This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 211 The old man who lives in the ring

Chapter 211 The old man who lives in the ring

"Congratulations, you have successfully signed the first demon contract with the player Xiaoqiao Liushui. The task is completed, but the evaluation is only E, the lowest. Do you want to know the reason?"

"First, you take advantage of the unequal information. The other party does not know your true identity, but you know his identity and past.

Second, you exchanged an indispensable and equally important item like the "soul container" for some things that seem to be of high value but are actually useless to you. It is hard to say whether it is a profit or a loss. How can you be sure that you can get another 'soul container'?

Thirdly, this transaction of yours can only be a one-shot deal, and the other party has already remembered you. If you publicize it to others, what about your business reputation?Wouldn't it be difficult to carry out similar businesses in the future? "

"Master Bai Xiaobai, a real devil should be a master who can see people's hearts and selfish desires. A clever devil's contract will never let people see the trap in the terms of the surface. It should be like a sweet bait to lure fish Knowing that it is dangerous, they can't help but taste it. Once they taste it, they will be addicted to it, and at the same time they will understand the hidden dangers and great dangers, but they can't stop."

"You know, luring a virgin to become a slut, and constantly beating the confidence of a warrior makes him a coward that everyone despises, making the noble man mean, and making the mean man experience repeated self-blame, regret and pain after his conscience finds out. Pain... Only such souls are worth harvesting, and are qualified to dedicate to the abyss... The devil pursues such a soul, and also pursues such a process, and takes appreciation and tasting it as his lifelong pleasure, and harvests such a soul. The soul is the mission."

"After an ordinary person's sublimation in a split second, the soul will undergo a qualitative change, just like fireworks blooming for a split second and then dying poignantly. Isn't it beautiful?"

"The stronger the soul, the tougher it is, just like a stubborn stone. Through our ingenious design, it becomes soft, full of holes, and it becomes what it wants. Art, a superb skill that only we can appreciate and use, and only such a demon is a real demon, can gain the favor of the abyss, and can grow, become stronger and be promoted faster!"

The tirade of the bony NPC poured cold water on Li Yan.

Originally, he was quite proud, but he was said to be useless.

But if you taste it carefully, it is indeed very reasonable, but the reason is this reason, whether it can be done is another matter.

He is a high school dropout under the age of [-], what lures the soul to degenerate, insight into people's hearts and desires... It's too difficult.

"It doesn't matter, Lord Bai Xiaobai, another noble quality of demons is patience. A baby's first walk is always bumpy... This is your mission reward."

The bone frame handed over a new soul container, Li Yan was overjoyed, and hurried to pick it up...

"Please hand in the relevant quest props!"


After waking up from the dream of getting rich, Li Yan didn't know whether to cry or laugh. In the end, he was busy for nothing, and the things he cheated from Qiao Shan became mission supplies.

No matter how reluctant, I had no choice but to take it out and obediently hand it over to the NPC.

After getting the new soul container, Li Yan looked at the bone frame in front of him strangely, and felt that it talked a lot today, and it meant to preach and teach just now.

"Your other reward is me!"

Bone frame saluted Li Yan, "Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Joe, your new devil steward, responsible for guiding you before you grow into a big devil."

At the same time, Qiao Shan was still frantically searching in the Nightmare Swamp.

"Grandson, don't let me catch you!"

When the game time came, Qiao Shan, who claimed to have the halo of the protagonist, pointed at the depths of the swamp and cursed, and went offline full of unwillingness and anger.

"I think you need a new disguise, my lord. This is my first suggestion."

The devil butler dispelled the light and shadow in front of Li Yan, and said jokingly.

The raw material for making demon camouflage is soul shards. The higher the quality of soul shards, the better and more advanced the camouflage you can make. Originally, Li Yan had some, not to mention the ten ghouls, let’s say he brushed them up outside. A few days of strange, there should be a lot of stock.

But those soul fragments were traded to Qiao Shan along with the soul container, and Li Yan realized that he didn't make any money, but instead lost a lot.

With a mournful face, he nodded, picked up the stick, and went outside the safe zone to kill skeleton zombies.

At the same time, Bei Gaoyang unexpectedly received a 'gift' from Xiao Ai.

"This is?"

A few game props, nothing special.

