This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 213 'Teacher and Student' Match Chapter

Chapter 213 'Teacher-Student' Dialogue

Every magician has his own field of expertise. Bei Gaoyang's field of expertise is [biological magic], and he invented the [magic cloning] technique later on, making it appear in Nuo Da.

Similarly, Nicholas Kay Aldrich, the former 7th-ring archmage and now the lich, also has his own field of expertise, which is soul magic.

This seems to be nonsense. Liches are naturally good at soul magic. Soul magic is a huge category. Nicholas is best at a small branch of it, called: psionic power.

A simple description is a magical discipline that uses the soul to control energy and matter.

"he came!"

Xiao Ai's reminder made Bei Gaoyang stop what he was doing, and he knew who this "he" was without further explanation.

The guest appeared outside the door of the mage tower, wearing a pitch-black cloak, and two groups of purple flames were burning in the deep hood. There seemed to be no entity in the cloak, as if there was only air. As soon as the strange, mysterious, and powerful aura came out, it attracted people. Many players stopped to watch.

"Let him in!"

The door on the first floor of the mage tower was opened, Nicholas nodded slightly like a frequent visitor, and walked in calmly.

The two great mages met in the living room on the first floor of the mage tower, and Bei Gaoyang recognized who he was from his soul fluctuations.

"It's you, Mr. Fisher?"

"The name Fisher has not been used for a long time." Nicholas took the lead in giving a mage salute, "I have been optimistic about you from the beginning, the most talented and creative student in the secret academy, but your achievements today are still far beyond Anticipation... Salute to you, His Excellency Archmage Ramsfield!"

"I salute you, His Excellency Archmage Fisher Kay Aldrich."

The two archmages greeted each other politely, and Bei Gaoyang spread his hands, "So, you are coveting my property in the dark, right?"

"Rumsviel, do you still remember that little invention you made to become a full-fledged mage?"

Bei Gaoyang frowned slightly, "Of course I remember."

"Hehe, I'm old and I always like to recall the past. Let's sit down and have a good talk. I appear alone in your mage tower. What are you worried about?"

This is not necessarily... Bei Gaoyang muttered in a low voice, letting the guests sit on the leather sofa from the earth.

Only then did Nicholas look at the furnishings in the living room, marveling at the scenery from the earth, and stretched out a pair of delicate and white hands like a girl from the cloak, stroking the texture of the leather sofa.

Seeing these hands, Bei Gaoyang's eyelids twitched, because he smelled a familiar smell, similar to players, something like his own [magic cloning technique].

Sure enough, Nicholas lifted the hood, revealing a young, smooth head whose eyes were replaced by two groups of purple soul flames. This head gave people a strong sense of horror and awkwardness, like a thousand-year-old rotting corpse. Fresh and tender skin and flesh came out, but the smell of corpses accumulated over thousands of years could not be removed.

"I only learned a little bit of superficiality, which makes you laugh." Nicholas said.

Bei Gaoyang raised his eyebrows, he didn't bother about being robbed of his unique skills, and said, "What do you want to talk about, or what do you want to get from me, Mr. Fisher?"

"Nicholas Kay Aldrich, don't bring up the name Fisher, something bad may happen."

"Well then, Sir Nicholas?"

"You haven't answered my last question, your first gizmo, remember?"

"Naturally remember."

"Hehe, that morning, your mentor, uh...what's his name, was as excited as a child, holding your gizmo, showing off what a talented and creative apprentice he had in my office, then Back then, I was still a human being, and I still had a little bit of jealousy, so I flattered him against my will... Well, it seems like what happened yesterday."

Bei Gaoyang: "..."

"From that time on, I started to pay attention to you, but then the secret courtyard was destroyed, we old fellows went into exile, and we were separated from each other. When I heard your name again, I was already a well-known middle-level mage. That You were under 25 at the time, right?"


"Beginning at the age of 14, becoming an intermediate level at the age of 24, and becoming a high-level archmage at the age of 30. She is amazingly talented, unprecedented in eternity... I wanted to have a good chat with you, but time is not forgiving. Long-term displacement and excessive use of power have brought my life to an end, and I have no choice but to transform myself into a lich..."

"Hmm... what exactly do you want to say?"

"Don't worry, young man, I only have two hours of waking time every day, I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

"Two hours... Fei... Mr. Nicholas, is the erosion of the abyss already so severe?"

