This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 212 The Ring of Reality

Chapter 212 The Ring Brought Back to Reality
"Old man, are you saying that Canaan is not a game, but a real world?"


"Is it possible that it's just a game and you don't know?"


"Don't think so, if Canaan is a real world, then what are we... oh shit, the fourth natural disaster?"

"What is the fourth natural disaster?"

"...It's a long story, do you know novels?"


"Novels are stories. Stories may be adapted from real events, or they may be fabricated or imagined. In our entertainment industry is very developed, some people specialize in making up stories for people to read."

"You mean, this fourth natural disaster is also a fabricated story?"


"Then... what is the fourth natural disaster? If there is a fourth, there must be a first. What are the first three?"

"I don't quite understand either... It seems to be the Suzheng Agreement, the Void Demon and the High-Dimensional Invasion... Never mind, these are not important. The fourth natural disaster is the player, which means that they are full of uncertainty and only pursue the mission goal There is no firm concept of right and wrong, infinite resurrection, and a strong sense of destruction."


"Haha, your brain is also confused, right? Here comes the question, since Canaan is a real world, who brought us players here? A certain god? Wow, there really is a god, Canaan God is real, right?"

"It's not a god, but a spellcaster like me. You still know him... Yes, he is the main thread NPC you mentioned!"

"He...he is so strong?"

"He got a very powerful magic item, very powerful."


"It's something closer to the basic rules than artifacts."


"Let's go, go to the Novice Village you mentioned."

"Old man, why didn't you tell me about this before?"

"...not yet"

"Now is the time? You came to me because you were going to deal with the main thread NPC, right? You want the artifact in his hand... Wait a minute, I'm confused, are you really sure that Canaan is a game?" , is it possible that both you and the main thread NPC are plot characters, and we are all in a certain plot?"


"Why don't you speak?"


"Old man?"

"Because I'm not sure, not sure, not sure..."

On the way to Xinshou Village, Tarzan the Ape talked with the voice in the ring all the time, but the deeper the conversation, the more silent the voice in the ring became. It does not involve the system of thought and philosophy, and has a richness and height far beyond Canaan.

In the past, the voice in the ring just arranged various inexplicable tasks for Tarzan to do, never explaining why, until now the mystery was revealed.

But the funny thing is that, as a result of being open and honest, the voice in the ring has also become uncertain.

Is Canaan a game, is he a game character without knowing it?

Ordinary Canaanites naturally would not doubt this, but the voice in the ring is not, his vision, his experience, the knowledge he possesses... Isn't there also on the earth, the end of science is theology.

"Old man, old man?"

"Uh... I thought about some problems, you go and take the teleportation!"

"Didn't you let me take the teleportation?"

"it's OK now."

The teleportation array in Punk City has become a lot more lively recently, because there is a "real" game experience here, and old players finally gather here, even there are many new players. For many wealthy locals, the teleportation fee is only a few After all, there is such a large base.

Players and NPCs coming and going interact harmoniously and frequently, just like a bustling town in the middle ages, surrounded by the most shops that provide food and accommodation, frying, frying, everything you expect, the whole street is filled with the aroma of food .

It was evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun seemed to cast a hazy filter on the surrounding scenery. At first glance, it really had the taste of some high-definition CG scenes. If it weren't for the ID marks on the heads of players and NPCs, it would destroy this An extremely life-like sense of reality, who would doubt that what we are in is just a game?
Damn it, I don't care if games are games or not. I'm here to play and make money.

Whether it is a game or real, as long as it can make a small amount of money, as long as it can make me kill the Quartet, it doesn't matter what it is.

When the ape Tarzan thought about it, those messy thoughts stopped a lot. The grandfather living in the ring was a great opportunity for him, so he could treat it as a system bug or a hidden mission plot.

Changed mentality from retreat to pragmatism, he said to 'Grandpa in the Ring', "Old man, I'm out of money"

"...Turn left!"


"Go and sell some materials."


The ape Tarzan was overjoyed, turned left at an intersection, and faced a grocery store opened by the system. A standardized, non-intelligent NPC stood at the door, interacting with seven or eight players at the same time.