After listening to the cause and effect, Bei Gaoyang was speechless, "As for it? Always keep a thread for such a trivial matter?"

"This is a mistake, a system error, and it has been made up for now." Xiao Ai emphasized very seriously
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, this is it?

Maybe a system error is as intolerable to a life like her as the abscess on the face?

It's a trivial matter, so you don't have to be serious with her.

"By the way, the mouse hiding in the dark hasn't been caught yet?"

This is an intolerable "mistake", a cunning old ghost who is hiding behind the player, how can you rest assured if you don't find him out.

"There are some clues."

Xiao Ai unfolded the light curtains one by one, and a scene of the game area appeared on the light curtains. A seemingly normal old player was talking with someone in a tailor shop in Punk City. It seemed that he was customizing some equipment.

Now some top-notch tailor players can already make intermediate-level cloth and leather protective gear. Real-life auctions have been held several times. In the latest auction, an intermediate-level leather jacket sewing formula was sold for a sky-high price.

Intermediate sewing formulas have higher requirements for sewing props, materials and skills, and are not much easier than making the same things by hand in reality. In terms of magic power penetration and mental power tempering, it is more difficult than making game helmets. Therefore, there are very few tailors who can sew intermediate protective gear.

The up-and-coming life professional players in the previous tests were all gone, and this intermediate tailor Bei Gaoyang who was talking to Tarzan didn't know him.

"Have no new players reached level 5 yet?"

While observing, Bei Gaoyang asked Xiao Ai about other things.

"Just now, 15 minutes ago, several players in the fourth test were promoted to level 5"

" have to grind after one turn!"

"It's unavoidable."

"The diversion of players is a problem..."

"My lord, tomorrow is the time to log in as a tourist."

"Ah, I forgot if you didn't tell me, there are too many orders from Abyss this time... Are you ready?"

"According to what you mean, there is no need to prepare anything, it's completely stocked."

"Haha, just keep them in stock, let them adapt and work hard, maybe it's better"

On the light curtain, Tarzan the Ape handed something to the intermediate tailor.

That's a skin.

A piece of soft skin from the belly of a Wyvern.

Bei Gaoyang smiled, "Wyvern, can players defeat Wyvern now? I remember there are only a few in the game area, right?"

"17, just found in the Fairy Forest."

"Hmph, I thought you wouldn't show your feet."

With the strength of the current players, not to mention the wyvern, even the lowest [Assyrian dragon], also known as the [earth dragon], can't defeat it, unless they organize a group to grind it, then where does the skin of this wyvern come from? ?

"My lord, look at the ring on his right hand."

"Yo, space ring?" Bei Gaoyang smiled, "This must be the first among players, this old ghost is quite generous?"

"He was very careful before...but this time...he doesn't seem to be going to hide anymore."

"Find out my details, are you ready to show up with me?"

"Guess so."

"Then I'll just wait and see who this old guy is."

Let Xiao Ai disperse the light curtain, and put this matter aside for the time being, and ignore it.

Abyss’s large order has alleviated the imminent material problem. At present, although the game area is large, it still cannot be self-sufficient in some high-end materials. First, there is no solution to the problem of the production area. Second, the largest number of four-test players It has not yet grown up, and a small part of the vast game map has been explored, such as the Fairy Forest. The huge number of monsters in it is a valuable treasure, just waiting to be dug later.

In addition, the earth's magical environment requires a large amount of materials to sustain it...

In a tailor shop in Punk City, mid-level tailor Yuye Tinghe talked with NPC about the cost and time of tool rental, then turned to Tarzan and said, "Your skin is too hard, the strength of green needles is only 5, and the strength of non-blue needles is only [-]." No, otherwise the thorns will not pierce, let alone sew."

"In this case, how much will the processing fee be added?" asked Tarzan the ape.

"2 gold!"


"One hour"

"Damn it, do you know the current exchange rate? Isn't this an obvious robbery?"

"Don't yell at me, it's not my charge, my processing fee is 5 gold, do you want to do it?"

"...Do it, do it, it's all for this sake, do it!"

Counting the processing fee, the money to make this equipment is enough to buy a blue equipment with similar attributes.