"Yes, even if I transform into a lich, I can't escape my final fate. Hehe, I come from the abyss and return to the abyss. To a certain extent, the church's accusation is correct. Magic and arcane art are essentially ways for the abyss to erode the material world. A plague, we are a bunch of deformed and corrupted people infected by the plague..."

"How come, it shouldn't take long for you to transform into a lich?"

"I made some small mistakes, that's not the point, the point is, Rumsfeld, my former student, now only you can help me."

Bei Gaoyang leaned back and let himself get closer to the soft sofa, "You think highly of me, Mr. Nicholas Kai Aldrich, I don't have such great ability, and I can compete with Abyss for a long-marked soul."

"You can, at least the Book of Canaan."

The Book of Canaan?

The most sensitive string in Bei Gaoyang's heart was plucked, but here comes the question, the name Book of Canaan was chosen by himself later, how did this old thing know?
"It's strange, isn't it? I didn't say [Book of Curses] or [Tweet of the Blasphemer], but a name that only you should know."

"What's the point?" Bei Gaoyang's smile disappeared completely, and the hypocritical politeness was completely replaced by a whole body of indifference, "It can only be said that this name is more in line with the mysterious underlying rules, so you know it."

"Yes, mystery, the indescribable mystery, the mystery originating from Gaia's consciousness, the mystery of chaos, the root of everything..."

"Rumsviel, do you know the origin of the Book of Canaan?"

Bei Gaoyang was extremely vigilant in his heart, "Is it important?"

"It's very important. Not many people in this world know it. It's about a truth, the truth of this world."

"...Are you going to exchange it?"

"No, it's free."

"Then I'll listen to it for free!"

"Hehe... You are such a lovely young man... Well, let's start from the barbaric period before the birth of the Ragnarok Conference."

"According to legend..."


"You know, I can't use a certain tone, I don't want to be targeted by something inexplicable."

"Okay, go ahead."

"According to legend, at the beginning of the universe, there was a creation spirit. No one knew what he was or what type of life it was... The initial universe was like a bathtub, with countless bubbles in the bathtub, and the creation spirit Ling is the one lying in the bathtub and taking a bath."

"This metaphor is really...very vivid."

"Bubbles are the countless planes that make up the Canaan world. One day, the Creator Spirit felt 'bored' and 'collapsed'. The body, flesh and blood, soul, internal organs, etc., turned into a group of innate demon gods. "

"Innate Demon God?"

"They are born divine and can freely write and change any rules that make up Canaan. They are so powerful that they are almost equal to the universe itself."

"The matter and energy of the universe are the materials they arbitrarily draw and change, or because of 'boring', they start the process of creation."

"They change the entire 'bathtub' according to their own wishes and imaginations, and carefully decorate and embellish every bubble (plane). This is how the original world came about."

"and after?"

"Later, they began to use themselves as prototypes to create primitive life in various forms."


"Hehe, you have learned this course, yes, it is the real history that Genesis, the gods and the church hate."

"'s interesting."

"It is said that the Book of Canaan came from one of the demon gods. I don't know the name of this demon god. I can only describe him as a drop of water from thousands of angles and components. His name is: Siming."

Bei Gaoyang: "..."

"It's very emotional, isn't it? Don't worry, this demon god has long since fallen, and the imprint has long been assimilated by the abyss."

Bei Gaoyang's voice became a little hoarse, "Continue talking!"

"The life created by the demon god can't be mortal. There were no human beings at that time. Even if there were, they must be as humble as weeds in the cracks of the wall, without any sense of existence."

"The Titans, dragons, and mind flayers that we know are all part of the blood of these primitive life forms. That period was also called the Age of Miracles. There were miracles everywhere, miraculous lives, miraculous creations, and miraculous creatures. Mountains, rivers, geography, etc."

"How was all this destroyed later? How did the world order transfer from the innate demon god to the hands of the gods?"

"Hehe, do you know the origin of the orcs?"

Bei Gaoyang nodded.

"The revolution first unfolded on ordinary beings...behind the large number of miraculous creatures are many cowardly, relatively ordinary, weed-like beings. Among them, the ancestors of goblins are the largest in number."


"The goblins of that period were not the goblins of today. They were brave, intelligent, and tenacious. They gradually grew up in the process of fighting against the harsh environment and miraculous creatures. But the innate demons despised these ordinary lives and even refused to recognize them. They are their own creations, accumulated over time, while the goblins developed their own civilization, they also accumulated a lot of resentment towards innate demon gods and miraculous beings."

