a little more hint?"

"Well, to put it simply, both parties to the contract have both received and paid. As a criterion for judging, the more you get, the less you pay, the higher the evaluation, and the richer the task rewards. Correspondingly, the contract is The more difficult it is to sign a contract, it requires you to use your wisdom to grasp and figure out the other party's psychological weakness or desire, and prescribing the right medicine will often yield miraculous results."

Sign a contract with the player?
An unequal treaty that pays little and gets a lot.

Li Yan immediately thought of the cheating method of finding someone to act as a pawn.

But his identity can't be exposed, and such an obvious loophole system can't be put on the bright side.

The swamp is surrounded by demon energy all year round. In the eyes of ordinary players, everything is shrouded in a dark and oppressive environment like a demon realm. Unless there are special props, it won’t take long for the environment here to make you feel negative. , there will also be ghost-like auditory hallucinations...

With the special props given by Alice, the Nightmare Swamp has always been a channel for Qiao Shan to obtain experience and props. This convenience alone provides him with huge benefits. After all, there is only one NPC who robs and blackmails the main thread, and he can maintain the relationship with so many bosses. Relationship, it is impossible without a stable channel to obtain copper coins and props.

Now he almost plays the game as a stand-alone game. He never goes to big cities or lively safe areas. He chooses some remote places as landing points, chooses the nearby Nightmare Swamp, and shoots a shot to change places, never in the same area. The event takes too long.

So far, everything is going well. The name Xiaoqiao Liushui has faded out of the players' sight for a long time. After a long time, who will remember him?
Many times, Qiao Shan thinks that he has a "protagonist aura" on his body, that he is the most special one among all players, and that hidden occupations and races are not enough to see. The forbidden land in the eyes of others is his cornucopia. Who can compare? superior.

Just brushing a corrupted monitor lizard, he was very lucky and exploded things. Qiao Shan was about to touch the corpse when a 'monster' shaped like a dwarf with horns on his head and a pair of demon wings on his back suddenly appeared. Look at the monster again Qiao Shan's face became extremely surprised: "You... a player!?"


The name Bai Xiaobai is too colloquial, and it would be much better to go abroad with a name like Salams te Abraham.

It was too late to remedy.

"Mortal, you managed to get my attention!"

"... NPCs?"

"Politeness, mortal, in front of you is a powerful existence who is destined to become a demon king. Politeness and humility are the most basic etiquette."

Bai Xiaobai imitated the plots of the novels he had read before, and made up the lines now, successfully bluffing Qiao Shan.

Hidden missions?

Qiao Shan, who thought he had the halo of the protagonist, was excited, "Uh...sorry, Bai...Master Bai Xiaobai!"

In other words, the name of this NPC is too funny, I don't know, I thought it was a player, is the dog's brain flooded?
"Your name, mortal!"

This is another loophole that can't be bypassed. NPCs don't need to ask for the player's ID, but Li Yan can't. Players with high vigilance and carefulness can immediately notice the abnormality, but it definitely doesn't include the aura of the protagonist Qiao Shan.

"Uh... small bridge and flowing water."

Xiaoqiao Liushui, this guy is actually Xiaoqiao Liushui.

Oh my god, I just met him in real life, what a coincidence?
"...What's the matter, Bai, Master Bai Xiaobai?"

"Uh... very good name, very good, very good, I know you."

Li Yan almost failed, but managed to maintain the image of a 'hidden NPC', and his brain began to think quickly.

Little bridge and flowing water, Brother Dao just explained this guy clearly.

According to legend, the guy who blackmailed the main thread NPC is cunning, bold, thick-skinned, and particularly wretched. Seeing that he can enter and exit the Nightmare Swamp, it doesn't look like once or twice. He must have mastered a secret that no one else knows. This Secrets are his key point and what he cares most about, so we can start from this aspect.

Since it's a secret, I'm naturally afraid of being known by others, but I can't threaten it, it's too out of character, what should I do... Or, what can I get from him?

the secret?