The liquidity is tightening, the circulating water in the market is less, and the economy in the game will naturally turn from inflation to deflation. There is a shortage of money everywhere, and the prices will naturally fall, especially when the four-test players can't use it. The green and blue equipment that has been replaced from level [-] to [-] to level [-] has a large amount of inventory on the market, and the price is cheap and it has become Chinese cabbage.

On the contrary, whiteboards and green outfits before the turn have become extremely in demand. I thought that there was no spending power to beg for flowers, which surprised many old players. The garbage that could only be thrown at the system’s black shops before has become very hot, but the money of the newbies has changed since then. Come begging?Spawn monsters?Just kidding, of course it was collected offline.

This has pushed the exchange rate to soar, and there is a shortage of money and cash everywhere, so deflation will naturally come.

Now there are very few old players who can take out a few gold at once, more than a dozen gold, unlike before the fourth test, the money is like running water, and you can just scoop it up wherever you go.

"Hey, what kind of skin are you, why can't you identify it?"

On a rainy night, Ting He sat on the rented workbench and appraised the skin given by Taishan the ape. Unexpectedly, he only identified a line of question marks with his advanced appraisal skills.

"What should I do?"

"Find an NPC, 50 silver"


Obediently looking for the identification NPC to identify the leather, Yuye Ting He was stunned when he saw the properties of the leather.

[Wyvern's abdominal skin (complete), quality: purple, note: it is full of elemental magic power, look at the pattern on its body, it is a natural magic pattern, don't destroy it when sewing , or you will definitely regret it.It can sew universal protective gear, requiring intermediate or above sewing skills. 】

"It's the first time I've made purple material, where did you get it?"

"Leave it alone, what do you think it is suitable for?"

This piece of skin is very big, enough to make a full body armor, but Yuye Tinghe is the first time to use purple-quality main materials to make something, so he is not sure, so he said: "I suggest wrist guards, which use the least material and have room for error." …Let’s just say it first, there is no guarantee of success once, don’t blame me for wasting materials.”

"The wrist guard is the wrist guard, what else do you need?"

"...Let me make a list for you. They are all common materials. Go to the west corner of the square. There are many players setting up stalls there, and you can buy them all soon."

The ape Tarzan took the list out of the tailor shop, because he was so engrossed in looking at it, he accidentally bumped into a person.

"You don't have eyes, don't you look at the road!?"

Ape Tarzan looked up, he was a very social NPC.

Don't compete with NPCs in Punk City. If you provoke one, you might follow a group. Tarzan touched his nose and walked away from him.

Not far away, I suddenly saw a system prompt.

【You have been stolen】

【You lost 20 silver and 79 copper money】

"Damn it, what a fucking system!"

He was already distressed by the high production costs, and he was furious. This was NPC stealing, and it was clear that the system had changed its name to blackmail players' money.

Damn Canaan Company, damn Central Brain, damn...

Forget it, if you can't bear it a little, you can make a big conspiracy, I will bear it, I will bear it!

"Ah, it's finally here, it's finally here!"

Angrily, he walked to the west gate and saw a group of players who looked like African refugees crowded at the city gate, crying and laughing at the same time. Some old players asked curiously, and these people chattered excitedly Let's talk.

"Five days, I walked for five days!"

"Die a dozen times!"

“The soles of the feet are worn out”

"Nearly starved to death!"

"...Eat everything, almost drank urine, woo..."

The old player was amused and asked where they came from.

"Chenxi Town 4, more than a hundred kilometers away, I don't know how many monster spawning areas, and there are wild monsters. This person who traveled through mountains and rivers finally arrived."

Asking them why they didn't take teleportation, these people looked at this old player with foolish eyes.

Ha ha……

The old player touched his nose, yes, who would come to Punk City with the money for teleportation?
"Did you believe the nonsense on the forum and come here to work?"

The newbies nodded their heads, and one of them said, "Why are you talking nonsense? It's an institution, oh, yes, someone accepts us, what about others? What's his ID number, is he online?"

"Come on, another group of child laborers have been tricked into coming here!"

The crowd of players and NPCs who watched the excitement burst into laughter, and then dispersed.

Tarzan the Ape looked at it for a while, and was about to leave, when suddenly a voice said directly in his consciousness: "Are they the players for this...test?"

"...What are you talking about? Didn't you say you were afraid of being detected by the system?"

"It's okay, don't be so careful in the future."

The ring on Tarzan's right hand flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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