This kind of shop is easy to recognize. Everyone in Punk City has an occupation, address, and origin, and these are tool people who popped up out of thin air and can only execute some established processes mechanically and quickly.

Talk to the tool NPC, open the sales interface, and put some materials purchased by the system that the old man gave to you.

They are all materials with extremely high purchase prices. Most of the apes are not familiar with Taishan. Some of them glow, some are like stones, and some are simply pieces of bacon...

5 gold in hand, happy.

If other players know, their eyes will pop out. This is not a system bug, it is simply cheating to 'swipe money'!

"Go and teleport!"


Tarzan the Ape didn't know what to see in Xinshou Village, anyway, he did what the old man said.

Since being found by the old man, he has experimented with all the functions in the game, as if using the skin of the wyvern to make equipment just now is obviously not worth the candle.

and training...

Thinking back on this, Tarzan still has lingering fears. It was more than a hundred gold. How much is it? It's like throwing it into a fire and burning it just to see the quality of the flame. The equipment he is wearing now is the result of that fire. , it's not the best yet, the best ones are all given away by the old man.

In Chenxi Town 1, a new batch of online players walked out of the birth point in a panic, and hundreds of them rushed to the vacant shops, streets and various mission NPCs.

As soon as Tarzan the Ape appeared, several "beggars" were attracted to ask for money, and they were all lovely and pitiful female elf players, each with a little brother, a handsome guy, and someone called husband, father...there is no bottom line.

"No money, no money, get lost!"

It has already been revealed on the forum that some newcomers did not learn well, and became full-time 'beggars', and even set up a 'beggar gang'. It was also a time when the resources of Xinshou Village were tight. They found that reaching out was more laborious than going outside to spawn monsters. The efficiency of coming here is high, so I deliberately pretend to be miserable in front of some old players, pretending to be pitiful.

The same goes for some old players, knowing that they are just for the sake of fun, and they will give some points, which contributes to this bad atmosphere. This is a scene that has emerged in Xinshou Village after "sprinkling money to walk the dog".

Of course, not all veteran players come to Novice Village to show off their superiority, but also to do business.

There are many old players in the plaza who are trying their best to recruit the new online buddies.

"Handsome guy, do you want to go to the carriage shop to recruit workers? The salary is good. Take the traditional business route from Buck to Punk City. Along the way, there are experts who will bring monsters to level up. What a great opportunity?"

"Beauty, are you interested in becoming an actress, a big star, the Night Rose Repertory Troupe in Punk City is well-known far and wide, once you join, you will have the opportunity to be on stage, and the treatment is good!"

"Miners, recruiting miners, daily salary settlement, signing offline contracts..."

"Intermediate blacksmiths recruit apprentices, including employment, materials, and labor. Don't come again when you can't miss this opportunity!"


and so on.

But most of the newcomers who passed by were not interested. In reality, it was enough. How about working for others in the game?

Many Mengxin swear that they will not be exploited by unscrupulous capitalists (old players) even if they starve to death, but they are very open to begging, as if begging in the game is not begging, just like the lower limit in the game same lower limit.

"What's so good about this place?"

Under the instigation of his grandfather, Tarzan the Ape wandered around the Novice Village, just watching but not talking, and the most observed were all kinds of newcomers.

"You said that these people are just ordinary people in your world?"

"Of course, but there are also many second-generation local tyrants."

"What is the second generation of local tyrants?"

"Local tyrants are people who don't need money. The second generation includes the rich second generation, the official second generation, the demolition second generation, the acting second generation, etc. The official second generation is the most expensive, the richest second generation is the most, and the demolition second generation is the most arrogant."


"Don't understand again, haha, find a chance and see for yourself, there are many new things in our Gada."

"...Well, it's time to check it out."

"Uh... what did you just say?"

"I've studied the sketch you gave me, and I'm going to try to go back with you this time..."

"You mean... go offline with me!?"


Tarzan was stunned.

NPC... just call him NPC for now.

If the NPC wants to go offline with the player, anyone would be as dazed as he is.