"You should understand this kind of resentment. You know, the innate demon gods and miraculous beings take pleasure in these ordinary creations. Misery is everywhere on the earth. Our serious disasters happened every day at that time. Due to the lack of restraint, the innate demon gods After completing the mission assigned by the founding Yuanling, he lost his goal, and in the long years and endless life course, he invented the game of war."

"Hehe, sure enough, no matter how strong a fortress is, it starts from the decay inside?"

"That's right, the demon gods gradually fell in love with the game of war. They divided each other into different camps, using their own creations as pawns, using many planes as battlefields, and using the misery and precariousness of ordinary life as ingredients, they began to grow up. Tens of thousands of years of play."

"Later, the war spread to the demon gods, right?"

"Yes, the innate demon god invested more and more chips, and gradually lost his status as a superhuman chess player. An innate demon god who was unwilling to fail opened Pandora's box, and the war soon ended in different demon camps. Expand."

"I guess, the abyss is about to appear."

"Innate demon gods will not die, and many planes that serve as battlefields are broken. At this time, the seeds of change appear—Gaia's consciousness awakens!"

"The original Gaia consciousness originated from the unwillingness of many ordinary life tribes to the reality, the questioning and shouting of the tragic experience, and the yearning for a better life... It is a hazy collection of consciousness, and the subconsciousness of intelligent creatures occupies the vast majority , so it is naturally biased toward chaos and the unknown.”

"But it is because of this that it naturally fits the underlying rules of the universe, gradually replaces the underlying rules, and becomes a representative of the underlying rules."

"The next step should be the emergence of faith. The acquired gods led the ancestors of the goblins to fight against the innate demon gods, right?"

"Yes, faith... At that time, it was like a plague, a plague on the mind and soul. Faith can kill innate demon gods. You must never have imagined that the first thing faith finds is not your own people, but them."

"What's unexpected about this? Don't barbarians today also have the tradition of worshiping the strong and awe of natural phenomena to create totems?"

"Hehe, it makes sense. After the birth of faith, those ordinary lives first dedicated it to the superior innate demon god. But the innate demon god dismissed it. After discovering that faith can quietly change their minds, and even reshape their After seeing their likes, alignments, and biases, it is even more deeply disgusting."

"They rejected their beliefs, and they were backlashed by their beliefs. Some brave and wise tribal ancestors stood out from the ordinary and were widely respected and worshiped. The wishes of all beings gathered together, and Gaia's consciousness naturally favored them, opening them to miraculous creatures. path of transformation."

"Extraordinary power came to the hands of ordinary creations for the first time. At that time, there was no magic. Purely relying on the body and soul to drive powerful power can overturn mountains and rivers and dry up rivers. These extraordinary things born in the ordinary are called For a hero!"


Why does it sound so familiar?

Bei Gaoyang didn't think much about it, "So, the Age of Miracles is followed by the Age of Heroes?"

"Yes, the heroes continue to grow, leading the tribe's ancestors to fight against miraculous creatures, until the first hero who ignites the fire appears."

"Hehe, it's finally here."

"At this time, Gaia's consciousness is already very strong, and finally obtained the mysteries of divine fire and divinity from the mysterious core, and these would only appear in innate demon gods."

"Okay, I already know what happened next." After listening to such a long talk about ancient times, Bei Gaoyang had a general understanding of the origin and background of the Book of Canaan. Indestructible, under the influence of resentment and resentment' remembrance and 'curse', gathered towards those broken planes, and finally formed [Abyss] and [Abyss Consciousness] opposite to [Gaia Consciousness], right? "


"Goblins, goblins, wingmen, orcs, humans, elves, and dwarves, I will appear on the stage after you sing. The glory of the goblins has passed away. The war between beliefs has continued to this day. The end of defeat is the abyss. And believers And the ethnic group was implicated by the resentment and curse from the abyss to form [White Ghost], and the intelligence and physiology of the descendants of [White Ghost] will undergo a great regression, and even lose the racial attribute of being an intelligent creature!"


"It's such a cruel and bloody world!" Bei Gaoyang sighed: "In a sense, the Book of Canaan is also this kind of cruel and bloody resistance. left it in the physical plane as a variable that might play a role?"

"Your guess is reasonable."

"And how do you know this?"

Nicholas smiled sadly, "Three-quarters of me is already part of the abyss, and I can only maintain two hours of sobriety every day. These are my 'neat words' when I am 'unconscious', but I use special The method is recorded."

"So it is!"

(End of this chapter)

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