But it's useless to me, I feel like going home when I enter the Nightmare Swamp.

money! ?

This is good……

But there is no NPC asking the player for money...

By the way, he has blackmailed the system, so he must have some powerful props or equipment that have not been processed yet!
"Master Bai Xiaobai, Master Bai Xiaobai?"

"Uh... mortal, you make it hard for me."

"My fault, my fault... I wonder if there is anything I can do for you?" Qiao Shan brought out his experience in dealing with sister Alice, and asked without seeming particularly enthusiastic, yet kind.

Dealing with NPCs is a science.

It's a pity that most players deal with NPCs simply and rudely. Only a small number of players such as Qiao Shan know that NPCs, especially intelligent high-level NPCs, have their own likes and dislikes just like real people.

In addition to the favorability and reputation of the task process, the intelligent NPC also has an invisible "look and feel" that the system never marks, that is, whether someone is pleasing to the eye or not.

The player's words and deeds, even the player's name, race, occupation and appearance, can affect this "look and feel", so we must cater to this "look and feel", and really shorten the distance with them. For example, the vampire Edward likes to "pretend", He likes to talk to players in an 'aristocratic accent', and he can't appear particularly vulgar in front of him. Although this can't affect the favorability and reputation acquisition of the task process, it will make Edward feel 'disgusted' towards a certain player.

The Forest Fairy Sisters are more sensitive, pure and gentle, so they especially hate the cunning that players show in front of her. You should speak simple and direct without losing your sincerity and enthusiasm. …

The beauty of existence depends entirely on personal experience. This is the truly useful game experience. Those strategies and processes on the Internet are not worth mentioning at all.

"I'm looking for a way to return to the abyss, and here's your chance, mortal."

The background of the abyss, the plot of the abyss, these players have talked about it more than once.

Could it be that... now is the plot mission to open the map of the abyss?

Qiao Shan became even more excited, "I would like to serve you."

"Okay, to prove your ability, go and kill 10 ghouls, and I will witness your fighting skills from the sidelines."

The third loophole that cannot be bypassed came.

Li Yan couldn't release the mission to the players, he was not a real NPC, and Qiao Shan didn't receive the mission prompt, but he just had doubts, and his mind was filled with the 'deep abyss plot'.

——Qualified salespersons must learn to proceed step by step, keenly grasp the pain points in the hearts of customers, and put a long line to catch big fish.

This sales principle that I don’t know where I saw it was used by Li Yan. He didn’t ask Qiao Shan to sign any contract as soon as he came up. Instead, he used this roundabout method to deepen and strengthen his understanding of his identity and the so-called plot mission. imagine.

What others told him was not as beautiful, flawless, or convincing as he imagined.

Qiao Shan, a ghoul level 18 monster, worked extremely hard, and in order to show his proficient 'combat skills', he even changed his tricks.

Even the equipment stunts were used. After the first ghoul was brushed with a kite, the "story task NPC" who followed him didn't show anything. He just walked to the corpse of the ghoul and touched it. He nodded sharply.

"Go on, mortal"

Accepting the soul fragments of level 18 monsters with a smile, Li Yan also entered the play himself. His heart was both excited and nervous, awake and dazed, his mind was spinning fast, he took one step and watched three steps, and his acting skills were extraordinary.

As if it was really an NPC, Qiao Shan had no doubts at all.

It took more than 10 minutes to finish 50 ghouls. With these soul fragments, Li Yan was enough to advance one or two levels.

"Very good, your fighting skills are barely qualified." Li Yan nodded arrogantly, "Collect some useful things for the next test..."

Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, and don't expose your purpose too early.

There is no prompt or reward for completing the task, which only made Qiao Shan puzzled. The next task soon attracted his attention. There are a lot of task supplies to be collected, but most of them can be collected from other players. , He didn't think much about it, and excitedly agreed, and when he got out of the Nightmare Swamp, he shouted on the World Channel.