Tarzan the Ape didn’t believe the statement that “Canaan is not a game” from the bottom of his heart, and subconsciously he didn’t want to believe it, he was more willing to believe in his good luck, when he encountered a system bug, the old man in the ring was just an offline The NPC is like the artificial intelligence in science fiction that suddenly has its own consciousness and thoughts.

But this request, so that he can no longer ignore and evade, if this thing comes true, will it prove that...

"What, when are you leaving?"



"This is where online and offline are concentrated. I feel the 'net' and have studied it for a while... Try it and see if it works."

"OK then!"

"Go record the landing point first"


"Do as I say."

The player's landing point can be changed, any safe area with teleportation function is fine. After going offline, the player's body character will be recycled into the [Clone Pool] by the system. The most rigorous detection and control is also the focus of the Mage Tower's key monitoring and defense.

After the player goes online, the physical character will be transferred from the [Clone Pool] to the recorded landing point, so that the player can go online and offline anytime, anywhere.

After explaining the principle, it means that the grandfather in the ring has arrived at the heavily guarded [Clone Pool], and has a certain understanding of the mechanism of players logging off and offline. The magic net is also a magical effect in the end. There are roots to follow, experiences to rely on, and ways to implement them repeatedly.

Of course, the grandfather in the ring may be just a projection, a ray of remnant soul, a very concealed and advanced magic that temporarily stores perception and spirit in a container. If you touch the magic net and touch the [Clone Pool], if you have such a skill, you don't have to hide your head and show your tail for so long.

The ape Tarzan recorded the landing point with a mood of not knowing whether to expect or be afraid. During the process, he had been chanting spells and sprinkled material powders according to the grandfather's instructions, but there was no effect at all, and it made him look like a god. , attracted the attention of many people.

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the main thread NPC?"

"He already found out."


"Don't worry about it, the last step is to swallow the ring"


"Quick, the time limit for the ceremony is almost over."

Ritual, what ceremony?
The ape Tarzan wanted to repent, but he was curious, swallowed the ring in his mouth in bewilderment, and chose to log off.

For a while, the world spun, and the consciousness woke up in a haze and darkness.

When he opened his eyes, he was lying on the double bed in reality, and he could smell the smell of smelly socks beside the pillow.

He sat up in a daze, thinking about the things in the game was a shock, subconsciously touched his right hand, found that it was empty, then touched his throat, as if there was a foreign object there.

But that was just his illusion.

"Old man, old man?"

The orangutan Tarzan called a few times in a low and trembling voice, then held his breath and waited for two minutes.

"Grass, I'm really bewildered!"

He exhausted the pressure, threw off the quilt and jumped off the bed, took a few steps to sit in front of the computer.

"Fuck, buddy was really scared this time. Guess what, the NPC said that Canaan is not just a game, but a real world, and he wants to go offline with me to travel in reality..."

"Damn, you're blowing nonsense again."

"Really, I swear to the heavens, there will be thunder and bangs for a lie!"

"Listen to me, Taishan, read less online articles, you are a little hysterical."

"How can you believe it!"

"Unless you give me 5 gold"

"5 gold, I only want 2 gold"

"1 gold"

"50 silver!"

"You are poor and crazy, believe it or not!"

After closing the family's group chat interface, Tarzan cursed and went to wash up.

This is a very fine farmhouse. The three-story building was specially designed by someone. It is very fake, with a huge area and a very ingenious layout.

The entire yard has just been built, and the decoration combining earth and foreign is very rich and grand.

"Yangyang, are you offline yet?"

"Just got off, what's the matter?"

"I have a visit tonight, don't forget."

"Got it, got it!"

This is the bad thing about the big house, the whole family shouts at everything, Tarzan the orangutan quickly forgot about the unpleasantness just now, hummed a song and left the bathroom, eating the lunch carefully prepared by his parents, when suddenly there was a bad taste , spit it out on the spot.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, did you catch a cold at night... Oh, what is this?"

The ape Tarzan was also stunned, suddenly there was a simple ring in the small amount of vomit.

(End of this chapter)

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