It took more than two hours to put away the quest props and return to the Nightmare Swamp. The 'Story NPC' was still waiting there, with the same position and posture.

"Very well, with these materials, the progress of returning to the abyss can be accelerated."

Putting these materials that can be sold to the black shop of the system into the backpack, Li Yan became a little addicted.

"...Soul, a complete soul, a powerful soul, the soul of intelligent life, is an essential thing to open the door to the abyss, I have a container here, go, use it to bring such a soul back to me, remember, The stronger the soul, the better, if you can satisfy me, I will sign a contract with you, let you become the devil apostle, you can borrow and use the powerful power of the abyss..."

What the hell!

What the hell is the devil apostle.

Isn't it a plot task but a hidden job?

No way, so easy?

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Li Yan also regretted it. He entered the drama too deeply, and unconsciously began to add drama.

Just now it was superfluous, one was afraid of long nights and dreams, if this guy came to his senses after going offline, wouldn't the previous foreshadowing be in vain.Secondly, once the preconceived concept of "plot mission" is already in place, it shouldn't be negated by throwing out more exciting things.

What to do, the words have already been spoken.

Qiao Shan reached out to pick up the soul container in Li Yan's hand.

This thing is a task item given to Li Yan by the skeleton NPC. I don't know if other players can use it. Too bad, what should I do now.

"Uh... my lord!?" Li Yan held on tightly, and Qiao Shan naturally couldn't use his strength.

"Are you going to take it like this? Ordinary people?" Li Yan's expression changed, with a hint of evil smile, looking a bit philistine.

"Ah, do I... have any... missions to complete?"

"The devil's principle is equivalent exchange. This is a very powerful magic item. If you want to take it away, you must exchange it with something of equivalent value!"

so close!

Li Yan wiped the sweat in his heart, and forcibly rounded up the words.

"Just to remind you, it can collect and store souls and soul fragments in battle. Soul is a very high-level material, and soul can also be used as nourishment for self-strengthening..."

"Nourishment... You mean, experience!?"

"Not bad!"

Qiao Shan's eyes widened, double experience props?All anyone can think of is this,
If it is true, it is the first copy in the game. If it can be used repeatedly, its true value cannot be estimated. It is indeed an extremely precious thing.

"Mortal, we can sign a contract first, and use the way of item exchange to clarify our cooperative relationship..."

As soon as Qiao Shan heard that there was a contract to sign, Qiao Shan had no doubts. The contract was a mission in his ears. Besides, this is not Punk City, and the little devil is just a fake.

The contract is written on a piece of parchment, Party A: Bai Xiaobai, Party B, Xiaoqiao Liushui, and the content format is also very plain, that is to say, the two parties signed the following transaction content voluntarily and without external force, Party A uses A [soul container] in exchange for game items in Party B's hands that "Party A" considers equivalent... Pay attention to the quotation marks, that is the key point, full of dry goods.

Qiao Shan exited the Nightmare Swamp excitedly, took out all the pieces of equipment treasured in the warehouse, and returned as quickly as possible, first using the pair of blue wrist guards of level 25 equipment to test.

"Not enough, far from enough!"

Qiao Shan didn't notice that the little devil's voice trembled a little.

"Not enough, still not enough!"

Qiao Shan felt extremely painful. On top of the 25 blue wristband and [Ice Roar] spell scroll, he added a dragon pattern leather armor that has not yet been identified...

"Uh... a little bit."

"My lord, are you sure this soul container can be reused?"

"Of course, you can confirm it with your own eyes."

Qiao Shan used the identification technique on the container, dispelled his doubts, gritted his teeth, and added the unidentified necklace.

As for the top-quality blue longbow used by 28, it was the bottom line in his heart, it was the guy who would eat in the future, so he couldn't hand it over.


after an hour.Qiao Shan's expression froze in front of the NPC identified by the system.

"It doesn't belong to you, young man, it belongs to a player named Bai Xiaobai..."

(End of this chapter)

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